Escallonia myrtilloides is an evergreen shrub or tree in the Escalloniaceae family, native to open montane wet forests and paramos from Costa Rica to Bolivia. It occurs at elevations between 1900and.[1] [2]
Trees or shrubs from 2- high, with irregular to conical shaped crown and branches growing almost horizontally, giving the tree the appearance of a Chinese pagoda. Leaves dark green, leathery, obovate, of 0.8- long, 0.4– wide; borne on short twigs. Inflorescences in corymbs of 1- long; flowers greenish white to pale yellow; fruits green, ca. wide, with numerous seeds.[2] [3]
The species is found in high Andean wet forests, open areas and paramos, and is often dominant on rocky slopes.[2] [3]
Escallonia myrtilloides furnishes a reddish wood, with resistance to tension and shocks and easy drying. Because of this, it is useful for fences and woodcrafts.[4] [5]
The tree has an ornamental quality due to its distinctive crown shape, and is also used for hedges.