Erzgebirgisch Explained

Pronunciation:pronounced as /ˈaːɰtsɡ̊əˌb̥ɛːɰjɡ̊ʃ/
Region:Saxony, Lower Saxony
Fam3:West Germanic
Fam5:Central German
Fam6:East Central German
Ancestor3:Old Thuringian
Map:Mitteldeutsche Mundarten.png
Mapcaption:Central German dialects after 1945 and the expulsions of the Germans

Erzgebirgisch (Standard pronounced as /de/; Erzgebirgisch: Arzgebirgsch[1]) is a (East) Central German dialect, spoken mainly in the central Ore Mountains in Saxony. It has received relatively little academic attention. Due to the high mobility of the population and the resulting contact with Upper Saxon, the high emigration rate and its low mutual intelligibility with other dialects, the number of speakers is decreasing.

Language area and history

As the following sections will show, Erzgebirgisch is very close to Upper Saxon but also has commonalities with Upper German dialects.

As of today, the Erzgebirgisch area comprises roughly the districts of Mittweida (southern area), Stollberg, Central Ore Mountain District, Annaberg-Buchholz, Freiberg (South) and Aue-Schwarzenberg. Some more speakers live in the town of Lichtenstein, in the Chemnitzer Land district.

Another community live in the Upper Harz Mountains in the Clausthal-Zellerfeld region (Lower Saxony). Their ancestors were miners and emigrated in the 16th century. Here it is referred to as the Upper Harz dialect.

Up to 1929, Erzgebirgisch was also spoken in other parts of Mittweida and Freiberg, in Chemnitz, Zwickau and in the extreme West of the Weißeritzkreis, but these areas are now dominated by Thuringian - Upper Saxon dialects.

Until 1945, the bordering Sudetenland also harbored some Erzgebirgisch speakers, namely in the Kaaden-Duppau area, in whose dialect an anthology of words, proverbs and anecdotes was published (see references). After World War II these speakers had to leave Czechoslovakia and settled down all over the FRG and the GDR. This meant that dialect usage was reduced to the family homes, entailing a shift to the local varieties of their new home towns.

No official attempts to create an orthography have been made, nevertheless there are countless short stories, poems and songs written in Erzgebirgisch. The Sächsischer Heimatverein guidelines to writing in Erzgebirgisch were established in 1937, but are by and large not respected by the majority of authors. This means that linguistic analysis of this dialect has to be done in a field work setting with native speakers. An additional threat to Erzgebirgisch is the popular misconception that Erzgebirgisch was a hillbilly variety of Saxonian, which is an issue for conservation efforts.

Erzgebirgisch is classified as a Central German dialect in linguistics, but also includes Upper German features.

Linguistic features

Many of these languages show a tendency to substitute the German verbal prefix er- by der- (Erzg. and Bair.) or ver- (Bair. and Swabian). (e.g. westerzgeb. derschloong pronounced as /[tɔɰˈʃloːŋ]/ German German: erschlagen 'to slaughter'; derzeeln pronounced as /[tɔɰˈtseːln]/ German German: erzählen 'to tell, to narrate').

Extended use of the particle fei is typical for Upper German and popular in Erzgebirgisch.

Furthermore, German pronounced as /[o/ɔ]/ corresponds to pronounced as /[u/ʊ]/ in the mentioned varieties (e.g. westerzgeb. huus pronounced as /[huːs]/ German: Hose), and German pronounced as /[a]/ corresponds to pronounced as /[A]/.

An pronounced as /[n]/ in the coda, following a long vowel, is regularly deleted in Erzgebirgisch (e.g. Lichtenst. Huuschdee pronounced as /[huːʂʈeː]/ German: Hohenstein. Rarely, this is also found with monosyllabic words with a short vowel, which undergo compensatory vowel lengthening in the process (e.g. Lichtenst. màà pronounced as /[mʌː]/ German: Mann 'man').

Another typical feature of Upper German is the apocope of schwa and pronounced as //ɪ// (e.g. Lichtenst. Reedlz pronounced as /[ɣeːtˡl̩ts]/ German: Rödlitz)

The following table illustrates the similarities between Erzgebirgisch and Upper German dialects. Thuringian/Upper Saxon is listed as a control parameter. Areas marked with a tick means that the feature is present in most subdialects, whereas areas marked as 'partial' are only found in border areas.

FeatureErzgebirgischEast FranconianBavarian-AustrianAlemannicThuringian
Rendering of er- as der-/ver-
Use of fei
Pronunciation of pronounced as /[o/ɔ]/ as pronounced as /[u/ʊ]/
Convergence of ch and sch


Eastern Erzgebirgisch dialects indicate negation with ni(ch) pronounced as /[nɪ(ç)]/ whereas nèt pronounced as /[nɛt]/ is used in the West. However, this subdialectal boundary is not clearly demarcated. Thus, both forms are found in the town of Lichtenstein, which lies on the northwestern dialect boundary (although ni is perhaps more common).

In both Eastern Erzgebirgisch and in the Lichtenstein dialect, word-initial clusters (kl/gl) and (kn/gn) in Standard German as realized as (tl) and (tn) respectively (e.g. dlee pronounced as /[tˡleː]/ German: klein 'small'; dnuchng pronounced as /[ˈtⁿnʊxŋ̍]/ German: Knochen 'bone').

It is not possible to include the Upper Harz varieties in either of these groups. Furthermore, there is a strong influence from the neighbouring non-Erzgebirgisch dialects in the region bordering Meißenisch, which makes subclassification cumbersome.

Through the summarizing of these findings, four dialects can be listed:

DialectPresent areaHistoric area
Eastern Erzgebirgisch Mittlerer Erzgebirgskreis, districts of Annaberg (northern half), Mittweida (south), Freiberg (south) districts of Freiberg (northwest), Mittweida (west), Dippoldiswalde (western fringe), City of Chemnitz, Sudetenland (around Katharinaberg)
Western Erzgebirgisch Districts of Aue-Schwarzenberg, Annaberg (southern half) Sudetenland (triangle from Graslitz through Schlaggenwalde to Pressnitz)
Northern Erzgebirgisch City and Rural District of Zwickau
Upper Harzisch Clausthal-Zellerfeld Region and Sankt Andreasberg (Lower Saxony)


As mentioned above, there is no unified orthography. In order to render the language data close to their actual pronunciation, the following conventions have been established:


The rendering of the consonants follows the notation commonly used for Bavarian. The following table lists the phonemes of the most important Erzgebirgisch dialects, with the IPA value and the corresponding character used in this article.

Stoppronounced as /link/ (k)
pronounced as /link/ (b)pronounced as /link/ (d)pronounced as /link/ (g)
Affricatepronounced as /link/ (pf)pronounced as /link/ (z)pronounced as /link/ / pronounced as /link/ (tsch)
Fricativepronounced as /link/ (f)pronounced as /link/ (s)pronounced as /link//pronounced as /link/ (sch)pronounced as /link/ (ch)pronounced as /link/ (ch)pronounced as /link/ (ch)pronounced as /link/ (h)
pronounced as /link/ (w)pronounced as /link/ (r)
Nasalpronounced as /link/ (m)pronounced as /link/ (n)pronounced as /link/ (ng)
Lateralpronounced as /link/ (l)
Approximantpronounced as /link/ (j)pronounced as /link/ (r)


The writing of the vowels presented here follows in part the official Schwyzertütsch orthography. The orthographic representation of a vowel follows after the IPA characters, if different.

Closepronounced as /link/ (i)pronounced as /link/ (u)
Near-closepronounced as /link/ (i)pronounced as /link/ (u)
(Close-)midpronounced as /link/ (e)pronounced as /link/ (e)pronounced as /link/ (o)
Open-midpronounced as /link/ (è)pronounced as /link/ (à)pronounced as /link/ (e/o)
(Near-)openpronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/ (a)


Erzgebirgisch has lexical stress. There is a tendency to stress the first syllable even in French loanwords, where Standard German stresses the final syllable (e.g. biro pronounced as /[ˈpiːɣo]/ (Büro) 'office'), but loan words which follow the Standard German pattern are more numerous (e.g. dridewààr pronounced as /[txɪtəˈvʌːɰ]/ German: Gehsteig 'sidewalk' (from French French: trottoir)).


Nominal morphology


Erzgebirgisch numbers three genders, masculine, feminine and neuter. Most Erzgebirgisch lexemes have the same gender as their Standard German equivalents.

GenderErzgebirgischStandard GermanGloss (sg./pl.)
masculine màà Mann (m.) man/men
gung Junge (m.) boy/boys
baam Baum (m.) tree/trees
feminine fraa Frau (f.) woman/women
sub Suppe (f.) soup/soups
dàsch Tasche (f.) bag/bags
neuter kind Kind (n.) child/children
dridewààr Gehsteig (m.)sidewalk
dunl Tunnel (m./n.)tunnel


In distinction to Standard German, the Erzgebirgisch genitive is no longer productive. Other constructions have to be used to indicate possession. For animate possessors, a construction involving the possessor in the dative and an agreeing possessive pronoun is used (dem B sein A). For inanimate possessors, a construction involving f(u)n (German von) is used. A third possibility is compounding.

examples (North Western dialect):

(1) n'Hàns seine hitsch
de-m Hans seine Fuß-bank
the-GEN. Hans his foot-bench
"Hans's foot bench"
(2) de fansder fun den haus
the windows of the house
die Fenster des Hauses (Standard German - genitive)
"The windows of the house"

The only case marking available for nouns is dative plural, which is marked by -n , but can often assimilate to other consonants. Nominative and accusative are not marked in the singular on nouns, but articles, adjectives and possessive pronouns help to disambiguate in these cases. Personal pronouns also have some special forms for nominative, accusative and dative.

The following table shows some Erzgebirgisch nominal declension paradigms.

Case/Numbertree (m.)bag (f.)child (n.)
Nominative singular der baam de dàsch s kind
Dative singular n baam der dàsch n kind
Accusative singular n baam de dàsch s kind
Nominative plural de beeme de dàschn de kiner
Dative plural n beemm n dàschn n kinern
Accusative plural de beeme de dàschn de kiner

For more information on articles, see below.


There are different ways to form the plural in Erzgebirgisch, a feature shared with Standard German. Next to the suffixes -e, -er, -n and -s, ablaut can also be used. Some suffixes trigger umlaut.

There are some nouns which differ in their plural marking between Erzgebirgisch and Standard German. E.g. Erzgebirgisch has -n for nouns ending in -(e)l in the singular, where Standard German most often has umlaut.

Examples (North Western dialect):

singular (Erzg.)singular (Std.G.)plural (Erzg.)plural (Std.G.)gloss
fuuchl Vogel fuuchl-n Vögelbirds
nààchl Nagel nààchl-n Nägelnails
maadl Mädchen maadl-n Mädchengirls
màst Mast masd-e (along with mosd-n) Mastenmasts
kind Kind kin-er Kinderchildren
bàrg Park bààrg-s Parksparks
fuus Fuß fiis Füßefeet
wààng Wagen weeng(-e) Wagencoaches


Erzgebirgisch distinguishes three kinds of articles: emphatic definite article, atonal definite article, indefinite article. The emphatic definite articles are used where Standard German would use deictics like dieser and jener. The other two types closely resemble their Standard German counterparts.

All articles agree in gender, number and case with their head noun. The emphatic articles may also occur without a head noun and often replace the rarely used third person personal pronouns.

Erzgebirgisch has a negative indefinite article just like German, but the similarity to the positive indefinite article is less obvious.

The North-Western dialect has the following forms:

indefinite article
Nominative singular e ne e
Dative singular n ner n
Accusative singular n ne e
non-stressed definite article
Nominative singular der de s
Dative singular (de)n der (de)n
Accusative singular (de)n de s
Nominative plural de
Dative plural n
Accusative plural de
stressed definite article
Nominative singular daar dii dàs
Dative singular daan/dèèn daar daan/dèèn
Accusative singular daan/dèèn dii dàs
Nominative plural dii
Dative plural daann/dèènn
Accusative plural dii
negative article
Nominative singular kee keene kee
Dative singular keen keener keen
Accusative singular keen keene kee
Nominative plural keene
Dative plural keenn
Accusative plural keene

The article n assimilates in place of articulation to the preceding consonant. It is m before p, pf, f, w and m and ng before k, g, ch (pronounced as /[x]/ or pronounced as /[χ]/) and ng.


(3) S kind hàd s n Hàns gesààd
pronounced as /[skʰɪnt]/ pronounced as /[hʌtsn̩]/ pronounced as /[hʌns]/ pronounced as /[kəsʌːt]/
Das Kind hat es/dieses einem Hans gesagt.
The child has it/that to a Hans said.
(4) Der Hàns hàd dàs buuch ng màà gaam
pronounced as /[tɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[hʌns]/ pronounced as /[hʌt]/ pronounced as /[tʌs]/ pronounced as /[puːxŋ̍]/ pronounced as /[mʌː]/ pronounced as /[kæːm]/
Der Hans hat dieses Buch einem Mann gegeben.
The Hans has this book to a man given.
(5) E schiins dleedl hàd dii àà
pronounced as /[ə]/ pronounced as /[ʂiːns]/ pronounced as /[tˡleːtˡl̩]/ pronounced as /[hʌt]/ pronounced as /[tiː]/ pronounced as /[ʌː]/
Ein schönes Kleidchen hat sie/diese an.
A beautiful has she/this one on.
(6) Ch hàb m kinern kee gald gaam
pronounced as /[ʂhʌpm̩]/ pronounced as /[kʰɪnɔɰn]/ pronounced as /[kʰeː]/ pronounced as /[kælt]/ pronounced as /[kæːm]/
Ich habe den Kindern kein Geld gegeben.
I have the children no money given.


Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns distinguish emphatic and atonal forms, just like articles. The emphatic forms are used to highlight a participant. They are free words, whereas the atonal forms are phonologically reduced clitics.

There is no emphatic form for third person personal pronouns. The emphatic forms of the definite article have to be used instead. To outsiders this may often come across as impolite.

Unlike nouns, personal pronouns distinguish both number and case.

emphatic personal pronouns
1. Person singular iich miir miich
2. Person singular duu diir diich
3. Person singular m. daar daan/dèèn dann/dèèn
3. Person singular f. dii daar dii
3. Person singular n. dàs daan/dèèn dàs
1. Person plural miir uns uns
2. Person plural iir eich eich
3. Person plural dii daann/dèènn dii
Polite sii iinn sii
atonal personal pronouns
1. Person singular (i)ch mer mich
2. Person singular de/du der dich/tsch
3. Person singular m. er n n
3. Person singular f. se er se
3. Person singular n. s n s
1. Person plural mer uns uns
2. Person plural er eich eich
3. Person plural se n se
Polite se iin(n) se

Pronouns with ch have sch in the Northwestern dialect.The atonal second person singular pronoun is de when it precedes a verb, and du when following. There are extra pronouns to express politeness, unlike German, which uses third person plural for this function.


(7) Hàd -er -s -n schuu gesààd
pronounced as /[hʌtɔɰsn̩]/ pronounced as /[ʂuː]/ pronounced as /[kəsʌːt]/
Hat er es ihm schon gesagt?
Has he it to him already said?
(8) Ch hàb dèènn nischd gaam
pronounced as /[ʂhʌp]/ pronounced as /[tɛːnn̩]/ pronounced as /[nɪʂt]/ pronounced as /[kæːm]/
Ich habe denen/ihnen nichts gegeben.
I have those ones/them nothing given.

Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns agree in case, number and gender with their head noun.

1. Person mei(n)- un(s)(e)r-
2. Person dei(n)- ei(e)r-
3. Person masc.. sei(n)- iir-
3. Person fem. iir- iir-
3. Person neut. sei(n)- iir-

singular pronouns lose the n before another n or a -suffix.

First person plural loses the s everywhere but in the North Western dialect. First and second person plural lose the e before a suffix starting with a vowel.

Nominative singular -e
Dative singular -n -er -n
Accusative singular -n -e
Nominative plural -e
Dative plural -n
Accusative plural -e

This paradigm makes use of only three letters e, n and r.


(9) mei hund
pronounced as /[maɪ]/ pronounced as /[hʊnt]/
mein Hund
my dog
(10) eirer schwasder
pronounced as /[aɪɣɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[ʂvastɔɰ]/
eurer Schwester
to y'all's sister

Third person pronouns make heavy use of the dative construction (see above), just like nouns.

(11) daar iire dàsch
pronounced as /[taːɰ]/ pronounced as /[iːɣə]/ pronounced as /[tʌʂ]/
dieser/ihr ihre Tasche
this one/her her bag
"her bag"


(12) daar fraa iire dàsch
"die Tasche dieser Frau"
"The woman's bag"


The following construction is found mainly in Western dialects, but also in Lichtenstein:

(13) nei (n) der schdàd
hinein in der Stadt
inwards in the town
"in die Stadt (hinein)"
"inwards in the town"

The canonic preposition n (in) is never deleted in Lichtenstein, but almost always in the western dialects due to the more widespread dropping of n. This leads to the impression that nei is the preposition. One should also notice that goal of motion is encoded by the dative, and not by the accusative as in Standard German. The motion component is expressed by nei. This construction is also found with many other prepositions: dràà der kèrch ("an der Kirche", "bei der Kirche" at the church).



Adjectives agree with their head word in case, number, gender and definiteness.A difference to Standard German is the non-distinction of forms with indefinite article and forms without any article.

Standard GermanErzgebirgischEnglish
teur-em Schmuck deier-n schmuk for expensive jewels
einem teur-en Ring n'deier-n ring for an expensive ring

The following table lists all agreement suffixes for adjectives:

without article/with indefinite article
-er -e -(e)s
Dative singular -n -er -n
Accusative singular -n -e -(e)s
Dative plural -n
Accusative plural -e
with definite article
Nominative singular -e -e -e
Dative singular -n -n -n
Accusative singular -n -e -e
Nominative plural -n
Dative plural -n
Accusative plural -n

More examples

(14) e gruus-er màà
pronounced as /[ə]/ pronounced as /[kxuːsɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[mʌː]/
ein großer Mann
a big man
(15) daar schiin-n fraa
pronounced as /[taːɰ]/ pronounced as /[ʂiːnn̩]/ pronounced as /[fxaː]/
dieser schönen Frau
this beautiful woman
to this beautiful woman


The comparative is formed with the suffix -er.The standard of comparison is marked with the preposition wii (wie).
The superlative is obtained by adding -(e)sd. Agreement suffixes come after these suffixes.


(16) e grès-(e)r-er màà wii daar
pronounced as /[ə]/ pronounced as /[kxɛsɔɣɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[mʌː]/ pronounced as /[viː]/ pronounced as /[taːɰ]/
ein größ-er-er Mann als er/dieser
a biggerman than he/this one
(17) der schèn-sd-n fraa
pronounced as /[tɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[ʂɛnstn̩]/ pronounced as /[fxaː]/
der schönsten Frau
to the prettiest woman


The verb agrees in person and number with the subject of the sentence. This is true of both full verbs and auxiliaries.

Two tense/aspects are morphologically distinguished, present tense and preterite. Use of the preterite is found almost exclusively with strong verbs, i.e. verbs involving ablaut.

The other tenses are formed with auxiliaries: Perfect, Pluperfect, Futur I and Futur II. Perfect and preterite are used interchangeably.Pluperfect expresses anteriority in the past. Futur II is mainly used for epistemic statements about past events (cf. German: Er wird wohl wieder nicht da gewesen sein. He has probably not attended again.)

Infinitive and participles

The infinitive and the present participle and the past participle are formed with the following affixes:

Infinitive schbiil-n gii-n sei(-n) -m wèèr-n
participle I schbiil-end gii-end sei-end hàà-md wèèr-nd
participle II ge-schbiil-d (ge-)gàng-ng ge-waas-n ge--d ge-wur-n

Present tense

Erzgebirgisch distinguishes strong verbs, involving ablaut, and weak verbs, without ablaut. Both classes take the same suffixes. The present tense can be used to refer to events in the present or future.

schbiil-∅ gii-∅ bii-∅ hàb-∅ wèèr-∅
2. Person singular schbiil-sd gi(i)-sd bi-sd -sd wèr-sd
3. Person singular schbiil-d gi(i)-d is -d wèr-d
schbiil-n gii-n sei-∅ -m wèèr-n
2. Person plural schbiil-d gii-d sei-d hàb-d wèèr-d
3. Person plural schbiil-n gii-n sei-∅ -m wèèr-n

The suffixes are sometimes assimilated to the stem, as can be seen from hàm, `to have'.


As mentioned above, the preterite form is only used with strong verbs. Weak verbs use the perfect instead. This is also gaining ground with strong verbs. Formation of the preterite does not always follow the same pattern as in Standard German e.g. schmecken `to taste' is a weak verb in Standard German (preterit schmeckte), but a strong verb is Erzgebirgisch (present tense: schmègng preterite: schmoog with ablaut. Another verb which is weak in Standard German but strong in Erzgebirgisch is frààn (Standard German fragen to ask), preterite fruuch (Standard German fragte, asked).

Agreement with the subject is indicated as follows:

ging-∅ wààr-∅ hàd-∅ wurd-∅
2. Person singular ging-sd wààr-sd hàd-sd wurd-sd
3. Person singular ging-∅ wààr-∅ hàd-e wurd-e
ging-ng wààr-n hàd-n wurd-n
2. Person plural ging-d wààr-d hàd-ed wurd-ed
3. Person plural ging-ng wààr-n hàd-n wurd-n

Perfect, pluperfect

Perfect and pluperfect are construed with a finite form of the auxiliaries sei- and hàb- and the past participle of the full verb.


(18) Miir sei gasdern (a)f der kèèrms gàngng
pronounced as /[miːɰ]/ pronounced as /[saɪ]/ pronounced as /[kæstɔɰn]/ pronounced as /[(a/ə)f]/ pronounced as /[tɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[kʰɛːɰms]/ pronounced as /[kʌŋŋ̍]/
Wir sind gestern auf der Kirmesgegangen.
We are yesterday on the funfair gone.
(19) Ch hàd -s -n ààwer gesààd
pronounced as /[ʂhʌtsn̩]/ pronounced as /[ʌːvɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[kəsʌːt]/
Ich hatte es ihm aber gesagt.
I had it him nevertheless said.


Two future tenses are distinguished. Future I is used for any reference time in the future, Future II has the meaning of future anterior.Future is formed with the auxiliary wèèr- (Standard German werden). Future I adds the infinitive of the full verb, future II the auxiliary sei or hab in the infinitive and the past participle of the full verb.


(20) Murng wèrd der Hàns nààch Kams fààrn
pronounced as /[moːɰjŋ]/ pronounced as /[vɛɰt]/ pronounced as /[tɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[hʌns]/ pronounced as /[nʌːχ]/ pronounced as /[kʰæms]/ pronounced as /[fʌːɰn]/
Morgen wird der Hans nach Chemnitz fahren.
Tomorrow will the Hans to Chemnitz go.
(21) Er wèrd wuu wiider nèd doo gewaasn sei
pronounced as /[ɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[vɛɰt]/ pronounced as /[vuː]/ pronounced as /[viːtɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[nɛt]/ pronounced as /[toː]/ pronounced as /[kəvaːsn̩]/ pronounced as /[saɪ]/
Er wird wohl wieder nicht da gewesen sein.
He will rather again not there been be.


Erzgebirgisch has a productive subjunctive for most of the auxiliaries and some other frequently used verbs. The form is derived from the preterite by ablaut. Other verbs have to use duun support in order to appear in the subjunctive.

gèng-∅ waar-∅ hèd-∅ daad-∅
2. Person singular gèng-sd waar-sd hèd-sd daad-sd
3. Person singular gèng-∅ waar-∅ hèd-e daad-∅
gèng-ng waar-n hèd-n daad-n
2. Person plural gèng-d waar-d hèd-ed daad-ed
3. Person plural gèng-ng waar-n hèd-n daad-n


The imperative is identical to first person present tense indicative. In order to obtain the plural imperative, -d is suffixed to the singular form.


(22) Bii nur màà ruich!
pronounced as /[piː]/ pronounced as /[nəɰ]/ pronounced as /[mʌː]/ pronounced as /[ɣʊɪʂ]/
Sei endlich ruhig!
Be finally quiet!


The passive is formed with the auxiliary wèèr- (German werden) and the past participle of the full verb.


(23) Wii wèrd dèè dàs gemàchd
pronounced as /[viː]/ pronounced as /[vɛɰt]/ pronounced as /[tɛː]/ pronounced as /[tʌs]/ pronounced as /[kəmʌχt]/
Wie wird denn das gemacht?
How is now this made?

A sample of Erzgebirgisch speech (Lichtenstein dialect)

(24) Wuukimsddeeduuizehaar?
pronounced as /[vuː]/ pronounced as /[kʰɪmst]/ pronounced as /[teː]/ pronounced as /[tuː]/ pronounced as /[ɪtsə]/ pronounced as /[haːɰ]/
Where comest then thou now from?
Where onearthare you coming from rightnow?
(25) Dàskàà(i)chderfeinisààn.
pronounced as /[tʌs]/ pronounced as /[kʰʌː]/ pronounced as /[(ɪ)ʂ]/ pronounced as /[tɔɰ]/ pronounced as /[faɪ]/ pronounced as /[nɪ]/ pronounced as /[sʌːn]/
That can I thee at.all not say

Sample text

The following snippet contains the introduction and the first stanza of a wedding poem from Clausthal (1759) and is written in the Oberharz dialect:[2]

Aſs t'r Niemeyer ſeine Schuſtern in de Kerch zur Trauer kefuͤhrt prengt aͤ Vugelſteller Vugel un hot Baͤden kratelirt iſs k'ſchaͤn d. 25. Oktober 1759. Clasthol kedruͤckt bey den Buchdrucker Wendeborn.

italic=no|Klick auf mit enanner, ihr ſtatlig'n Harrn! Do ſtellt ſich d'r Toffel ahch ein aus der Farrn, Har hot ſich ju kraͤts ſchunt de Fraͤhaͤt kenumme, Su iſs'r ahch diesmol mit reiner kekumme. Se hahn ne ju ſuͤſt wos zu luͤſen{{efn|According to Borchers (1929), ''luͤſen'' 'to earn, get money' was pronounced {{IPA|[ˈliːsən]

TranslationWhen Niemeyer lead his bride to the church to marry her, a bird trapper brought birds and congratulated them; This happened on October 25 in 1759. Clausthal, printed at the Wendeborn Printing House.

Hello you all, you honorable men!Here comes the lad from far away,He has already taken the liberty,So he came in this time again.They have sometimes given him something to earn:I have nice birds, do you want to have a look on them?


Like all dialects, Erzgebirgisch has some words which are difficult to grasp for outsiders. These include contractions of long words, but also some words unknown to other dialects or even other subdialects of the same lineage.


(NW dialect)
Standard GermanEnglishNotes
aarb werzg. pronounced as /[ˈaːɰp]/ Arbeit work only in the western dialect
aardabl pronounced as /[ˈaːɰtæpl̩]/ Kartoffel potato literal: earth apple
ààziizeich pronounced as /[ˈʌːˌtsiːtsaɪ̯ʂ]/ Kleidung clothing literal: Anziehzeug
àbort pronounced as /[ˈʌpɔɰt]/ Toilette loo (toilet)
bèg pronounced as /[ˈpɛk]/ Bäckerbaker
bèremèd pronounced as /[ˌpɛɣəˈmɛt]/ Weihnachtspyramide
bèrschd pronounced as /[ˈpɛɰʂʈ]/ Bürstebrush
burschdwich pronounced as /[ˈpʊɰʂʈvɪʂ]/ Besen broom
dibl pronounced as /[ˈtɪpl̩]/ Tasse cup literal: Töpfchen
dridewààr pronounced as /[ˌtxɪtəˈvʌːɰ]/ Gehsteigsidewalk derived from French trottoir
fauns pronounced as /[ˈfaʊ̯ns]/ Ohrfeigeslap
feier pronounced as /[ˈfaɪ̯ɔ]/ Feuerfire
fuuchlbaarbaam pronounced as /[ˈfuːxl̩ˌpaːɰpaːm]/ Eberescherowan literal: bird berry tree (rowanberry tree)
gaacher pronounced as /[ˈkæːχɔɰ]/ Jägerhunter
gudsàger pronounced as /[ˈkʊtsʌkɔɰ]/ Friedhof cemeteryliteral: God's acre
hèm pronounced as /[ˈhɛm]/ Hemdshirt
hiidrààbradl pronounced as /[ˈhiːˌtxʌːpxætl̩]/ Serviertablett trayliteral: little bring here tray
hitsch pronounced as /[ˈhɪtʂ]/ Fußbank footbench
huchtsch pronounced as /[ˈhʊxtʂ]/ Hochzeit wedding
lader pronounced as /[ˈlætɔɰ]/ Leiter ladder
nààmitsch pronounced as /[ˈnʌːmɪtʂ]/ Nachmittag afternoon
pfaar pronounced as /[ˈpfaːɰ]/ Pferdhorse
reeng pronounced as /[ˈɣeːŋ]/ Regen rain
schdagng pronounced as /[ˈʂʈækŋ̍]/ Stecken, Stock stick
schduub pronounced as /[ˈʂʈuːp]/ Wohnzimmer, Stubeliving room
(scheier)hààder pronounced as /[ˈʂaɪ̯ɔɰhʌːtɔɰ]/ Wischtuch cloth for wiping
schmiich pronounced as /[ˈʂmiːʂ]/ Zollstockyardstick
zemitschasn pronounced as /[tsəˈmɪtʂasn̩]/ Mittagessenlunch literal: midday meal
zèrwànsd pronounced as /[ˈtsɛɰvʌnst]/ Akkordeonaccordion


Erzgebirgisch has many onomatopoetic verbs (see also I. Susanka). Due to the high precipitation in the Ore Mountains, many different verbs for different kinds of rain or drizzle exist.

(Northwest dialect)
Standard GermanEnglishComments
besuudln pronounced as /[pəˈsuːtl̩n]/ beschmutzen (get) dirty
blààtschn pronounced as /[ˈplʌːtʂn̩]/ stark regnen (Platzregen) heavy shower
blèègng pronounced as /[ˈplɛːkŋ̍]/ laut schreien scream
deebern pronounced as /[ˈteːpɔɰn]/ toben, schimpfen be angry
derlaam werzg. pronounced as /[tɔɰˈlaːm]/ erleben experience not in northwest dialect
drààschn pronounced as /[ˈtxʌːʂn̩]/ stark regnen (Dauerregen) continuous heavy rain
eisàgng pronounced as /[ˈaɪ̯sʌkŋ̍]/ einfüllen, einpacken take, put in Literal: einsacken
gwèstern pronounced as /[ˈkvɛstɔɰn]/ immer wieder rein und raus gehen repeatedly getting in and out
kambln pronounced as /[ˈkʰæmpl̩n]/ sich prügeln beat each other
siifern pronounced as /[ˈsiːfɔɰn]/ leicht nieseln light drizzle

Other words

Like many other German dialects, Erzgebirgisch is rich in adverbs, like the notorious fei, whose use is extremely complex and needs further research. It appears in commands (Gii fei wag!, Go away!), but also in affirmations (S´reengd fei, It's raining, by the way.).

Standard GermanEnglishNotes
dingenauf pronounced as /[ˌtɪŋəˈnaʊ̯f]/ bergauf, nach oben uphill, upward  
emènde pronounced as /[əˈmɛndə]/ möglicherweise possibly literal: at the end
feeder pronounced as /[ˈfeːtɔɰ]/ vorwärts, weiter further from English
fei pronounced as /[ˈfaɪ̯]/ aber, nämlich, endlich, ziemlich but, indeed, finally, quite
fiir pronounced as /[ˈfiːɰ]/ vor for also in expressions
gaaling pronounced as /[ˈɡæːlɪŋ]/ heftig vehement
heier pronounced as /[ˈhaɪ̯ɔɰ]/ dieses Jahr this year
hèm pronounced as /[ˈhɛm]/ nach Hause at home literal: home
hiimundriim pronounced as /[ˌhiːmʊnˈtxiːm]/ auf beiden Seiten on both sides literal: hüben und drüben
hinewiider pronounced as /[ˌhɪnəˈviːtɔɰ]/ hin und her here and there
ize pronounced as /[ˈɪtsə]/ jetzt now
nààchert pronounced as /[ˈnʌːxɔɰt]/ nachher to here
zàm pronounced as /[ˈtsʌm]/ zusammen together


The interjections used in Erzgebirgisch differ considerably from the Standard German ones. The language area being dominated by mining, some linguistic patterns peculiar to this business have attained general usage, like the salute Glig auf! (dt. "Glück auf").

English does not have a specialized form to affirm negative questions, unlike French (si), Dutch (jawel) or German (doch). Erzgebirgisch uses Ujuu! pronounced as /[ˈʊjuː]/, or sometimes Ajuu! pronounced as /[ˈajuː]/, (dt. "Doch!") in these contexts.For the negation of a question expecting a positive answer È(schà)! pronounced as /[ˈɛ(ʂʌ)]/ (dt. "Nein!") is used. This interjection is also used to express surprise, albeit with a different intonation.


Grammars and other linguistic publications

Other literature

External links

Notes and References

  1. Hendrik Heidler's 400 Seiten Echtes Erzgebirgisch: Wuu de Hasen Hoosn haaßn un de Hosen Huusn do sei mir drhamm. Das Original Wörterbuch. 5th ed., BoD [Books on Demand], Norderstedt 2020, p. 28f. ISBN 978-3-7347-6356-4
  2. Mustersaal aller teutschen Mund-arten, enthaltend Gedichte, prosaische Aufsätze und kleine Lustspiele in den verschiedenen Mund-arten aufgesetzt; und mit kurzen Erläuterungen versehen von Dr. Joh. Gottl. Radlof. Erster Band, Bonn, 1821, pp. 275ff. (google):
    Differently in Neues Vaterländisches Archiv oder Beiträge zur allseitigen Kenntniß des Königreichs Hannover und des Herzogthums Braunschweig. Begründet von G. H. G. Spiel. Fortgesetzt von Ernst Spangenberg. Jahrgang 1831. Erster Band, Lüneburg, 1831, pp. 279ff. (google);
    Differently cited in Erich Borchers: Sprach- und Gründungsgeschichte der erzgebirgischen Kolonie im Oberharz. Marburg, 1929. pp. 135–136.