Erynnis tristis explained

Erynnis tristis, commonly known as the mournful duskywing, is a species of spread-wing skipper in the butterfly family Hesperiidae. It is found in Central America, North America, and South America. It is mottled brown with a white fringe on the hind wings. It appears similar to the funereal duskywing, but the mournful duskywing is more likely to appear in urban areas. The larva feeds on young oaks while adults nectar from a variety of wild and garden flowers.[1] [2]


These three subspecies belong to the species Erynnis tristis:

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Book: Will, Kip . Field Guide to California Insects . Gross . Joyce . Rubinoff . Daniel . Powell . Jerry A. . . 2020 . 9780520288744 . Oakland, California . 402.
  2. Web site: Shapiro . Arthur . Erynnis tristis . March 31, 2022 . Art Shapiro's Butterfly Site.