Erromintxela language explained

States:Spain, France
Region:Basque Country
Family:mixed BasqueKalderash Romani

Erromintxela (in Basque pronounced as /eromintʃela/) is the distinctive language of a group of Romani living in the Basque Country, who also go by the name Erromintxela. It is sometimes called Basque Caló[2] or Errumantxela[3] in English; Spanish; Castilian: caló vasco, romaní vasco, or Spanish; Castilian: errominchela in Spanish; and French: euskado-rromani[4] or French: euskado-romani[5] in French. Although detailed accounts of the language date to the end of the 19th century, linguistic research began only in the 1990s.

The Erromintxela are the descendants of a 15th-century wave of Kalderash Roma, who entered the Basque Country via France.[6] Both ethnically and linguistically, they are distinct from the Caló-speaking Romani people in Spain and the Cascarot Romani people of the Northern Basque Country. Erromintxela is a mixed language (referred to as Para-Romani in Romani linguistics[3]), deriving most of its vocabulary from Kalderash Romani but using Basque grammar, similar to the way the Angloromani language of the Roma in England mixes Romani vocabulary and English grammar. The development of the mixed language was facilitated by the unusually deep integration of the Erromintxela people into Basque society and the resultant bilingualism in Basque. The language is in decline; most of the perhaps 1000 remaining speakers live on the coast of Labourd and in the mountainous regions of Soule, Navarre, Gipuzkoa and Biscay.[7]


The origin of the name Erromintxela is unclear and may be of relatively recent origin; Basque speakers had previously grouped the Erromintxela under more general terms for Romani such as ijitoak "Egyptians", ungrianok "Hungarians", or buhameak "Bohemians".[1] However, a number of authors believe it to be a Basque rendering of the French name romanichel or romané-michel,[3] [8] a name attested primarily in the vicinity of the Pyrenees and in particular the Northern Basque Country.[8] Romanichel is in turn a French rendering of the Romani phrase Romani čel "Romani person". Though now uncommon in France, it is found in the names of the British Ròmanichal[9] and the Scandinavian Romanisæl, all descendants, like the Erromintxela, of a group of Roma who had migrated to France.[10]

Early attestations of the name in Basque include Errama-itçéla, Erroumancel,[8] [11] later errumanzel and erremaitzela.[12] The initial e- is the Basque prosthetic vowel,[8] which was added at a time that no Basque word was allowed to begin with an r-. The final -a is the absolutive case suffix, which is used when citing a name. If that etymology is correct, it is a rare case of a native Romani name for themselves (an endonym) being borrowed by another language.

The people identify themselves as ijitoak, Basque for "gypsies", but more specifically as Erromintxela, in contrast to the Caló Romani, whom they refer to as the xango-gorriak, Basque for "red-legs".[1] [7]

State of the language

There are currently an estimated 500 speakers in the Southern Basque Country in Spain, approximately 2% of a population of 21,000 Romanis, and another estimated 500 in France.[1] In Spain the remaining fluent speakers are elderly people mostly over the age of 80; some are equally fluent in Spanish, Basque, or Caló. Middle-aged Erromintxela are mostly passive bilinguals, and the youngest speak only Basque or Spanish. In the Northern Basque Country, however, the language is still being passed on to children.[7] The percentage of speakers among Spanish Erromintxela are higher than 2%, as large numbers of Caló-speaking Romanis moved to the Basque Country in the intense period of industrialisation in the 20th century.[13]

Literary production

To date, there has been little literary production in the language. The most notable works are a poem by Jon Mirande entitled "Kama-goli" in his 1997 anthology Orhoituz[14] and the 1999 novel Agirre zaharraren kartzelaldi berriak by Koldo Izagirre Urreaga with the main character using the language.[15]


The Erromintxela arrived in the Basque Country in the 15th century speaking Kalderash Romani. They integrated much more deeply into Basque society than other Romani groups. In the process, they acquired the Basque language and adopted aspects of Basque culture such as increased rights of women and important traditions such as bertsolaritza (extemporaneous poetic song) and pelota (the national Basque ballgame).[6] [16] Muñoz and Lopez de Mungia suspect that the morphological and phonological similarities between Romani and Basque facilitated the adoption of Basque grammar by the bilingual Romanis.[6]

It appears that many Romanis chose to stay in the Basque Country to escape persecution elsewhere in Europe.[6] [13] Nonetheless, even here they were not safe from persecution. For example, the Royal Council of Navarre in 1602 passed an edict to round up all "vagabonds" (meaning Romani), who were to be condemned to 6 years of galley duty.[12] By the 18th century however attitudes had changed, and the emphasis shifted towards integration. In 1780 - 1781 the Courts of Navarre passed Law 23, which called for "the authorities to take care of them, find them locations for settlement and honest occupations and ways of living..."[12]


The oldest account of the language dates to 1855, when the French ethnographer Justin Cenac-Moncaut located the Erromintxela primarily in the Northern Basque Country. The oldest coherent Erromintxela text, a poem entitled Kama-goli, published by Basque writer Jon Mirande in a collection of Basque poetry, only dates to ca. 1960.[17]

Alexandre Baudrimont's 40-page study Vocabulaire de la langue des Bohémiens habitant les pays basques français of 1862, the most extensive of the early accounts, covers both vocabulary and aspects of grammar. He worked with two female informants, a mother and her daughter from the Uhart-Mixe area near Saint-Palais, whom he describes as highly fluent. Unfortunately, he was only able to conduct a single session as the women were then told not to cooperate further for the fear of outsiders prying into the secrets of the Romani. There is a certain degree of confusion in Baudrimont's publication—he himself states that he could not always be certain the correct forms were elicited. For example, most of the verb forms he tried to elicit lack the verbal -tu ending and appear to be participles.

The French sociologist Victor de Rochas refers to the Romani in the Northern Basque Country speaking Basque, rather than French, in his 1876 Les Parias de France et d'Espagne (cagots et bohémiens). The Canon Jean-Baptiste Daranatz published a wordlist in the periodical Eskualdun Ona in 1906[18] and in 1921 Berraondo and Oyarbide carried out some research.[7] Although labelled gitano (Spanish for 'gypsy') or bohémien / gitan (French for 'gypsy'), some data can also be found in Azkue's 1905 dictionary and Pierre Lhande's 1926 dictionary, both of which list a number of words identifiable as Erromintxela.[7]

Little more was done until the late 20th century. In 1986 Federico Krutwig published a short article in the Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos entitled "Los gitanos vascos", with a short word list and a brief analysis of the language's morphology.[19] However, the most detailed research to date was carried out by Basque philologist Josune Muñoz and historian Elias Lopez de Mungia, who began their work in the Southern Basque Country in 1996 at the behest of the Romani organisation Kalé Dor Kayiko, with support from the Euskaltzaindia and the University of the Basque Country.[7] Kalé Dor Kayiko, who had been working to promote the Romani language, was alerted to the existence of Erromintxela in the 1990s through an article by the historian Alizia Stürtze, Agotak, juduak eta ijitoak Euskal Herrian "Agotes, Jews, and Gypsies in the Basque Country".[6] Kalé Dor Kayiko intends to continue research into the language, attitudes, identity, and history of the Erromintxela people in the less well researched provinces of Navarre and the Northern Basque Country.[6]

Linguistic features

The research by Muñoz and Lopez de Mungia has confirmed that Erromintxela is not derived from Caló, the mixed Spanish-Romani language spoken throughout Spain, but is instead based on Kalderash Romani and the Basque language.[7] The vocabulary appears to be almost exclusively Romani in origin; the grammar however, both morphology and syntax, derives from various Basque dialects.[7] Few traces appear to remain of Romani grammatical structures.[6] The language is incomprehensible to speakers of both Basque and of Caló.[7]

Typologically, Erromintxela displays the same features as the Basque dialects it derives its grammatical structures from. Its case marking follows the ergative–absolutive pattern where the subject of an intransitive verb is in the absolutive case (which is unmarked), the same case being used for the direct object of a transitive verb. The subject of a transitive verb is marked with the ergative case. Similarly, auxiliary verbs agree with the subject and any direct object and indirect object present and verb forms are marked for allocutive (i.e. a marker is used to indicate the gender of the addressee).

Since both Erromintxela and Caló derive from Romani, many Erromintxela words are similar to Spanish Caló and Catalan Caló.

ErromintxelaCaló[20] RootMeaning
barovaró/baróbarólarge, big
kani(a)casní, caníkhajníhen, chicken
latxo, latxulachó (fem. lachí)lačhógood
mandro(a)manró, marrómanróbread
nazaro, lazaronasaló (fem. nasalí)nasvaloill
pinro(a), pindru(a)pinrrópunrófoot
trin, triltrintrinthree


According to Baudrimont's description of 1862[21] and modern southern sources, Erromintxela appears to have, at maximum, the sound system below. Southern speakers appear not to have the rounded vowel pronounced as /link/ or the consonant pronounced as /link/, in line with north-south differences in Basque, and it is not clear if the northern distinction between pronounced as /link/ and pronounced as /link/ also exists in the south.

Table of consonant phonemes of Erromintxela

pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/

pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/

pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
unrounded rounded
pronounced as /link/
(pronounced as /link/)
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/

Baudrimont uses a semi-phonetic system with the following diverging conventions:


Examples of morphological features in Erromintxela:[1] [6] [17] [19] [22]

ErromintxelaBasqueRootFunction in ErromintxelaExample
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-astyle="background-color: aliceblue"-aBasque -aabsolutive suffixphiria "the pot"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-akstyle="background-color: aliceblue"-akBasque -akplural suffixsokak "overcoats"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-(a)nstyle="background-color: aliceblue"-(a)nBasque -(a)nlocative suffixkhertsiman "in the tavern"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-(a)zstyle="background-color: aliceblue"-(a)zBasque -(a)zinstrumental suffixjakaz "with fire"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-(e)kstyle="background-color: aliceblue"-(e)kBasque -(e)kergative suffixhire dui ankhai koloek "your two black eyes"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-enastyle="background-color: aliceblue"-enaBasque -enasuperlative suffixloloena "reddest"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-(e)ko(a)style="background-color: aliceblue"-(e)ko(a)Basque -(e)ko(a)local genitive suffixmuirako "of the mouth"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-(e)rakstyle="background-color: aliceblue"-(e)rat (Northern Basque)Basque -(e)ra(t)allative suffixtxaribelerak "to the bed"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-penstyle="background-color: aliceblue"-penBasque -pen1 suffix denoting act or effect 2 under
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-rastyle="background-color: aliceblue"-raBasque -raallative suffixpenintinora "to the little stream"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-tustyle="background-color: aliceblue"-tuBasque -tuverb forming suffixdekhatu "to see"
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-tzeastyle="background-color: aliceblue"-tzeaBasque -tzeanominalizer
style="background-color: whitesmoke"-tzenstyle="background-color: aliceblue"-t(z)enBasque -t(z)enimperfect suffixkherautzen "doing"

Verb formation

Most verbs have a Romani root plus the Basque verb forming suffix -tu. Examples of Erromintxela verbs are given below.[1] [17] [19] (Forms given in angle brackets indicate spellings in the sources which are no longer in use. Basque is included for comparison.)

ErromintxelaBasqueRomani[23] English translation
brikhindueuria izanbrišíndto rain
burrinkatuharrapatu(astaráv)to catch
dikelatu, dekhatuikusidikhávto see
erromitu (eŕomitu)[24] ezkonduto marry
gazinain kheautuhaur eginto give birth (lit. make a child)
goli kherautu, goli keautukantatu(gilábav)to sing (lit. make a song)
kamatumaitatukamáv[25] to love
kerau, keau, kherautu, keautueginkeráv1 to do, make 2 auxiliary
kurratulan eginbutjí kerávto work; J.M. de O. glosses this as "hit"[26] but compare various Basque expressions using jo in the sense of "getting down to, making an effort"
kurrautu joto hit
kutibegiratudikávto look
letuhartulavto take
mahutu, mautuhilmu(da)rávto die, kill
mangatueskatumangávto ask for, beg
mukautubukatuto end
najel-eginihes eginto escape
najinbukatuto end
papira-keautuidatzi(skirív, ramóv)to write (lit. make paper)
parrautu ebakito cut
pekatuegosipakávto cook
pekhautuerreto burn
piautuedanpjavto drink
tarautu, tazautuitoto strangle
teilaitujanxavto eat
tetxalitu, texalituibilito walk
txanatujakinžanávto know
txiaututo ram in, push in
txoratu, xorkatu, txoatulapurtu, ebatsi, harrapatučorávto steal/swipe
ufalituihes eginto flee
xordo keautulapurtu, ebatsito steal (lit. "make theft")
zuautulo eginsovávto sleep

Most Erromintxela verbal inflections are virtually identical to those found in Basque dialects:

ErromintxelaBasque (Lapurdian)[27] Translation
ajinen duk[28] izanen dukyou will have
dekhatu nuenikusi nuenI saw it
dinatdiñatI am (familiar female addressee)
erantzi nauzkonerantzi nauzkanI had taken them off
...haizen hi...haizen hi...that you are
kamatu nuenmaitatu nuenI loved it
letu hindudanhartu hintudanYou (familiar) took me
nintzannintzanI was
pekhautzen ninaerretzen nauteThey are burning me
pekhautu nintzanerre nintzenI (intransitive) burnt
pekhautzen niagonerretzen niagonI (intransitive) was burning (female addressee)
tetxalitzen zanibiltzen zanI was going
zethorrenzetorrenIt came
zoazzoazYou go

Negations are formed with na/nagi[18] [19] (Romani na/níči); cf Basque ez/ezetz. The word for "yes" is ua[18] (Romani va); cf Basque bai/baietz.


The majority of nouns have Romani roots, but frequently attested with Basque suffixes. The variation of nouns cited with or without a final -a is likely due to informants supplying them with or without the absolutive ending. (Forms given in angle brackets indicate spellings in the sources which are no longer in use.)

ErromintxelaBasqueRomaniEnglish translation
angi[29] ezti(avdžin)honey
balitxo, balitxuatxerrikibaló "pig" plus a Basque suffixpork
barkiardibakróewe, sheep
barkitxu, barkotiñu, barkixu ⟨barkicho⟩, barrketxua ⟨baŕketxua⟩arkumebakró "sheep", plus Basque diminutive -txu, tiñulamb; J.M. de O. glosses it as "sheep"
basta, basteeskuvas(t)hand, arm
bato, batuaitadadfather
bedeio (bedeyo)erle(daraši)bee
blikutxerrifrom balikanó mas "pork" pig
bluiak, brruttak ⟨bŕut̄ak⟩poliziak(policájcur)policemen
budar, budara, buldaraatevudárdoor
burrinkatzeaharrapatzeact of catching
dantzaridantzari(Basque root)dancer
dutaargiudút(natural) light
egaxigažía non-Romani woman
egaxo, ogaxo, egaxugažóa gadjo, anyone not Romani
elakri, ellakria[30] neska(til)raklígirl
elakri-lumiawoman of ill repute
eratsa, erhatsa, erhatza, erratsa ⟨erratça⟩ahate(goca)duck
erromi (eŕomi), errumi, errumiasenarrom1 husband 2 wedding[31]
erromiti, errumitiaemazteromníwife
erromniemazte, emakumeromníwoman, wife
erromitzeko ⟨eŕomitzeko⟩, erromitzekoaeraztun(angruští)(the) ring (lit. "the one of marrying")
grasnia, gasnia, grasmiña[32] ⟨gŕasmiña⟩, grazaldigras(t)horse
guru, gurru, grumiña ⟨gŕumiña⟩idigurúvox
gurutiñotxahalgurúv plus a Basque diminutive -tiñocalf (animal)
haizehaize(Basque root)wind
jak, jaka, zaka, akasujagfire
jera,[33] kera ⟨kéra⟩asto(esa)donkey
jerokoburukoberet (lit. "of the head")
juiben, juibenagaltzak(kálca)trousers
kalaberaburu(šeró)head. Compare Spanish calavera, "Skull"
kalleria silverware. Compare Spanish quincallería, "hardware"
kalo, kalu, kaluakafe(káfa)coffee. Compare Caló calé ("black") and Kali, the dark blue goddess.
kalo-kastaijito-kastaroRomani borough. Compare Caló calé ("Spanish Romani").
kamatzemaitatze< kamávloving
kangei ⟨kangey⟩;, kangiriaelizakangeríchurch; Baudrimont glosses this "altar"
kani, kania, kañiñaoilokhajníhen, chicken
kaxta, kasta (casta), kaixta ⟨kaïshta⟩zurkaštwood, stick
kaxtain parruntzeko ⟨paŕuntzeko⟩aizkoraaxe
kher, khe, kere, khere, kerea, keraetxekherhouse
kereko-egaxia etxeko andrelady of the house
kereko-egaxoa, kereko-ogaxoaetxeko jaunamaster of the house
ker, ⟨qer⟩, keraasto(esa)donkey
kero, keru, keruaburušeróhead. See before jero.
khertsimatabernaCompare Old Slavonic кърчьма, кръчьмаtavern
kiala, kilakogaztakirálcheese
kilalocold air
konitza, koanits, koanitsasaskikóžnicabasket
laiajaunamister, sir
lajai, olajai, lakaia, orajaiaapaiz(rašáj)priest
laphail, lakhaiaapaiz(rašáj)priest
latzi, latziagaunight
mahutzea, mautziahiltzemu(da)ráv (v.), plus the Basque nominalizing suffixex -tze-akilling (see mahutu v.)
malabanagantzu(thuló mas)lard
mandro, mandroa, manrua ⟨manŕua⟩ogimanróbread
mangatziaeskemangáv (v.), plus the Basque nominalizing suffixes -tze-aact of begging
marrun (maŕun)senarhusband
mas, maz, maza, masa, ⟨māsa⟩haragimasmeat
megazin, megazinahaurchild (see before gazin)
milleka artocorn (maize)
MimakaroAma Birjina, Andra Marithe Blessed Virgin
mitxai, alabačhajdaughter
mol, molaardomolwine
mullon, mullu mandomule
ñandro, gnandroarraultzanróegg
oxtaben, oxtaban, oxtabenagartzelaastaripeprison
paba, phabana, pabanasagarphabájapple
paba-molasagardocider (lit. apple-wine)
panin, panina, pañiaurpajíwater
panineko, paninekoapitxer; euritakoa(the) jug (lit. one for water), J.M. de O. glosses it as euritakoa "umbrella", literally "one for rain"
paninekoain burrinkatzeko net(?) ("for catching [...] of the water", Lhande gives French filet)
paninbaru, panin baruaibai, itsaso(derjáv, márja)river, ocean (lit. "big water")
panintino, panin tiñua, penintinoerreka(len)small stream (lit. "small water")
panizuaartocorn (maize). Compare Spanish "panizo"
papin, papinaantzarpapingoose
pindru, pindrua, pindro, prindohanka, oinpunrófoot
pindrotakoagaltzakkálcatrousers ("the one for the foot")
piri, pirialapikopirísaucepan
prindotakogaltzerdipinró (trousers)sock (lit. "the one for the foot"). See also pindrotakoa
puxka (pushka)armapuška. Compare Slavic pušĭkagun, weapon
thazautziaitotzetaslaráv (v.), plus the Basque nominalizing suffixes -tze-aact of throttling
tekadi, tekarihatz(naj)finger
ternugazteyoung person
tiñuathe Basque diminutive tiñu; see also under barkitxu above)J.M. de O. glosses it as "lamb" and "chick"
txai čhajyoung person of either gender.
txaripen, txaribelohe(vodro)bed
txau, xausemečhavóson. Compare English chav.
txiautuijitoa Romani person
txiautzia?, plus the Basque nominalizing suffixes -tze-aact of ramming in
txohi, txokigonaskirt
txohipen, txohipenačoripépetty theft
txor, txora lapurčorthief
txuri, txuriaaiztočhuríknife
xordo, txorda lapurketačoripétheft
xukel, txukel, txukela, xukela (shȣkéla)txakuržukéldog; J.M. de O. glosses this as "magistrate" and "dog"
xukelen-fula, txukelen fulatxakurren kakadogshit
xukel-tino keautzalefemale dog (lit. "little dog maker")
zuautzeko, zuautzekoaestalki(the) bedcovers
zitzaia, zitzai, txitxai, txitxaia, sitzaia (sitçaia), txitxaiakatučičajcat
zume, sumezupazumísoup
zungulu, sungulu, sunguluatabako(duháno)tobacco
zut, zuta, xut, txuta, txuta esnethudmilk


According to Baudrimot, the Erromintxela have adopted the Basque names of the months. Note that some of the Basque names represent pre-standardisation names of the months, e.g. August is Abuztua in Standard Basque rather than Agorrila.

ErromintxelaBasqueRomaniErromintxela translation
Otxaila (Otshaïla)Otsaila(februáro)February
Martxoa (Martshoa)Martxoa(márto)March
Maitza (Maïtça)Maiatza(májo)May
Hekaña (Hékaña)Ekaina(júni)June
Uztailla (Uçtaïlla)Uztaila(júli)July
Azalua (Açalȣa)Azaroa(novémbro)November
Abendua (Abendȣa)Abendua(decémbro)December

Baudrimont claims that subdivisions of the year (apart from the months) are formed with the word breja (bréχa) "year": breja kinua "month" and breja kipia "week".[21]


Numerals (Basque included for contrasting purposes):[1] [17] [19]

ErromintxelaBasqueRomaniErromintxela translation
jek, jeka, eka, jek (yek), jet (yet)batjékone
dui, duilbidújtwo
trin, trin, trilhirutrínthree
higahiga (variant form)(trín)three
pantxe, pains, olepanxi (olepanchi)bostpanžfive

Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs are also mostly derived from Romani forms:[1] [17] [19]

ErromintxelaBasqueRomaniErromintxela translation
baro, baruhandibarólarge, big
buterasko, ainitzbutmuch, a lot
dibilotuaerotua< dilino (adj.)gone crazy
gabegabe(Basque root)without
etaeta(Basque root)and
gerozgeroz(Basque root)once
hautsihautsi(Basque root)broken
kalubeltzkaló black. Compare "Caló" and Kali, the dark blue goddess.
latxo, latxuonlačhógood
nazaro, lazaroerinasvalósick
parnogarbiparnó (white)clean
tiñu, tiñuatxikicignósmall
upregain(ean), goraopréon top, up

Pronouns and demonstratives

Pronouns are derived from both languages:[17] [19]

ErromintxelaBasqueRomaniErromintxela translation
aimengenimánge "me", possibly aménge "us" (dative forms)I
eneene(Basque root)my (affectionate)
harekinharekin(Basque root)with it (distal)
harihari(Basque root)to you (familiar)
hartanhartan(Basque root)in it (distal)
heureheure(Basque root)your (familiar emphatic)
hihi(Basque root)you (familiar)
hirehire(Basque root)your (familiar)
hiretzathiretzat(Basque root)for you (familiar)
neureneure(Basque root)my (emphatic)
nini(Basque root)I (intransitive)

Baudrimont's material

Much of Baudrimont's wordlist is easily related to other Erromintxela sources. However, some of the material collected by Baudrimont deserves a more detailed overview due to its peculiarities. Most of these relate to the verbs and verb forms he collected but some include nouns and other items.


His material contains a relatively high number of Basque-derived items.

ErromintxelaBasqueRomaniErromintxela translation
aitza (aitça)aritzoak
aizia (aicia)haize(diha)air
itxasoa (itshasoa)itsaso(derjáv)sea
keia (kéïa)ke(thuv)smoke
muxkera (mȣshkera)musker(gusturica)lizard
orratza (orratça)orratz(suv)needle
sudura (sȣdȣra)sudur(nakh)nose
ulia (ȣlia)euli(mačhin)fly (insect)
xuria (shȣria)(t)xori(čiriklí)bird

Certain items are peculiar. Baudrimont lists mintxa as "tooth". The Kalderash term is dand (daní in Caló) but the term given is immediately more reminiscent of Northern Basque mintzo "speech" or mintza "skin" (with expressive palatalization). This, and other similar items, raise the question of whether Baudrimont was simply pointing at items to elicit forms.

The forms he attempted to elicit are questionable in some cases as well. For example, he attempted to agricultural terms such as plough, harrow and aftermath from his (female) informants and records the suspiciously similar sasta "plough" and xatxa (shatsha) "harrow".

Verb system and pronouns

The verb systems and pronouns recorded by Baudrimont is peculiar in several ways. Apart from his problem of eliciting the citation form of verbs as opposed to participles, he lists pronouns and possessive pronouns that appear to contain Romani roots and an unexpected auxiliary.

The verb ajin for "to have" attested elsewhere although Basque derived forms appear more common overall. Kalderash Romani employs the 3rd person of "to be" and a dative pronoun to express ownership:

ErromintxelaBasque (allocutive forms)RomaniErromintxela translation
mek ajin (mec aχin)
tuk ajin (tȣc aχin)
ojuak ajin (oχuac aχin)
buter ajin (bȣter aχin)
tuk ajin (tȣc aχin)
but ajin (bȣt aχin)
(nik) di(n)at
(hik) duk1/dun
(hark) dik/din
(guk) di(n)agu
(zuek) duzue
(haiek) ditek/diten
si ma
si tu
si les/la
si amé
si tumé
si len
I have
you have
he/she has
we have
you have
they have
mek najin (mec naχin)
tuk najin (tȣc naχin)
ojuak najin (oχuac naχin)
buter najin (bȣter naχin)
tuk najin (tȣc naχin)
but najin (bȣt naχin)
(nik) ez di(n)at
(hik) ez duk/dun
(hark) ez dik/din
(guk) ez di(n)agu
(zuek) ez duzue
(haiek) ez ditek/diten
naj/nané ma
naj/nané tu
naj/nané les/la
naj/nané amé
naj/nané tumé
naj/nané len
I don't have
you don't have
he/she doesn't have
we don't have
you don't have
they don't have
mek naxano (mec nashano)
tuk naxano (tȣc nashano)
ojuak naxano (oχuac nashano)
buter naxano (bȣter nashano)
tuk naxano (tȣc nashano)
but naxano (bȣt nashano)
(nik) izanen di(n)at
(hik) izanen duk/dun
(hark) izanen dik/din
(guk) izanen di(n)agu
(zuek) izanen duzue
(haiek) izanen ditek/diten
ka si ma
ka si tu
ka si les/la
ka si amé
ka si tumé
ka si len
I will have
you will have
he/she will have
we will have
you will have
they will have
1Note that forms like duk (3rd pers-have-2nd per (male)) are the verbal part whereas Erromintxela tuk is a pronoun.

The negative particle na is fairly clear in the forms above. Buter, as Baudrimont notes, is the word for "much, many" and may not be a true pronoun. Kalderash uses the accusative pronouns to express possession but the forms above are more reminiscent of wrongly parsed Kalderash dative forms mangé, tuké, léske, léke etc. and perhaps a different case of "to be" (the full Kalderash paradigm being sim, san, si, si, sam, san/sen, si).

On the whole, it raises questions about the level of communication between Baudrimont and his informants and the quality of (some of the) material elicited.

Connected examples

Examples with interlinear versions (lexical items of Romani origin marked in bold):


External links

Notes and References

  1. Argüello, Xabier Ijito euskaldunen arrastoan El País (2008)
  2. Ethnologue Languages of Spain Retrieved 3 July 2009.
  3. [Yaron Matras|Matras, Y.]
  4. Langues d'Europe et de la Méditerranée (LEM) La langue rromani en Europe Retrieved 3 July 2009.
  5. Lougarot, Nicole Bohémiens Gatuzain Argitaletxea: 2009
  6. Brea, Unai Hiretzat goli kherautzen dinat, erromeetako gazi mindroa Argia, San Sebastián (03-2008)
  7. Agirrezabal, Lore Erromintxela, euskal ijitoen hizkera Argia, San Sebastián (09-2003)
  8. Macritchie, D. (1886) Accounts Of The Gypsies Of India New Society Publications, New Delhi; 2007 Reprint
  9. [Council of Europe]
  10. Hancock, I. (2001) A Glossary of Romani Terms, p. 182 in Weyrauch, W. Gypsy Law: Romani Legal Traditions and Culture University of California Press
  11. Mérimée, P. (1930) Lettres a Francisque Michel (1848-1870) & Journal de Prosper Mérimée (1860-1868) Paris, Librarie Ancienne Honoré Champion (pages 118-119)
  12. Auñamendi Entziklopedia "Diccionario Auñamendi - Gitano" Retrieved 29 July 2009.
  13. Plan Vasco para la promoción integral y participación social del pueblo gitano Basque Government (2005)
  14. Urkizu, P. & Arkotxa, A. (1997) Jon Mirande Orhoituz - 1972-1997 - Antologia San Sebastián
  15. Cazenave, J. Koldo Izagirre Urreaga in the Auñamendi Entziklopedia;numreg=1&amp;start=0 Retrieved 19 February 2010.
  16. Vizarraga, Óscar Erromintxela: notas para una investigación sociolingüística in I Tchatchipen, Vol 33, Instituto Romanó, Barcelona (2001)
  17. Mirande, Jon Poemak 1950-1966 Erein, San Sebastián (1984)
  18. Daranatz, Jean-Baptiste Les Bohémiens du Pays Basque Eskualdun Ona #38 (September 1906)
  19. Federico Krutwig Sagredo Los gitanos vascos in Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos, Volume 31 (1986)
  20. Adiego, I. Un vocabulario español-gitano del Marqués de Sentmenat (1697-1762) Ediciones Universitat de Barcelona 2002
  21. Baudrimont, A. (1862) Vocabulaire de la langue des Bohémiens habitant les pays basques français Academie Impériale des Sciences, Bordeaux
  22. Azkue, Resurrección María de (1905) Diccionario Vasco Español Frances repr. Bilbao 1984
  23. Heinschink, Mozes & Krasa, Daniel Romani Wort für Wort Kauderwelsch 2004
  24. Lhande, Pierre Dictionnaire Basque-Français et Français-Basque Paris 1926
  25. Compare Sanskrit kama as in Kama Sutra.
  26. J. M. de O. El euskera de los gitanos. Euskal-Esnalea (1921)
  27. Laffitte, Pierre Grammaire Basque Pour Tous Haize Garbia, Hendaye 1981
  28. Saizar, Joxemi & Asurmendi, Mikel Argota: Hitz-jario ezezagun hori Argia Nr 1704, San Sebastián (1999)
  29. Izagirre, Koldo. Agirre Zaharraren Kartzelaldi Berriak. Elkar (1999)
  30. [Koldo Mitxelena|Mitxelena, Luis]
  31. Mitxelena, Luis Diccionario General Vasco - Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia VII Ere-Fa Euskaltzaindia, Bilbao (1992)
  32. Mitxelena, Luis Diccionario General Vasco - Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia VIII Fe-Gub Euskaltzaindia, Bilbao (1995)
  33. Mitxelena, Luis Diccionario General Vasco - Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia X Jad-Kop Euskaltzaindia, Bilbao (1997)