Erich Leie Explained

Erich Leie
Birth Date:10 September 1916
Birth Place:Kiel, German Empire
Death Place:Bielitz, German-occupied Poland
Placeofburial:Cemetery in Valašské Meziříčí
Rank:Major (major)
Commands:I./JG 2, I./JG 51, JG 77
Unit:JG 71, JG 2, JG 51, JG 77
Awards:Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

Erich Leie (10 September 1916 – 7 March 1945) was a German Luftwaffe military aviator and wing commander during World War II. As a fighter ace, he is credited with 121 aerial victories claimed in more than 500 combat missions. He claimed 44 on Western Front, 77 on the Eastern Front, including one four-engine bomber.

Born in Kiel, Leie grew up in the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany. In 1939, he served with Jagdgeschwader 51 (JG 51—51st Fighter Wing) before he was transferred to Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" (JG 2—2nd Fighter Wing) in early 1940. Flying with this wing, Leie claimed his first aerial victory on 14 May during the Battle of France and received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 1 August 1941. In June 1942, he was given command of I. Gruppe of JG 2. In 1943, he transferred back to JG 51 where he commanded I. Gruppe. This unit fought on the Eastern Front where he claimed his 100th aerial victory on 6 November 1943. In December 1944, he was given command of Jagdgeschwader 77 (JG 77—77th Fighter Wing). Leie was killed in action on 7 March 1945. Posthumously, he was promoted to Oberstleutnant (lieutenant colonel) and nominated for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves.

Early life and career

Leie was born on 10 September 1916 in Kiel, at the time in the Province of Schleswig-Holstein, a province of the Kingdom of Prussia. In August 1939, Leie temporarily led the Reservestaffel of Jagdgeschwader 71 (JG 71—71st Fighter Wing) until he was replaced by Oberleutnant (First Lieutenant) Horst Tietzen on 29 August.[1] The Reservestaffel was a training squadron equipped with the Messerschmitt Bf 109 D-1, at the time based at Bad Aibling and subordinated to the I. Gruppe (1st group) of Jagdgeschwader 51 (JG 51—51st Fighter Wing). On 26 August, during the German mobilization phase, the Reservestaffel was ordered to Fürstenfeldbruck where it was tasked with providing fighter protection over Munich.

World War II

World War II in Europe had begun on Friday 1 September 1939 when German forces invaded Poland. On 21 March 1940, Leie was transferred to III. Gruppe (3rd group) of Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" (JG 2—2nd Fighter Wing), named after World War I fighter ace Manfred von Richthofen. He claimed his first victory on 14 May during the Battle of France when he shot down a Bristol Blenheim bomber 12km (07miles) east of Sedan. By October 1940, Leie was serving with the Geschwaderstab (headquarters unit) of JG 2. On 28 November 1940, Leie was wingman of Major (Major) Helmut Wick, Geschwaderkommodore (wing commander) of JG 2, on a mission to the Isle of Weight. Leie claimed a Supermarine Spitfire fighter destroyed, his eleventh aerial victory. On that mission, Wick was killed in action when he was shot down, probably by Flight Lieutenant John Dundas of No. 609 Squadron who was also killed that day.

On 23 July 1941, he claimed six Spitfires shot down in one day, an "ace-in-a-day" achievement, taking his total to 21 aerial victories. For this, Leie was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (German: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) on 1 August 1941. He received the award from Feldmarschall (Field Marschal) Hugo Sperrle with fellow JG 2 "Richthofen" pilots Leutnant Egon Mayer and Oberleutnant Rudolf Pflanz on that day. The triple award presentation was recorded by the Deutsche Wochenschau (German Weekly Review), a newsreel series released in the cinemas. By the end of 1941, his total stood at 32 aerial victories. His 32nd claim was a Handley Page Halifax heavy bomber shot down on 30 December in the vicinity of Brest. On 26 January 1942, Leie claimed a Spitfire shot down south of Rame Head. The Spitfire was piloted by Kazimierz Kosinski from the No. 302 Polish Fighter Squadron who was killed in action on a shipping reconnaissance mission that day.

Group commander

On 24 June 1942, Leie was officially appointed as Gruppenkommandeur (group commander) of I. Gruppe of JG 2. Leie thus succeeded Hauptmann Ignaz Prestele in this capacity who had been killed in action on 4 May 1942. He saw action in the air battle of the Dieppe Raid on 19 August and claimed a Spitfire shot down 5km (03miles) north of Dieppe. This was his last claim on the Western Front. He was then shot down and wounded, bailing out of his Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-2 (Werknummer 0326—factory number) 12km (07miles) southwest of Abbeville.

His injuries required hospitalization. Leie returned to his unit on 2 October 1942. During his convalescence, Oberleutnant Christian Eickhoff temporarily led I. Gruppe. On 13 August, Sperrle had approved Leie's preferential promotion to Hauptmann (captain). The Gruppe saw relatively little action in October. In fear of an Allied invasion on the French Mediterranean coast, I. Gruppe was ordered to Marseille-Marignane airfield on 8 November. There, it was tasked with providing fighter protection over the coastal area. Without engaging in aerial combat, the Gruppe stayed in Southern France until the end of 1942.

Eastern Front

In January 1943, Leie transferred as Gruppenkommandeur to I. Gruppe of JG 51, based on the Eastern Front. Command of I. Gruppe of JG 2 was then given to Major Helmut Bolz. Leie had received the transfer-order on 6 January and arrived at his new unit on 17 January which at the time was based at IsotschaКрасный_Посёлок_(Невельский_район) near Nevel. That day, Leie's predecessor as Gruppenkommandeur, Oberleutnant Rudolf Busch, was killed in action when he collided in mid-air with Geschwaderkommodore Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) Karl-Gottfried Nordmann. At the time of Leie's arrival on the Eastern Front, Soviet and German forces were engaged in the Battle for Velikiye Luki and in the Battles of Rzhev in the sector of JG 51 area of operation. On 28 January, I. Gruppe was forced to give up its airfield at Isotscha and moved to an airfield west of Oryol. Flying from Oryol, Leie claimed a Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 fighter shot down on 2 February, his first aerial victory on the Eastern Front.

Leie led the Gruppe during the offensive operations leading up to Operation Citadel, which initiated the Battle of Kursk. The battle began on 5 July 1943 with I. Gruppe of JG 51 supporting the German 9th Army in its northern attack on the Kursk salient. For the first days of the operation, I. Gruppe primary task was to provide fighter escort for the bombers of Kampfgeschwader 4, Kampfgeschwader 51 and Kampfgeschwader 53, as well as for the Junkers Ju 87 dive bombers of Sturzkampfgeschwader 1. On the first day of the Zitadelle, Leie claimed his 50th aerial victory, an Il-2 shot down in the vicinity of Maloarkhangelsk.

On 6 November 1943 Leie, by now a Major, recorded his 100th victory. He was the 57th Luftwaffe pilot to achieve the century mark. After a lengthy spell of leave, he returned in late March 1944. On 6 July, during Operation Bagration, he was shot down by Soviet fighters. He baled out over Soviet lines but on descending by parachute, was blown back over German lines. By the end of October 1944, Leie's victory total stood at 117.

Wing commander of JG 77 and death

On 29 December 1944, Leie was appointed Geschwaderkommodore of Jagdgeschwader 77 (JG 77—77th Fighter Wing). He replaced Major Siegfried Freytag in this function who had temporarily assumed command after Major Johannes Wiese was wounded in combat on 25 December. Freytag continued to lead JG 77 until Leie's arrival with the Geschwader on 15 January 1945. Command of his former I. Gruppe of JG 51 was passed to Hauptmann Günther Schack. On 12 January, the Red Army had launched the Vistula–Oder Offensive on the Eastern Front. The offensive required the Luftwaffe to relocate its forces, defeated Army Group A, taking much of Poland and striking deep within the pre-war borders of Germany. JG 77 was one of the first Luftwaffe fighter units ordered to relocate to the Eastern Front on 19 January.

As Geschwaderkommodore, Leie was ordered to Berlin on 22 January 1945 and attended the meeting with Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring which was later dubbed the Fighter Pilots' Mutiny. This was an attempt to reinstate Generalleutnant Adolf Galland as General der Jagdflieger who had been dismissed for outspokenness regarding the Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (Luftwaffe high command), and had been replaced by Oberst Gordon Gollob. The meeting was held at the Haus der Flieger in Berlin and was attended by a number of high-ranking fighter pilot leaders which included Leie, Günther Lützow, Hannes Trautloft, Hermann Graf, Gerhard Michalski, Helmut Bennemann, Kurt Bühligen and Herbert Ihlefeld, and their antagonist Göring supported by his staff Bernd von Brauchitsch and Karl Koller. The fighter pilots, with Lützow taking the lead as spokesman, criticized Göring and made him personally responsible for the decisions taken which effectively had led to the lost air war over Europe.

On 7 March 1945, Leie claimed his last two aerial victories and was killed in action. At 14:56, he claimed a La-5 shot down. Half an hour later, he claimed a Yakovlev Yak-9 fighter west of Bielitz, present-day Bielsko-Biała, but collided in mid-air with the crashing Yak-9 fighter in his Bf 109 G-14/AS (Werknummer 786329—factory number). He baled out at an altitude of 60m (200feet), too low for his parachute to fully deploy. Posthumously, he was nominated for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (German: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub) which was not approved. He was buried at the German war cemetery in Valašské Meziříčí.

Summary of career

Aerial victory claims

According to US historian David T. Zabecki, Leie was credited with 118 aerial victories. Spick also lists him with 118 aerial victories, 75 on the Eastern Front and 43 on the Western Front, claimed in approximately 500 combat missions. Mathews and Foreman, authors of Luftwaffe Aces – Biographies and Victory Claims, researched the German Federal Archives and found records for 121 aerial victory claims, plus one further unconfirmed claim. This figure includes 77 aerial victories on the Eastern Front and 44 over the Western Allies, including one four-engine bomber.

Victory claims were logged to a map-reference (PQ = Planquadrat), for example "PQ 14 West 4911". The Luftwaffe grid map (German: Jägermeldenetz) covered all of Europe, western Russia and North Africa and was composed of rectangles measuring 15 minutes of latitude by 30 minutes of longitude, an area of about 360sqmi. These sectors were then subdivided into 36 smaller units to give a location area 3x in size.

Chronicle of aerial victories
Stab III. Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" –
Battle of France — 10 May – 25 June 1940
114 May 194019:20Blenheim12km (07miles) east of Sedan
Stab I. Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" –
At the Channel and over England — 26 June 1940 – 21 June 1941
25 October 194015:58Hurricanesouth of Bournemouth
Stab of Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" –
Battle of France — 10 May – 25 June 1940
329 October 194015:29HurricanePortsmouth87 November 194015:25Hurricanesouth of Portsmouth
45 November 194014:35Hurricanenortheast of the Isle of Portland97 November 194015:25Hurricanesouth of Portsmouth
55 November 194014:40Spitfirenortheast of Portland1010 November 194015:43Spitfireeast of Portland
66 November 194015:35HurricaneSouthampton1128 November 194015:17Spitfiresouth of the Isle of Wight
76 November 194015:37HurricaneSouthampton
Stab of Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" –
On the Western Front — 22 June – 31 December 1941
1222 June 194116:10SpitfireArques2210 August 194114:25Hurricane14km (09miles) northeast of Calais
1324 June 194120:55Spitfireeast of Calais2312 August 194112:54Spitfirenorthwest of Saint-Omer
1424 June 194120:57Spitfirenorth of Calais2412 August 194113:08Spitfire15km (09miles) southeast of Dover
25 June 194116:30Spitfirenortheast of Boulogne2512 August 194119:28Spitfire12km (07miles) south of Dungeness
156 July 194114:35Spitfire30km (20miles) north of Grand-Fort-Philippe2621 August 194115:15Spitfiresouth of Étaples
16♠23 July 194113:21Spitfire10km (10miles) east of Calais2713 October 194114:40Spitfire15km (09miles) west of Boulogne
17♠23 July 194113:28Spitfirenorthwest of Calais2813 October 194114:43Spitfire25km (16miles) west of Boulogne
18♠23 July 194120:35Spitfirewest of Hesdin2913 October 194115:40Spitfire5km (03miles) west-northwest of Étaples
19♠23 July 194120:39Spitfirewest of Hesdin308 November 194112:30SpitfireBaie de Somme
20♠23 July 194120:43Spitfiresouthwest of Berck318 December 194115:45Spitfire35km (22miles) west of Boulogne
21♠23 July 194120:47Spitfire20km (10miles) west of Berck3230 December 194115:30HalifaxPQ 14 West 4911
vicinity of Brest
Stab of Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" –
On the Western Front — 1 January – May 1942
338 January 194210:09HudsonPQ 14 West 6927371 May 194219:40Spitfirenorthwest of Cap Gris-Nez
3426 January 194213:40SpitfirePQ 14 West 6042
off Rame Head
3819 May 194215:23Spitfire40km (30miles) north of Fécamp
352 February 194219:05Beaufort18km (11miles) north-northwest of Brignogan-Plages392 June 194217:45Spitfire20km (10miles) south-southeast of Eastbourne
25 April 194216:45?Spitfire25km (16miles) west of Le Crotoy403 June 194216:39Spitfire40km (30miles) northwest of Le Havre
361 May 194219:37Spitfire15km (09miles) west-northwest of Wissant415 June 194215:35Spitfire50km (30miles) northwest of Fécamp
Stab I. Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" –
On the Western Front — June – 31 December 1942
4226 June 194217:44Spitfire50km (30miles) north of Fécamp4319 August 194211:50Spitfire5km (03miles) north of Dieppe
Stab I. Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders" –
Eastern Front — February 1943
442 February 194314:05MiG-3PQ 7376
Stab I. Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders" –
Eastern Front — 4 February 1943 – 31 December 1943
454 February 194312:10Il-2PQ 35 Ost 63632, Kosakowa
25km (16miles) east-northeast of Maloarkhangelsk
757 September 194312:29LaGG-3PQ 35 Ost 35893
25km (16miles) west-southwest of Kirov
465 February 194314:25Il-2PQ 35 Ost 73551, east of Tatrino
25km (16miles) west-southwest of Livny
769 September 194315:40La-5PQ 35 Ost 34235
25km (16miles) southeast of Kirov
4716 March 194311:27Pe-2PQ 35 Ost 44593, north of Bryansk
10km (10miles) northeast of Bryansk
7710 September 194313:53Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 44712
20km (10miles) west-northwest of Bryansk
48?4 June 194319:35Pe-25km (03miles) west of Bokowoje7810 September 194313:56Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 44728
10km (10miles) west of Bryansk
498 June 194319:35Yak-7PQ 35 Ost 53423, Kromy
5km (03miles) west of Kromy
7910 September 194314:00Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 44766
15km (09miles) south of Bryansk
505 July 194318:44Il-2PQ 35 Ost 63534
vicinity of Maloarkhangelsk
8011 September 194311:10Yak-7PQ 35 Ost 44229
25km (16miles) north of Zhizdra
5111 July 194319:00P-39PQ 35 Ost 63572
20km (10miles) south-southeast of Trosna
8111 September 194311:32Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 44769
15km (09miles) south of Bryansk
5213 July 194313:44Il-2PQ 35 Ost 63255
10km (10miles) south of Zalegoshch
8215 September 194309:34La-5PQ 35 Ost 35348
15km (09miles) northwest of Yelnya
5313 July 194313:48Il-2PQ 35 Ost 64894
25km (16miles) east-northeast of Zalegoshch
8315 September 194313:20Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 35378
10km (10miles) west of Yelnya
5413 July 194314:05Il-2PQ 35 Ost 63213
vicinity of Zalegoshch
8415 September 194313:25La-5PQ 35 Ost 25465
20km (10miles) west of Yelnya
5513 July 194318:32Yak-1PQ 35 Ost 64878
10km (10miles) north of Zalegoshch
8515 September 194313:40Pe-2PQ 35 Ost 25466
20km (10miles) west-northwest of Yelnya
5629 July 194316:28LaGG-3PQ 35 Ost 54653, southwest of Bolkhov
25km (16miles) east-northeast of Belyov
8617 September 194311:32Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 35511
15km (09miles) south-southwest of Yelnya
5729 July 194316:57Il-2PQ 35 Ost 54648, southwest of Bolkhov
20km (10miles) northeast of Znamenskoye
874 October 194315:51Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 15318
25km (16miles) northwest of Krassnyj
5829 July 194318:55Il-2PQ 35 Ost 64755
20km (10miles) northeast of Orel
885 October 194310:46Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 06891
vicinity of Gorki
5931 July 194311:49La-5PQ 35 Ost 64548
10km (10miles) west of Telche
895 October 194310:47Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 06868
15km (09miles) northeast of Liozna
601 August 194310:10Su-2 (Seversky)PQ 35 Ost 53522
5km (03miles) southeast of Dmitrowsk-Orlowskiy
905 October 194310:48Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 06833
20km (10miles) north-northeast of Liozna
611 August 194318:45Yak-1PQ 35 Ost 53446
15km (09miles) south-southeast of Sockowo
915 October 194315:19La-5PQ 35 Ost 15378
20km (10miles) west of Krassnyj
622 August 194310:05Pe-2PQ 35 Ost 53528
5km (03miles) southeast of Dmitrowsk-Orlowskiy
926 October 194312:08LaGG-3PQ 35 Ost 06152
25km (16miles) southeast of Nevel
634 August 194316:59La-5PQ 35 Ost 53355
20km (10miles) southwest of Sockowo
936 October 194315:42Pe-2PQ 35 Ost 06219
646 August 194316:59Il-2PQ 35 Ost 54599
10km (10miles) north of Znamenskoye
9415 October 194307:53Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 15617
15km (09miles) southeast of Krassnyj
657 August 194308:20?LaGG-3PQ 35 Ost 54762
10km (10miles) south of Znamenskoye
9520 October 194315:20Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 03876
40km (30miles) south-southeast of Rechytsa
667 August 194314:00?Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 54733
vicinity of Znamenskoye
9622 October 194311:44Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 02246
45km (28miles) northwest of Ossijaki
677 August 194314:05Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 54738
vicinity of Znamenskoye
9722 October 194311:49Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 02227
40km (30miles) northwest of Ossijaki
688 August 194316:32Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 35423
40km (30miles) north-northwest of Spas-Demensk
9823 October 194315:29Yak-9PQ 35 Ost 05463
30km (20miles) east-northeast of Orsha
698 August 194316:41Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 35491
20km (10miles) north-northwest of Spas-Demensk
9929 October 194312:24Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 05451
15km (09miles) southwest of Orsha
708 August 194316:45Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 35636
10km (10miles) northwest of Spas-Demensk
1006 November 194315:00La-5PQ 35 Ost 01754
10km (10miles) southwest of Vasilikov
718 August 194316:46Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 45514
10km (10miles) north of Spas-Demensk
1016 November 194315:03Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 01756
10km (10miles) southwest of Vasilikov
7212 August 194312:50La-5PQ 35 Ost 51574
vicinity of Kirikowka
1026 November 194315:05Il-2 m.H.PQ 35 Ost 01738
10km (10miles) east of Vasilikov
7312 August 194313:25La-5PQ 35 Ost 51387
vicinity of Slawgorod
1036 November 194315:15La-5PQ 35 Ost 01677
20km (10miles) south-southeast of Kiev
7413 August 194316:55La-5PQ 35 Ost 50289
20km (10miles) west of Merefa
Stab I. Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders" –
Eastern Front — 1 January – 31 December 1944
10429 March 194412:37Yak-7PQ 35 Ost N/04457
25km (16miles) southwest of Tschaussy
1119 October 194413:01?Yak-9PQ 25 Ost N/26868
20km (10miles) southeast of Tauroggen
1051 April 194412:16?Yak-9PQ 35 Ost N/04593
25km (16miles) south-southeast of Stara Bychow
1129 October 194416:00Il-2 m.H.PQ 25 Ost N/26872
25km (16miles) east-northeast of Neusiedel
1068 April 194409:30Yak-9PQ 25 Ost N/42688
10km (10miles) north of Kovel
11313 October 194413:36Pe-2PQ 25 Ost N/25312
10km (10miles) east of Neusiedel
1074 September 194417:19Il-2 m.H.PQ 25 Ost N/14871
10km (10miles) south of Ostroleka
11414 October 194415:12Il-2 m.H.PQ 25 Ost N/16624
15km (09miles) east of Laschon
1085 September 194416:14Yak-7PQ 25 Ost N/13344
20km (10miles) east of Nasielsk
11514 October 194415:13Il-2 m.H.PQ 25 Ost N/16655
15km (09miles) east-southeast of Laschon
1095 September 194416:17Il-2 m.H.PQ 25 Ost N/13347
20km (10miles) east of Nasielsk
11614 October 194415:42Il-2 m.H.PQ 25 Ost N/16176
15km (09miles) north of Memel
1106 September 194415:02Il-2 m.H.PQ 25 Ost N/13348
20km (10miles) east of Nasielsk
11716 October 194413:05Yak-9PQ 25 Ost N/25621
15km (09miles) east-southeast of Trakehnen
Stab of Jagdgeschwader 77 –
Defense of the Reich on the Eastern Front — January – May 1945
11814 February 194516:13Il-21207 March 194514:56La-5
11920 February 194516:29La-51217 March 194515:30Yak-9




Notes and References

  1. For an explanation of Luftwaffe unit designations see Organization of the Luftwaffe during World War II.