Epigrammata Bobiensia is a collection of texts including epigrams and poems.[1] The original manuscript was found in the library of Bobbio Abbey in 1493, but was lost. A copy was discovered in the Vatican Library by Augusto Campana in the mid-20th century, and published by Franco Munari. The collection includes 70 epigrams mostly dating from around 400 AD, and 71 poems, one of which is attributed to Sulpicia,[1] though since the late 19th century most (though not all) scholars have considered it a forgery contemporary with the rest of the collection.[2] The most represented author is Junius Naucellius.[3]
Nolfo, Fabio (2015). "Epigr. Bob. 45 Sp. (= Ps. Auson. 2 pp. 420 s. Peip.): la palinodia di Didone negli 'Epigrammata Bobiensia' e la sua rappresentazione iconica", «Sileno» XLI (1-2), pp. 277-304
Nolfo, Fabio (2018). "Su alcuni aspetti del ‘movimento elegiaco’ di un epigramma tardoantico: la 'Dido Bobiensis' / Some aspects of the ‘elegiac movement’ in a late antique epigram: the 'Dido Bobiensis'", «Vichiana» LV (2), pp. 71-90.