English runic inscription 2 (E 2, or Br E2) is a Viking Age runic inscription from the early 11th century, in a coffin of limestone in Saint Paul's Cathedral in London.[1] The stone is in style Pr2, also known as Ringerike style.[1] It has remains of dark blue and red colour.[1] The stone is placed in the Museum of London.[2]
It is possible that it was made in memory of a Viking warrior who died in service of King Canute the Great,[3] and the creature on the stone may represent Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse.[4]
Latin transliteration:
k-na : let : legia : st¶in : þensi : auk : tuki :
Old Norse transcription:
G[i]nna(?)/G[í]na(?) lét leggja stein þenna ok Tóki.
English translation:
"Ginna(?)/Gína(?) had this stone laid and (i.e. with) Tóki."