English Standard Version Explained

English Standard Version
Image Alt Text:Image of an ESV Pew Bible
Complete Bible Published:2001
Derived From:Revised Standard Version (2nd ed., 1971)
Translation Type:Formal equivalence[1]
Reading Level:Eighth grade[2]
Version Revised:2007, 2011, 2016
Copyright:The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.ESV Text Edition: 2016
Copies Printed:290,000,000[3]
Religious Affiliation:Evangelical
Genesis 1:1-3:In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
John 3:16:"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

The English Standard Version (ESV) is a translation of the Bible in contemporary English. Published in 2001 by Crossway, the ESV was "created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors."[4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The ESV relies on recently published critical editions of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts.

Crossway claims that the ESV continues a legacy of precision and faithfulness in translating the original text into English. It describes the ESV as a translation that adheres to an "essentially literal" translation philosophy, taking into account "differences in grammar, syntax, and idiom between current literary English and the original languages." It also describes the ESV as a translation that "emphasizes 'word-for-word' accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning."

Since its official publication, the ESV has received endorsement from numerous evangelical pastors and theologians, including John Piper and R. C. Sproul.[9]



During the early 1990s, Crossway president Lane T. Dennis engaged in discussions with various Christian scholars and pastors regarding the need for a new literal translation of the Bible.[10] In 1997,[11] Dennis contacted the National Council of Churches (NCC) and proceeded to enter negotiations, alongside Trinity Evangelical Divinity School professor Wayne Grudem, to obtain rights to use the 1971 text edition of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) as the starting point for a new translation.[12] In September 1998, an agreement was reached with the NCC for Crossway to use and modify the 1971 RSV text, thereby enabling the creation of a new translation. Crossway moved forward from this position by forming a translation committee and initiating work on the English Standard Version. Crossway officially published the ESV in 2001.

In 1999, World reported of "feminists" noticing links between Crossway and the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW). Members of the CBMW had earlier been involved in criticizing plans made by Zondervan's New International Version (NIV) translation committee to publish a gender-neutral edition of the NIV.[13] Grudem, who was president of the CBMW at the time, responded by stating, "This [translation] is not a CBMW project."

Translation Oversight Committee

Chaired by Dennis, the fourteen-member Translation Oversight Committee was aided by more than fifty biblical experts serving as review scholars. The translation committee also received input from the Advisory Council, having more than fifty members. J. I. Packer served as general editor of the translation.[14] Grudem states that the NET Bible study notes were one resource that the translation committee consulted during the translation process.[15] He also claims that the translation committee meets approximately every 5–7 years to consider text revisions.[16]

The original translation committee featured the following notable individuals:[17]

By 2011, Robert H. Mounce and William (Bill) Mounce had become emeritus members.[18] Having served as the ESV New Testament Chair, Bill Mounce's role was assigned to Vern Poythress. Writing on his personal blog in 2009, Mounce described his relationship to the ESV, having accepted a position on the NIV translation committee:

By late 2023, Paul R. House, J. I. Packer, Leland Ryken, Gordon Wenham, and Bruce Winter had retired from the translation committee. In addition, the following individuals had joined by this time:


In 2008, Crossway published the ESV Study Bible, which would go on to sell more than 1 million copies.[19] In 2009, the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association named the ESV Study Bible as Christian Book of the Year. This was the first time in the award's 30-year history to be given to a study Bible.[20]

In 2011, Crossway published a special limited edition ESV New Classic Reference Bible to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the King James Version (KJV) first being published.[21] Having a foreword by Leland Ryken, it features a selection of artwork created by Makoto Fujimura for The Four Holy Gospels,[22] a separate edition produced to match the size of the original KJV printing.

According to Crossway, more than 100 million printed copies of the translation had been distributed as of 2015, 250 million as of 2021, and 290 million as of 2023.

Debate surrounding translation philosophy

At the 2008 annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Mark L. Strauss presented a paper titled "Why the English Standard Version should not become the Standard English Version: How to make a good translation much better." In the paper, Strauss criticizes the ESV for using dated language, among other perceived issues, such as using gender-neutral language inconsistently in translation.[23] ESV translator Bill Mounce responded to Strauss's criticism:

Strauss invited Mounce to engage further through participation at the following annual meeting. In 2009, Mounce presented his formal response paper titled "Can the ESV and TNIV Co-Exist in the Same Universe?" In the paper, Mounce describes various points regarding his view of the need for both formal and functional translations.[24]

In October 2019, University of Oklahoma Sociology Associate Professor Samuel L. Perry published a journal article titled "The Bible as a Product of Cultural Power: The Case of Gender Ideology in the English Standard Version." In the article, Perry attempts to demonstrate "how a more critical approach toward 'the Bible' can provide richer, more sophisticated sociological analyses of power and cultural reproduction within Christian traditions." Perry argues that Crossway's ESV translation committee made "intentional, systematic changes" into the ESV for the purpose of being able to "publish and mass-market a text more amenable to conservative, complementarian interpretations." Perry further argues that the ESV translation committee "have engaged in more covert means of cultural reproduction, not only disseminating their interpretation of the biblical text, but manipulating the text itself."[25] The ESV Study Bible often details in its study notes why a complementarian interpretation of the original text may have been rendered in translation.

In 2020, the Ireland-based Association of Catholic Priests criticized the ESV for its position on the use of gender-neutral language, perceiving the use of terms such as "mankind" and "brothers" to be "not just out of sync with modern usage but are culturally regarded as diminishing and disrespectful of women."[26]

In June 2021, Samuel L. Perry published a journal article titled "Whitewashing Evangelical Scripture: The Case of Slavery and Antisemitism in the English Standard Version." In the article, Perry attempts to demonstrate how "the ESV editors, while modifying certain RSV renderings to establish transitivity for their text among complementarian/biblicist Christians, sought to establish intransitivity between the text and more pejorative social interpretations by progressively re-translating lexically ambiguous terms and introducing footnotes to obviate the Bible’s ostensible promotion of slavery and antisemitism."[27] In turn, Perry was interviewed by Salon regarding the content of the article.[28] Boyce College Professor of Biblical Studies Denny Burk points out that Perry makes a "significant error" in referring to Grudem as the general editor of the ESV.[29] In July 2021, Bible Study Magazine editor Mark Ward published an article to his personal blog in response:

One Million Bibles Initiative

In November 2022, Crossway began an effort to fund and distribute 1 million ESV Bibles throughout English-speaking regions in the Global South, with a primary focus on Africa and Asia. Having been designed on a funding model where Bibles produced at cost are either donated or strategically subsidized, the project was initiated to resource Christians and pastors in low-income communities with study Bibles and various other editions, helping prevent "biblical illiteracy, spiritual malnourishment, and the transmission of false teaching run rampant."[30] [31]

Crossway claims that its ministry partners were in the process of distributing more than 435,000 Bibles by the end of 2023.

Literary attributes

Relationship to the Revised Standard Version

The ESV is derived from the 1971 text edition of the Revised Standard Version.[32] ESV translation committee member Wayne Grudem claims that approximately eight percent (or about 60,000 words) of the 1971 RSV text being used for the ESV was revised as of first publication in 2001. Grudem states that the committee removed "every trace of liberal influence that had caused such criticism from evangelicals when the RSV was first published in 1952." Although, Grudem also states that much of the 1971 RSV text left unchanged by the committee "is simply 'the best of the best' of the KJV tradition."[33]


Theologian Tim Challies has praised the ESV for its commitment to literary excellence:

Crossway claims that the ESV "retains theological terminology—words such as grace, faith, justification, sanctification, redemption, regeneration, reconciliation, propitiation—because of their central importance for Christian doctrine and also because the underlying Greek words were already becoming key words and technical terms among Christians in New Testament times." It also claims that the ESV lets the distinct writing styles of the various biblical writers come through the translated text.

Position on gender-neutral language

The ESV translation committee states that "the goal of the ESV is to render literally what is in the original." The committee expands on this position in claiming that, although the ESV avoids using gender-neutral language (for the purpose of preserving contextual meaning found in the original text), the translation does utilize gender-neutral language in specific cases.[34] The committee further states that its objective was "transparency to the original text, allowing the reader to understand the original on its own terms rather than in the terms of our present-day Western culture."

Revisions and other editions

2002 text correction

In 2002, Crossway published an unannounced revision to the original 2001 text to make several corrections, these being in areas where it was believed "that a mistake had been made in translation." This includes a revision in Romans 3:9, changing "under the power of sin" to "under sin."

Anglicized edition

In 2002, Collins published the English Standard Version: Anglicized Edition in the United Kingdom.[35]

2007 text edition

Crossway published a revision of the ESV text in 2007 as "ESV Text Edition: 2007." The revision makes minor changes to the 2002 corrected edition.[36]

Oxford Apocrypha edition

In 2009, Oxford University Press published the English Standard Version Bible with Apocrypha. This edition includes the Apocrypha, placed at the back of the Bible, intended for "denominations that use those books in liturgical readings and for students who need them for historical purposes."[37]

2011 text edition

Crossway published a revision of the ESV text in 2011 as "ESV Text Edition: 2011." The revision changes fewer than 500 words in total throughout 275 verses from the 2007 text. The changes were made in each case to "correct grammar, improve consistency, or increase precision in meaning."[38] A notable revision was made in Isaiah 53:5, changing "wounded for our transgressions" to "pierced for our transgressions" in the revised text.[39] In addition, the ESV translation committee decided to modify the use of the word "slave" (being the Greek word doulos) on a case by case basis throughout the New Testament, being retranslated to either "bondservant" or "servant" to disambiguate the context of the situation.[40] [41]

Gideons edition

In 2013, Gideons International permanently transitioned from the New King James Version to the ESV as their translation of choice for free of charge distribution Bibles. In addition to being granted licensing for the ESV text (for the purpose of distribution), Crossway gave Gideons International permission to modify the text to use alternative readings based on the Textus Receptus. The Gideons edition uses more than 50 alternative readings.[42]

2016 text edition

Crossway published a revision of the ESV text in 2016 as the "ESV Permanent Text Edition (2016)." The revision changes 52 words in total throughout 29 verses from the 2011 text.[43] In addition, it also features an update of the textual basis for both the Old Testament and New Testament. A notable revision was made in Genesis 3:16 to use a complementarian interpretation of the original text: switching "shall be toward" with "shall be contrary to" in the revised text.[44] [45] The previous rendering can be found in the footnotes[46] (excluding any editions that specifically do not have footnotes, such as the ESV Reader's Bible[47]). The ESV Study Bible details in its study notes the revised interpretation in relation to a parallel understanding of 3:16 with both 4:7 (which shares the Hebrew word teshuqah; this verse having also been updated in the 2016 text) and Ephesians 5:21–32.[48]

Coinciding with the release of the revision, Crossway announced that "the text of the ESV Bible will remain unchanged in all future editions printed and published by Crossway." However, in a statement from Lane T. Dennis the following month, the new policy was abandoned "to allow for ongoing periodic updating of the text to reflect the realities of biblical scholarship such as textual discoveries or changes in English over time."[49] In the statement, Dennis responded to public discourse surrounding the policy: "We have become convinced that this decision was a mistake. We apologize for this and for any concern this has caused for readers of the ESV."[50] The revision was subsequently republished as "ESV Text Edition: 2016."

Catholic edition

In 2018, the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India published the ESV Catholic Edition Bible (ESV-CE), which includes the deuterocanonical books in Catholic canonical order.[51] With permission from Crossway, a team of Catholic scholars reviewed the text of the ESV in light of the Vatican's translation principles as set forth in Liturgiam authenticam, making approved modifications where needed to adhere to Catholic teaching.[52] [53]

In 2019, the Augustine Institute published the ESV-CE in North America as The Augustine Bible.[54] [55] In October 2021, following these developments, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge published its own version of the ESV-CE, newly typeset and with anglicized spelling, in multiple formats.[56]

Anglican edition

In 2019, Anglican Liturgy Press published the ESV with Apocrypha. This edition includes the Apocrypha, placed at the back of the Bible.[57] [58] Having been approved by the ESV translation committee, the Apocrypha text found in this edition is a minor revision of the 2009 text published by Oxford University Press. A notable revision was made in retranslating the Book of Tobit.[59] It was rereleased in 2023 as a bonded leather hardcover edition.[60] [61]

Future text edition

In May 2024, Grudem mentioned that the ESV translation committee was planning to meet in Wheaton, Illinois, in July 2024 to consider approximately 120 suggested changes to the ESV text. He estimated that the committee would approve around 30 to 40 of these suggestions, including "little tweaks to the wording [that] make it consistent with where we’ve translated the same phrase elsewhere".


Audio Bibles

In August 2003, Crossway released its first audio Bible, being the New Testament read by Marquis Laughlin.[62] Shortly after, the New York City-based Fellowship for Performing Arts released an ESV audio Bible read by Max McLean, having been produced by Liz Donato and recorded under a licensing agreement. The first format released was the New Testament as a set of 12 cassette tapes, having been published by Crossway on October 31, 2003, being the 486th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.[63] A set of New Testament CDs was published the following month,[64] and the full audio Bible was published in 2004.[65] The full audio Bible was rereleased in May 2024.[66]

In 2008, Crossway released an audio Bible featuring the voice of David Cochran Heath. This was published on October 31, 2008, being the 491th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.[67]

In late 2023, Crossway finished releasing six new audio Bibles, having been read by Conrad Mbewe, Kristyn Getty, Ray Ortlund, Jackie Hill Perry, Robert Smith Jr., and Michael Reeves.[68] [69] The entire project took approximately 6,000 hours of production labor. Ortlund called his recording experience "the most exacting, precise, detailed, and demanding task I’ve performed since my doctoral work 40 years ago," in addition to being "immensely satisfying." Ortlund used The HarperCollins Bible Pronunciation Guide[70] as a linguistic aid during production.

Study Bibles

The ESV has been used as the Bible text for a number of study Bible editions, including but not limited to:


In August 2006,[82] the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod released the Lutheran Service Book (LSB), which uses the ESV as its primary Bible text. With permission from Crossway, the LSB occasionally uses an alternative reading of the ESV in accordance with its original translation principles.[83]

In April 2020, the Catholic Church in India started using a new English lectionary which uses the ESV-CE as its Bible text (excluding the book of Psalms, which uses the Grail Psalms translation instead).[84]

In July 2020, the Bishops' Conference of Scotland approved the preparation of a new lectionary based on the ESV-CE. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales also approved their own lectionary to be based on the ESV-CE.[85]

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Bible Translation Spectrum . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20230107020807/https://wiki.logos.com/Bible_Translation_Spectrum . January 7, 2023 . January 7, 2023 . Logos Bible Software Wiki.
  2. Web site: August 8, 2005 . ESV Readability (Grade Levels) . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20150317032956/https://www.crossway.org/blog/2005/08/readability-grade-levels/ . March 17, 2015 . January 2, 2021 . Crossway.
  3. Web site: Crossway Global Ministry: 2023 Annual Report . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240301065924/https://uploads.crossway.org/excerpt/gm-annual-report-digital-single-pages.pdf . March 1, 2024 . March 1, 2024 . Crossway.
  4. Web site: About the ESV . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20231223023218/https://www.esv.org/about/ . December 23, 2023 . December 23, 2023 . ESV.org.
  5. Web site: Preface to the English Standard Version . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20200526061435/https://www.esv.org/preface/ . May 26, 2020 . February 23, 2021 . ESV.org . The ESV publishing team has included more than a hundred people. The fourteen-member Translation Oversight Committee benefited from the work of more than fifty biblical experts serving as Translation Review Scholars and from the comments of the more than fifty members of the Advisory Council, all of which was carried out under the auspices of the Crossway Board of Directors. This hundred-plus-member team shares a common commitment to the truth of God’s Word and to historic Christian orthodoxy and is international in scope, including leaders in many denominations..
  6. Web site: Oversight Committee . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20231223023430/https://www.esv.org/about/oversight-committee/ . December 23, 2023 . December 23, 2023 . ESV.org.
  7. Web site: Review Scholars . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20231223023521/https://www.esv.org/about/review-scholars/ . December 23, 2023 . December 23, 2023 . ESV.org.
  8. Web site: Advisory Council . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20080308210757/https://www.esv.org/translation/council . March 8, 2008 . February 25, 2023 . ESV.org.
  9. Web site: Endorsements . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20231223023800/https://www.esv.org/about/endorsements/ . December 23, 2023 . December 23, 2023 . ESV.org.
  10. Web site: Carter . Joe . September 30, 2016 . 9 Things You Should Know About the ESV Bible . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20200531051802/https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/9-things-you-should-know-about-the-esv-bible/ . May 31, 2020 . February 13, 2021 . The Gospel Coalition . en.
  11. Web site: October 24, 2018 . The History of the English Standard Version . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20210103230730/https://vimeo.com/296936005 . January 3, 2021 . January 4, 2021 . Vimeo (Crossway) . And then in 1997 I had a call from John Piper, and John Piper said, 'Yes, we really do need this.' And so, I made a phone call to obtain the rights to the RSV text; and to adapt and revise, and basically create a new translation..
  12. News: Bayly . David . May 6, 1999 . Decline of the NIV? . . live . limited . February 13, 2023 . https://web.archive.org/web/20230213212256/https://wng.org/articles/decline-of-the-niv-1617643998 . February 13, 2023.
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  14. Web site: Packer . J. I. . October 2, 2021 . An Interview with J. I. Packer on the Origin and Significance of the ESV Bible . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20211004201722/https://www.crossway.org/articles/an-interview-with-j-i-packer-on-the-origin-and-significance-of-the-esv-bible/ . October 4, 2021 . October 5, 2021 . Crossway.
  15. Web site: Endorsements . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240111021417/https://netbible.com/endorsements/ . January 11, 2024 . January 11, 2024 . NET Bible.
  16. News: Kircher . Travis K. . May 29, 2024 . A chat with Wayne Grudem . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240602080940/https://wng.org/roundups/a-chat-with-wayne-grudem-1717022946 . June 2, 2024 . June 2, 2024 . World.
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  19. Web site: ESV Study Bible . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107212344/https://www.crossway.org/bibles/esv-study-bible-case/ . January 7, 2021 . January 7, 2021 . Crossway.
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  29. Web site: Burk . Denny . January 23, 2023 . The Bible of 'Trumpists'? Hardly. . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20230303225554/https://www.dennyburk.com/the-bible-of-trumpists-hardly/ . March 3, 2023 . March 3, 2023 . Denny Burk.
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  31. News: Goins-Phillips . Tré . May 15, 2023 . Major Publisher Launches Next Phase of Campaign to Distribute One Million Bibles to Christians in Global South . . live . November 9, 2023 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231109003616/https://www.faithwire.com/2023/05/15/major-publisher-launches-next-phase-of-campaign-to-distribute-one-million-bibles-to-christians-in-global-south/ . November 9, 2023.
  32. Stec . David M. . July 2004 . Schellenberg . Annette . Review: The Holy Bible: English Standard Version . . . . 54 . 3 . 421 . 0042-4935 . 1568-5330 . 1518879 . 56003071 . 46606373.
  33. Web site: Grudem . Wayne . July 6, 2015 . The Advantages of the English Standard Version (ESV) Translation . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20230225060245/https://www.waynegrudem.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/The-advantages-of-the-ESV.pdf . February 25, 2023 . April 16, 2022 .
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  37. Book: English Standard Version Bible with Apocrypha . Oxford University Press . 2009 . 978-0-1952-8910-7 . New York . https://web.archive.org/web/20230321210933/https://books.google.com/books?id=E-71LgAACAAJ . March 21, 2023 . live.
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  39. Book: Butterfield, Glen . Bible Unity . WestBow Press . 2013 . 978-1-4908-0549-8 . 42 . en . The most notable verse change was 'wounded for our transgressions' to 'pierced for our transgressions' in Isaiah 53:5 which matched the New American Standard Bible rendering. . https://web.archive.org/web/20230321210910/https://books.google.com/books?id=UT6oAAAAQBAJ . March 21, 2023 . live.
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