Regionalverkehr Mittelland Explained
Regionalverkehr Mittelland AG (RM) was a 1997 merger of[1]
- EBT - Emmental–Burgdorf–Thun-Bahn
- VHB - Vereinigte Huttwil-Bahnen
- SMB - Solothurn–Münster-Bahn
which had been under common management since 1943.[2]
In 2006 the main owners of RM and BLS Lötschbergbahn, the canton of Bern and the Swiss Confederation merged the two companies, forming the new BLS AG.[3]
- The commercial registers in Switzerland (include former versions/cancelled names)
- Otto Schuppli: Die Vereinigten Huttwil-Bahnen. [6], Minirex, Luzern 1989,, Seite 68
- Werner Weber, Jürg Suter: Solothurn–Münster-Bahn. Die Linie Solothurn–Moutier der BLS AG. Band 322, Prellbock Druck & Verlag, Leissigen 2008,, Seite 65