Elias Höchheimer Explained

Elias ben Ḥayyim Cohen Höchheimer (or Hechim) was an eighteenth century Jewish astronomer and mathematician.

Born in Hochheim, Höchheimer lived a long time in Hildburghausen and died in Amsterdam. He was the author of Shebile di-Reḳi'a (Prague, 1784), on trigonometry and astronomy, Sefer Yalde ha-Zeman (Prague, 1786), a commentary on Jedaiah Bedersi's Beḥinat ha-'Olam, and two German-language textbooks on arithmetic.[1]


Notes and References

  1. Höchheimer (Höċhheim, Hochheimer, Hechim). Gotthard. Deutsch. Meyer. Kayserling. Cyrus. Adler. Henrietta. Szold.