Electronegativities of the elements (data page) explained

See main article: Electronegativity.

Electronegativity (Pauling scale)

electronegativity !! data-sort-type="number"
WEL !data-sort-type="number"CRC !data-sort-type="number"LNG
1 H 2.20 same
2 He no data same
3 Li 0.98 same
4 Be 1.57 same
5 B 2.04 same
6 C 2.55 same
7 N 3.04 same
8 O 3.44 same
9 F 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.90
10 Ne no data same
11 Na 0.93 same
12 Mg 1.31 same
13 Al 1.61 same
14 Si 1.90 same
15 P 2.19 same
16 S 2.58 same
17 Cl 3.16 same
18 Ar no data same
19 K 0.82 same
20 Ca 1.00 same
21 Sc 1.36 same
22 Ti 1.54 same
23 V 1.63 same
24 Cr 1.66 same
25 Mn 1.55 same
26 Fe 1.83 same
27 Co 1.88 same
28 Ni 1.91 same
29 Cu 1.90 same
30 Zn 1.65 same
31 Ga 1.81 same
32 Ge 2.01 same
33 As 2.18 same
34 Se 2.55 same
35 Br 2.96 same
36 Kr 3.00 3.00 no data no data
37 Rb 0.82 same
38 Sr 0.95 same
39 Y 1.22 same
40 Zr 1.33 same
41 Nb 1.6 same
42 Mo 2.16 same
43 Tc 1.9 1.9 2.10 2.10
44 Ru 2.2 same
45 Rh 2.28 same
46 Pd 2.20 same
47 Ag 1.93 same
48 Cd 1.69 same
49 In 1.78 same
50 Sn 1.96 same
51 Sb 2.05 same
52 Te 2.1 same
53 I 2.66 same
54 Xe 2.6 2.6 2.60 no data
55 Cs 0.79 same
56 Ba 0.89 same
57 La 1.10 same
58 Ce 1.12 same
59 Pr 1.13 same
60 Nd 1.14 same
61 Pm no data same
62 Sm 1.17 same
63 Eu no data same
64 Gd 1.20 same
65 Tb no data same
66 Dy 1.22 same
67 Ho 1.23 same
68 Er 1.24 same
69 Tm 1.25 same
70 Yb no data same
71 Lu 1.27 1.27 1.0 1.0
72 Hf 1.3 same
73 Ta 1.5 same
74 W 2.36 2.36 1.7 1.7
75 Re 1.9 same
76 Os 2.2 same
77 Ir 2.20 2.20 2.2 2.2
78 Pt 2.28 2.28 2.2 2.2
79 Au 2.54 2.54 2.4 2.4
80 Hg 2.00 2.00 1.9 1.9
81 Tl 1.62 1.62 1.8 1.8
82 Pb 2.33 2.33 1.8 1.8
83 Bi 2.02 2.02 1.9 1.9
84 Po 2.0 same
85 At 2.2 same
86 Rn no data same
87 Fr no data 0.7
88 Ra 0.9 same
89 Ac 1.1 same
90 Th 1.3 same
91 Pa 1.5 same
92 U 1.38 1.38 1.7 1.7
93 Np 1.36 1.36 1.3 1.3
94 Pu 1.28 1.28 1.3 1.3
95 Am 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3
96 Cm 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3
97 Bk 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3
98 Cf 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3
99 Es 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3
100 Fm 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3
101 Md 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3
102 No 1.3 1.3 no data 1.3


Electronegativity (Allen scale)

Number Symbol Name Electronegativity
1 H 2.300
2 He 4.160
3 Li 0.912
4 Be 1.576
5 B 2.051
6 C 2.544
7 N 3.066
8 O 3.610
9 F 4.193
10 Ne 4.787
11 Na 0.869
12 Mg 1.293
13 Al 1.613
14 Si 1.916
15 P 2.253
16 S 2.589
17 Cl 2.869
18 Ar 3.242
19 K 0.734
20 Ca 1.034
21 Sc 1.19
22 Ti 1.38
23 V 1.53
24 Cr 1.65
25 Mn 1.75
26 Fe 1.80
27 Co 1.84
28 Ni 1.88
29 Cu 1.85
30 Zn 1.588
31 Ga 1.756
32 Ge 1.994
33 As 2.211
34 Se 2.424
35 Br 2.685
36 Kr 2.966
37 Rb 0.706
38 Sr 0.963
39 Y 1.12
40 Zr 1.32
41 Nb 1.41
42 Mo 1.47
43 Tc 1.51
44 Ru 1.54
45 Rh 1.56
46 Pd 1.58
47 Ag 1.87
48 Cd 1.521
49 In 1.656
50 Sn 1.824
51 Sb 1.984
52 Te 2.158
53 I 2.359
54 Xe 2.582
55 Cs 0.659
56 Ba 0.881
71 Lu 1.09
72 Hf 1.16
73 Ta 1.34
74 W 1.47
75 Re 1.60
76 Os 1.65
77 Ir 1.68
78 Pt 1.72
79 Au 1.92
80 Hg 1.765
81 Tl 1.789
82 Pb 1.854
83 Bi 2.01
84 Po 2.19
85 At 2.39
86 Rn 2.60
87 Fr 0.67
88 Ra 0.89


Section names here refer to the abbreviation in the table.


As quoted at http://www.webelements.com/ from these sources:


As quoted from these sources in an online version of: David R. Lide (ed), CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 84th Edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida, 2003; Section 9, Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy; Electronegativity


As quoted from these sources in: J.A. Dean (ed), Lange's Handbook of Chemistry (15th Edition), McGraw-Hill, 1999; Section 4; Table 4.5, Electronegativities of the Elements.

Allen Electronegativities

Three references are required to cover the values quoted in the table.