Elder Scholarships in Music explained

Sir Thomas Elder's proposal for scholarships in music performance, tenable at the Conservatorium, was accepted by the Council of the University of Adelaide in 1897.[1] There are five categories of performance for which Elder Scholarships may be awarded each year by the board of the Elder Conservatorium, which entitle the holder to three years' free tuition in their principal subjects and in such secondary subjects as the director of the Conservatorium may approve.

Elder Scholarship — partial list of recipients






Muriel E. Cheek

Walter J. Wood (special tenor prize)

Hilda Simcock (contralto)

Annie Vera Thrush

Valda Harvey

Raymond Wood

Reginald Thrush (special tenor prize)[28]

Eugene Alderman Scholarship

The Alderman Scholarship was founded 1908 by Eugene Alderman, and after his death revived as a memorial from funds raised for the purpose,[30] and in this incarnation was awarded concurrently with the Elder Scholarship, for students of violin (for preference), otherwise violoncello, pianoforte, organ, or singing. It was originally for three years' tuition at the Elder Conservatorium, but later for a cash amount of $18 10s. (around $1000 in today's values).

See also

Notes and References

  1. News: General News . . LIV . 2,922 . South Australia . 2 October 1897 . 4 February 2022 . 20 . National Library of Australia.
  2. News: The Elder Conservatorium of Music . . XXX . 8521 . South Australia . 15 March 1898 . 4 February 2022 . 3 . National Library of Australia.
  3. News: 14 March 1899. The Elder Scholarship. XXXVI. 2 (One O'Clock Edition). The Express and Telegraph. 10,618. South Australia. National Library of Australia. 6 February 2022.
  4. News: Personal . . L . 15,428 . South Australia . 30 March 1908 . 4 February 2022 . 4 . National Library of Australia.
  5. News: Friend of Einstein's . . XIII . 24 . New South Wales, Australia . 25 July 1931 . 4 February 2022 . 17 . National Library of Australia.
  6. News: Amusements . . LXVI . 6748 . South Australia . 13 March 1928 . 6 February 2022 . 2 . National Library of Australia.
  7. News: School Displays . . XXXI . 1575 . South Australia . 19 December 1919 . 4 February 2022 . 4 . National Library of Australia.
  8. News: Before the Public . . III . 427 . South Australia . 4 December 1924 . 4 February 2022 . 9 . National Library of Australia.
  9. News: Elder Scholarships . . XV . 2,300 . South Australia . 29 November 1930 . 4 February 2022 . 4 . National Library of Australia.
  10. News: University Music Scholarships . . South Australia . 12 December 1947 . 4 February 2022 . 17 . National Library of Australia.
  11. News: Music Scholarships . . 96 . 29,713 . South Australia . 6 January 1954 . 4 February 2022 . 5 . National Library of Australia.
  12. News: Musical Notes . . XLV . 13,369 . South Australia . 4 April 1908 . 4 February 2022 . 5 . National Library of Australia.
  13. News: Elder Conservatory Scholarships . . LXXI . 18,528 . South Australia . 2 April 1906 . 4 February 2022 . 4 . National Library of Australia.
  14. News: Musical Notes . . LXXIV . 19,460 . South Australia . 27 March 1909 . 4 February 2022 . 14 . National Library of Australia.
  15. News: Adelaide Notes . . LXXXVI . 2,244 . Victoria, Australia . 3 April 1909 . 4 February 2022 . 47 . National Library of Australia.
  16. News: Violin and Piano Recital . . 1365 . Western Australia . 9 March 1924 . 4 February 2022 . 12 . National Library of Australia.
  17. News: The University . . LXXVII . 5,837 . South Australia . 4 December 1920 . 6 February 2022 . 28 . National Library of Australia.
  18. News: Personal . . XLIX . 14,599 . South Australia . 26 April 1912 . 4 February 2022 . 1 . National Library of Australia.
  19. News: Personal . . XXXVII . 1886 . South Australia . 19 December 1924 . 4 February 2022 . 11 . National Library of Australia.
  20. News: In the Public Eye . . LXXXV . 7,740 . South Australia . 3 March 1928 . 4 February 2022 . 34 . National Library of Australia.
  21. News: ABC Bathurst Concert . . New South Wales, Australia . 24 June 1947 . 4 February 2022 . 2 . National Library of Australia.
  22. News: Music Scholarships Awarded . . South Australia . 27 November 1937 . 4 February 2022 . 24 . National Library of Australia.
  23. News: News in Brief . . South Australia . 1 December 1937 . 4 February 2022 . 30 . National Library of Australia.
  24. News: Musical Notes . . 29 . 1,488 . South Australia . 30 November 1940 . 4 February 2022 . 14 . National Library of Australia.
  25. News: Music Scholarships . . 96 . 29,713 . South Australia . 6 January 1954 . 4 February 2022 . 5 . National Library of Australia.
  26. News: University of Adelaide . . LVIII . 17,915 . South Australia . 15 March 1916 . 4 February 2022 . 11 . National Library of Australia.
  27. News: Women's Sphere . . LXXXVI . 5,787 . South Australia . 20 December 1919 . 4 February 2022 . 46 . National Library of Australia.
  28. News: Open Comment . . XIX . 1140 . South Australia . 17 December 1919 . 4 February 2022 . 3 . National Library of Australia.
  29. News: Scholarships for Music Students . . South Australia . 28 November 1936 . 4 February 2022 . 27 . National Library of Australia.
  30. News: Adelaide University . . 8 . 2404 . South Australia . 3 December 1917 . 4 February 2022 . 7 . National Library of Australia.