Eivind Ystrøm Explained
Eivind Ystrøm (born 1978) is a Norwegian psychologist, Professor (Chair) of Personality Psychology at the University of Oslo and Research Professor at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.[1] [2] His research fields include genetics, substance use and personality, including intergenerational transmission of depression and other mental illnesses.[3] [4] [5] According to Google Scholar, he has been cited over 7,600 times in scientific literature and has an h-index of 48.[6]
- https://www.sv.uio.no/psi/personer/vit/eivindy/ Eivind Ystrøm
- https://www.fhi.no/en/about/departments-and-centres/mental-disorders/eivind-ystrom/ Eivind Ystrøm
- https://forskning.no/psykiske-lidelser-psykologi/ett-personlighetstrekk-ligger-bak-nesten-all-psykisk-sykdom/1263720 Ett personlighetstrekk ligger bak nesten all psykisk sykdom
- https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/OpAmq/Alkoholisme-er-71-prosent-arvelig Alkoholisme er 71 prosent arvelig
- https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/tvillingmodre-har-okt-risiko-for-a-bli-deprimerte/60804704 Tvillingmødre har økt risiko for å bli deprimerte
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vOCUfz4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao Eivind Ystrøm