Efim Etkind Explained
Efim Etkind (Russian: Ефи́м Григо́рьевич Э́ткинд, 26 February 1918, Petrograd - 22 November 1999, Potsdam) was a Soviet philologist and translation theorist.[1] In the 1960s and 1970s he was a dissident; from 1974 he lived in France.
- Books
- Book: Семинарий по французской стилистике. Ч. 1: проза, ч. 2: поэзия. The seminar on French stylistics. Part 1: prose, part 2: poetry. 1960–1961. The Leningrad branch of the State Educational-Pedagogical Publishing Company of the RSFSR Ministry of Education. Moscow, Leningrad. ru.
- Book: Поэзия и перевод. Poetry and translation. 1963. Sovetsky Pisatel. Leningrad. ru.
- Book: Об искусстве быть читателем. On the art of being a reader. 1964. Znanie. Leningrad. ru.
- Book: Мастера русского стихотворного перевода: в 2 томах. Masters of Russian verse translation: in 2 volumes. 1968. Sovetsky Pisatel. Leningrad. ru.
- Book: Разговор о стихах. Conversation about poetry. 1970. Detskaya Literatura. Moscow. ru.
- Book: Бертольт Брехт. Bertolt Brecht. 1971. Prosveshcheniye. Leningrad. ru.
- Book: Русские поэты-переводчики от Тредиаковского до Пушкина. Russian poets-translators from Trediakovsky to Pushkin. 1973. Nauka. Leningrad. ru.
- Book: Plyushch, Leonid . Mikhaylov, Mikhaylo . Belotserkovsky, Vadim . Elberfeld, Yan . Andreev, Herman . Vishnevskaya, Yuliya . Yanov, Alexander . Levitin-Krasnov, Anatoly . Etkind, Efim . Kushev, Yevgeny . СССР. Демократические альтернативы: сборник статей и документов. USSR. Democratic alternatives: a collection of articles and documents. 1976. Achberg. 978-3881030700. 3953394. ru.
- Book: Pljušč, Leonid . Michajlov, Michailo . Belocerkovskij, Vadim . Andreev, German . Elberfeld, Jan . Janov, Aleksandr . Levitin-Krasnov, Anatolij . Etkind, Jefim . Kušev, Jevgenij . UdSSR. Alternativen der demokratischen Opposition. Sammelband. USSR. Alternatives of democratic opposition. Collection. 1977. Achberg. 978-3881030854. de.
- Book: Форма как содержание: Избранные статьи. Form as content: selected articles. 1977. Jal-Verlag. Würzburg. ru.
- Book: Записки незаговорщика. Notes of a non-conspirator. 1977. Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd. London. ru.
- Book: Notes of a non-conspirator. 1978. Oxford University Press. London. 978-0192117397.
- Book: La matière du vers. Matter of verse. 1978. Institut d'Études Slaves. Paris. fr.
- Book: Pliouchtch, Léonide . Biélotserkovsky, Vadim . Mikhaïlov, Mikhaïlo . Andreev, Herman . Lévitine-Krasnov, Anatoli . Yanov, Alexandre . Elberfeld, Yan . Etkind, Yéfime . Vichnevskaia, Youlia . Kouchev, Evguéni . U.R.S.S.: alternatives démocratiques. U.S.S.R.: democratic alternatives. 1978. Savelli. Paris. 978-2859300258. fr.
- Book: Unblutige Hinrichtung. Warum ich die Sowjetunion verlassen musste. Bloodless execution. Why I had to leave the Soviet Union. 1982. 1978. Piper Verlag GmbH. München. 978-3492023399. 2. de.
- Book: Кризис одного искусства. Опыт поэтики поэтического перевода. The crisis of art. Experience of the poetics of poetic translation. 1983. Lausanna. ru.
- Book: Russische Lyrik von der Oktoberrevolution bis zu Gegenwart. Versuch einer Darstellung. Russian poetry from the October Revolution to the present. An attempt at representation. 1989. 1984. C.H. Beck Verlag. München. 978-3406092831. 2. de.
- Book: Процесс Иосифа Бродского. The trial of Joseph Brodsky. 1988. Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd. London. 978-1870128704. ru.
- Book: Brodski ou le Procès d'un poète. Brodsky or the trial of a poet. 1988. Librairie Générale Française. 978-2253046509. fr.
- Book: Симметрические композиции у Пушкина. Symmetric compositions in Pushkin. 1988. Institut d'Études Slaves. Paris. 978-2720402388. ru.
- Book: Стихи и люди: рассказы о стихотворениях. Poems and people: conversations about poems. 1988. Leningrad. Ermitazh. ru.
- Book: Etkind, Efim . Elnitskaya, Svetlana . Гаврила Державин, 1743–1816. Gavriil Derzhavin, 1743–1816. 1995. The Russian School of Norwich University. Northfleld, Vermont. 33075088. https://web.archive.org/web/20160421073523/http://imwerden.de/pdf/derzhavin_simpozium_posvyashhenny_250-letiyu_so_dnya_rozhdeniya_1995_text.pdf. 21 April 2016. live. ru.
- Book: Там, внутри. Русская поэзия XX века. There, inside. Russian poetry of XX century. 1996. Saint Petersburg. ru.
- Book: Внутренний человек и внешняя речь. Очерки психопоэтики русской литературы XVIII–XIX веков. Internal man and external speech. Outlines of psychopoetics of Russian literature of XVIII–XIX centuries. 1998. Языки русской культуры. 978-5785900486. ru.
- Book: Маленькая свобода: 25 немецких поэтов за пять веков в переводах Ефима Эткинда. Little freedom: 25 German poets for five centuries in translations by Efim Etkind. 1998. ru.
- Book: Божественный Глагол. Пушкин, прочитанный в России и во Франции. Divine Verb. Pushkin, read in Russia and in France. 1999. Языки русской культуры. 978-5785900905. ru.
- Book: Записки незаговорщика. Барселонская проза. Notes of a non-conspirator. Barcelona prose. 2001. Akademicheskiy Proyekt. Moscow. 978-5733101828. ru.
- Book: Проза о стихах. Prose about verses. 2001. Znanie. Moscow. ru.
- Book: Психопоэтика. Psychopoetics: "internal man" and external speech: papers and studies. 2005. Iskusstvo-SPB. Saint Petersburg. 978-5210015839. ru.
- Articles
- Etkind, Efim. La stylistique comparée, base de l'art de traduire. Comparative stylistics, basic art of translation. Babel. 1967. 13. 1. 23–30. 10.1075/babel.13.1.07etk. fr.
- Etkind, Efim. Comparative stylistics: a guide to the art of translation. Diogenes. March 1967. 15. 57. 33–46. 10.1177/039219216701505703. 144877581.
- Etkind, Efim. Baudelaire en langue russe. Baudelaire in Russian. Europe. April–May 1967. 45. 456–457. 252–261. fr.
- Etkind, Efim. Стили речи и художественный перевод. Speech styles and literary translation. Revue des études slaves. 1978. 51. 1. 81–83. ru. 10.3406/slave.1978.5022.
- Book: Etkind, Efim. Un art en crise: essai de poétique de la traduction poétique. An art in crisis: essay of poetics of poetic translation. 1982. L'Âge d'Homme. 978-2825121351. fr.
- Etkind, Efim. Французское средневековье в творчестве Александра Блока. French Middle Ages in works by Alexander Blok. Revue des études slaves. 1982. 54. 4. 649–669. ru. 10.3406/slave.1982.5275.
- Etkind, Efim. Вьючное животное куλьтуры (об архаическом стиλе Вячесλава Иванова). Pack animal of culture (on Vyacheslav Ivanov's archaic style). Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique. January–March 1984. 25. 1. 5–17. 20170017. ru. 10.3406/cmr.1984.1998.
- Etkind, Efim. О поэтическом "импорте" и, в частности, о еврейской интонации в русской поэзии двадцатых годов. On the poetic "import" and, in particular, the Jewish intonation in Russian poetry of the 1920s. Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique. April–June 1985. 26. 2. 193–217. 20170067. ru. 10.3406/cmr.1985.2043.
- Etkind, Efim. Le problème de la métatraduction in la traduction. The problem of metatranslation in translation. Revue d'Esthétique. 1986. 12. 17–22. fr.
- Etkind, Efim. L'Idée de la révolution dans l'œuvre de Pouchkine. The idea of revolution in works by Pushkin. Canadian Slavonic Papers. June 1987. 29. 2–3. 131–151. 10.1080/00085006.1987.11091853. fr.
- Etkind, Efim. Искусство и чернь: о Декларации 1921 года. Art and black: on the Declaration of 1921. Revue des études slaves. 1987. 59. 1. 397–400. ru. 10.3406/slave.1987.5643.
- Etkind, Efim. "Сей ратник, вольностью венчанный…": Гришка Отрепьев, император Наполеон, маршал Ней и другие. "This warrior, crowned by liberty…": Grishka Otrepyev, Emperor Napoleon, Marshal Ney and others. Revue des études slaves. 1987. 59. 1. 55–62. ru. 10.3406/slave.1987.5609.
- Etkind, Efim. Духовная дилогия Державина: оды "Бог" и "Хеистос". Derzhavin's spiritual dilogy: odes "God" and "Kheistos". Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique. July–December 1988. 29. 3/4. 343–356. 20170632. ru. 10.3406/cmr.1988.2153.
- Book: Etkind, Efim. Afterword: Russian literature in the 1980s. Moser, Charles. The Cambridge history of Russian literature. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 978-1-139-05544-4. 595–614. 1992. http://universitypublishingonline.org/ref/id/histories/CBO9781139055444A014.
- Etkind, Efim. Вячеслав Иванов и вопросы поэтики. 1920-e годы. Vyacheslav Ivanov and issues of poetics. The 1920s. Cahiers du Monde Russe. January–June 1994. 35. 1/2. 141–154. 20170895. ru. 10.3406/cmr.1994.2381.
- Etkind, Efim. Библеизмы в русской поэтической речи. Biblicisms in Russian poetic speech. Cahiers du Monde Russe. October–December 1998. 39. 4. 605–620. 20171108. ru. 10.3406/cmr.1998.2544.
- Etkind, Efim. Литературное самоубийство Николая Тихонова. Nikolai Tikhonov's literary suicide. Revue des études slaves. 1999. 71. 3. 673–680. ru. 10.3406/slave.1999.6624.
- Reeder, Roberta . Etkind, Efim . Gubanov, Yakov . The crimes of Joseph Brodsky. New England Review. Summer 1999. 20. 3. 95–135. 40243738.
- Book: Etkind, Efim. What is untranslatable?. Allén, Sture. Translation of poetry and poetic prose. 1999. World Scientific. 978-9814494588. 337–346. https://books.google.com/books?id=OG_VCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT352.
- Etkind, Efim . Bugaeva, Jane . The translator. The Massachusetts Review. Spring 2015. 56. 1. 139–147. 10.1353/mar.2015.0016 . 201746537 .
Further reading
- Book: Chalidze, Valery. Литературные дела КГБ: дела Суперфина, Эткинда, Хейфеца, Марамзина: в приложении — документы о советской цензуре. The literary cases of the KGB: the cases of Superfin, Etkind, Heifetz, Maramzin: there are documents about Soviet censorship in the application. 1976. Хроника. New York. ru.
- Phillips, William . Shragin, Boris . Aleshkovsky, Yuz . Kott, Jan . Siniavski, Andrei . Aksyonov, Vassily . Litvinov, Pavel . Dovlatov, Sergei . Nekrassov, Viktor . Etkind, Efim . Voinovich, Vladimir . Kohak, Erazim . Loebl, Eugen . Writers in exile III: a conference of Soviet and East European dissidents. The Partisan Review. Winter 1984. 51. 1. 11–44.
- News: Rakusa, Ilma. Dissident wider Willen : Zum Tode des russischen Germanisten und Übersetzers Efim Etkind. Reluctant dissident: on the death of Russian germanist and translator Efim Etkind. Die Zeit. 2 December 1999. de.
- Ulman, Michael. A reluctant dissident. Quadrant. August 1978. 22. 8. 15–18.
Notes and References
- http://www.larousse.fr/encyclopedie/ehm/Etkind/182551 Efim Etkind