Eddie och Maxon Jaxon explained

Eddie och Maxon Jaxon
Author:Viveca Sundvall
Publisher:Rabén & Sjögren
Followed By:En barkbåt till Eddie (1992)

Eddie och Maxon Jaxon is a 1992 children's book by Swedish writer Viveca Sundvall.[1] The book is the first in the Eddie series, a spinoff set in the same universe as the Mimmi series.[2] Both Mimmi and Anders appear in the book.

The book won the 1992 Nils Holgersson Plaque in the category "Swedish children's and youth book of the year".[3]


By August, Eddie will start school. He doesn't look forward to it. He would rather like to have a real job, like camel-keeper, because things aren't so free at school. His idols are Maradona, Madonna and "Maxon Jaxon". His father is single, and alcoholic.

Notes and References

  1. Book: Eddie och Maxon Jaxon. Worldcat. 1991. 186529383. 15 January 2015.
  2. Web site: Viveca Lärns alla barnböcker. Viveca Lärn's website. Swedish. 6 September 2012. https://web.archive.org/web/20140812205455/http://www.vivecalarn.com/barn.htm. 12 August 2014. dead.
  3. Web site: Nils Holgersson-plaketten. Svenska barnboksinstitutet. Swedish. 1992. 15 January 2015. 10 June 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20170610234312/http://www.sbi.kb.se/sv/Utgivning-och-statistik/Priser-och-beloningar/Priser/Nils-Holgersson-plaketten/. dead.