Eastern sigillata C explained
Eastern sigillata C, also known as Çandarli ware, is a category of Late Hellenistic and Roman terra sigillata. The best known production center is at Çandarlı, ancient Pitane.[1]
See also
- Hayes, John. (1972). Late Roman Pottery. London: British School at Rome (hardcover,).
- Hayes, John. (1985). Sigillate Oriental in Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale. Atlante delle Forme Ceramiche II, Ceramica Fine Romana nel Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo Impero), Rome.
- Heath, Sebastian and Billur Tekkök. (2007-). Eastern Sigillata C (Çandarli) in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Pottery at Ilion (Troia). .
- Loeschke, S. (1912). Sigillata-Töpfereien in Çandarlı, Athenische Mitteilungen 37, pp. 344–407.
Notes and References
- Loeschke, S. (1912). Sigillata-Töpfereien in Çandarlı, Athenische Mitteilungen 37, pp. 344-407.