Ellen G. White bibliography explained

Ellen G. White (November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915), one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, authored numerous books,[1] pamphlets, and periodical articles.


This page lists White's books, their publication dates and number of pages.[2] [3] [4] [5] Approximately 180 books which identify her as author fall into two categories: (1) those published during her lifetime, i.e., until her death in 1915—a group of about 50 volumes amounting to approximately 29% of the total, and (2) those published after her death under the auspices of the Ellen G. White Estate—a group of about 130 volumes amounting to approximately 71% of the total.

Among the comprehensive bibliographies of White's writings that also include her pamphlets and periodical articles is one posted online by Loma Linda University.[6]

scope=rowA Word to the “Little Flock.”WLF184730James WhiteCollection of writings by Joseph Bates, James White, and Ellen White
scope=rowA Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White.ExV185164James White
scope=rowSupplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White.ExV54185448James White
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 1T01185516Advent Review Office
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 2T02185616Advent Review Office
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 3T03185716Advent Review Office
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 4T04185739Steam Press of the Review and Herald OfficeThe greater part of Testimony No. 4 was reprinted in 1860 as part of a work called Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2.
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 5T05185932Steam Press of the Review and Herald Office
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 6T06186164Steam Press of the Review and Herald Office
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 7T07186263Steam Press of the Review and Herald Office
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 8T08186264Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 9T09186232Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 10T10186464Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationTestimonies Nos. 1-10, except No. 4, were reprinted in Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4, with an introductory note reading in part: "It has been thought best to re-print them, as given in the following pages, omitting local and personal matters, and giving those portions only which are of practical and general interest and importance... E.G.W."
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 11T11186753Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 12T12186796Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 13T13186780Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 14T141868102Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationNos. 1-14 were edited and published under title: Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 in 1885 (1T 718p).
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 15T15186896Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 16T161868104Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 17T171869192Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 18T181870208Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 19T19187096Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 20T201871199Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationNos. 15-20 were edited and published under title: Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 in 1885 (2T 712p).
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 21T211872200Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 22T221873192Steam Press of the Review and Herald Office
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 23T231873116Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationPlus 47 pp., separately numbered, by James White.
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 24T241875192Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 25T251875192Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationNos. 21-25 were edited and published under title: Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 in 1885 (3T 555p).
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 26T261876208The Pacific Press
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 27T271876190The Pacific Press
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 28T281879192Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 29T291880192Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 30T301881192Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationNos. 26-30 were edited and published under title: Testimonies for the Church Volume 4 in 1885 (4T 657p).
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 31T311882244The Pacific Press Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 32T321885238The Pacific Press Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church No. 33T331889288The Pacific Press Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationNos. 31-33 were edited and published under title: Testimonies for the Church Volume 5 in 1889 (5T 754p).
scope=rowTestimony for the Church Volume 6 (No. 34)6T1900482The Pacific Press Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association"No." naming convention was retained in writing 34-37, but "Volume" naming convention followed in publishing 6-9.
scope=rowTestimony for the Church Volume 7 (No. 35)7T1902298The Pacific Press Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church Volume 8 (No. 36)8T1904335The Pacific Press Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimony for the Church Volume 9 (No. 37)9T1909288The Pacific Press Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowThe Great Controversy, Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels.1SG1858219James WhiteUsually called: "Spiritual Gifts Volume 1", Preface by R.F. Cottrell
scope=rowMy Christian Experience, Views and Labours in Connection With the Rise and Progress of the Third Angel's Message.2SG1860304James WhiteUsually called: "Spiritual Gifts Volume 2"
scope=rowImportant Facts of Faith, in Connection With the History of Holy Men of Old.3SG1864304Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationUsually called: "Spiritual Gifts Volume 3"
scope=rowImportant Facts of Faith: Laws of Health, and Testimonies Nos. 1-10.4aSG, 4bSG1864156, 160Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationUsually called: "Spiritual Gifts Volume 4". First 119 pages continues 3SG, 120-156 are related to health, the remainder of the book is Testimony for the Church Numbers 1 to 10 with #4 omitted and some abridgements made.
scope=rowThe Acts of the ApostlesAA1911633
scope=rowThe Adventist HomeAH1952550Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowAn Appeal to MothersApM186463Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowAn Appeal to the YouthAY186480Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowA Call to Medical EvangelismCME193347Southern Publishing Association
scope=rowA Call to Stand ApartCSA200270Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowChild GuidanceCG1954569Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowChrist in His SanctuaryCIHS1969128
scope=rowChristian EducationCE1894248International Tract Society
scope=rowChristian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. WhiteCET1922260
scope=rowChristian LeadershipChL198577Ellen G. White Estate
scope=rowChristian ServiceChS1925275Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowChristian Temperance and Bible HygieneCTBH1890162Good Health Publishing Co.
scope=rowChrist's Object LessonsCOL1900421Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowColporteur EvangelistCEv1920103
scope=rowColporteur MinistryCM1953155
scope=rowConfrontationCon197193Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowCounsels for the ChurchCCh1991359
scope=rowCounsels on Diet and FoodsCD1938498Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowCounsels on HealthCH1923634Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowCounsels on Sabbath School WorkCSW1938186Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowCounsels on StewardshipCS1940351Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowCounsels to Parents, Teachers, and StudentsCT1913556Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowCounsels to Writers and EditorsCW1946181Southern Publishing Association
scope=rowCountry LivingCL194632Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowDarkness Before DawnDD199762Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowDaughters of GodDG1998275Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowDesire of AgesDA1898835Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowEarly WritingsEW1882304Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowEducationEd1903309Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowFrom Eternity PastEP1983551Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowEvangelismEv1946707Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowFaith and WorksFW1979122Southern Publishing Association
scope=rowFundamentals of Christian EducationFE1923549Southern Publishing Association
scope=rowGod's Remnant ChurchGRC195063Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowGospel Workers 1892GW921892471Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowGospel Workers 1915GW1915520Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowGreat Controversy 1888GC881888691Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowGreat Controversy 1911GC1911694Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowGreat HopeGrH_c201256Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowHealth Food MinistryHFM197095Ellen G. White Publications
scope=rowHealthful LivingHL1897307Medical Missionary Board
scope=rowHeavenHvn2003192Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowFrom Heaven With LoveHLv1984556Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowHelp in Daily LivingHDL195764Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowFrom Here to ForeverHF1982420Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowHistorical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day AdventistsHS1886294Imprimerie Polyglotte
scope=rowHealth, or, How to Live HHTL1865400Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationThis work was a series of six pamphlets compiled from various writers and published in book form. Ellen White contributed one article for each of the six pamphlets.
scope=rowImpending ConflictIC196043Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowLast Day EventsLDE1992306Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowLetters to Young LoversLYL198390Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowLife Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1888LS881888350Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationThere is an earlier edition: LS80
scope=rowLife Sketches of Ellen G. WhiteLS1915480Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowManual for CanvassersMC190278Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowMedical MinistryMM1932335Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowMessages to Young PeopleMYP1930466Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowMind, Character, and Personality, Vol.11MCP1977369Southern Publishing Association
scope=rowMind, Character, and Personality, Vol.22MCP1977440Southern Publishing Association
scope=rowMinistry of HealingMH1905516Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowMinistry to the CitiesMTC2012195Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowNew Life Revival and BeyondNL197264Leaves-Of-Autumn Books
scope=rowPastoral MinistryPaM1995287General Conference Ministerial Association
scope=rowPatriarchs and ProphetsPP1890764Review and Herald Publishing AssociationSubtitle: The Great Conflict Between Good and Evil as Illustrated in the Lives of Holy Men of Old.
scope=rowPeter's Counsel to ParentsPCP198162Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowPrayerPr2002320Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowPrinciples for Christian LeadersPCL2018309Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowProphets and KingsPK1917733Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowPublishing MinistryPM1983404Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowRetirement YearsRY1990224Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowSanctified LifeSL188996Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowSelected Messages Book 11SM1958416Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowSelected Messages Book 22SM1958488Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowSelected Messages Book 33SM1980465Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowSketches from the Life of PaulLP1883334Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowSolemn AppealSA1870181Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowSouthern WorkSWk190196Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowSpecial Testimonies on EducationSpTEd1897240???
scope=rowSpirit of Prophecy Vol. 11SP1870414Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationSubtitle: The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels. Covers from creation to time of Solomon.
scope=rowSpirit of Prophecy Vol. 22SP1877398Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationSubtitle: The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan. Life, Teachings and Miracles of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Covers from first advent of Christ to his ride into Jerusalem.
scope=rowSpirit of Prophecy Vol. 3 3SP1878392Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationSubtitle: The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan. The Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Covers from Christ entering Jerusalem to time of Paul and Silas.
scope=rowSpirit of Prophecy Vol. 44SP1884506Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing AssociationSubtitle: The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan From the Destruction of Jerusalem to the End of the Controversy. Covers destruction of Jerusalem to new Earth.
scope=rowFrom Splendor to ShadowSS1984377Pacific Press Publishing AssociationCondensed Prophets and Kings.
scope=rowSteps to ChristSC1892126Pacific Press Publishing AssociationFirst chapter in current edition was not in 1892 edition. This is perhaps the most printed and translated work of Ellen White.
scope=rowStory of HopeSH2016126Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowStory of JesusSJ1900186Southern Publishing AssociationParts of Desire of Ages adapted for children.
scope=rowStory of RedemptionSR1947433Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowTemperanceTe1949292Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimonies on Sabbath-School WorkTSS1900122Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and DivorceTSB1989270Ellen G. White Estate
scope=rowTestimonies to Ministers and Gospel WorkersTM1923535Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowTestimonies to Southern AfricaTSA197798South African Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
scope=rowTestimony Studies on Diet and FoodsTSDF1926199Loma Linda College of Medical EvangelistsPrecursor to Counsels on Diet and Foods.
scope=rowTestimony Treasures Vol. 11TT1949605Pacific Press Publishing AssociationCondensed selection from Testimonies for the Church.
scope=rowTestimony Treasures Vol. 22TT1949575Pacific Press Publishing AssociationCondensed selection from Testimonies for the Church.
scope=rowTestimony Treasures Vol. 33TT1949591Pacific Press Publishing AssociationCondensed selection from Testimonies for the Church.
scope=rowThoughts from the Mount of BlessingMB1896152Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowFrom Trials to TriumphTT1984314Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowTrue RevivalTR201096Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowTruth About AngelsTA1996302Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowVoice in Speech and SongVSS1988469Pacific Press Publishing Association
scope=rowWelfare MinistryWM1952340Review and Herald Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the First Advent of Christ, With His Life and Ministry1Red1877104Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness2Red187496Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the Teachings of Christ, the Anointed One3Red1877128Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the Miracles of Christ, the Mighty One4Red1877126Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the Sufferings of Christ; His Trial and Crucifixion5Red187796Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the Resurrection of Christ; and His Ascension6Red187780Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the Ministry of Peter and the Conversion of Saul7Red187878Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association
scope=rowRedemption: or the Teachings of Paul, and His Mission to the Gentiles8Red187880Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association

External links

Notes and References

  1. Although various lists and bibliographies of White's books exist, those included here and the information concerning them derive from materials posted online by the Ellen G. White Estate as of 2024. For references to these sources see the following notes.
  2. Web site: A Bibliography of the Complete Published Ellen G. White Writings on Compact Disc . Ellen G. White Estate.
  3. Web site: EGW Writings book list . Ellen G. White Estate.
  4. Web site: October 2018 . Ellen G. White® Books and Pamphlets In Current Circulation . Ellen G. White® Estate.
  5. For the standard abbreviations of most of White's books, see Web site: Key to Abbreviations of E. G. White Books and Major Church Papers . Ellen G. White Estate.
  6. Web site: Crane . Marilyn C. . EGW Bibliography . February 9, 2024 . Loma Linda University.