Dyuden Explained

Dyuden or Tudan (Russian: Тудан) was a brother of Toqta, the khan of the Golden Horde and a great grandson of Batu Khan. He was appointed as a general by Toqta and his campaign devastated 14 towns in the territory of modern Russia in 1293,[1] including Moscow,[2] while the grand prince, Dmitry, was forced to flee to Pskov, allowing Andrey to take the title of grand prince.

Dyudan had a son, Shchelkan, who was ambassador of Özbeg Khan in Tver in 1327.[3]


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Notes and References

  1. Book: Halperin, Charles. Russia and the Golden Horde: The Mongol Impact on Medieval Russian History. 1987. Indiana University Press. 145. 9780253013668.
  2. Book: Frankland, Charles Colville. Narrative of a Visit to the Courts of Russia and Sweden. 2. 1832. 187.
  3. Плюшар, А. А. Энциклопедический лексикон, СПб. 1835—1841