Internal pudendal artery explained

Internal pudendal artery
Latin:arteria pudenda interna
Branchfrom:Internal iliac artery
Branchto:Inferior rectal artery and others
Vein:Internal pudendal veins
Supplies:External genitalia, perineum

The internal pudendal artery is one of the three pudendal arteries. It branches off the internal iliac artery, and provides blood to the external genitalia.


The internal pudendal artery is the terminal branch of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. It is smaller in the female than in the male.


It arises from the anterior division of internal iliac artery. It runs on the lateral pelvic wall. It exits the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic foramen, inferior to the piriformis muscle, to enter the gluteal region.

It then curves around the sacrospinous ligament to enter the perineum through the lesser sciatic foramen.

It travels through the pudendal canal with the internal pudendal veins and the pudendal nerve.


The internal pudendal artery gives off the following branches:

In females In males Description - - Perineal artery- - - Artery of bulb of penis- Dorsal artery of clitorisDorsal artery of the penis- - Deep artery of clitorisDeep artery of the penisto corpus cavernosum penis/clitoridis

The deep artery of clitoris is a branch of the internal pudendal artery and supplies the clitoral crura. Another branch of the internal pudendal artery is the dorsal artery of clitoris.

Some sources consider the urethral artery a direct branch of the internal pudendal artery, while others consider it a branch of the perineal artery.

In males, the internal pudendal artery also gives rise to the perforating arteries of the penis.


Around 70% of men have an accessory internal pudendal artery. This usually does not originate from the internal iliac artery, instead originating from the external iliac artery, the obturator artery, or the vesical arteries.


The internal pudendal artery supplies blood to the external genitalia.

Clinical significance

In women, the internal pudendal artery may be damaged during childbirth. This may cause a haematoma, which usually resolves without treatment, but may form an infected abscess.

See also

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