Dimitar Apasiev Explained

Dimitar Apasiev
Native Name:Димитар Апасиев
Native Name Lang:mk
Honorific Suffix:MP
Birth Date:22 September 1983
Birth Place:Titov Veles, SR Macedonia, SFR Yugoslavia (present-day North Macedonia)
Party:The Left
Discipline:Roman Law
Alma Mater:Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
Workplaces:Goce Delčev University of Štip

Dimitar Apasiev (Macedonian: Димитар Апасиев) is a Macedonian legal scholar and politician. He is the leader of the political party The Left.[1] He is a docent of Law at the Goce Delčev University of Štip.[2] During the 2020 Macedonian parliamentary election, his party won two seats, making him a member of the Assembly of North Macedonia.[3]

Early life

Apasiev was born on 22 September 1983 in Titov Veles, Yugoslavia, now a part of North Macedonia.[4]


Apasiev completed his undergraduate degree in 2009, and his Master's degree in 2010. In 2015, he completed a PhD specializing in Roman law at the state university Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje.


Apasiev is an author of a number of books and monographs, including over 50 academic articles and papers. He has been a legal consultant to several state judicial bodies, trade unions, civil society organizations and informal activist initiatives.[5]

Political career

In November 2015, Apasiev co-founded The Left, a political party which combined a number of leftist movements in North Macedonia.[6]

The party found by Apasiev and he himself, have been described by some academics and news outlets as "fascist".[7] [8] [9] In September 2020, Apasiev testified at the Public Prosecutor's Office in Skopje after receiving three criminal charges for spreading racial, religious, and ethnic intolerance.[10] Apasiev was involved in a publicized argument in July 2022 with the president of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, involving personal insults.[11]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 17 January 2020. Левица ќе коалицира за влада само со оној што ќе го поништи Преспанскиот договор. live. https://web.archive.org/web/20200223141823/https://fokus.mk/levitsa-ke-koalitsira-za-vlada-samo-so-onoj-shto-ke-go-ponishti-prespanskiot-dogovor/ . 23 February 2020 . 23 July 2020. Fokus. mk.
  2. Web site: 7 June 2018. Апасиев: Договорот за името треба да го склучи претседателот, а не премиерот. live. https://web.archive.org/web/20200223141824/https://lider.com.mk/makedonija/apasiev-dogovorot-za-imeto-treba-da-go-skluchi-pretsedatelot-a-ne-premierot/ . 23 February 2020 . 23 July 2020. Lider. mk.
  3. Web site: 16 July 2020. Апасиев: Украдени ни се тројца пратеници, ќе поднесеме кривична против ДИК. PlusInfo. mk.
  4. Web site: Apasiev. Dimitar. 2017. Curriculum Vitae. live. https://web.archive.org/web/20181004165201/http://ugd.academia.edu:80/DimitarApasiev/CurriculumVitae . 4 October 2018 . 23 July 2020. Academia.
  5. Web site: Dimitar. Apasiev. Димитар Апасиев. live. https://web.archive.org/web/20200719183455/https://respublica.edu.mk/mk/blog/blogger/dapasiev . 19 July 2020 . 23 July 2020. ResPublica - Institute of Communication Studies. mk.
  6. Web site: 20 October 2015. Покана за прес – Формирање на "ЛЕВИЦА". live. https://web.archive.org/web/20151116004046/http://levica.mk:80/2015/10/20/pres-levica/ . 16 November 2015 . 23 July 2020. Levica. mk.
  7. Bosilkov. Ivo. 2021. The State for Which People? The (Not So) Left Populism of the Macedonian Far-Left Party Levica. Contemporary Southeastern Europe. 8. 1. 40–55. 10.25364/02.8:2021.1.4. 24 October 2021.
  8. Бранимир Јовановиќ: Оваа Левица е фашистичка партија, мора да му се спротивставиме на ова зло. 360степени, 16 јули, 2020.
  9. Џабир Дерала, Леви или фашисти – од црно поцрно, зад маската на црвеното. CivilMedia, July 17, 2020.
  10. https://360stepeni.mk/apasiev-so-kontraprijavi-do-onie-shto-go-prijavija-za-shirene-govor-na-omraza/ Апасиев со контрапријави до оние што го пријавија за ширење говор на омраза. 360степени. 16 септември, 2020.
  11. Апасиев и Пендаровски разменија тешки зборови во жестока јавна расправија. 03.07.2022, НОВА МАКЕДОНИЈА.