Dieuches Explained

Dieuches, (el|Διεύχης), a Greek physician, who lived probably in the 4th century BC, and belonged to the Dogmatic school of medicine.[1] He was tutor to Numenius of Heraclea,[2] and is several times quoted by Pliny.[3] He wrote some medical works, of which nothing but a few fragments remain.

Notes and References

  1. Galen, De Ven. Sect. adv. Erasistr., c. 5, vol. xi.; comp. Id. de Simplic. Medicam. Temper. ac Facult., vi. prooem. vol. xi, De Meth. Med., i. 3, vii. 3, vol. x., Comment in Hippocr. de Nat Hom., ii. 6, vol. xv.
  2. Athenaeus, i. p. 5
  3. Pliny, H. N., xx. 15, 33, 73, xxiii. 29, xxiv. 92