Deutsche Schule Kiew Explained

Deutsche Schule Kiew
Type:German international school
Grades:1 - 12
Principal:Willi Josef Wolfried Wrubel [1]

Deutsche Schule Kiew (DSK; uk|Німецька школа в Києві, Nimetska shkola v Kiyevi) is a German international school in Kyiv, Ukraine.[2] [3] It is licensed by the relevant Ukrainian educational authorities, accredited and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, and run by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (de|Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen, ZfA).[4] The school is one of 135 German international schools worldwide.


It serves Grundschule and Gymnasium, i.e. primary through secondary school.[5] Students can choose courses for obtaining Ukrainian or German high school degrees, it is therefore possible to seamlessly switch to and from the educational system in Germany.

See also

External links

Notes and References

  2. "Kontakte"/"Контакти ." Deutsche Schule Kiew. Retrieved on 3 March 2015. "wul. Nowomostytska, 10, Kiew 04108,Ukraine" - "вул. Новомостицька, 10, Київ 04108, Україна"
  3. News: Sallinger . Marianne . Deutsche Schule in Kiew gibt bewegende Einblicke in den Schulalltag . Weltverband Deutscher Auslandsschulen e.V. . 6 February 2023 . de-DE.
  4. Web site: Культура та освіта . 2024-03-18 . . de.
  5. "Schule." Deutsche Schule Kiew. Retrieved on 3 May 2015.