Caste Name: | Deswali Majhi |
Caste Name In Local: | ᱫᱮᱥᱣᱟᱞᱤ ᱢᱟᱺᱡᱷᱤ দেস্বালি মাঝি |
Family Names: | Majhi |
Religions: | Hinduism |
Ethnicity: | Santal |
Populated States: | Jharkhand, West Bengal |
Deswali Majhi is a Hinduized section of Santal tribe,[1] distributed in western region of West Bengal and eastern region of Jharkhand. The community took shape after the great Santal rebellion (1855–56) by adoption of Hinduism due oppression faced as a Santal by the Britishers and their proximity to the Bengali people.[2] [3]