Deme Explained

In Ancient Greece, a deme or (grc|δῆμος, plural: demoi, δήμοι) was a suburb or a subdivision of Athens and other city-states. Demes as simple subdivisions of land in the countryside existed in the 6th century BC and earlier, but did not acquire particular significance until the reforms of Cleisthenes in 508 BC. In those reforms, enrollment in the citizen-lists of a deme became the requirement for citizenship; prior to that time, citizenship had been based on membership in a phratry, or family group. At this same time, demes were established in the main city of Athens itself, where they had not previously existed; in all, at the end of Cleisthenes' reforms, Athens was divided into 139 demes.[1] Three other demes were created subsequently: Berenikidai (224/223 BC), Apollonieis (201/200 BC), and Antinoeis (AD 126/127). The establishment of demes as the fundamental units of the state weakened the gene, or aristocratic family groups, that had dominated the phratries.[2]

A deme functioned to some degree as a polis in miniature, and indeed some demes, such as Eleusis and Acharnae, were in fact significant towns. Each deme had a demarchos who supervised its affairs; various other civil, religious, and military functionaries existed in various demes. Demes held their own religious festivals and collected and spent revenue.[3]

Demes were combined within the same area to make trittyes, larger population groups, which in turn were combined to form the ten tribes, or phylai of Athens. Each tribe contained one trittys from each of three regions: the city, the coast, and the inland area.

Cleisthenes' reforms and its modifications

First period: 508 – 307/306 BC

Cleisthenes divided the landscape in three zones—urban (asty), coastal (paralia) and inland (mesogeia)—and the 139 demes were organized into 30 groups called trittyes ("thirds"), ten for each of the zones and into ten tribes, or phylai, each composed of three trittyes, one from the coast, one from the city, and one from the inland area.

Cleisthenes also reorganized the Boule, created with 400 members under Solon, so that it had 500 members, 50 from each tribe, each deme having a fixed quota.

The ten tribes were named after legendary heroes and came to have an official order:

Second period: 307/306 – 224/223 BC

In 307/306 – 224/223 BC the system was reorganized with the creation of two Macedonian Phylai (XI. Antigonis and XII. Demetrias), named after Demetrius I of Macedon and Antigonus I Monophthalmus, and an increase in the membership of the Boule to 600. Each of the ten tribes, except Aiantis, provided three demes (not necessarily one for trittyes); the missing contribution of Aiantis was covered by two demes of Leontis and one from Aigeis.

Third period: 224/223 – 201/200 BC

The Egyptian Phyle XIII. Ptolemais, named after Ptolemy III Euergetes was created in 224/223 BC and the Boule was again increased to 650 members, the twelve tribes giving each a demos. A new village was created and named Berenikidai after Ptolemy's wife Berenice II of Egypt.

Fourth period: 201/200 BC – 126/127 AD

In 201/200 BC the Macedonian Phylae were dissolved and the villages (except the two given to Ptolemais) went back to their original tribes. In the spring of 200 BC Tribe XIV. Attalis, named after Attalus I, was created following the same scheme used for the creation of the Egyptian Phyle: each tribe contributed a deme and a new deme, Apollonieis, was created in honour of Apollonis, wife of Attalus I of Pergamum. As a consequence there were again 12 tribes and 600 members of the Boule. From this period onward, quotas were no longer assigned to the demes for the 50 Boule members from each tribe

Fifth period: 126/127 – third century

The last modification was the creation in 126/127 of XV. Hadrianis, named after the Emperor Hadrian, following the same scheme: each tribe contributed a deme and a new deme, Antinoeis, was created in honour of Hadrian's favourite, Antinous. Each tribe contributed 40 members to the Boule.

Representation in the Boule

In the first three periods there it a more detailed system of fixed quotas which essentially remained unchanged. There is no evidence for a single general reapportionment of quotas within each of the first three periods, while there are evident small quota-variations between the first and the second periods.

More precisely in:

307/306 BC, 24 demes increased of 1 bouleutes, 13 of 2, 5 or 3, 6 of 4 and 1 (Lower Paiania) of 11 and there is not a single example of a decreased quota.

224/223 BC 4 demes increased of 1 bouletes

As regards the last two periods, the material illustrates the complete collapse of the quota-system from 201/200 BC.

Spurious and Late Roman demes

Some deme lists suggest extensions to the list of 139+3 Demes by adding 43 additional names, some of which have been considered by scholars as Attic demes.[4] The criticism performed by John S. Traill shows that 24 are the result of error, ancient[5] or modern,[6] or of misinterpretation[7] and 19[8] are well known chiefly from inscriptions of the second and third centuries AD, i.e. in the fifth period, and thus for political purposes they were originally dependent on legitimate Cleisthenic demes.

Homonymous and divided demes

There were six pairs of homonymous demes:

there were two demes of that name, but no modifier is known. One is associated to V.Acamantis, later XI.Antigonis and XV.Hadrianis; the other is associated to X.Antiochis

again no modifier is known; one deme was associated to IV.Leontis; the other to X.Antiochis, later XI.Antigonis and XIII.Ptolemais.

again no modifier is known for these two demes associated to VIII.Hippothontis and X.Antiochis.

There were six divided demes, one composed of three parts:

no special designations of either section are preserved, although they are presumed to have the regular Upper and Lower forms. One section, perhaps Upper Ankale, was transferred to XI.Antigonis and went back at the end of the Macedonian period.

List of Athenian demes according to tribes/phylai (φυλαί)

The ten Cleisthenic tribes

I. Erechtheïs (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἐρεχθηΐς)
  1. [9]
  1. [10]
  1. [11]
233One deme to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods and to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Lower Agryle2
11to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Anagyrous6 8 8
Kedoi2 2 2
Upper Lamptrai5 to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Coastal Lamptrai91010
Pambotadai1(0)12to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Kephisia (?)inland
Kephisia6 88
Upper Pergase2 33One deme to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Lower Pergase2
II. Aigeis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Αἰγηΐς)
Upper Ankyle1to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Lower Ankyle11
Diomeia1to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Araphen2 2
Halai Araphenides59
Otryne1 1
Phegaia3(4)3(4)to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
7(6) 11
Gargettos4to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Ikarion5(4)to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods and to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Kydantidai1(2)1(2)to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Myrrhinoutta1 1
Plotheia1 2
Teithras4 4
III. Pandionis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Πανδιονίς)
Kydathenaion12(11)to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
2(3) 4 4
6 8 8
Prasiai3 3 3
5 5 5to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Konthyle1 1to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Kytheros2(1) to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Oa444to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Upper Paiania1to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Lower Paiania112222
IV. Leontis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Λεοντίς)
Oion Kerameikon1to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Skambonidai344to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Upper Potamos2 2 2
Lower Potamos1 to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Deiradiotai2 to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Potamioi Deiradiotai2 to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Phrearrhioi9 9 10
Sounion466to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Hekale (?)inland
Aithalidai2 to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Cholleidai25 5
Hekale11to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Hybadai22(1) 2
22 2
Kropidai11 1
33 3
22 2
V. Akamantis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἀκαμαντίς)
Poros3to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Eitea2to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods and to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Hagnous5to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods and to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Prospalta55 to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
VI. Oeneïs (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Οἰνηΐς)
Boutadai11to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Hippotomadai1to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Tyrmeidai1(0)1 to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Kothokidai2(1)to XII.Demetrias in the second and third period
Phyle2to XII.Demetrias in the second and third period
Thria78 to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
VII. Kekropis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Κεκροπίς)
Melite (?)city
Daidalidai1to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods and to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Melite7to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Xypete7to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Halai Aixonides610
Athmonon610 to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Phlya79 to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Sypalettos22 [12]
VIII. Hippothontis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἱπποθοντίς)
Keiriadai2 2
Koile3 to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Korydallos1 1 to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Peiraieus9 10
Thymaitadai2 2
Acherdous1 1
Auridai1 to XI.Antigonis in the second and third periods
Azenia2 2
Elaious1 1 to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Eleusis11 12
Kopros2 2
2 to XII.Demetrias in the second and to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Dekeleia (?)inland
Anakaia3 3
Eroiadai1 2
Dekeleia4 6
Oion Dekeleikon3 3 to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period and to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
IX. Aiantis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Αἰαντίς)
Phaleron (?)city
Marathon10 10 13
4 46 to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period and to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Rhamnous8 812
Trikorynthos3 3 6to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Aphidna (?)inland
Aphidna16 16to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period and to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
X. Antiochis (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἀντιοχίς)
Alopeke10 12
Aigilia6 7 to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Amphitrope2 3
Anaphlystos10 11
Atene3 to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods and to XIV.Attalis in the fourth period
Besa2 2 to XV.Hadrianis in the fifth period
Thorai4 to XII.Demetrias in the second and third periods
Eitea2(1) 2
Eroiadai1 1
Kolonai2 to XI.Antigonis in the second period and to XIII.Ptolemais in the third period
Krioa1 2
Pallene6(7) 9

The Macedonian tribes

XI. Antigonis
DemeFormer phyleTrittys
Lower AgryleErachtheiscity33
Upper LamptraiErachtheiscoast55
Lower PergaseErachtheis inland22
Upper AnkyleAigeiscity11
IkarionAigeis inland56
KytherosPandionisinland2 2
Upper PaianiaPandionisinland11
DeiradiotaiLeontiscoast2 2
Potamos DeiradiotesLeontiscoast2 2
XII. Demetrias
DemeFormer phyleTrittys
Oion KerameikonLeontiscity11
Lower PotamosLeontis coast12
PorosAkamantis coast3 3
HippotomadaiOineiscity1 1
KothokidaiOineiscoast2 2
DaidalidaiKekropiscity1 1

The later tribes

XIII. Ptolemais[13]
DemeFormer phyleTrittys
KydantidaiAigeisinland1 (2)1 (2)1
KonthylePandionisinland1 1 1
HekaleLeontisinland1 1 1
ProspaltaAkamantisinland5 5 5
PhlyaKekropisinland6 99
Oion DekeleikonHippothontis inland3 33
AphidnaAiantisinland16 1616
XIV. Attalis[14]
DemeFormer phyleTrittys
Lower AgrileErechteiscity333
IkarionAigeisinland5 (4)66
ProbalinthosPandioniscoast5 55
SounionLeontiscoast 4 6 6
Oion DekailekonPtolemaisinlamd 333
HagnousAkamantisinland5 5 5
AthmononKekropisinland6 1010
KorydallosHippothontis city3 33
XV. Hadrianis[15]
DemeFormer phyleTrittys
PambotadaiErechteiscoast1 (0)1 (0)2
PhegaiaAigeiscoast3 (4)3 (4)4
OaPandionisinland4 44
SkambonidaiLeontiscity34 4
AphidnaPtolemaisinlamd 161616
EiteaAkamantisinland2 2 2
DaidalidaiKekropiscity1 1 1
ElaiousHippothontis coast1 11

The ten tribes of Thurii

When the city was settled under the support of Pericles and the command of Lampon and Xenocritus the population was organized in ten tribes, following the Athenian organization: there were tribes for the population of 1. Arcadia, 2. Achaea, 3. Elis, 4. Boeotia, 5. Delphi, 6. Dorians, 7. Ionians, 8. population of Euboea, 9. the islands and 10. Athenians.[16]

Later usage

The term "deme" (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: dēmos) survived into the Hellenistic and Roman eras. By the time of the Byzantine Empire, the term was used to refer to one of the four chariot racing factions, the Reds, the Blues, the Greens and the Whites.

In modern Greece, the term Greek, Modern (1453-);: dēmos is used to denote one of the municipalities.


Notes and References

  1. ,
  2. J.V. Fine, The Ancient Greeks: A Critical History
  3. David Whitehead, "Deme" from the Oxford Classical Dictionary, Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth, ed.
  4. Graes, Phegaia, Kaletea (III); Rhakidai, Kyrteidai (V); Phyle B, Perrihidai (VI); Kikynna B, Trinemeia B, Sypalettos B (VII); Agriadai, Pol(--), Anakaia B, Amymone, Sphendale (VIII); Kykala, Perrhidai, Thyrgonidai, Titakidai, Petalidai, Psaphis (IX); Atene B, De(--), Lekkon, Leukopyra, Ergadeis, Phyrrhinesioi, Malainai, Pentele (X).
  5. Anakaia B, Phegaieis B, Graes, Pol(--)
  6. Agriadai
  7. De(--), Salamis, Kaletea, Kikynna B, Atene B, Ikaroin, Amphitrope B, Phyle B, Sypalettos B, Trinemeia B, Coastal Lamptrai, Chastieis, Chelidonia, Echelidai, Gephyreis, Lekkon, Oisia, Rhakidai, Sporgilos.
  8. Hyporeia,Thirgonidai, Titakidai, Perrhidai, Petalidai, Eunostidai, Klopidai, Melainai, Sphendale, Pentale, Psaphis, Akyaia, Amymone, Ergadeis, Kykala, Kyrteidai, Leukopyra, Phy(r)rhinesioi, Semachidai B,
  9. Quota in the first period
  10. Quota in the second period
  11. Quota in the third period
  12. Meritt, 1961, pp.227-230 suggests that Sypalettos could be temporarily belonged to XIV.Attalis in 145; the argument would justify the conflicting facts that the current archon, Epikrates, was from Sypalettos and that archonship, in the secretary-cycle, should be assigned to Attalis; in connection he pointed that the son of the eponym, Attalos II, was of the deme Sypalettos and that a similar reletionship between phylai and members of the family of the eponym is proved by Ptolemy V Epiphanes, grandson of Ptolemy III and member of XIII.Ptolemais and by Hadrian which was accepted into the deme of Besa.
  13. . Ptolemais was fifth in the tribal order during the periods it existed; the tribes from Acamantis to Antiochis were all moved back in the tribal order by one place.
  14. Attalis was twelfth in the tribal order during the period it existed.
  15. Hadrianis was thirteenth in the tribal order during the period it existed.
  16. [Fritz Schachermeyr]