Deltoid tubercle of spine of scapula explained

Deltoid tubercle (of spine of scapula)
Latin:tuberculum deltoideum (spinae scapulae)

The deltoid tubercle of spine of scapula is a prominence on the spine of scapula. The spine, at lateral to the root of the spine, curves down and laterally to form a lip.[1] This lip is called the deltoid tubercle.


Middle and inferior fibres of trapezius muscle, and deltoid muscle, attached to the deltoid tubercle.[1] [2] The deltoid tubercle marks the beginning of attachment of deltoid muscle.[1]

See also

Notes and References

  1. R.M.H. McMinn "Lasts Anatomy Regional and Applied" Elsevier Australia, 2003. p.129
  2. Alison Middleditch, Jean Oliver, "Functional Anatomy of the Spine," Butterworth-Heinemann (2002) p.113