Decimal representation explained
A decimal representation of a non-negative real number is its expression as a sequence of symbols consisting of decimal digits traditionally written with a single separator: Here is the decimal separator, is a nonnegative integer, and
digits, which are symbols representing integers in the range 0, ..., 9.
The sequence of the
—the digits after the dot—is generally infinite. If it is finite, the lacking digits are assumed to be 0. If all
are, the separator is also omitted, resulting in a finite sequence of digits, which represents a
natural number.
The decimal representation represents the infinite sum:
Every nonnegative real number has at least one such representation; it has two such representations (with
if and only if one has a trailing infinite sequence of, and the other has a trailing infinite sequence of . For having a one-to-one correspondence between nonnegative real numbers and decimal representations, decimal representations with a trailing infinite sequence of are sometimes excluded.
Integer and fractional parts
The natural number , is called the integer part of, and is denoted by in the remainder of this article. The sequence of the
represents the number
which belongs to the
and is called the
fractional part of (except when all
are equal to).
Finite decimal approximations
Any real number can be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy by rational numbers with finite decimal representations.
. Then for every integer
there is a finite decimal
such that:
, where
, and the result follows from dividing all sides by
.(The fact that
has a finite decimal representation is easily established.)
Non-uniqueness of decimal representation and notational conventions
See main article: 0.999.... Some real numbers
have two infinite decimal representations. For example, the number 1 may be equally represented by 1.000... as by
0.999... (where the infinite sequences of trailing 0's or 9's, respectively, are represented by "..."). Conventionally, the decimal representation without trailing 9's is preferred. Moreover, in the
standard decimal representation of
, an infinite sequence of trailing 0's appearing after the decimal point is omitted, along with the decimal point itself if
is an integer.
Certain procedures for constructing the decimal expansion of
will avoid the problem of trailing 9's. For instance, the following algorithmic procedure will give the standard decimal representation: Given
, we first define
integer part of
) to be the largest integer such that
). If
the procedure terminates. Otherwise, for
already found, we define
inductively to be the largest integer such that: