De Beghinselen der Weeghconst ("The Principles of the Art of Weighing") is a book about statics written by the Flemish physicist Simon Stevin in Dutch. It was published in 1586 in a single volume with De Weeghdaet ("The Act of Weighing"), De Beghinselen des Waterwichts ("The Principles of Hydrostatics") and an Anhang (an appendix).[1] In 1605, there was another edition.
The importance of the book was summarized by the Encyclopædia Britannica:[2]
The first part consists of two books, together account for 95 pages, here divided into 10 pieces.
Start: panegyrics, Mission to Rudolf II, Uytspraeck Vande Weerdicheyt of Duytsche Tael, CortbegrypBepalinghen and Begheerten (definitions and assumptions)
Proposal 1 t / m 4: hefboomwet
Proposal 5 t / m 12: a balance with weights pilaer
Proposition 13 t / m 18: follow-up, with hefwicht, two supports
Proposition 19: balance on an inclined plane, with cloot Crans
Proposal 20 t / m 28: pilaer with scheefwichten, hanging, body
Proposal 1 t / m 6: center of gravity boards – triangle, rectilinear flat
Proposal 7 t / m 13: trapezium, divide, cut fire
Proposition 14 t / m 24: center of gravity of bodies – pillar, pyramid, burner
The Weeghdaet
The Beghinselen des Waterwichts