Dauria International Protected Area Explained

The Dauria International Protected Area (full official name: China-Mongolia-Russian "Dauria" International Protected Area, CMR DIPA) is the first in Asia three-party reserve created within the historical Dauriya region according to an agreement signed on March 29, 1994.[1] [2]

It includes the Russian and Mongolian protected areas of the Landscapes of Dauria World Heritage Site and the Dalai Lake National Nature Reserve (Hulunhu National Nature Biosphere Reserve (HNNR), Dalainor Biosphere Reserve), China[3] [1] [2]

Notes and References

  1. http://www.nhpfund.org/files/booklet-dauria-13-eng.pdf "Landscapes of Dauria"
  2. https://www.neaspec.org/sites/default/files/NEASPEC-KEI%20joint%20report_for%20web_1.pdf Managing Connectivity Conservation in North-East Asia: Case of Dauria International Protected Areas
  3. https://rsis.ramsar.org/ris/1146 Dalai Lake National Nature Reserve, Inner Mongolia