The Darwin Lagrangian (named after Charles Galton Darwin, grandson of the naturalist) describes the interaction to order between two charged particles in a vacuum where c  is the speed of light. It was derived before the advent of quantum mechanics and resulted from a more detailed investigation of the classical, electromagnetic interactions of the electrons in an atom. From the Bohr model it was known that they should be moving with velocities approaching the speed of light.[1]
The full Lagrangian for two interacting particles iswhere the free particle part isThe interaction is described bywhere the Coulomb interaction in Gaussian units iswhile the Darwin interaction isHere and are the charges on particles 1 and 2 respectively, and are the masses of the particles, and are the velocities of the particles, is the speed of light, is the vector between the two particles, and
The first part is the Taylor expansion of free Lagrangian of two relativistic particles to second order in v. The Darwin interaction term is due to one particle reacting to the magnetic field generated by the other particle. If higher-order terms in are retained, then the field degrees of freedom must be taken into account, and the interaction can no longer be taken to be instantaneous between the particles. In that case retardation effects must be accounted for.[2]
The relativistic interaction Lagrangian for a particle with charge q interacting with an electromagnetic field is[2] where is the relativistic velocity of the particle. The first term on the right generates the Coulomb interaction. The second term generates the Darwin interaction.
The vector potential in the Coulomb gauge is described by[2] where the transverse current is the solenoidal current (see Helmholtz decomposition) generated by a second particle. The divergence of the transverse current is zero.
The current generated by the second particle iswhich has a Fourier transform
The transverse component of the current is
It is easily verified thatwhich must be true if the divergence of the transverse current is zero. We see that
From the equation for the vector potential, the Fourier transform of the vector potential iswhere we have kept only the lowest order term in .
The inverse Fourier transform of the vector potential iswhere(see ).
The Darwin interaction term in the Lagrangian is thenwhere again we kept only the lowest order term in .
The equation of motion for one of the particles iswhere is the momentum of the particle.
The equation of motion for a free particle neglecting interactions between the two particles is
For interacting particles, the equation of motion becomes
The Darwin Hamiltonian for two particles in a vacuum is related to the Lagrangian by a Legendre transformation
The Hamiltonian becomes
This Hamiltonian gives the interaction energy between the two particles. It has recently been argued that when expressed in terms of particle velocities, one should simply set
The Hamiltonian equations of motion areandwhich yieldand
The structure of the Darwin interaction can also be clearly seen in quantum electrodynamics and due to the exchange of photons in lowest order of perturbation theory. When the photon has four-momentum with wave vector its propagator in the Coulomb gauge has two components.[4]
-q\sqrt{4\pi}eλ ⋅ p/m.
eλ ⋅ k=0
In the exchange of the photon between the two particles one can ignore the frequency
2 | |
2c |
k2}p1 ⋅ \left(1-\hatk\hatk\right) ⋅ p2
A similar calculation can be done when the photon couples to Dirac particles with spin and used for a derivation of the Breit equation. It gives the same Darwin interaction but also additional terms involving the spin degrees of freedom and depending on the Planck constant.[4]