Death of Danka Ilić explained

Danka Ilić
Birth Date:6 May 2022

On 26 March 2024, 23-month-old Serbian girl Danka Ilić (6 May 2022 26 March 2024) disappeared in Banjsko Polje near Bor, Republic of Serbia. On 4 April, ten days after her disappearance, authorities arrested two people in connection with her disappearance, who had supposedly confessed to killing her. The brother of one of the suspects was also subsequently arrested and died while in police custody, with signs of torture on his corpse. Ilić's body hasn't been found.

Upon her disappearance, Serbia issued the first Amber alert message in the country's history.


On 26 March, Danka and her mother, Ivana, were on a walk in Banjsko Polje. Around 1:45 p.m. local time, Ivana lost track of her daughter.[1]

According to authorities, shortly after Danka had been separated from her mother, at 1:52 p.m. she was hit by a car. She was still alive at that time, however, but one of the two suspects then killed her. The two drivers then supposedly transported her body to a landfill, but then moved the body on 28 March.[2]


Initial investigations in Banjsko Polje found no leads.[3] Interpol became involved with the search for Ilić, and issued a yellow warrant in her case by 1 April.[4] [5]

Some investigators suggested Ilić may have been taken out of the country. Viennese police investigated a video recorded in Vienna, Austria, alleged to be of Ilić, but concluded that there was no connection to the case.[6]

Arrest and detention of suspects

On the morning of 4 April, police found blood on a utility vehicle.[7] They proceeded to arrest two people connected to the car in connection with Ilić's disappearance and death. Two suspects are 50-year olds named Dejan Dragijević and Srđan Janković.[8] The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić reported that the two confessed to killing Ilić. The police further reported that the suspects would lead police to where Ilić's body had been left. However, although the suspects were subsequently seen at different places accompanied by police, Ilić’s body remained undiscovered.

On 5 April, two suspects were brought to the state attorney in Zaječar. It was reported that Dragijević there confessed to strangling Ilić, as well as having his father and brother helping him to hide the body, while Janković maintained his right to remain silent. Both suspects were ordered to be held for 30 days,[9] and they face charge of aggravated murder, punishable by life imprisonment.[10] On 30 April, High Court in Zaječar extended their detention for another 30 days.[11]

On 4 June, Janković was on his own request interrogated by state attorney in Zaječar, and this time he completely denied commiting any crime. [12] Similarly Dragijević also denied having any crime commited when interrogated in Zaječar on July 11, also on his own request.[13]

Arrest of Dragijević's father and brother

On 6 April 73-year-old Rade and 40-year-old Dalibor Dragijević, Dragijević's father and brother, were arrested on suspicion of helping Dragijević to dispose of Ilić's body. Both were ordered to be detained for 48 hours.

On 7 April, Rade was brought to state attorney in Zaječar, where he reportedly maintained his right to silence, and was ordered to be detained for 30 days. He was released on 29 May.[14]

Death of Dalibor Dragijević

On 7 April, the local police reported that Dalibor Dragijević died from natural causes at 3:10 am that day at police station in Bor.[15] However, on 19 April, Serbian media first reported that Dragijević died of violent causes, as revealed by autopsy and contrary to what police said in the aftermath of his death. It was later revealed that he was beaten to death at the police station, with obvious signs of torture on his corpse.[16] On 1 May, after internal control sector made an inspection in connection to Dragijević's death, they recommended disciplinary action and suspension for three policemen.[17]

Other developments

On 8 May, it was reported that no DNA by Ilić was found on any part of the car that supposedly hit Ilić.[18]

On 15 May, Dragijević's mother died of natural causes.[19]


A.The veracity of the initial claim of the suspects' supposed confession has been greatly disputed in the subsequent months, due to lack of other evidence, lack of transparency and strong evidence of police torture.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 4 April 2024 . Vucic: Two Persons admitted they killed Two Years old Danka . 5 April 2024 . Sarajevo Times . en-US.
  2. Web site: Gdje je tijelo male Danke? Samo jedan čovjek to zna . 24 May 2024 . . hr.
  3. Web site: Vučić potvrdio da je nestala djevojčica Danka Ilić ubijena, uhapšene dvije osobe . Vučić Confirms Missing Girl Danka Ilić Murdered, Two Arrested . 5 April 2024 . . hr.
  4. Web site: 4 April 2024 . No Connection of the Women from the video in Vienna with the Disappearance of Danka Ilic . 5 April 2024 . Sarajevo Times . en-US.
  5. Web site: 1 April 2024 . Two Years old Girl Danka is on Interpol's Missing Persons List . 5 April 2024 . Sarajevo Times . en-US.
  6. Web site: 4 April 2024 . Austrijska policija: Na objavljenim snimcima nije djevojčica Danka Ilić . Austrian Police: Girl Danka Ilić Not in Released Footage . 5 April 2024 . Al Jazeera Balkans . bs.
  7. Web site: 4 April 2024 . Danka was killed by communal Workers, then the Body was dumped in a Landfill . 5 April 2024 . Sarajevo Times . en-US.
  8. Web site: 4 April 2024 . Tragic End for Missing 2-Year-Old Danka Ilic: Two Arrested for Murder . 5 April 2024 . . en.
  9. Web site: 6 April 2024 . Strahota: Dragijević priznao da je zadavio 2-godišnju Danku, ubojica doveden pred kuću nakon što je ispumpana jama . Horror: Dragijević Admits to Strangling 2-Year-Old Danka, Killer Taken to House After Pit is Drained . 24 May 2024 . Slobodna Dalmacija . hr-hr.
  10. Web site: Evo što je tužiteljstvo objavilo o muškarcima osumnjičenim za ubojstvo Danke Ilić . Here's What the Prosecutor's Office Disclosed About the Men Suspected of Murdering Danka Ilić . 24 May 2024 .
  11. Web site: 30 April 2024 . Dvojac uhićen zbog ubojstva Danke Ilić ostaje iza rešetaka. Još se ne zna gdje je njeno tijelo . Pair Arrested for Danka Ilić's Murder Remain Behind Bars, Location of Her Body Still Unknown . 24 May 2024 . . hr.
  12. Web site: Procurili detalji neočekivanog iskaza osumnjičenog za ubojstvo Danke. Javila se majka . 2024-07-11 . . hr.
  13. Web site: 2024-07-11 . Jutarnji list - Šok na saslušanju: U travnju priznao da je zadavio malu Danku Ilić, sada je novim iskazom sve zatekao . 2024-07-11 . . hr-hr.
  14. Web site: 7 April 2024 . Otac osumnjičenog ubojice ide u pritvor, evo kako se branio: Otkriveno što je brat Dragijević radio prije smrti . Suspected Murderer's Father Goes to Jail, Here's His Defence: What the Dragijević Brother Was Doing Prior to Death Disclosed . 24 May 2024 . . hr-hr.
  15. Web site: 7 April 2024 . Otkriven uzrok Smrti — Brat ubice male Danke (2) umro u pritvorskoj ćeliji, evo od čega . Cause of Death Revealed — Brother of Little Danka's (2) Killer Died in Jail Cell, Here's Why . 24 May 2024 . Srpskainfo . sr.
  16. Web site: 23 April 2024 . Skandal u Srbiji, čovjeka bez optužnice mučili i pretukli do smrti, a reakcije institucija su apsolutno nevjerojatne... . Scandal in Serbia, Man Tortured and Beaten to Death Without Charge, Reactions from Institutions Defy Belief... . 24 May 2024 . . hr-hr.
  17. Web site: Policajci nasmrt pretukli brata navodnog ubojice Danke? Tortura je navodno počela kad su ga priveli . Brother of Danka's Alleged Killer Beaten to Death by Police? Torture Reportedly Began Upon Arrest . 24 May 2024 . . hr.
  18. Web site: Preokret u slučaju nestale Danke? Na autu koji ju je navodno udario nije nađen njezin DNK-a . Unexpected Turn in Missing Danka's Case? No DNA Found on Car That Allegedly Hit Her . 24 May 2024 . . hr.
  19. Web site: Umrla majka Dejana Dragijevića: Nakon nestanka Danke Ilić uhapšeni joj oba sina i suprug . Mother of Dejan Dragijević Dies: Following Danka Ilić's Disappearance, Both of Her Sons and Husband Were Arrested . 24 May 2024 .