German Investment Corporation Explained

Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
Type:Private corporation (GmbH)
Location:Cologne, Germany
Key People:Roland Siller[1] (CEO)
Monika Beck[2]
Philipp Kreutz[3]
Num Employees:650 (2021)
Assets:Equity Capital €2.5 billion (2017)
Industry:Development Finance
Products:Loans, Equity Financing, Feasibility Studies, Advisory Services, Consulting

Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) is a Development Finance Institution (DFI) and a subsidiary of KfW Group. It was founded in Cologne in September 1962 as a federally owned company by the former Federal President Walter Scheel.[4] Since its foundation, DEG has been headquartered in Cologne. In 2008, DEG moved into a modern, energy efficient office building in the city centre. DEG has 20 representative offices across the world, inter alia in Bangkok, Beijing, Istanbul, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Lagos, Lima, Mexico City, Nairobi, New Delhi, São Paulo and Singapore.[5] In 2021, DEG employed a staff of approximately 650, both in Germany and abroad.[6] DEG generated new business totaling EUR 1.5 billion in 2021 and the balance sheet total amounted to EUR 5.328 billion. Since its foundation, DEG has co-financed almost 1,300 companies in more than 120 countries.[7]

With a portfolio of around EUR 9.2 billion in nearly 80 countries DEG is one of the world's largest private-sector development financiers.

Mission and products

DEG finances long-term investments of private companies in developing and emerging-market countries. As one of the world's largest development finance institutions, it promotes private sector companies to contribute to sustainable economic growth and improved living conditions in these countries.[8] DEG focuses on projects and corporate finance in Africa, Asia, Latin America as well as in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Its financing products, which are offered at market-oriented conditions, comprise

Among DEG's customers are corporates, financial institutions, funds and project financiers.Moreover, DEG offers advisory services, which are offered to both companies willing to invest and institutions promoting private-sector cooperation in its partner countries.Furthermore, DEG - as one of the three official partners - implements the programme of the Federal German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ).[10] targets companies that invest in developing and emerging-market countries and are seeking ways to shape their corporate commitment in the long term. These funds are mainly allotted to projects concerning environment, training and upskilling, workplace security and to outstanding pilot projects.

Since 2017, DEG offers financial support and solutions via German Desks[11] together with local partner banks and local German Chambers of Commerce Abroad. A local bank employee who operates in both languages and cultures, handles particular needs of German firms or supports investment financing for local companies wishing to acquire German equipment, for example.[11]

In all its financing activities, DEG applies the IFC Performance Standards,[12] including the relevant "Environment, Health and Safety" guidelines as well as the ILO standards. The Performance Standards, developed by the International Financing Corporation (IFC), are the most widely used assessment standards in international development financing.[12]

To ensure individuals, groups, communities or any other parties who believe to be adversely affected by a project financed or planned by DEG the right to be heard and the right to complain, DEG developed an Independent Complaint Mechanism (ICM) including an Independent Expert Panel. The Panel decides whether the complaint is admissible, responds to the complaint and is responsible for taking further possible steps.[13]

Contribution to the SDGs

Being part of the German development cooperation, DEG promotes and contributes to the 2030 Agenda including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN. Among these goals is the reduction of poverty by promoting job creation and income generation in less developed and rural regions. Moreover, DEG's customers employed more than 1.5 million people, produced green energy for around 26 million people and generated local income of EUR 67 million.[14] In 2017, 72% of the companies supported by DEG contributed to the alleviation of poverty (SDG No. 1) as well as 88% of them fostered decent work and economic groth (SDG No. 8).[14]


DEG closely coordinates its promotional activities with other European Development Finance Institutions, many of which have joined in the association of the European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI).[15] Further cooperation partners of DEG are the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as numerous local and regional development companies. The pooling of financing capacities and in-house knowledge leads to broader developmental efficacy and greater sustainability.

KfW Group

KfW is the parent company of DEG. The subsidiaries of KfW include:[16]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Roland Siller (CEO).
  2. Web site: Monika Beck.
  3. Web site: Philipp Kreutz.
  4. Web site: DEG History. dead. October 25, 2013.
  5. Web site: Our locations.
  6. Web site: DEG at a glace.
  7. Web site: DEG Annual Report 2017. August 23, 2018.
  8. Web site: About DEG . 2013-10-25 . . 2013-10-25 . dead .
  9. Web site: BSS: DEG is your partner beyond financing.
  10. Web site:
  11. Web site: German Desk – Financial Support and Solutions.
  12. Web site: Overview.
  13. Web site: accessed on 9 October 2017.
  14. Web site: Our impact: Contributing to the SDG. 2018-08-23. 2021-06-05. dead.
  15. Web site: EDFI | European Development Finance Institutions. EDFI.
  16. Web site: Subsidiaries and Participations. 2013-10-25. 2020-09-29. dead.
  17. Web site: Export Finance | Project Finance.
  18. Web site: Home. 14 November 2023 .