Dạ cổ hoài lang explained

Dạ cổ hoài lang
Artist:Hương Lan
Album:Tình đẹp Hậu Giang
Venue:Knott's Berry Farm, California, USA
Genre:Vọng cổ
Label:Thúy Nga Productions

Dạ cổ hoài lang (pronounced as /vi/, "Night Drum Beats Cause Longing for Absent Husband") is a Vietnamese song, composed circa 1918 by songwriter Cao Văn Lầu, colloquially known as "Sáu Lầu," from Bạc Liêu. It was a massive hit across Vietnam in 1927 as it was taken up by travelling troupes and spawned many variants, versions and imitators.[1] [2]

The song Dạ cổ hoài lang marked the beginning of the iconic vọng cổ melody, which has become a subgenre on its own within the đờn ca tài tử and cải lương music that for many people Lầu's Dạ cổ hoài lang is still synonymous with vọng cổ.

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Notes and References

  1. Lonely Planet Vietnam 2001 Mason Florence, Robert Storey - 2001 "Dai Coa Hoaoi Lang (Night Song of the Missing Husband) Composed in 1919 by Bac Lieu, this song is said to have inspired Vietnam's beloved vong co melodies. Following is the English ... See the boxed text 'Da Co Hoai Lang', following."
  2. Southeast Asia: Volume 1 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Center for Vietnamese Studies - 1971 "Many new kinds of tunes were invented, the most important of which was the vong co. ... In any case, its first full appearance, even in simple form, was as da co or da co hoai lang (longing for one's husband) :48 Moderate Da Co Hoai Lang ..."