The Czenakowski distance (sometimes shortened as CZD) is a per-pixel quality metric that estimates quality or similarity by measuring differences between pixels. Because it compares vectors with strictly non-negative elements, it is often used to compare colored images, as color values cannot be negative. This different approach has a better correlation with subjective quality assessment than PSNR.
Androutsos et al. give the Czenakowski coefficient as follows:
| |||||||||
Where a pixel
For a pixel matrix of size
M x N
1 | |
MN |
M-1 | |
\sum | |
i=0 |
N-1 | |
\sum | |
j=0 |
| |||||||||
In the context of image forensics – for example, detecting if an image has been manipulated –, Rocha et al. report the Czenakowski distance is a popular choice for Color Filter Array (CFA) identification.