Criticism of value-form theory explained

See main article: Value-form.

This article is about scholarly criticism of Karl Marx’s idea about the form of value in capitalist society. Marx himself provided a first starting point for this scholarly controversy when he claimed that Capital, Volume I was not difficult to understand, "with the exception of the section on the form of value."[1] Friedrich Engels argued in his Anti-Dühring polemic of 1878 (when Marx was still alive) that "The value form of products... already contains in embryo the whole capitalist form of production, the antagonism between capitalists and wage-workers, the industrial reserve army, crises..."[2] Nowadays there are many scholars who feel that Marx’s theory of the value-form was misinterpreted for a hundred years. This allegedly had effect that the radical meaning of Marx’s critique of capitalism as a whole was misunderstood or diminished, so that it became just another version of economics.

Since the mid-1960s and after the collapse of state socialism and Marxism-Leninism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, there has emerged a new critical literature by Western Marxist and non-Marxist scholars about the conceptual foundations of Marx’s theory of value[3] (but Eastern Marxian scholars have also contributed to the international discussion and influenced it[4]). The interpretation and criticism of Marx’s concept of the form of value was a part of these new foundational studies.[5]

Several different schools of academic “value-form theory” have appeared in different countries,[6] and the critical value-form discourse has been to a considerable extent international. It emerged in many different contexts in different countries at different points in time. This article contains only a brief description of five main themes of criticism of Marx’s theory of the form of value, referencing some of the key thinkers and some of the important arguments made.[7] The first theme concerns the accusation of some scholars that Marx’s concept of the form of value is obscure, otiose or makes no sense. The second theme is the criticism of Marx’s definition of the substance of value as social labour (abstract labour). The third theme is the neo-Ricardian critique of Marx, which claims to make Marx’s theory of the form of value redundant. The fourth theme is the Chartalist criticism of Marx’s theory of the money-form of value. The fifth theme is the libertarian critique of Marx’s theory of the form of value, which defends the price system and free markets as progressive and as the foundation of a free society. The last section of the article describes how Marxists and socialists responded to such criticisms by defending various theories of “market socialism” and multiple co-existing methods of resource allocation (both market allocation and non-market allocation).


The criticism most often heard from the critics of Marx, such as Friedrich von Hayek, Karl Popper, Francis Wheen and Ian Steedman is that, even if Marx himself meant well, Marx's value-form idea is simply an esoteric obscurantism, "dialectical hocus pocus", "sophistry", or "mumbo jumbo". Francis Wheen refers to "a shaggy-dog story, a picaresque journey through the realms of higher nonsense."[8] Mark Blaug stated that "the reader will miss little by skipping the pedantic third section of Chapter I".[9]

This type of criticism was already being made while Marx was still alive, as Marx himself reports in a postface to the second German edition of Capital, Volume I in 1873.[10] Often, Marxists have replied to this type of criticism by restating Marx's arguments in clearer language, or by showing that Marx's theory of economic value at the very least fares no worse than the subjective theory of value (the theory of the util as the measuring unit of exchange).[11] Even so, when he published his very clear restatement ,[12] the Analytic Marxist philosopher Gerald Cohen explicitly dissociated himself from Marx's value theory. Cohen argued that it is possible to have a historical materialism without a labour theory of value, because the one does not logically entail the other as well.[13] Marcel van der Linden accepted Cohen's approach, noting that "whether Marx's theory is exactly right or not, it remains a fact that the working class produces a surplus product about which it has no say."[14] Marx himself never referred to his own theory of value as a "labour theory of value" even once.[15]

This interpretation contrasts with Lenin's opinion in 1894 — repeated by Johann Witt-Hansen[16] —that with the appearance of Das Kapital, "the materialist conception of history is no longer a hypothesis, but a scientifically proven proposition".[17] Earlier on, in 1880, Engels had written (at the end of Part 2 of his pamphlet ) that "two great discoveries, the materialistic conception of history and the revelation of the secret of capitalistic production through surplus-value, we owe to Marx. With these discoveries, Socialism became a science."[18]

Substance of value

Marx's argument is, that the exchangeability of reproducible commodities with recognition of their relative values is enabled by the common factor that all of them are products of social labour (co-operative human labour producing things for others).[19] His critics however suggest that Marx's observations about commodity trade fail to provide any definite proof that human labour-time (work effort) is the real substance of the value of commodities. It is not self-evident, that commodities are commensurable in exchange because they are all labour products; one could just as well argue, that (for example) they are commensurable in exchange because they are all priced. And if that is the case, it seems that the whole analysis of the form of value is redundant and pointless.

Marx's own response

In a famous letter from Marx to Ludwig Kugelmann dated 11 July 1868, Marx became extremely indignant and derisive about this objection, stating among other things that:

Modern debate

In 1989, Simon Clarke captured the essence of the modern value-form debate within Western Marxism, as a hyper-abstract scholastic debate about the form and content[20] of economic value:

The unresolved issue, David Kristjanson-Gural commented,[21] is that "If exchange effects the reduction of concrete to abstract labor, then the magnitude of value is determined not by the expenditure of labor in production, but only in exchange." Although Rubin did refer to "a quantitative determination of abstract labor before the act of exchange and independent of it",[22] by his own definition he lacked any method for determining the magnitude of abstract labour prior to exchange, or for showing how it might influence product-values. Paradoxically, it seemed that if value itself can only be determined with reference to exchange ratios in markets, then value cannot be the sole determinant of prices (a conclusion already reached by Joan Robinson in 1950.[23])

Contemporary Marxian academic research in "value theory" has become a broad area. In 2018, Riccardo Bellofiore, an Italian Marxist economist, concluded from his own perspective that Marx's value theory has "multiple meanings".[30] This can cause extra confusion, because what one Marxist means by "value theory" may not be what another Marxist means by value theory. Nevertheless, Ben Fine and Alfredo Saad-Filho, commenting on contemporary Marxist economics, say that:

The old Marxist theory was held together by the philosophy of dialectical materialism,[31] but in the new academic Marxism of the West, "value theory" is said to be the unifying factor. The unresolved issue then is, whether value theory really can be the unifying factor, if there are a large number of different and competing Marxist interpretations of value, with many different flavors, tastes and preferences, and pitched at many different levels of academic abstraction. Already in 1951, when he had tried to create firm conceptual foundations for value studies,[32] the anthropologist Clyde Kluckhohn concluded that the task was exceedingly difficult, if not an impossible venture:


A "sub-theme" of this academic controversy concerns the issue of whether concepts like abstract labour or the value-form are "historically specific" categories or "transhistorical" categories. For example, Massimo de Angelis and Christopher J. Arthur claim that abstract labour is a "specifically capitalist category", which has no transhistorical validity in different modes of production.[33] According to Karl Korsch's "principle of historical specification", "Marx comprehends all things social in terms of a definite historical epoch."[34]

Marx himself said that the abstract category of labour ("labour in general", or "labour as such", i.e. labour considered with indifference to its particular forms) expresses "an immeasurably ancient relation valid in all forms of society" (or "an ancient relation existing in all forms of society"); but, he went on to say, only in modern bourgeois society (as exemplified e.g. by the United States) is this category fully realized in practice.[35] Because only there does a system of price-equations exist within a universal market, which can really and practically reduce the valuation of all forms and quantities of labour uniformly to sums of money, so that any kind of labour becomes an interchangeable, tradeable good or "input" with a known price tag - and is also practically treated as such.[36] In other words, abstract labour for Marx was not a fixed, immutable and static category, which fell out of the air one day circa 1750, but an historically evolving category.[37]

If each social category was uniquely and exclusively applicable to only one specific stage of history, it would be impossible to understand the transition from one historical stage to another stage, or to understand human progress through different epochs. Marx does not say that trans-historical categories are not valid, but instead that historical categories which are applicable only to a particular epoch in human history should not be generalized or eternalized, "as if" they are everlasting trans-historical realities.[38] Phenomena ought to be understood in their appropriate specificity, for the sake of valid generalizations.

If current transitory realities are treated as eternal in the imagination, it appears as if they are immutable and cannot change anymore (a conservative ideology), but that overlooks the very things which are changing. This leads to the confusion of analytical constants and variables, with constants and variables in the real world (ultimately, almost nothing in the universe stays constant, although for humans there are constants "for all intents and purposes").

Long before commercial trade emerged, when subsistence hunters, gatherers and farmers had to judge how much time and work it would take to obtain food, they were already compelled to think abstractly and value the allocation of their labour time – giving rise to the first numerical expressions.[39] They had count and compare to survive, because their time and resources were limited, though obviously their valuations differed from the capitalist methods and concepts in use today. Even if they were not aware of the necessary proportions for the allocation of labour time by the clan, tribe, community etc., they were certainly confronted with its effects. Namely, if they did it wrong, their own people died. So they learnt soon enough from experience, to avoid all the worst mis-allocations of labour - they wanted to stay alive, and prosper. Modern research provides evidence that some animals, too, exhibit at least a rudimentary ability for numerical abstraction and a sense of numerical proportion, suggesting it is necessary for survival.[40]

In this sense, Marx comments that:

"Value", Marx said, "does not have its description branded on its forehead: it rather transforms every product into a social hieroglyphic. Later on, men try to decipher the hieroglyphic, to get behind the secret of their own social product..."[41] Thus, for example, archaeologist Marc Van de Mieroop comments about the Sumerian economy of ancient Mesopotamia as follows:

On the basis of their input/output and labour accounting, the Sumerian accountants, particularly from the Ur III period, were evidently able to estimate, in quantitatively accurate terms, how much labour it would take to produce a certain quantity of output, and therefore how many workers were needed for a given interval of time.

According to archaeologist Robert K. Englund, "The concept of value equivalency was a secure element in Babylonian accounting by at least the time of the sales contracts of the ED IIIa (Fara) period, c. 2600 BC"; the formation and use of grain product equivalencies was "an important step in the direction of general value equivalencies, best attested for in the Ur III period for silver, but then still generally applicable for other commodities such as grain or fish, including finally also labor time."[42]

Labour historian Jan Lucassen states that the first wages were paid to soldiers employed by early states 5,000 years ago, the first labour markets emerged between 2,000 and 1,000 BC (when temple officials began to subcontract labour), and waged workers were being paid with coins since about 600 BC. Already 2,000 years ago, workers could be paid for a specific part of a working day with coin.[43]

The significance of such historical and archaeological data about the evolution of abstract labour and value is denied by many Marxists, because, according to their idea of "historical specificity", capitalism is capitalism only if there is capitalism, and value is exclusively a creation of capitalism.


Since 1972, when Isaac Rubin's book[44] was republished in translation, the Western Marxist value-form controversy has continued for nearly half a century.[45] Different schools of thought have emerged, without however reaching a definite solution amenable to all. However, in reality, the intellectual controversy has much deeper historical roots.[46] As Rubin himself stated, "All post-Ricardian political economy revolved around the question of the relation between production price and labor-value. Answering this question was an historic task for economic thought. In Marx's view, the particular merit of his theory of value was that it gave a solution to this problem."[47]

Rubin's claim was that, in Marx's view, the labor theory of value and the theory of production prices represent "two logical stages or degrees of abstraction from the same economic phenomena" instead of being two models that contradict each other.[48] The next problem however was, that Rubin's vague "levels of abstraction" interpretation never clarified what exactly this means in verifiable and quantifiable scientific terms. And therefore, critics argue, Rubin's alleged "solution" is no scientifically acceptable solution at all, of the problem of the relationship between production prices and labour-values—it is just a "definition".[49]

Final concept

In Marx's finished theory of value, the "value" of a commodity turns out to be the social valuation of its average, current replacement cost in labour time (a synchronic economic reproduction cost)[50] but this particular labour requirement turns out to be quite a different quantity than either "labour embodied" in production (the actual worktime performed to make the commodity) or "labour commanded" in exchange (how much worktime can be purchased, on average, for the money-price of the commodity).[51] That is a logical consequence of Marx's theory of market value and production prices. It remains true, however, that if we want to estimate or measure this average quantity empirically, as a statistic, this requires reference to money prices and price aggregates; we cannot measure average product-value, without reference to the forms in which value is expressed - in order to establish the connection between product units, prices and labour.[52] In this respect, the input-output economics of Wassily Leontief and Luigi Pasinetti's econometric concept of vertical integration have proved to be useful.[53]

Japanese Unoist school

Because of the controversy over the substance of value, the famous Japanese Marxist scholar Kozo Uno argued in his classic Principles of Political Economy that Marx's original argument had to be revised.[54] In Uno's opinion, Marx had narrated the story the wrong way round, causing confusion. The arguments therefore had to be re-ordered. In the revised version, the theory of the value-form is integrated in the theory of commodity circulation, and does not refer to the substance (content) of value at all.[55] The form and substance of value are radically separated. The substance of value as labour then becomes apparent (and is theoretically demonstrated) only in the analysis of the production of commodities "by means of commodities" (including the commodity labour-power).

Some Western Marxists do not find this Unoist approach very satisfactory however, among other things because (1) a "form" is a form "of" something, the form that a content takes, hence form and content are not really separable, and (2) Marx claims that the formation of product values is an outcome of both the "economy of labour-time" and "the economy of trade" working in tandem.[56] When a product is produced, it has a value; we can say that it requires a certain amount of labour to produce it, supply it or replace it. How much that value is, however, becomes apparent only when it is traded regularly and compared with other products.

Western value-form school

From the 1970s, the so-called "value-form theorists" ("value-form school")[57] have emphasized—influenced by Theodor W. Adorno[58] and the rediscovery of the writings of Isaak Illich Rubin[59] —the importance of Marx's value theory as a qualitative critique—a cultural, sociological or philosophical critique of the reifications involved in capitalist commercialism. Rob Bryer stated that "The majority of Marxists today argue defensively that [Marx] did not intend [his theory of value] to explain prices and rate of return on capital, but gave us only a qualitative theory of capitalist exploitation".[60] In this way, the quantitative attack by neo-Ricardians against Marx's value theory is considered to become irrelevant. The value-form school has become very popular especially among Western Marxists who are not economists.[61]

Supporters of the "value-form school", especially in Germany and Britain, often regard Marx's theory of the form of value as proof of a radical break from all conventional economics.[62] This implies there is little point in engaging with conventional economics, because conventional economics makes quite incompatible theoretical assumptions. Critics of the value-form school often see this intellectual tradition as an "evasive tactic", which avoids difficult quantitative problems concerning the relationship between economic value and money-prices which still need to be solved.[63]

Value-form theory as a special branch of radical theory has been popular among intellectual supporters of Autonomism[64] and Anarchism,[65] although Antonio Negri thinks the theory is outdated now.[66] Negri's theory is roughly the same as that of the Financial Times journalist John Kay, who believes that "The political and economic environment in which Marx wrote was a brief interlude in economic history."[67] Both writers regard Marx's theory of value as outdated, although they still like to use some of Marx's rhetorics. Value-form theory is an important strand in the German Neue Marx-Lektüre[68] and there is also a post-Marxist value criticism school.[69]


In a text which had a big influence on the scholarly discussion,[70] Alfred Sohn-Rethel examined the meaning and implications of Marx's concept of the forms of value in some detail. He claimed that "The formal analysis of the commodity holds the key not only to the critique of political economy, but also to the historical explanation of the conceptual mode of thinking and of the division of intellectual and manual labour, which came into existence with it."[71]

Marx had noted that by equating their products in exchange as values, people also equate the quantities of human labour ordinarily required to produce them, regardless of whether they are aware of it or not (very likely they would not—and could not—know accurately how much labour the products represent, or even where the products originated). This is a "functional effect" of the trading relationship.[72] Sohn-Rethel calls this a "real abstraction"—it is an abstraction performed not primarily by thinking, but unintentionally by doing and participating in a system of symbolic conventions.[73] Subsequently, the "real abstraction" is however transformed into a "conceptual abstraction" which, he argues, has very large implications for the further evolution of human thought. It then seems that abstract labour is purely an effect of economic exchange.

Sohn-Rethel pondered the question of what holds society together, when all production is carried on by private agents acting independently of each other. He concludes, like Friedrich Hayek, that society can in that case cohere only through "buying and selling". It then seems to follow, that "The nexus of society is established by the network of exchange and nothing else."[74] This idea however departs from Marx's theory since, for Marx, it is not the relations of exchange (the market transactions) that hold society together, but the cooperative relations of production (governed by property rights), that form the economic structure of society.[75] Part of this labour cooperation is certainly voluntary and freely chosen, but part of it is compelled by necessity since people cannot survive or prosper without it.

What disappears from view in Sohn-Rethel's interpretation is that, in the production and reproduction of human life, people also need to cooperate in many ways which have nothing to do with trade (being a "market transactor" is just one role among others). Sohn-Rethel's radical idea is moreover not even very plausible, since (1) society does not simply collapse everywhere, if, in a crisis, the trading process breaks down to some large degree,[76] and (2) at any time, the majority of the stock of objects of value in society (stored, or in use) is not being traded at all. So in reality, the "social nexus" or "social synthesis" involves at any time far more relations of cooperation than trade alone.

Moishe Postone

Borrowing ideas from (among others) Patrick Murray and Derek Sayer,[77] Moishe Postone based his value-form interpretation on an excerpt of a footnote from Marx's Capital, Volume I, which was incorrectly translated by Ben Fowkes:

Postone alleged that in "traditional Marxism" (such as "Sweezy, Mandel, and others"),[78] the meaning of "value" and "labour" was wrongly interpreted:[79]

Postone concludes from his story among other things that "the law of value, then, is dynamic and cannot be understood adequately in terms of an equilibrium theory of the market"[84] and that the movement of history "can be expressed indirectly by time as a dependent variable; as a movement of time, though, it cannot be grasped by static, abstract time".[85]

Monetary theory of value

In his initial discussion of money, Marx makes his position quite clear:

Nevertheless, there are value-form theorists who want to argue the exact opposite. The suggestion of some authors (such as Reuten/Williams)[86] is that although Marx's alleged labour theory of value is theoretically wrong as stated, his theory can be modified such that, rather than value being created by co-operative human labour, value and abstract labour can be regarded as effects ("social forms") created by the exchange-process itself.[87] Simply put, the value of goods is nothing more than the money they will exchange for,[88] from which it seems to follow, that if money does not exist, value does not exist either. This interpretation is often called the monetary theory of value.[89] Thus, Michael Heinrich claims that:

The Greek Marxian economist John Milios also argues for a monetary theory of value, where "Money is the necessary form of appearance of value (and of capital) in the sense that prices constitute the only form of appearance of the value of commodities."[90] Critics of this interpretation think that it cannot be correct, for three reasons:

Milios conflated the money that actually changes hands with all kinds of possible computable price data for a commodity under various conditions. Effectively, he conflated the form of value with the price-form, and real prices with ideal prices. Milios implies, that only priced goods can have value, but this idea flatly contradicts Marx's theory according to which product-values exist also quite independently from exchange (simply because products necessarily represent quantities of labour-effort).

If Milios's interpretation is correct, Marx's value theory serves no good purpose—values and prices are hardly distinguishable. In all his economic manuscripts, Marx says that at best prices are the "idealized expression" of the forms of value. This view is only logical; after all, prices express the quantity of money for which particular commodities will, or could, change owners.

If the idealization of the form of value as a price is equated with the value-form itself, the whole value-form idea is itself redundant. It is a bit like saying, that the price information about a good is the same thing as the actual money that changes hands when the good is traded. Most people know very well what the difference is; they could hardly afford not to know it.

Value as power

In various works, the Australian phenomenologist Michael Eldred radicalizes the reading of 'form' in the value-form concept so that it becomes a socio-ontological category.[93] According to Eldred, the phenomenon of exchange-value is substantially one of social power. Hence, money reveals itself to be the quintessential, rudimentary form of reified social power in capitalist society. The further value-forms developed during the course of the capital-analysis, starting with the capital-form and the wage-form of value, through the value-forms of ground-rent, interest, profit of enterprise, to the revenue-form of these income-sources on the surface of economic life, unfold the socio-ontological structure and movement of capitalism as a "reified power-play". Eldred argues that such a total ontological structure of capitalist power-play can only come into view, if the whole of Marx's capital-analysis is reconstructed, not just the famous, notoriously difficult first chapter of Marx's Capital.

From a different angle, Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler also depict the phenomena of economic value as power relationships.[94] While retaining some of the language of Marx, they however reject Marx's theory of value.[95] The power dimension of value relationships is also prominent in Harry Cleaver's commentary Reading Capital Politically.[96]

This interpretation also has its critics, the main criticism being that by reducing all economic values to a matter of power, the concept of power itself becomes a nebulous idea, which explains "everything and nothing". For example, Andrew Kliman argues that Nitzan & Bichler seek to define power "in terms of market capitalization". On this view, "a market cap that is 1000 times as great as the average doesn't give the owners 1000 times as much power; it simply is 1000 times as much power." Kliman says that "This identification of capital and power—capital as power—is certainly not correct in a literal sense."[97]

"Power", like economic value, is by no means a straightforward, simple concept.[98] Power is often circumstantial, or dependent on a position taken or a status gained.[99] It cannot be automatically inferred, from the position taken by participants in market trade, what kind of power they really have.[100] Particularly in economic crises, it is often discovered that those who were thought to have a lot of power, do not really have it (leading to political crises).

Subjective and objective

There are also anthropologists such as the socialist Lawrence Krader and the anarchist David Graeber who have argued that Marx's value categories should be modified in the light of historical and anthropological research about how human communities value objects.[101]

Ever since Werner Sombart and Nikolai Bukharin first argued it,[102] Marx's theory of value has been described as a purely objective theory of value, as opposed to the subjective theory of the bourgeois economists.[103] However, Krader argued (just like Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky[104] and Oskar R. Lange) that Marx's theory of value and the theory of utility are compatible, i.e., the one does not exclude the other; and Krader insisted that value has both objective and subjective aspects. Graeber's work was very focused on how value categories shape human lives, and the direct political effects of that.[105]

To understand and aggregate the subjective preferences that determine trading choices and economic decisions in the real world, those subjective preferences themselves have to be treated as knowable, objective and measurable data. Therefore, even a subjective theory of value cannot get away entirely from treating value also as an objective social fact. If that wasn't the case, then all economic statistics and marketing research would be invalid and useless. It follows that in the real world, all economists always have to deal with both subjective value and value as an objective market reality. True, Marx focused mainly on the overall objective outcomes of capitalist valuations. Individual workers and individual owners of capital could not determine what the markets were going to do, although important decisions by politicians can strongly influence the markets. Yet that obviously did not mean, that workers and capitalists made no subjective valuations or choices at all, or that they were completely at the mercy of market forces.[106]

On this view, value cannot exist without the presence of valuing subjects, it is just that the value of objects escapes from their control, and starts to lead a life of its own, independent from the volitions of particular individuals. Paradoxically, as Marx himself says, the more that producers become dependent on exchange, the more exchange appears to become independent of them.[107] That is, markets can not only favour the interests of the individual, but can also work against the interests of the individual, because they have their own independent dynamics. Market movements can be quite different from what people expected or predicted, giving rise to many theories of market expectations, to fathom how trading patterns and people's expectations interact and influence each other.

More Heat than Light

In his widely-read book More Heat than Light: Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature's Economics, Philip Mirowski examined in greater detail the theoretical conflicts between "substance" theories of value and "field" theories of value.[108] He claims that "Marx vacillated between two mutually exclusive labor theories of value", which according to him explains "the incoherence of his attempt to solve the transformation problem".

One theory is the "embodied" labour theory of value (or crystallized labour), the other theory is a "cost" theory of value. "Crystalized labor highlights exploitation and fixes the locus of surplus generation in production; real-cost labor values obscure the generation of surplus and open up the possibility that the global magnitude of profit is altered (and hence generated) in exchange".[109] This interpretation is essentially a version of the conventional neo-Ricardian critique, which claims there is an unbridgeable inconsistency between the value theory of Capital, Volume I and the value theory of Capital, Volume III.

Mirowski claims that Marx, in the tradition of classical political economy, believed that "regular capitalist trades are normally trades of equivalent values"[110] This claim is not easy to sustain, since the whole architecture of Capital, Volume III is built upon the idea that product-values, prices of production and market prices systematically diverge from each other, and can diverge very considerably for a prolonged time – profit-making does not require that commodities trade at their values, and, as Marx himself notes at the beginning of Capital, Volume III, good profits can be made by trading large quantities of goods quite fast below their value (the classical principle of competition). According to Ian Paul Wright, "Mirowski unfortunately misreads Marx's concept of substance."[111]

Capital without production

As the accumulation of capital grows, more and more durable and financial assets exist external to the sphere of production.[112] When society becomes wealthier, the total value of the personally owned properties of individuals (assets owned by households)[113] and public property[114] increases, even if some people own little[115] and others own a lot.[116] Marx was primarily concerned with the value of newly produced commodities, but it is unclear from his theory about the capitalist mode of production what determines the value of a growing stock of durable assets in society, a stock of assets which is neither an input nor an output of current production (except for the maintenance labour for already existing physical and financial assets).

Contrary to a pernicious but popular myth, Marx only provided a theory of the foundations of capitalist society, its characteristic mode of production.[117] He did not provide a theory of the total economy, or a theory of the whole of bourgeois society. That is why, later on, Marxist and critical social scientists were forced to develop Marx's insights much further in many new areas.[118]

The old reproduction schemes of Otto Bauer, Nikolai Bukharin, Rosa Luxemburg, Henryk Grossman, Ernest Mandel and other famous Marxists all have in common, that they assume that the income obtained from the use of capital and labour is either used up in consumption expenditure, or re-invested in production.[119] But this conflates the theory of the self-reproduction of the capitalist mode of production with the reproduction of capitalist society as a whole, and it conflates the accumulation of production capital with the accumulation of total social capital.

Ernest Mandel partly admitted this – he stated that it was an error to think that a nation's resources are simply divided into a consumption fund and productive investment fund, with a zero-sum trade-off between them. There is also an "unproductive investment fund", which finances government administration, military spending, elite maintenance and entourage, luxuries, prestige goods, hoarded savings, speculation, tax havens etc. Hence, if austerity policies reduce the consumption fund, this does not automatically increase the productive investment fund - it might only increase the unproductive investment fund.[120] Inversely, Keynesian-type pump-priming techniques (stimulus techniques) aiming to boost consumer demand, may increase neither ordinary consumer expenditure nor productive investments by very much, if they just enrich the administrators of the stimulus program and financial institutions, and if the extra subsidy given to citizens and organizations is in reality largely spent on paying off or rescheduling/refinancing debt. In a globalized, leveraged economy, even if local consumer expenditure does rise, it does not mean automatically that local productive investment will increase also - the main effect of increased consumer spending may only be to boost imports, and not to develop the local economy.

In reality, as capitalist development advances, the share of non-productive accumulation in total accumulation keeps growing, as shown by capital market data[121] and data on the national asset wealth for the advanced capitalist countries.[122] This means that the overall structure of capital holdings, nationally and internationally, bears very little resemblance anymore to what that structure looked like in Marx's and Keynes's time.

Non-material goods

In value theory, there is also the problem of so-called "non-material goods and services", such as intellectual property (all kinds of texts, data sets, software, designs, techniques, knowledge, inventions, information services etc.).[123] Sometimes scholars refer to "cognitive commodities".[124] Obviously intellectual property existed already in Marx's time, but its scope and volume was fairly small.[125]

In modern times, in which science and education have become large-scale businesses, there is a general tendency to attach a property right and a price-tag to more and more ideas, which are given precise boundaries (See World Intellectual Property Organization).[126] However, it remains unclear what regulates the value of intellectual property in an economic sense.[127] How is the value of intellectual property correctly defined and calculated? Often the prices paid for intellectual assets are not proportional to real production costs.[128]

Neo-Ricardian critique

This criticism (made primarily by neo-Ricardians and post-Keynesians) is basically that all the problems Marx tries to solve with his theory of the forms of value can be solved much better and more plausibly with modern price theory.


In a 1975 paper subtitled "Was Marx's Journey Really Necessary?", the influential Marxian economist Ronald L. Meek argued that Marx's value theory had become redundant, because all economic relationships can be described and explained in terms of prices.[129] Indeed, what Marx calls "value" can be regarded simply as a kind of "theoretical price". In this interpretation, the conclusion drawn is that Marx's value theory really adds nothing much to the economic arguments, and is therefore probably best abandoned.[130]


Most Western Marxists had accepted the conventional price-theories of economics as largely correct and unproblematic,[131] and just kept insisting that value-theory was a necessary "add-on" to make sense of the economy. Alternatively, Marxists argued that value theory had nothing much to do with the market economics of prices, because it referred to a quite different "level of abstraction" or had a different intention.[132] Rob Bryer stated in 2005 that "The majority of Marxists today argue defensively that [Marx] did not intend [his theory of value] to explain prices and rate of return on capital, but gave us only a qualitative theory of capitalist exploitation".[133]

There was no systematic critique of price theory, and almost no attempt to connect the "transformation problem" controversy to the socialist calculation debate. When, in his neo-Ricardian attack on Marx's value theory, Ian Steedman simply disregarded all market prices altogether (all prices in Steedman's models are purely hypothetical production prices[134]), there was no objection from the Marxist camp, although there were plenty of other criticisms.[135]


In his 2016 magnum opus, the classical economist Anwar Shaikh argues that all the main economic propositions of Marx's Capital can be demonstrated in a coherent way and verified empirically — without any need to imitate Marx's own dialectical narrative about value (a position that is controversial among Marxists).[136]

Shaikh devised techniques to test classical theories of value empirically, using input-output data, capital stock data, labour data, price indexes and incomes data.[52] He claims that generally the deviation of estimated labour-values from the corresponding observable market prices of outputs or derived production prices is not very great (which suggests that the classical transformation problem is empirically much less significant than previously thought.[137] However, the validity of econometric techniques used to estimate price-value deviations is still in dispute.[138] The strength of the econometric approach is that, if the task is to measure value, then it is essential to get conceptually very exact about what value is, in order to measure it, even if the empirical measure is only a proxy for the real thing.

Chartalist critique

An implicit technical and historical criticism of Marx's value-form theory is made by some Post Keynesian[139] [140] [141] and heterodox Marxian economists[142] as well as anarchists like David Graeber,[143] who are inspired by the chartalist theory of money. These economists interpret Marx's narrative about how money originates in the exchange process as a theory of commodity money, or the "commodity theory of money". That is, they believe that Marx's theory is more or less the same as the "barter theory of money".


The "neo-Chartalist" interpretation of money entails, that the commodity theory of money is false;[144] [145] the latter, it is argued by neo-chartalists, can neither explain the origin of money and credit, nor provide a credible account of monetary phenomena in the modern world.[146]

Chartalists argue that money is completely "a creature of the state"—it first arises as a unit of account for state debts, credits and taxes, and is then gradually imposed on the whole of the trading process in society.[147] If this Chartalist argument is true, then it cannot also be true that, as Marx argues, money originates as a "special commodity" (a referent of value and a universally exchangeable good) within the exchange process itself. The neo-Chartalist theory is known as Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).[148] There exist also quite a number of other credit theories of money which differ to one degree or another from MMT, with different policy conclusions.

The controversy about this challenge to Marx's idea is far from being resolved at this stage,[149] for five reasons.

No consensus

Firstly, there is nowadays no consensus view among Marxists about Marx's theory of money.[150]

So, there exists no general agreement about the exact theoretical status of Marx's theory of money.[154] The core problem here is, that in its evolution across millennia of trading activity, money itself has taken a multiplicity of different forms,[155] and new types of monetary transactions keep emerging, that were previously unheard of (see also e.g. electronic money, collateralized debt obligation, credit default swap and cryptocurrency).[156] For almost the whole history of commercial capitalism from the 15th century onward, currencies were used which were convertible into gold and silver, but from 1971 onward, most currencies have become fiat money (see Nixon shock).

Money's origins

Secondly, the analysis of the historical and archaeological evidence about the real origins of money[157] is not simply a matter of "facts", but also a matter of the interpretation of the facts using theoretical frameworks.[158] At what point, exactly, did primitive money come into being?[159] When is money really money?[160] How exactly do we draw the boundary between a "chiefdom" and an "early state"?[161]

How economists will interpret the historical record of human exchange processes is influenced by their theory of how markets work in the modern world, and by how they define monetary phenomena.[162] The further one goes back into the past, however, the more fragmentary the scientific evidence about the circulation of goods is, and the more interpretation is involved to understand how it worked. It is easy to project a modern understanding of money into the past, even although money was understood quite differently in the past, or money functioned differently in the past, because people were related and relating in a different way.[163]


Thirdly, beyond Keynesian and Marxist theories about money, there is a lot of controversy and theoretical disagreement within the discipline of economics as a whole about money, credit and finance.[164] Representatives of different schools of thought in economics often cannot agree at a very basic scientific level about the causes and effects of monetary phenomena, even if they share the same elementary concepts about the circulation of money.[165] They are therefore likely also to interpret economic developments in quite different ways.

Few Marxist works

Fourthly, as a matter of fact, very few Marxian economists have studied monetary economics in any detail, and there are few significant Marxist works on the role of money in the economy.[166]

SFC model

Fifthly, when economists try to "modernize" Marx's view of money, they strike the problem that in orthodox economics the "macro-theory" of money is very different from the "micro-theory" of money. The way economists think that money functions at the macro-level of society as a whole, differs a lot from the way they say money functions at the level of individuals and businesses.[167] They have one story for transactions between individuals or individual enterprises, and quite another story for the "big picture".

According to Marxist, classical and post-Keynesian economists such as Wynne Godley, Marc Lavoie, Steve Keen, Edward J. Nell and Anwar Shaikh, this creates all kinds of theoretical inconsistencies. To overcome the inconsistencies, post-Keynesian Marxists try to create a so-called "stock/flow consistent model" of monetary transactions, which can explain the circulation process of money, commodities and capital in an integral way. This approach is needed especially because "unfortunately, the finance sector is one of the more poorly measured sectors in national accounts".[168]

Pre-sovereign money

The main objection to the Chartalist theory of the origins of money is that, for the largest part of recognizably human history, economic exchange in whatever form took place without using a sovereign currency, and that all kinds of physical goods (such as minerals, cattle, hides, shells and slaves) were used as a kind of money.[169] That is, commodity money existed long before sovereign currency emerged, and the economic significance of the early state was very small.[170] On this view, sovereign currency could replace non-sovereign currency, only because there already existed a lot of experience in trading with non-sovereign currency beforehand. This does not deny that informal and contractual lending/borrowing arrangements also already existed in ancient times, but currency was not even necessary for that.[171]

Because labour productivity was comparatively low, the surplus product was relatively small and the ability of early states to appropriate it through levies and taxes was usually also limited (though e.g. the Aztec emperors apparently hoarded cocoa beans, and at one time owned a stockpile of some 960,000,000 beans).[172] In addition, large trading houses—such as the Dutch East India Company—sometimes issued their own currency, quite independently of the state (see: Dutch East India Company coinage).

So the ability of tokens of value (e.g. cryptocurrency) to function as money does not necessarily depend on the state at all, even although, in the modern era, money has mostly taken the form of state-issued currency and, after the demise of the Bretton-Woods Agreement is always in the form of fiat money.


Neo-Chartalists argue however that, although we will never be certain, for lack of definite archaeological proofs, about the origins of money, the first instances of units of account are debt markets, the so-called "tally sticks" in antiquity. Money issued is always debt issued, and, therefore, the notion that money originated as a means of exchange first is regarded as false.[173] [174]

Libertarian critique

A fifth line of criticism, articulated especially by libertarians such as Friedrich von Hayek and the Austrian School, concerns the role of value in human freedom and progress. Marx and Engels tended to present "value" and "value relations" as negative, alienating and reifying phenomena that cause people to get used by others, for ends they can no longer fathom. Therefore, markets appear to be evil things, and the conclusion then follows that people are better off without them. Yet market value can also be viewed as a very positive thing. Hayek stated that:

According to Marxists, value phenomena belong to the prehistory of humanity that closes with the abolition of capitalism.[175] Thus, for example, Iring Fetscher claims: "Marx's criticism is directed against value as such, not merely against its consequence, capital."[176] Similarly, Moishe Postone argued that Marx was mainly concerned with "the abolition of value as the social form of wealth."[177] In other words, the negative, dehumanizing features of market valuations for workers' lives have had prominence for Marxists,[178] even although Marx also acknowledges here and there that markets have some progressive, developmental and "civilizing" features.[179] Marx and Engels seem to depict the forms of value as an alien, impersonal and corruptive force that gradually subordinates anything and everything to "making money" — and it leads to the reification of human life (and to wars).[69] This opens up a far-reaching and complex theme of criticism.

There are many libertarian criticisms of Marxism and socialism – economic, political, moral and technical. In the context of this article, five points are particularly relevant (whether one agrees with them, or not).


The first objection is that the negative historical judgement about the capitalist market economy is not objective, because, on balance, the results for human civilization of the valuation of labour by capital have had much more progressive effect than Marx and Engels were willing to acknowledge.

The proof is said to be, that workers themselves prefer choosing their own employer, purchasing goods at stable prices, and owning private property; market trade has improved their standard of living faster than any other method.[180] On this view, Marxists exaggerated the "money-making" aspect of business, by simply ignoring many other human considerations involved in it (as an impoverished migrant, Marx wrote almost nothing on the social, legal and economic forms of civil society and of the sphere of consumption).

Value inevitable

A second objection is that Marxists are wrong to think that value disappears when commercial trade is abolished.[181] Here the argument is that humans would simply continue to make valuations anyway, and that goods continue to have value, except that knowing what exactly the magnitude of that value is, becomes much more problematic because a general, shared standard of valuation (expressed in money quantities) is absent.[182]

The proof of this is supposed to be the experience of Soviet-type societies where a very large amount of goods was effectively "bartered" or allocated by government decree.[183] Even if there was no trade at all, however, the Soviet authorities knew very well that the products of human labour had value, and, with experience, planners could estimate fairly accurately how much labour would need to be employed to produce various kinds of outputs.

More generally, it can be argued that human beings as moral subjects are intrinsically valuing subjects, and therefore human relations without values or valuations of some sort do not exist.[184] At best one could say (as Marx did), that the type of value or valuation can change.


A third objection is that people can distinguish quite well between the means/ends rationality of commerce, and non-commercial relationships.[185] Therefore, it is simply an inaccurate and false subjective opinion to claim that there exists some kind of "monumental domination" of commercial relationships over people's lives, because that is not true—except perhaps for people who are obsessively focused on trading relationships.

What is ignored is that markets can offer a freedom of choice and development to those who value themselves, and believe in their own self-worth.[186] This kind of argument suggests that the "oppression by economic value" or the "domination of economic value" might only exist as a mistaken belief or as an erroneous interpretation which itself can be oppressive.

Efficiency and fairness

A fourth objection made is that without the "discipline" and "incentives" of value relations, it is simply impossible to reconcile self-interest and the common interest in any efficient and fair manner, and achieve sensible cost-economies in the use of resources. Again, this is supposed to be proved by the resource waste and ecological damage[187] suffered by Soviet-type societies.[188]

If people don't have to work for a living, they will just try to live at the expense of other people. But giving people monetary rewards and costs as a framework to reckon with in making choices about their lives is vastly preferable to forcing them to work with the threat of real punishment if they don't.[189]

Trade persistence

A fifth objection is that it is practically impossible to abolish trade as such in complex societies, and that trade could not be prevented, even if a central state authority allocated resources to individuals through some kind of credit or rationing system (see e.g. Social Credit System). So long as people can privately own belongings, they will trade them, if it is in their interest to do so. In Soviet-type societies, trading continued to occur anyway, even if it was highly regulated, or driven underground (the "grey economy" or black market). Since there is practically no alternative to trading, it is argued the only dispute there can be, concerns the terms on which goods and services are traded—whether that is efficient or morally justifiable.

Any policy that aims to regulate or control how people may trade, libertarians argue, represents an attack on their liberty and presumes wrongly that the regulators know better what trade is beneficial, than the trading individuals do themselves (see further socialist calculation debate).[190]

Response: market socialism

Arguing against total statization such as in the Soviet Union, many modern socialist theorists have claimed however that markets aren't necessarily (or by definition) a bad thing. It all depends on how property rights and claims to resources are organized or institutionalized. Instead, they argue, markets should combine with non-market allocation methods within a market socialism.[191] A very large amount of literature now exists on this topic, for and against.

Similar to classical social-democratic reformism, the principle is argued that the more that economic goods are allocated by the market, the more the financially strong will defeat the financially weak, and the more socio-economic inequality there will be.[192] Therefore, it is argued, a more egalitarian society requires both market and non-market mechanisms, to allocate goods in a fair way. In this respect, there are many different possible combinations of argument.[193]

All these arguments[260] remain much in dispute among economists seeking economic reform; the debaters still cannot agree about basic concepts of economics, about the possible ways that production, trade and democracy can be combined, or about what factual evidence would finally clinch the controversy.[261] At a fundamental level, the theorists still cannot agree about what capitalism is, what socialism is, and how you get from the one to the other. Among other things, Marxists proposed a planned allocation of resources, without a coherent ethical framework for the evaluation of allocative priorities, and without much understanding of effective management.

During the Cold War era, it was very difficult to pursue a scientific discussion about the issues, because positions were highly polarized. Strong moral sentiments and biases got in the way of objective analysis. Marxist discussion was dominated by the hegemonic Marxist–Leninist ideology, because Marxist-Leninists had the most resources and political power. Either people were "for" or "against", and if they were on the "wrong" side, there was little scope for pursuing any objective inquiry (see also Culture during the Cold War). The effect of that was, that very little progress could be made with the scientific analysis of the transition to socialist society and the functioning of socialist society.

In the cyber-age of the internet, a whole new language[262] is emerging to conceptualize the battles people have with capitalist value relations[263] —meaning that often the old traditions do not speak clearly anymore to the new situation; their precise relevance is in dispute. With the growth of social media, what socialism means is no longer under the control of academics and political elites. For some, this is a good thing: they argue that the academics and the elites never got it correct anyway, only real workers did. For others, it is a bad thing: they argue that at least the academics and the elites had some rational, thought-through and coherent ideas about socialism. In the second volume of The Cambridge History of Socialism (2023), its editor Marcel van der Linden concludes that:

Notes and References

  1. [Karl Marx]
  2. [Friedrich Engels]
  3. Michael Heinrich, Die Wissenschaft vom Wert: die Marxsche Kritik der politischen Ökonomie zwischen wissenschaftlicher Revolution und klassischer Tradition. Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2001; Ingo Elbe, Marx Im Westen: Die neue Marx-Lektüre in der Bundesrepublik seit 1965, (2nd edition). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2010; Jan Hoff, Marx Worldwide: on the development of the international discourse on Marx since 1965. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
  4. [Kozo Uno]
  5. Desmond McNeill, Fetishism and the Theory of Value. Reassessing Marx in the 21st Century. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer, 2021.
  6. Pichit Likitkijsomboon, "Marxian Theories of Value-Form". Review of Radical Political Economics, vol. 27 no. 2, June 1995, pp. 73-105.
  7. This Criticism of value-form theory article is a split-off from the original value-form article. It was felt that the original article had become too large and that the criticisms of the theory were better placed in a separate article.
  8. Francis Wheen, Marx's Das Kapital: a biography. Grove Press, 2008, p. 42. See also Francis Wheen, Karl Marx. London: Fourth Estate, 1999, p. 299f.
  9. Mark Blaug, Economic Theory in Retrospect. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 256.
  10. [Karl Marx]
  11. Simon Clarke, Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd edition 1991.
  12. [Gerald Cohen]
  13. [Gerald Cohen]
  14. Marcel van der Linden & Ronald Commers, Marx en het wetenschappelijk socialisme. Antwerp: Uitgeverij Leon Lesoil, 1982, p. 44.
  15. Mike Beggs, "Zombie Marx and Modern Economics, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Forget the Transformation Problem." Journal of Australian Political Economy, issue 70, Summer 2012/13, p. 16!current/c1cok; Gary Mongiovi, "Vulgar economy in Marxian garb: a critique of Temporal Single System Marxism." In: Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 34, Issue 4, December 2002, pp. 393-416, at p. 398.
  16. Johann Witt-Hansen, Historical materialism, the method, the theories. Exposition and critique. 1. The method. Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1960.
  17. [V.I. Lenin]
  18. Friedrich Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (an excerpt from Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution in Science, also known as the Anti-Dühring).
  19. [Karl Marx]
  20. Antonio Callari states that "We can see the entire architecture of Capital (four volumes) through the lenses of the content-and-form relationship" - Callari, "Dialectics and overdetermination". In: David M. Brennan et al., Routledge handbook of Marxian economics. Milton Park: Routledge, 2017, p. 6. See also: Anita E. Kelly, "Two Kinds of People in the World". Psychology Today, 18 July 2014.
  21. David Kristjanson-Gural, "Exchange, demand and the market-price of production: reconciling traditional and monetary approaches to value and price". Research in Political Economy, Vol. 22, 2005, pp. 167-198, at pp. 172-173.
  22. Isaac I. Rubin, Essays on Marx's theory of value, p. 155-157.
  23. [Joan Robinson]
  24. See e.g. Ira Gerstein, "Production, circulation and value". Economy and society, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1976, pp. 243-291.
  25. Geert Reuten, "Value as social form". In: Michael S. Williams (ed.), Value, social form and the state. Houndmills: Macmillan Press, 1988; Christopher J. Arthur, The New Dialectic and Marx's Capital. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
  26. Riccardo Bellofiore, "A monetary labor theory of value". Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 21, Issue 1-2, 1989, pp. 1-25. Fred Moseley, Money and totality. A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marx's logic in Capital and the end of the transformation problem. Leiden: Brill, 2015.
  27. Simon Mohun, "A re(in)statement of the labour theory of value." Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 18 no. 4, pp. 391-412, August 1994.
  28. Paul Cockshott, Allin Cottrell & Alejandro Valle Baeza, "The empirics of the labour theory of value: reply to Nitzan and Bichler". Investigación Económica, vol. LXXIII, no. 287, January–March 2014, pp. 115-134.
  29. Guglielmo Carchedi, Frontiers of political economy. London: Verso, 1991; Carchedi, "The Fallacies of 'New Dialectics' and Value-Form Theory". Historical Materialism, 17, 2009, pp. 145–169; Carchedi, Behind the crisis: Marx's dialectics of value and knowledge. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
  30. Riccardo Bellofiore, "The Multiple Meanings of Marx's Value Theory". Monthly Review, Volume 69, Issue 11, April 2018.
  31. [Leon Trotsky]
  32. Nicholas Rescher, Introduction to value theory. Englewood Clifs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969, pp. 1-2.
  33. Werner Bonefeld, Critical theory and the critique of political economy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, p. 123f.
  34. Karl Korsch, Karl Marx. Leiden: Brill, 2016, p. 12.
  35. Karl Marx, Grundrisse, Penguin 1973, pp. 103-105. Cf. MECW 28, p. 41.
  36. See Bureau of Labor Statistics data on occupations, wages and employment
  37. Nicholas J. Theocarakis, "Metamorphoses: the concept of labour in the history of political economy". The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Vol. 20 No. 2, 2010, pp. 7–38.
  38. Derek Sayer, Marx's method. Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1979.
  39. "Our first conceptions of number and form date back to times as far removed as the Old Stone Age, the Paleolithicum" - Dirk J. Struik, A concise history of mathematics, Vol. 1. New York: Dover Publications, 1948, p. 1 (5th edition 2012).
  40. Ewen Callaway, "Animals that count: how numeracy evolved." New Scientist, 17 June 2009. Emily Sohn, "Number of the beasts". New Scientist, Vol. 181, Issue 2431, 24 January 2004, p. 38. Sarah T. Boysen & E. John Capaldi (eds.), The development of numerical competence – animal and human models. Hillsdale N.J. & London: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 1993.
  41. Karl Marx, Capital, Volume I, Penguin 1976, p. 167.
  42. Robert K. Englund, "Proto-cuneiform account-books and journals", in: Michael Hudson and Cornelia Wunsch, Creating Economic Order: Recordkeeping, standardization and the development of accounting in the ancient Near East. Bethesda: CDL, 2004, pp. 23-46, at p. 38.
  43. Jan Lucassen, "Wage Labour", in: Karin Hofmeester & Marcel van der Linden (eds.), Handbook of the global history of work. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, at pp. 1274, 1289-1291.
  44. Isaac I. Rubin, Essay's on Marx's theory of value. Detroit: Black & Red, 1972.
  45. Axel Kicillof and Guido Starosta, "On Materiality and Social Form: A Political Critique of Rubin's Value-Form Theory". Historical Materialism, 15, 2007, pp. 9–43, at p. 9-10.
  46. [Hans-Georg Backhaus]
  47. Rubin, Essays, p. 250, translation corrected.
  48. Rubin, Essays, p. 251. See also Ronald L. Meek, "A plain person's guide to the transformation problem". In: Ronald L. Meek, Smith, Marx and after. Ten essays in the development of economic thought. London: Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp. 95-119.
  49. Perhaps Rubin's manuscript on the transformation problem was lost or destroyed. See: Ivan Boldyrev & Martin Kragh, "The Fate of Social Sciences in Soviet Russia: The Case of Isaak Il'Ich Rubin". Higher School of Economics, Research Paper No. WP BPR 17/HUM/2013 Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, 2013. Susumu Takenaga, "Essays on Marx's theory of money" (book review). The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. Vol. 20, Issue 3, May 2013, pp. 536-542.
  50. "...the value of a commodity is determined not by the quantity of labour actually objectified in it, but by the quantity of living labour necessary to produce it." — Karl Marx, Capital, Volume I, Penguin 1976, p. 676-677. "...the value of commodities is determined not by the labour-time originally taken by their production, but rather by the labour-time that their reproduction takes, and this steadily decreases as the social productivity of labour develops." — Marx, Capital, Volume III, Penguin 1981, p. 522.
  51. E. Wolfstetter, "Surplus Labour, Synchronised Labour Costs and Marx's Labour Theory of Value". The Economic Journal, Vol. 83, No. 331, September 1973, pp. 787-809; Francisco Paulo Cipolla, "The Concept of Market Value: A Critical Note on Itoh's Theory". Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 40 Issue 4, 2008; Howard Nicholas, Marx's theory of price and its modern rivals. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011; Ian Paul Wright, The Law of Value: A Contribution to the Classical Approach to Economic Analysis. Phd dissertation, Open University, 2015; Anwar Shaikh, Capitalism: competition, conflict, crises. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  52. Edward B. Chilcote, "Calculating Labour Values Empirically". In: Alan Freeman et al., The New Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, pp. 199-217.
  53. Anwar Shaikh, Capitalism: competition, conflict, crises. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  54. [Kozo Uno]
  55. Thomas T. Sekine, An outline of the dialectic of capital, Vol. 1. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd, 1997, Part 1 section 1, p. 25ff.
  56. See Simon Clarke, "The Basic Theory of Capitalism: A Critical Review of Itoh and the Uno School", in: Capital & Class, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 1989, pp. 133–149; Jim Kincaid, "A Critique of Value-Form Marxism". Historical Materialism, volume 13, No. 2, 2005, pp. 85–119; Elena Louisa Lange, "Failed Abstraction – The Problem of Uno Kōzō's Reading of Marx's Theory of the Value Form". Historical Materialism, Vol. 22 No. 1, May 2014, pp. 3-33.
  57. Jan Hoff, Marx Worldwide; on the development of the international discourse on Marx since 1965. Leiden: Brill, 2017, p. 215. Pichit Likitkijsomboon, "Marxian Theories of Value-Form". Review of Radical Political Economics, vol. 27 no. 2, June 1995, pp. 73-105. Samuel Knafo, "Value-form approach". In: Ben Fine et al., The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2012, p. 367-372.
  58. [Helmut Reichelt]
  59. [Isaak Illich Rubin]
  60. Rob Bryer, "Marx, accounting and the labour theory of value: A critique of Marxist economics." University of Warwick paper presented to the 5th European Critical Accounting Studies Conference, 2005, p. 1.
  61. A good example is: Christopher J. Arthur, The New Dialectic and Marx's 'Capital. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
  62. Riccardo Bellofiore and Tommaso Redolfi Riva, "The Neue Marx-Lektüre: putting the critique of political economy back into the critique of society." In: Radical Philosophy No. 189, January–February 2015.
  63. Cf. Paolo Giussani, "Orthodoxy in Marxian Price Theory". In: International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 28, no. 4, winter 1998–99, pp. 6–22. Paolo Giussani, La 'value form school', October 1997. Paper for the conference of the International Working Group on Value Theory, 1997.Andrew Kliman, "On Capitalism's Historical Specificity and Price Determination. Comments on the Value-Form Paradigm." Critique of political economy, Vol. 1, September 2011.
  64. [Axel Kicillof]
  65. Anon., "Communisation and value-form theory". Endnotes No. 2, April 2010
  66. Web site: Negri and totality.
  67. John Kay, "Let's talk about the market economy", Financial Times, 10 January 2012.
  68. Riccardo Bellofiore and Tommaso Redolfi Riva, "The Neue Marx-Lektüre: putting the critique of political economy back into the critique of society". Radical Philosophy, No. 189, January–February 2015.
  69. Neil Larsen, Mathias Nilges, Josh Robinson, and Nicholas Brown (eds.), Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM Publishing, 2014.
  70. Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Intellectual and manual labour: a critique of epistemology. London: Macmillan, 1978; Anselm Jappe, "Sohn-Rethel and the Origin of 'Real Abstraction': A Critique of Production or a Critique of Circulation?". Historical materialism, Vol. 21 No. 1, 2013, pp. 3-14.
  71. Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Intellectual and manual labour, p. 33.
  72. Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Intellectual and manual labour, p. 49.
  73. Similarly, Marx claims that "Those who consider the autonomization [''Verselbständigung''] of value as a mere abstraction, forget that the movement of industrial capital is this abstraction in action. Here value passes through different forms, different movements in which it is both preserved and increases, is valorized." — Karl Marx, Capital, Volume II, Penguin 1978, p. 185.
  74. Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Intellectual and manual labour, p. 29, emphasis added. A similar idea is proposed by Richard Sennett in his book Together: The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation. London: Penguin, 2013, p. 72: "'Exchange simply names the experience of give and take among all animals."
  75. "In the social production of their existence, people inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness." — Karl Marx, 1859 Preface to A contribution to the critique of political economy.
  76. Max Chafkin, "A constant feeling of crisis". Inc. Magazine, 14 July 2017.
  77. Moishe Postone, Time, labor, and social domination: A reinterpretation of Marx's critical theory. Cambridge University Press, 1993, acknowledged at p. 3 note 1. See Rubin, Essays; Harry Braverman, Labour and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1974;Roman Rosdolsky, The Making of Marx's "Capital. London: Pluto, 1977; Derek Sayer, Marx's method: ideology, science and critique in Capital. Sussex: the Harvester Press Ltd., 1979; Michael Burawoy, The Politics of Production: factory regimes under capitalism and socialism. London: Verso, 1985; Patrick Murray, Marx's Theory of Scientific Knowledge. Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1988.
  78. Postone, Time etc., p. 45.
  79. For a post-Marxist commentary, see Marcel van der Linden, "The historical limit of workers' protest: Moishe Postone, Krisis and the 'commodity logic'". In: International Review of Labour History, Vol. 42, Issue 3, December 1997, pp. 447-458.
  80. Postone, Time etc., p. 63.
  81. Postone, Time etc., p. 47.
  82. Postone, Time etc., p. 48.
  83. Postone, Time etc., p. 55.
  84. Postone, Time etc., p. 290.
  85. Postone, Time etc., p. 297.
  86. Geert Reuten & Michael Williams, Value-form and the State. The Tendencies of Accumulation and the Determination of Economic Policy in Capitalist Society. London, 1989.
  87. Riccardo Bellofiore, "A Monetary Labor Theory of Value". Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1/2, 1989, pp. 1-25; Fred Moseley, "abstract labor: substance or form? A critique of the value-form interpretation of Marx's theory." Working paper, Mt Holyoke College, Massachusetts, May 1997. Geert Reuten's papers are available at his personal web page
  88. " is the only expression of value. There are no pre-market value entities..." - Geert Reuten, "Value as social form". In: Michael S. Williams (ed.), Value, social form and the state. Houndmills: Macmillan Press, 1988, p. 53.
  89. Michael Heinrich, "Monetäre Werttheorie. Geld und Krise bei Marx". Prokla (Berlin), Vol. 30, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 151-176; Kolja Lindner, "The German Debate on the Monetary Theory of Value. Considerations on Jan Hoff's Kritik der klassischen politischen Ökonomie", Science & Society Vol. 72, No. 4, 2008, pp. 402–414. Jean Cartelier, "Marx's Theory of Value, Exchange and Surplus Value: A Suggested Reformulation". Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 15, no. 3, September 1991, pp. 257–269.
  90. Book: Milios, John. Marx's Value Theory Revisited. A 'Value-form' Approach.. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference in Economics. METU. Ankara. 2003. 9. 2015-01-12.
  91. Marx, Capital, Volume I, Penguin 1976, p. 196.
  92. The first Western Marxist who analyzed the forms of counter-trade was Jacques Nagels in his book Laissez faire, laissez troquer. Brussels: Editions de Universite de Bruxelles, 1986 (in Eastern Europe, counter-trade was analyzed for example in the context of Comecon, and, after the collapse of the ruble in the 1990s, in the context of the barter economy it gave rise to).
  93. Michael Eldred, Critique of competitive freedom and the bourgeois-democratic state: outline of a form-analytic extension of Marx's uncompleted system. Copenhagen: Kurasje, 1984; Michael Eldred,Social Ontology: Recasting Political Philosophy Through a Phenomenology of Whoness. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008; Michael Eldred, Anglophone Justice Theory, the Gainful Game and the Political Power Play, 2011.
  94. In their book Capital as power (Routledge, 2009); their website is The Bichler and Nitzan Archives.
  95. D. T. Cochrane, "Castoriadis, Veblen, and the 'Power Theory of Capital'". In: Ingerid Straume and J.F. Humphrey, Depoliticization: The Political Imaginary of Global Capitalism. Aarhus: Nordic Summer University Press, 2011, pp. 89-123.
  96. Harry Cleaver, Reading Capital Politically. University of Texas Press, 1979.
  97. Andrew Kliman, "Value and Crisis: Bichler and Nitzan versus Marx." in: Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, issue 4, 2011, p.67.
  98. S. Bowles, M. Franzini and U. Pagano (eds.), The politics and economics of power. New York: Routledge, 2005.
  99. Dietmar J. Wetzel, Metamorphosen der Macht: Soziologische Erkundungen des Alltags. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2018.
  100. Robert H.Bork & J. Gregory Sidak, "The misuse of profit margins to infer market power". Journal of Competition Law & Economics, Vol. 9, No. 3 2013, pp. 511-530.
  101. [Lawrence Krader]
  102. In The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class (completed 1914), Bukharin cites Werner Sombart's review article "Zur Kritik des oekonomischen Systems von Karl Marx", in Archiv für soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik, vol. VII, 1894, pp. 591, 592. Translated as: Werner Sombart, "A Contribution to the Critique of Karl Marx's Economic System (1894)", in: Richard B. Day and Daniel Gaido (eds.), Responses to Marx's Capital; From Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak Illich Rubin. Leiden: Brill, 2017, pp.162–211. See further David P. Levine, Subjectivity in political economy. Essays on wanting and choosing. London: Routledge, 1998.
  103. J. E. King and Michael McLure, "History of the concept of value". Discussion paper 14.06, Business School, University of Western Australia, 2014.
  104. François Allisson, "Tugan-Baranovsky's synthesis", chapter 5 in: François Allisson, Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought. Milton Park: Routledge, 2015, pp. 109-132.
  105. [David Graeber]
  106. "To prevent possible misunderstanding, a word. I paint the capitalist and the landlord in no sense couleur de rose. But here individuals are dealt with only in so far as they are the personifications of economic categories, embodiments of particular class-relations and class-interests. My standpoint, from which the evolution of the economic formation of society is viewed as a process of natural history, can less than any other make the individual responsible for relations whose creature he socially remains, however much he may subjectively raise himself above them." - Karl Marx, Preface to Capital, Volume I.
  107. [Karl Marx]
  108. Philip Mirowski, More Heat than Light: Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature's Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  109. Mirowski, p. 184.
  110. Mirowski, p. 178.
  111. Ian Paul Wright, The Law of Value: A Contribution to the Classical Approach to Economic Analysis. Phd dissertation, Open University, 2015, p. 139.
  112. Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Database on capital stocks in OECD countries.
  113. Edward N. Wolff, "Wealth Accumulation by Age Cohort in the U.S., 1962-1992: The Role of Savings, Capital Gains and Intergenerational Transfers." The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Vol. 24 No. 1, January 1999), pp. 27-49; Edward N. Wolff, "Trends in aggregate household wealth in the US, 1900-83." Review of Income and Wealth, Series 34, Number 3, 1989; Edward N. Wolff (ed.), International perspectives on household wealth. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006.
  114. Christophe Kamps, New Estimates of Government Net Capital Stocks for 22 OECD Countries 1960-2001. IMF Working Paper No. 04/67, April 1, 2004.; Christophe Hurlin & Florence Arestoff, Estimates of Government Net Capital Stocks for 26 Developing Countries, 1970-2002. Policy Research Working Paper. Washington, DC: World Bank, March 2006.
  115. Asena Caner & Edward N. Wolff, "Asset poverty in the United States. Its persistence in an expansionary economy." Public policy brief No. 76, The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, 2004.
  116. Kevin Cahill, Who owns the world. The hidden facts behind landownership. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing, 2006.
  117. "What I have to examine in this work is the capitalist mode of production, and the relations of production and forms of intercourse that correspond to it" - Karl Marx, Capital, Volume I, Penguin edition 1976, p. 90.
  118. For example, Ben Fine, The world of consumption. London: Routledge, 2nd ed. 2002; Heide Gerstenberger, Impersonal power: history and theory of the bourgeois state. Chicago: Haymarket, 2009; Lise Vogel, Marxism and the oppression of women. Chicago: Haymarket, 2013; Anwar Shaikh, Capitalism: competition, conflict, crises. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  119. Shinzaburo Koshimura, Theory of capital reproduction and accumulation. Kitchener, Ontario: DPG Publishing Co., 1975, p. 17f.
  120. Ernest Mandel, The second slump. London: Verso, 1978, p. 198; Ernest Mandel, "Marx and Engels on Commodity Production and Bureaucracy". In: Stephen Resnick & Richard Wolff (eds.), Rethinking Marxism: essays for Harry Magdoff & Paul Sweezy. New York: Autonomedia, 1985, p. 243; Geoffrey R. Pearce, Where is New Zealand Going?. Phd dissertation, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1986.
  121. McKinsey Global Institute, Mapping global capital markets: Fifth annual report. Washington, D.C.: McKinsey & Company, October 2008.
  122. Most OECD countries nowadays publish national wealth and asset data, using surveys, administrative data and tax information as a basis for the estimates.
  123. Eran Fisher & Christian Fuchs, Reconsidering value and labour in the digital age. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015; Christian Fuchs & Vincent Mosco, Marx in the age of digital capitalism. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2016.
  124. Guido Starosta, "Cognitive Commodities and the Value-Form". Science & Society, Vol. 76, No. 3, July 2012, 365–392.
  125. Steve Lohr, "New Economy; The intellectual property debate takes a page from 19th-century America". New York Times, 14 October 2002.
  126. Michael Perelman, Steal This Idea; Intellectual Property and the Corporate Confiscation of Creativity. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003; Hal Varian, Economics of Information Technology. March 23, 2003. Working paper, University of California, Berkeley, 2003.
  127. Hamid R. Ekbia and Bonnie A. Nardi, Heteromation, and Other Stories of Computing and Capitalism. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2017. Hamid R. Ekbia and Bonnie A. Nardi, "Heteromation and its (dis)contents: the invisible division of labour between humans and machines." First Monday, Volume 19, Number 6, June 2014.
  128. Michael Perelman, Information, social relations and the economics of high technology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1991, chapter 5, p. 190f.
  129. Ronald L. Meek, "From values to prices: was Marx's journey really necessary?". In: Ronald L. Meek, Smith, Marx and after. Ten essays in the development of economic thought. London: Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp. 120-133.
  130. Ian Steedman, Marx after Sraffa. London: NLB, 1977; Marco Lippi, Value and naturalism in Marx. London: New Left Books, 1979, p. 132; Pierangelo Garegnani, "Value and distribution in the classical economists and Marx." Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 36, Issue 2, June 1984, pp. 291-325.
  131. Thus, for example, in his textbook Monetary Theory (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981) the prominent English Marxian economist Laurence Harris, well known for his contributions to Marxian value theory, paid no attention to the price-form itself.
  132. [Diane Elson]
  133. Rob Bryer, "Marx, accounting and the labour theory of value: A critique of Marxist economics." University of Warwick paper presented to the 5th European Critical Accounting Studies Conference, 2005, p. 1.
  134. [Ian Steedman]
  135. Anwar Shaikh pointed out in 2016 (in his Capitalism, p. 237) that "by focusing on prices of production throughout", Sraffa "avoids the transformation problem inherent in his own analysis".
  136. [Anwar Shaikh (economist)|Anwar Shaikh]
  137. "The evidence… makes it clear that differences between various price forms are relatively small so that they wash out at the aggregate levels and aggregate ratios are essentially the same whether we use market prices, prices of production, or integrated labor times (Marx's labor values) - as Sraffa himself says." (Shaikh, Capitalism, p. 22). "The crosssectional variations in the calculated prices of production are entirely dominated by the corresponding variations in relative values, with between 87% and 92% of the former being explained by the latter." - Anwar Shaikh, "The Transformation from Marx to Sraffa", in: Ernest Mandel & Alan Freeman, Ricardo, Marx, Sraffa. London: Verso, 1984, pp. 43-84, at p. 73. "...measured in terms of their average absolute percentage deviations, prices of production are within 8.2 per cent of market prices, labour values are within 9.2 per cent of market prices and 4.4 per cent of prices of production, and the linear approximation is within 2 per cent of full prices of production and 8.7 per cent of market price." - Anwar Shaikh, "the Empirical Strength of the Labor Theory of Value". In: Riccardo Bellofiore (ed.), Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal, Volume 2. New York: St Martin's Press, 1998, p. 226.
  138. Wilfried Parys, "The deviation of prices from labor values". The American Economic Review, Vol. 72, No. 5, December, 1982, pp. 1208-1212; P. Petrovic, "The deviation of production prices from labour values: some methodology and empirical evidence." Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 1987, pp. 197-210; Kliman, A. J. 2002. "The law of value and laws of statistics: sectoral values and prices in the US economy, 1977-97". Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 26 No. 3, 2002, pp. 299–311. Emilio Diaz & Ruben Osuna, "Can we trust cross-sectional price-value correlation measures? Some evidence from the case of Spain." Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. Vol. 28 No. 2, Winter 2006, pp. 345–363. Andrew Kliman, "What Is Spurious Correlation? A Reply to Díaz and Osuna." Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 31 No. 2, Winter 2008–9 pp. 345–356. Emilio Díaz & Rubén Osuna, "Understanding Spurious Correlation: A Rejoinder to Kliman". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Winter, 2008-2009), pp. 357-362. Emilio Díaz & Rubén Osuna, "Indeterminacy in Price–Value Correlation Measures". Empirical Economics, Vol. 33, No. 3, November 2007, pp. 389–399. Emilio Díaz & Rubén Osuna, "From Correlation to Dispersion: Geometry of the Price–Value Deviation." Empirical Economics, Vol. 36, No. 2, May 2009, pp. 427–440. Jonathan Nitzan & Shimshon Bichler, Capital as power. Routledge, 2009. Nils Fröhlich, "Dimensional Analysis of price-value deviations". Unpublished paper, 18 October 2010.; Paul Cockshott, Allin Cottrell & Alejandro Valle Baeza, "The empirics of the labour theory of value: reply to Nitzan and Bichler". Investigación Económica, vol. LXXIII, no. 287, January–March 2014, pp. 115-134. Andrea Vaona, "Further econometric evidence on the gravitation and convergence of industrial rates of return on regulating capital". Journal of Post-Keynesian economics, Vol. 25 Issue 1, 2012, pp. 113-136. Andrea Vaona, "Price-price deviations are highly persistent". Structural change and economic dynamics, Vol. 33, Issue April 2015, pp. 86-95. Deepankar Basu, "A selective review of recent quantitative empirical research in Marxist political economy." Working paper, University of Amherst, 2015.
  139. [L. Randall Wray|Wray, L. Randall]
  140. Stephanie Bell "The role of the state and the hierarchy of money", Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 25, issue 2, 2001, pp. 149–163
  141. Mathew Forstater, "Taxation and primitive accumulation: the case of colonial Africa",Research in Political Economy series, Vol. 22, 2005, pp. 51–64.
  142. [Paul Cockshott]
  143. David Graeber, Debt: the first 5,000 years, Brooklyn: Melville House, 2010
  144. [Pavlina R. Tcherneva|Tcherneva, Pavlina R.]
  145. [Pavlina R. Tcherneva|Tcherneva, Pavlina R.]
  146. [L. Randall Wray|Wray, L. Randall]
  147. [L. Randall Wray|Wray, L. Randall]
  148. [Atossa Araxia Abrahamian]
  149. See Costas Lapavitsas, "Money as 'universal equivalent' and its origin in commodity exchange." Working Paper, Department of Economics, SOAS, University of London, May 2003.
  150. Pichit Likitkijsomboon, Marx's Theory of Money: A Critique. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1990.
  151. Thomas T. Sekine, An outline of the dialectic of capital, Vol. 1. London: Macmillan, 1997.
  152. [Ernest Mandel]
  153. Michael Williams, "Why Marx neither has nor needs a commodity theory of money", Review of Political Economy, Vol. 12 No. 4, 435-451.
  154. Carlo Panico, "Marx on the Banking Sector and the Interest Rate: Some Notes for a Discussion". Science & Society Vol. 52, No. 3 (Fall, 1988), pp. 310–325; Carlo Panico, Interest and profit in the theories of value and distribution. London: Macmillan, 1988; Makoto Itoh and Costas Lapavitsas, Political Economy of Money and Finance. London: Macmillan, 1999.
  155. Paul Einzig, Primitive money in its ethnological, historical and economic aspects. Pergamon, 1966; Jack Weatherford, The history of money. Crown Business reprint, 1998; Niall Ferguson, The ascent of money. Penguin books, 2009; Robert J. Van der Spek, Jan Luiten van Zanden & Bas van Leeuwen (eds.), A History of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World. London: Routledge, 2014; Felix Martin, Money: The Unauthorized Biography - from coinage to cryptocurrencies. New York: Vintage, 2015.
  156. Bill Maurer, How Would You Like to Pay?: How Technology Is Changing the Future of Money. Duke University Press Books, 2015.
  157. Michael Hudson, "The Archaeology of Money: Debt versus Barter Theories of Money's Origins." Chapter 5 in: L. Randall Wray, Credit and State Theories of Money: The Contributions of A. Mitchell Innes. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2004.
  158. Jan Lucassen (ed.), Wages and currency: global comparisons from antiquity to the twentieth century. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007; R.J. Van der Spek, Jan Luiten van Zanden & Bas van Leeuwen (eds.), A History of Market Performance from Ancient Babylonia to the Modern World. London: Routledge, 2014.
  159. Paul Einzig, Primitive money in its ethnological, historical and economic aspects. Pergamon, 1966.
  160. George Dalton, "Primitive money". In: American anthropologist, new Series, Vol. 67, No. 1 February 1965, pp. 44–65.
  161. Colin Renfrew, "Varna and the emergence of wealth in prehistoric Europe". In: Arjun Appadurai (ed.), The social life of things. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986 (2006 reprint), pp. 141-168; Social evolution & history: studies in the evolution of human societies (Moscow). Special issue: "Chiefdoms: theories, problems and comparisons". Vol. 10, No. 1, March 2011.
  162. Eladio Febrero, "Three difficulties with Neo-Chartalism". Bilbao: XI Jornadas de Economía Crítica, 2008.
  163. Pierre Berger, quoted in Pierre Vilar, A History of Gold and Money, 1450–1920. London: New Left Books, 1976, p. 7.
  164. OECD, The future of money
  165. [Marshall Sahlins]
  166. See Karl Kautsky, "Gold, Paper Currency and commodity" introduced by David Gaido (MIA archive); Hilferding, Finance Capital; Ernest Mandel, Decline of the dollar: a Marxist view of the monetary crisis. New York: Monad Press, 1972. Isaak Illich Rubin, "Studien zur Geldtheorie von Marx". Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, Sonderband 4, 2012; Makoto Itoh and Costas Lapavitsas, Political economy of money and finance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002; Suzanne de Brunhoff, Marx on money. London, Verso, 2015 reprint; Fred Moseley (ed.), Marx's theory of money: modern appraisals. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005; Anwar Shaikh, Capitalism, Oxford University Press, 2016, chapter 5; Costas Lapavitsas, Marxist Monetary theory. Leiden: Brill, 2017; Michel Aglietta, Money. 5,000 Years of Debt and Power. London: Verso, 2018.
  167. Prof. Victoria Chick, "Why don't academics understand money?". Paper presented at the Positive Money Conference, January 2013.
  168. Dennis J Fixler, Marshall B Reinsdorf and Shaunda Villones, "Measuring the services of commercial banks in the NIPA." IFC Bulletin No. 33 (Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics, Bank of International Settlements), 2007.
  169. Anwar Shaikh, Capitalism: competition, conflict, crises. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, p. 169f.
  170. Paul Einzig, Primitive money in its ethnological, historical and economic aspects. Pergamon, 1966.
  171. Expressing it in one of Marx's Latin formula's about forms of contractual reciprocation: "Do ut des, do ut facias, facio ut des, facio ut facias" ("I give, that you may give; I give, that you may do; I do, that you may give; I do, that you may do." (Marx, Capital Vol. 1, Penguin 1976, p. 681.
  172. Ato de Graft-Johnson, "From Maya to market". The New Internationalist, 5 August 1998.
  173. [A. Mitchell Innes|Innes, A. Mitchell]
  174. [L. Randall Wray|Wray, L. Randall]
  175. Scott Meikle, Essentialism in the thought of Karl Marx. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd, 1985, p. 95.
  176. Iring Fetscher et al., Social classes, action and historical materialism. Poznań studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities, Vol. 6. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1982, p. 27.
  177. Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination, p. 27.
  178. Murray E.G. Smith, Invisible Leviathan: The Marxist Critique of Market Despotism beyond Postmodernism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.
  179. E.g. Karl Marx, Grundrisse, Penguin edition 1973, pp. 287, 325, 527–29, 707–12, etc.
  180. Web site: Tett . Gillian . 2010-01-15 . The story of the Brics . subscription . 2023-09-18 . Financial Times.
  181. Tadayuki Tsushima, "Understanding "Labor Certificates" on the Basis of the Theory of Value", in: Tadayuki Tsushima, Kuremuren no shinwa ("Myths of the Kremlin"), 1956.
  182. N. G. Pierson, "The problem of value in the socialist community", in: F. A. Hayek (ed.), Collectivist economic planning. London: Routledge & kegan Paul, 1935, pp. 41-86
  183. [Michael Voslensky]
  184. "A world without values stops being a human civilization, looking rather like a society of Hymenoptera. Human beings would return to animality or change into a bio-mechanical aggregate. Directly or symbolically, values express people's projects, the constellation of their preferences professed and aimed at, the hierarchy of their preferences, their way of making a choice and being chosen. It is only through the values assumed and promoted that a person's synthetic project called happiness acquires shape." — Ludwig Grünberg,The Mystery of Values: Studies in Axiology. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000, p. 127.
  185. [Max Weber]
  186. This is argued most powerfully by Milton Friedman in his book Free to Choose.
  187. News: Opinion Lenin's Eco-Warriors. Strebeigh. Fred. 2017-08-07. The New York Times. 2019-04-29. en-US. 0362-4331.
  188. [Richard Pipes]
  189. Tom Brass & Marcel van der Linden (ed.), Free and unfree labour: the debate continues. Peter Lang, 1998.
  190. A useful starter is: Dic Lo & Russell Smyth, "Towards a reinterpretation of the economics of feasible socialism." Working paper, Dept. of Economics, SOAS, University of London, February 2002.; an overview of the socialist calculation debate from a libertarian viewpoint is provided in: David Ramsay Steele, From Marx to Mises: post-capitalist society and the challenge of economic calculation. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company, 1992. Many of the texts in the debate were usefully reprinted in: Peter Boettke et al. (ed.), Socialism and the market : the socialist calculation debate revisited (nine vols.). London : Routledge, 2000. This edition is out of print and rare, but the same texts are available from other sources.
  191. [Włodzimierz Brus]
  192. [Jawaharlal Nehru]
  193. Julian Le Grand and Saul Estrin (eds.) Market Socialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
  194. [Nikolai Bukharin]
  195. [Evgeny Preobrazhensky]
  196. Nikolai Bukharin, The Politics and Economics of the Transition Period. (edited with an Introduction by Kenneth J. Tarbuck, translated by Oliver Field). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. Stephen F. Cohen, Bukharin and the bolshevik revolution. A political biography 1888-1938 [1971]. New York: Vintage Books, 1975, chapter 6.
  197. [Don Lavoie]
  198. [Michael Ellman]
  199. Michael Ellman, "Did the agricultural surplus provide the resources for the increase in investment in the USSR during the First Five Year Plan?". Economic Journal, December 1975.
  200. Michael Ellman, "Lest they be forgotten: inequality in non-capitalist economies during the 20th century". Real-world economics review, issue no. 86, 10 December 2018, pp. 106-118
  201. Oskar R. Lange, "On the Economic Theory of Socialism, Part One," Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1, 1936, pp. 53–71. Part Two, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1937, pp. 123–142.
  202. Kei Shibata, "Economic theory of planning". In: Kyoto University Economic Review, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1943, pp. 19-41, at p. 41.
  203. Moishe Postone, Essays, p. 45.
  204. Maurice Dobb; & C. H. Feinstein, Socialism, capitalism and economic growth: essays presented to Maurice Dobb. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969 (2010 reprint).
  205. Timothy Shenk, Maurice Dobb: political economist. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, chapter 3.
  206. [Michael Barratt Brown]
  207. Bertram Silverman (ed.), Man and Socialism in Cuba; The Great Debate. New York: Atheneum, 1972.
  208. Ota Šik, Plan and market under socialism. White Plains, N.Y.: International arts and sciences press, 1967.
  209. Ota Šik, The communist power system. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981.
  210. [Ota Šik]
  211. Ota Šik (ed.), Socialism Today? The changing meaning of socialism. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan Academic and Professional Ltd, 1991.
  212. Peter Uhl, Die Herausforderung. Eine sozialistische Alternative zur 'Normaliserung in der CSSR'. Frankfurt: ISP Verlag, 1981.
  213. In his eyewitness account The Other Europe (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988, p. 164) Jacques Rupnik cited a cynical joke about the closed circle of "the eight miracles of the socialist economy": "There is no unemployment, but nobody works. Nobody works, but the plan is fulfilled. The plan is fulfilled, but there is nothing to buy. There is nothing to buy, but you can find anything. You can find anything, but everybody steals. Everybody steals, but nothing has been stolen. Nothing has been stolen, but it's impossible to work. It's impossible to work, but there is no unemployment."
  214. Branko Horvat, The Yugoslav economic system: the first labor managed economy in the making. [orig. 1976] London: Routledge, 2016 reprint. Branko Horvat, The political economy of socialism. London: Routledge, 1983.
  215. Rudolf Bahro, The alternative in Eastern Europe. London: New Left Books/Verso, 1977.
  216. Abel Gezevich Aganbegi︠a︡n, Regional studies for planning and projecting : the Siberian experience. The Hague: Mouton, 1981.
  217. Aganbegyan's name is spelled in three alternative ways: Aganbegian, Aganbegân, Aganbegjan. His books include: Abel Gezevich Aganbegian & Michael Barratt Brown, The economic challenge of perestroika. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988; Abel Gezevič Aganbegân, Perestroika 1989. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1988; Abel Gezevich Aganbegyan, Moving the mountain: inside the perestrojka revolution. London: Bantam Books, 1989; and Abel Gezevich Aganbegi︠a︡n, Inside perestroika: the future of the Soviet economy. New York: Perennial Library, 1990.
  218. Simon Clarke, The development of capitalism in Russia. Milton Park: Routledge, 2007, p. 7.
  219. [Yegor Gaidar]
  220. [Chrystia Freeland]
  221. Ruslan Dzarasov, The conundrum of Russian capitalism: the post-soviet economy in the world system. London: Pluto Press, 2014.
  222. [Zbigniew Brzezinski]
  223. Alexander Buzgalin and Andrei Kalganov, "For a Socialist Rebirth: A Soviet View". In: Ralph Miliband & Leo Panitch (eds.), Socialist Register 1991. London: Merlin Press, 1991.
  224. A. V. Buzgalin, L. A. Bulavka, and A. I. Kolganov, Russia: capitalism's Jurassic Park. Moscow: Economic Democracy, 1999.
  225. "Moscow: Red Agenda for 100th anniversary of Russian Revolution", in: Red Star over Donbass blog, January 2017.
  226. [China Miéville]
  227. [Tadeusz Kowalik]
  228. Tim Fernholz, "What's behind the Polish economic miracle?". Quartz, December 19, 2012.
  229. John Feffer, "Jeffrey Sachs Disdains Neoliberalism, Embraces Poland". Foreign Policy In Focus, June 8, 2015.
  230. Jeffrey Sachs, Poland's Jump to the Market Economy. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1993.
  231. [Jinglian Wu]
  232. Wang Chaohua, Wang Dan and Li Minqi, "A Dialogue on the Future of China". New Left Review, I/235, May–June 1999; Wang Hui and Rebecca E. Karl, "Contemporary Chinese thought and the question of modernity". Social Text, Issue 55, Summer 1998, pp. 9-44.
  233. [Boris Kagarlitsky]
  234. George Novack, "The problem of transitional formations". In: George Novack, Understanding history: Marxist Essays. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1980.
  235. Paul Bellis, Marxism and the U.S.S.R. The Theory of Proletarian Dictatorship and the Marxist Analysis of Soviet Society. London: Macmillan, 1979.
  236. Marcel van der Linden, Western Marxism and the Soviet Union: a survey of critical theories and debates since 1917. New York: Brill Publishers, 2007. Van der Linden does not deal with the socialist calculation debate, because it was pursued by Western Marxists and Liberals who fell outside his definition of Western Marxism.
  237. Günter Krause und Klaus O. W. Müller, Der 'wahre' Marxismus des Ernest Mandel. Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie des Linksradikalismus. Berlin: Verlag Die Wirtschaft, 1980. David Laibman, "The 'state capitalist' and 'bureaucratic-exploitative' interpretations of the Soviet social formation: a critique." Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 10, No. 4, Winter 1978.
  238. Joost Kircz,Technological Utopianism in the early USSR, and what does that mean for us now. Amsterdam: International Institute for Research and Education, Notebook #40, 2012.
  239. [Charles Bettelheim]
  240. [Ian D. Thatcher]
  241. [Robert Weil (businessman)|Robert Weil]
  242. [Paul Mattick]
  243. See the homepage of Erik Olin Wright.
  244. [Michael Albert]
  245. Michael Lebowitz, The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010. Michael Lebowitz,Build it Now: Socialism for the 21st Century. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2012. Michael Lebowitz,The Contradictions of "Real Socialism": The Conductor and the Conducted. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2012. Michael A Lebowitz, The Socialist Imperative: From Gotha to Now. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2015.
  246. [Makoto Itoh]
  247. [Anthony Giddens]
  248. [János Kornai]
  249. Diane Elson, "Socialized Markets, not Market Socialism". Socialist Register 2000, pp. 67-85 at p. 68. Diane Elson, "Market Socialism or Socialization of the Market?" New Left Review, no. 172, Nov/Dec 1988, pp. 3–44. Commentary by Peter T. Manicas.
  250. W. Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell, Toward a new socialism. Nottingham: Spokesman Books, 1993, p. 192.
  251. Geoffrey M. Hodgson,"Socialism Against Markets? A Critique of Two Recent Proposals", Economy and Society, 27(4), November 1998, pp. 450-76. Reprinted in: Hodgson, Economics and Utopia. London: Routledge, 1999.
  252. David Mandel, Democracy, Plan, and Market: Yakov Kronrod's Political Economy of Socialism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017.
  253. [Alexander nove|Alec Nove]
  254. Frank Furedi, "Capitalism after the 'credit crunch': what is it good for?". Spiked, 30 October 2008.
  255. Frank Furedi, "There is an alternative". Spiked, 25th January 2017
  256. Johanna Bockman, Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, p. 1.
  257. See e.g., Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis, A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011.
  258. Samuel Bowles, "The end of liberalism", in: The Boston Globe, 20 June 2017.
  259. Gary Chartier & Charles W. Johnson (eds.), Markets, not capitalism. Individualist anarchism against bosses, inequality, corporate power and structural poverty. New York: Autonomedia, 2011.
  260. Some of the historical Marxist debates in Europe are reviewed in Catherine Samary, Plan, Market and Democracy, IIRE Notebook for study and research 7/8, 1988.
  261. Many of the important technical discussions in socialist or post-socialist societies have unfortunately never been translated into English, and the controversies are often strongly influenced by ideological, political or moral positions or cherished dogmas - rather than inspired by scientific principles.
  262. Web site: Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism. Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism. en. 2019-04-29.
  263. Massimo de Angelis, The beginning of history: value struggles and global capital. London: Pluto Press, 2007.