Criminal Procedure Code (Malaysia) Explained

Short Title:Criminal Procedure Code
Long Title:An Act relating to criminal procedure.
Citation:Act 593
Territorial Extent:Malaysia
Date Enacted:1935 (F.M.S. Cap. 6)
Revised: 1999 (Act 593 w.e.f. 4 April 1999)
Date Effective:Throughout Malaysia—10 January 1976, Act A324
Amended By:Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Enactment 1936 [En. No. 19/1936]
Statute Law Revision (Chief Secretary’s Powers) Enactment 1937 [En. No. 18/1937]
Statute Law Revision (General Amendments) Enactment 1938 [En. No. 3/1938]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Enactment 1938 [En. No. 29/1938]
Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance 1947 [Ord. 13/1947]
Transfer of Powers Ordinance 1948 [F.M. No. 1/1948]
Courts Ordinance 1948 [F.M. No. 43/1948]
Married Women and Children (Maintenance) 1950 [Ord. 36/1950]
Criminal Procedure Codes (Amendment) Ordinance 1952 [Ord. 1/1952]
The Police Ordinance 1952 [Ord. 14/1952]
Criminal Procedure Codes (Amendment No. 2) Ordinance 1952 [Ord. 79/1952]
Rule Committee Ordinance 1948 [L.N. 239/1953]
Rule Committee Ordinance 1948 [L.N. 240/1953]
Rule Committee Ordinance 1948 [L.N. 241/1953]
Criminal Justice Ordinance 1953 [Ord. 14/1953]
Criminal Procedure Codes (Amendment) Ordinance 1954 [Ord. 8/1954]
Criminal Procedure Codes (Amendment) Ordinance 1955 [Ord. 21/1955]
Federation of Malaya Agreement (Transfer of Powers of British Advisers) Order 1957 [L.N. 161/1957]
Federal Constitution (Modification of Laws) Order 1957 [L.N. (N.S.) 1/1957]
Federal Constitution (Modification of Laws) Order 1957 [L.N. (N.S.) 56/1957]
Federal Constitution (Modification of Laws) (No. 2) Order 1957 [L.N. (N.S.) 73/1957]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Ordinance 1957 [Ord. 69/1957]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Ordinance 1958 [Ord. 73/1958]
Kidnapping Act 1963 [Act 5/1963]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1963 [Act 9/1963]
Warrants and Summonses (Special Provisions) Act 1965 [Act 6/1965]
Modification of Laws (Criminal Procedure) (Powers of Arrest) (Malaysia) Order 1965 [L.N. 228/1965]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1967 [Act 25/1967]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1967 [Act 38/1967]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1969 [Act A6]
Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No. 14 of 1969 [P.U. (A) 521/1969]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1974 [Act A233]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment and Extension) Act 1976 [Act A324]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1976 [Act A365]
Modification of Laws (Criminal Procedure) (Sabah and Sarawak) Order 1976 [P.U. (A) 97/1976]
Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1983 [Act A549]
Penal Code (Amendment) Act 1985 [Act A614]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1989 [Act A728]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1993 [Act A841]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1995 [Act A908]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1997 [Act A979]
Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 1998 [Act A1015]
Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 2001 [Act A1132]
Revision of Laws (Rectification of Criminal Procedure Code) Order 2005 [P.U. (A) 224/2005]
Keywords:Criminal procedure code
Status:In force

The Criminal Procedure Code (ms|Kanun Tatacara Jenayah), are Malaysian laws which enacted relating to criminal procedure.


The Criminal Procedure Code, in its current form (1 January 2006), consists of 4 Parts containing 44 chapters, 444 sections and 3 schedules (including 44 amendments).

Part I: Preliminary

Chapter I

1. Short title

2. Interpretation

3. Trial of offences under Penal Code and other laws

4. Saving of powers of High Court

5. Laws of England, when applicable

Part II: Provisions as to Criminal Courts

Chapter II: Criminal Courts in General

6. Courts

7. Courts to be open

8. (Deleted)

9. Criminal jurisdiction of Magistrates

10. Offences committed within seven miles of the boundary of a State

Part III: General Provisions

Chapter III: Aid and Information to Magistrates and Police and Persons Making Arrests

11. Public, when to assist Magistrates, Justices of the Peace and police

12. Aid to persons other than police officer executing warrant

13. Public to give information of certain matters

14. Police officer bound to report certain matters

Chapter IV: Arrest, Escape and Re-taking

15. Arrest, how made

16. Search of place entered by person sought to be arrested

17. Search of persons in place searched under warrant

18. Power to break open any place for purposes of liberation

19. No unnecessary restraint and mode of searching women

20. Search of persons arrested

21. Power to seize offensive weapons

22. Search of person for name and address

23. When police or penghulu may arrest without warrant

24. Refusal to give name and residence

25. How person arrested by penghulu is to be dealt with

26. Pursuit of offenders

27. Arrest by private persons and procedure in such cases

28. How person arrested is to be dealt with and detention for more than twenty-four hours

29. Release of person arrested

30. Offence committed in Magistrate’s presence

31. Arrest by or in presence of Magistrate

32. Power on escape to pursue and re-take

33. Sections 16 and 18 to apply to arrests under section 32

Chapter V: Processes to Compel Appearance

  • 34. Form of summons and service
  • 35. Summons how served
  • 36. Procedure when personal service cannot be effected
  • 37. Proof of service
  • 37A. (Deleted)
    Warrant of Arrest
  • 38. Form of warrant of arrest
  • 39. Court may direct by indorsement on warrant security to be taken
  • 40. Warrants, to whom directed
  • 41. Notification of substance of warrant
  • 42. Person arrested to be brought before Court without delay
  • 43. Procedure on arrest of person against whom warrant is issued
    Proclamation and Attachment
  • 44. Proclamation for person absconding
  • 45. Attachment of property of person proclaimed
  • 46. Restoration of attached property
    Other Rules Regarding Summonses to Appear and Warrants of Arrest
  • 47. Issue of warrant in lieu of or in addition to summons
  • 48. Summonses to appear and warrants of arrest may be executed in any part of Malaysia
  • 49. Power to take bond for appearance
  • 50. Arrest on breach of bond for appearance

    Chapter VI: Processes to Compel the Production of Documents and Other Movable Property and for the Discovery of Persons Wrongfully Confined

    51. Summons to produce document or other things

    52. Procedure as to postal article, etc.

    53. Sections 34 to 37 to apply

    Search Warrants
  • 54. When search warrant may be issued
  • 55. Power to restrict search warrant
  • 56. Magistrate may issue warrant authorizing search for evidence of offence
  • 57. Form of search warrant
  • 58. Search for persons wrongfully confined
  • 59. Persons in charge of closed places to allow search
  • 60. Magistrate issuing search warrant may attend at its execution
  • 61. Magistrate may direct search in his presence
  • 62. Search without warrant
  • 62A. Forfeiture of counterfeit coin
  • 62B. Forfeiture of counterfeit currency
  • 63. Summary search
  • 64. List of all things seized to be made and signed
  • 65. Occupant to be present at search

    Part IV: Prevention of Offences

    Chapter VII: Security for Keeping the Peace and for Good Behaviour

    66. Security for keeping the peace on conviction

    66A. Security for keeping the peace by complainant

    67. Security for keeping the peace in other cases

    68. Security for good behaviour from suspected persons, vagrants and persons disseminating seditious matter

    69. Security for good behaviour from habitual offenders

    70. Summons or warrant if required

    71. Form of summons or warrant

    72. Power to dispense with personal attendance

    73. Inquiry to be held

    74. Order to give security

    75. Discharge of person informed against

    Proceedings in All Cases Subsequent to Order to Furnish Security
  • 76. Commencement of period for which security is required
  • 77. Contents of bond
  • 78. Power to reject sureties
  • 79. Imprisonment in default of security
  • 80. Power to release person imprisoned for failing to give security
  • 81. Magistrate to report in cases in which the security has been ordered by the High Court
  • 82. Discharge of sureties

    Chapter VIII: Unlawful Assemblies

    83. Who may order unlawful assembly to disperse

    84. Forcible dispersal of unlawful assemblies

    85–87. (Deleted)

    88. Protection against prosecution

    Chapter IX: Public Nuisances

    89. Magistrate may make conditional order for removal of nuisance

    90. Order to be served or notified

    91. Person against whom order is made to obey or appear and show cause

    92. Consequence of his failing to do so

    93. Procedure on appearance to show cause

    94. Procedure on order being made absolute

    95. Consequence of disobedience to order

    96. Injunction pending final decision

    97. Power to prohibit repetition or continuance of public nuisance

    Chapter X: Temporary Orders in Urgent Cases of Nuisance

    98. Power to issue order absolute at once in urgent cases of nuisance

    Chapter XI: Disputes as to Immovable Property

    99. Procedure where dispute concerning land, etc., is likely to cause breach of peace

    100. Power to attach subject of dispute

    101. Disputes concerning rights over land or water

    102. Order as to costs

    Chapter XII: Preventive Action of the Police

    103. Police to prevent seizable offences

    104. Information of design to commit seizable offences

    105. Arrest to prevent seizable offences

    106. Prevention of injury to public property

    Part V: Information to Police and Their Powers to Investigate

    Chapter XIII

    107. Information of offences

    108. Procedure in non-seizable cases

    108A. Admission of certified copy of information as evidence

    109. Investigation in seizable cases

    110. Procedure where seizable offence suspected

    111. Police officer’s power to require attendance of witnesses

    112. Examination of witnesses by police

    113. Admission of statements in evidence

    114. No discouragement from making statement to police

    115. Power to record statements and confessions

    116. Search by police officer

    117. Procedure where investigation cannot be completed within twenty-four hours

    118. Police officer may require bond for appearance of complainant and witnesses

    119. Diary of proceedings in investigation

    120. Report of police officer

    Part VI: Proceedings in Prosecutions

    Chapter XIV: Jurisdiction of Criminal Courts in Inquiries and Trials

    121. Ordinary place of inquiry and trial

    122. Accused triable in place where act is done or where consequence ensues

    123. Place of trial where act is an offence by reason of relation to other offence

    124. Offences of escaping from custody, of criminal misappropriation or criminal breach of trust and of stealing, where triable

    125. Where scene of offence is uncertain, etc.

    126. Offence committed on a journey

    127. When doubt arises High Court to decide

    127A. Liability for offences committed out of Malaysia

    127B. Power to direct copies of depositions and exhibits to be received in evidence

    Conditions Requisite for Initiation of Proceedings
  • 128. Cognizance of offences by Magistrates
  • 129. Sanction required for prosecution for certain offences
  • 130. Where complaint by Public Prosecutor is necessary
  • 131. Where complaint by person aggrieved
  • 132. Where complaint by husband

    Chapter XV: Complaints to Magistrates

    133. Examination of complainant

    134. Postponement of issue of process

    135. Dismissal of complaint

    Chapter XVI: Commencement of Proceedings before a Magistrate's Court

    136. Issue of process

    137. Personal attendance of accused may be dispensed with

    Chapter XVII: Preliminary Inquiries into Cases Triable by the High Court

    138–151. (Deleted)

    Chapter XVIIA: Special Procedure Relating to Committal in Cases Triable by the High Court where the Accused Is Legally Represented

    151A–151B. (Deleted)

    Chapter XVIII: The Charge

    152. Form of charge

    153. Particulars as to time, place and person

    154. When manner of committing offence must be stated

    155. Sense of words used in charge to describe offence

    156. Effect of errors

    157. (Deleted)

    158. Court may alter or add to charge

    159. When trial may proceed immediately after alteration or addition

    160. When new trial may be directed or trial suspended

    161. Stay of proceedings if prosecution of offence in altered charge requires previous sanction

    162. Recall of witnesses when charge altered

    163. Separate charges for distinct offences

    164. Three offences of same kind within twelve months may be charged together

    165. Trial for more than one offence

    166. Where it is doubtful what offence has been committed

    167. When a person charged with one offence can be convicted of another

    168. Person charged with an offence can be convicted of the attempt

    169. When offence proved is included in offence charged

    170. When persons may be charged jointly

    171. Withdrawal of remaining charges on conviction on one of several charges

    171A. Outstanding offences

    172. Charges to be in forms in Second Schedule

    Chapter XIX: Summary Trials by Magistrates

    173. Procedure in summary trials

    173A. Power to discharge conditionally or unconditionally

    174. Addresses

    175. Power to award compensation

    176. Particulars to be recorded

    177. Transfer of cases

    177A. Transmission of case to, and trial by, the High Court

    Chapter XX: Trials before the High Court

    178. Commencement of trial

    179. Opening case for prosecution

    180. Procedure after conclusion of case for prosecution

    181. Defence

    182. Reply

    182A. Procedure at the conclusion of the trial

    183. Sentence

    Chapter XXI: Trials before the High Court with the Aid of Assessors

    183A–199. (Deleted)

    Chapter XXII: Trials by Jury before the High Court

    199A–235. (Deleted)

    Chapter XXIII: Jurors and Assessors

    235A–251. (Deleted)

    Chapter XXIV: General Provisions as to Inquiries and Trials

    252–252A. (Deleted)

    253. Procedure where there are previous convictions

    254. Public Prosecutor may decline to prosecute further at any stage

    255. Right of accused to be defended

    256. Court may put questions to accused

    257. Case for prosecution to be explained by Court to undefended accused

    258. Procedure where accused does not understand proceedings

    259. Power to postpone or adjourn proceedings

    260. Compounding offences

    261. Change of Magistrate during hearing

    262. Detention of offenders attending in Court

    263. Weekly or public holiday

    Chapter XXV: Mode of Taking and Recording Evidence in Inquiries and Trials

    264. Evidence to be taken in presence of accused

    265. Manner of recording evidence

    266. Recording evidence in summons cases

    267. Recording evidence in other cases

    268. Record to be in narrative form

    269. Reading over evidence and correction

    270. Interpretation of evidence to accused

    271. Remarks as to demeanour of witness

    272. Judge to take notes of evidence

    272A. Other persons may be authorized to take down notes of evidence

    Chapter XXVI: Judgment

    273. Mode of delivering judgment

    274. (Deleted)

    275. Sentence of death not to be passed on pregnant woman

    276. Judgment in the alternative

    277. Judgment of death

    278. Judgment not to be altered

    279. Judgment to be explained to accused and copy supplied

    280. Judgment to be filed with record

    Chapter XXVII: Sentences and the Carrying Out of It

    281. Provisions as to execution of sentences of death

    282. Provisions as to execution of sentences of imprisonment

    283. Provisions as to sentences of fine

    284. Suspension of execution in certain cases

    285. Warrant by whom issuable

    286. Place for executing sentence of whipping

    287. Time of executing such sentence

    288. Mode of executing such sentence

    289. Sentence of whipping forbidden in certain cases

    290. Medical Officer’s certificate required

    291. Procedure if whipping cannot be inflicted

    292. Commencement of sentence of imprisonment on prisoner already undergoing imprisonment

    293. Youthful offenders

    294. First offenders

    294A. Conditions of bonds

    295. Sentence of police supervision

    296. Obligations of persons subject to supervision

    297. Penalty for non-compliance with section 296

    298. Application of law to orders for police supervision made outside the Malay States

    299. Return of warrant

    Chapter XXVIII: Suspensions, Remissions and Commutations of Sentences

    300. Power to suspend or remit sentence

    301. Power to commute punishment

    Chapter XXIX: Previous Acquittals or Convictions

    302. Person once convicted or acquitted not to be tried again for same offence

    303. Plea of previous acquittal or conviction

    Part VII: Appeal and Revision

    Chapter XXX: Appeals to the High Court

    303A. Appeals from Sessions Courts

    304. Cases in which no appeal lies

    305. When plea of guilty limited right of appeal

    306. Appeal against acquittal

    307. Procedure for appeal

    308. Transmission of appeal record

    309. (Deleted)

    310. Appeal specially allowed in certain cases

    311. Stay of execution pending appeal

    312. Setting down appeal on list

    313. Procedure at hearing

    314. Non-appearance of respondent

    315. Arrest of respondent in certain cases

    316. Decision on appeal

    317. Order to take further evidence

    318. Judgment

    319. Certificate and consequence of judgment

    320. Death of parties to appeal

    321. (Deleted)

    322. Costs

    Chapter XXXI: Revision

    323. Power to call for records of subordinate Courts

    324. Power to order further inquiry

    325. Powers of Judge on revision

    326. Permission for parties to appear

    327. Orders on revision

    Part VIII: Special Proceedings

    Chapter XXXII: Inquiries of Death

    328. Meaning of “cause of death”

    329. Duty of police officer to investigate death

    330. Duty of officer to arrange for post-mortem examination in certain cases

    331. Post-mortem examination of body

    332. Report of Government Medical Officer

    333. Duty of Magistrate on receipt of report

    334. Inquiry into cause of death of a person in custody of police or in any asylum

    335. Powers of Magistrate

    336. Magistrate may view body

    337. Inquiries to be made by Magistrate

    338. Evidence and finding to be recorded

    339. Power of Public Prosecutor to require inquiry to be held

    340. Admissibility of medical report in certain cases

    341. Custody of proceedings

    341A. Power to revise

    Chapter XXXIII: Persons of Unsound Mind

    342. Procedure where accused is suspected to be of unsound mind

    343. Certificate of Medical Superintendent

    344. Release of person of unsound mind pending investigation or trial

    345. Resumption of trial

    346. (Deleted)

    347. Judgment of acquittal on ground of mental disorder

    348. Safe custody of person acquitted

    349. Procedure where prisoner of unsound mind is reported able to make his defence

    350. Procedure where person of unsound mind is reported fit for discharge

    351. Delivery of person of unsound mind to care of relative

    352. Interpretation of "mental hospital" and "visitors"

    352A. Modification in the application in this Chapter to Sabah and Sarawak

    Chapter XXXIV: Proceedings in Case of Certain Offences Affecting the Administration of Justice

    353. Procedure as to offences committed in Court

    354. Record of facts constituting the offence

    355. Alternative procedure

    356. Power to remit punishment

    357. Refusal to give evidence

    358. Appeal

    359. Magistrate not to try certain offences committed before himself

    Chapter XXXV: Maintenance of Wives and Children

    360–364. (Deleted)

    Chapter XXXVI: Directions of the Nature of a Habeas Corpus

    365. Power of High Court to make certain orders

    366. Form of application

    367. Affidavit, by whom signed

    368. Copy of warrant

    369. Defendant in custody under writ of attachment to be brought before Court

    370. Warrant to be prepared

    371. Service of warrant

    372. Attendance of prisoner in criminal case

    373. Duty of officer to whom warrant is addressed

    374. Appeal

    375. No application to banishment warrant

    Part IX: Supplementary Provisions

    Chapter XXXVII: The Public Prosecutor

    376. Public Prosecutor

    377. Conduct of prosecutions in Court

    378. No one to appear for Public Prosecutor

    379. Employment of advocate

    380. Prosecution by private persons

    380A. Sections 377 and 380 to prevail over other laws

    381–386. (Deleted)

    Chapter XXXVIII: Bail

    387. When person may be released on bail

    388. When person accused of non-bailable offence may be released on bail

    389. Amount of bond

    390. Bond to be executed

    391. Person to be released

    392. When warrant of arrest may be issued against person bailed

    393. Sureties may apply to have bond discharged

    394. Appeal

    Chapter XXXIX: Special Provisions Relating to Evidence

    395. Procedure where person able to give material evidence is dangerously ill

    396. Where person bound to give evidence intends to leave Malaysia

    397. Deposition of medical witness

    398. (Deleted)

    399. Reports of certain persons

    399A. Report of Central Bank on currency note or coin

    400. How previous conviction or acquittal may be proved

    401. Record of evidence in absence of accused

    402. (Deleted)

    402A. Notice to be given of defence of alibi

    Chapter XL: Provisions as to Bonds

    403. Deposit instead of bond

    404. Procedure on forfeiture of bond

    405. Appeal from orders

    406. Power to direct levy of amount due on bond

    Chapter XLI: Disposal of Exhibits and of Property the Subject of Offences

    406A. Court shall consider manner of disposal of exhibits

    407. Order for disposal of property regarding which offence committed

    408. Direction instead of order

    409. Payment to innocent person of money found on accused

    410. Stay of order

    411. Destruction of libellous and other matter

    412. Restoration of possession of immovable property

    413. Procedure by police on seizure of property

    414. Procedure where no claim established

    415. Procedure where property is perishable or of small value

    416. Procedure where owner is absent

    Chapter XLII: Transfer of Criminal Cases

    417. High Court’s power to transfer cases

    418. Application for transfer to be supported by affidavit

    418A. Trials by High Court on a certificate by the Public Prosecutor

    418B. Cases to which section 418A is applicable

    Chapter XLIII: Irregularities in Proceedings

    419. Proceeding in wrong place, etc.

    420. Procedure when confession irregularly taken

    421. Omission to frame charge

    422. Irregularities not to vitiate proceedings

    423. Irregularity in distress

    Chapter XLIV: Miscellaneous

    424. Affidavits before whom sworn

    425. Power of Court to summon and examine persons

    426. Order for payment of costs of prosecution and compensation

    427. Payment of expenses of prosecutors and witnesses

    428. Rules as to rates of payment

    429. (Deleted)

    430. Reward for unusual exertion

    431. Compensation for family of person killed in arresting

    432. Provisions as to money payable as costs or compensation

    433. Copies of proceedings

    434. (Deleted)

    435. Power of police to seize property suspected of being stolen

    436. Person released on bail to give address for service

    437. Power to compel restoration of abducted persons

    438. Compensation for giving in charge groundlessly

    439. Magistrate not to act where interested

    440. Public servants not to bid at sales under this Code

    441. When receivers, etc., charged, evidence of other cases allowed

    442. When evidence of previous conviction may be given

    443. Forms

    444. Application of fines

    Second Schedule: Forms

    1. Summons to an Accused Person

    2. Warrant of Arrest

    3. Bond and Bail Bond after Arrest under a Warrant

    4. Proclamation Requiring the Appearance of a Person Accused

    5. Proclamation Requiring the Attendance of a Witness

    6. Order of Attachment to Compel the Attendance of a Witness

    7. Warrant in the First Instance to Bring up a Witness

    8. Warrant to Search after Information of a Particular Offence

    9. Warrant to Search Suspected Place of Deposit

    10. Bond to Keep the Peace

    11. Bond for Good Behaviour

    12. Order to Show Cause

    13. Summons on Information of a Probable Breach of the Peace

    14. Warrant of Commitment on Failure to Find Security to Keep the Peace

    15. Warrant of Commitment on Failure to Find Security for Good Behaviour

    16. Warrant to Discharge a Person Imprisoned on Failure to give Security

    17. Order for the Removal of Nuisances

    18. Notice and Peremptory Order by Magistrate after Order Absolute

    19. Injunction to Provide Against Imminent Danger Pending Decision

    20. Order of Magistrate Prohibiting the Repetition, etc., of a Nuisance

    21. Order of Magistrate to prevent Obstruction, Riot, etc.

    22. Order of Magistrate Declaring Party Entitled to Retain Possession of Land, etc., in Dispute

    23. Warrant of Attachment in the Case of a Dispute as to the Possession of Land, etc.

    24. Order of Magistrate Prohibiting the Doing of Anything on Land or Water

    25. Bond to Prosecute or give Evidence

    26. Report of Police Investigation

    27. Charges

    (I) Charges with one head

    (II) Charges with two or more heads

    (III) Charge for Theft after a Previous Conviction

    28. Formal Part of Charges Tried Before the High Court

    29. Warrant of Commitment on a Sentence of Imprisonment or Fine

    30. Warrant of Imprisonment on Failure to Recover Amends by Distress

    31. Summons to a Witness

    32. (Deleted)

    33. Warrant of Commitment under Sentence of Death

    34. Warrant of Execution on a Sentence of Death

    35. Warrant to Levy a Fine by Distress and Sale

    36. Bond to Appear and Receive Judgment

    37. Warrant of Commitment in Certain Cases of Contempt when a Fine is Imposed

    38. Warrant of Commitment of Witness Refusing to Answer

    39. (Deleted)

    40. Warrant to Discharge a Person Imprisoned on Failure to give Security

    41. Warrant of Attachment to Enforce a Bond

    42. Notice to Surety on Breach of a Bond

    43. Notice to Surety of Forfeiture of Bond for Good Behaviour

    44. Warrant of Attachment against a Surety

    45. Warrant of Commitment of the Surety of an Accused Person Admitted to Bail

    46. Notice to the Principal of Forfeiture of a Bond to Keep the Peace

    47. Warrant to Attach the Property of the Principal on Breach of a Bond to Keep the Peace

    48. Warrant of Imprisonment on Breach of a Bond to Keep the Peace

    49. Warrant of Attachment and Sale on Forfeiture of Bond for Good Behaviour

    50. Warrant of Imprisonment on Forfeiture of Bond for Good Behaviour

    51. Form of Petition of Appeal

    52. Form of Warrant

    53. Form of Warrant

    54. Warrant to Bring up Prisoner to Give Evidence

    Third Schedule: Modification of Chapter XXXIII for Sabah and Sarawak

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