Coraggio Italia Explained

Coraggio Italia
President:Luigi Brugnaro
Leader1 Title:Vice President
Leader1 Name:Michaela Biancofiore
Split:Forza Italia
Headquarters:Via Gaspare Spontini 22, Rome
Ideology:Liberal conservatism
Position:Centre[1] to
centre-right[2] [3]
Colours: Fuchsia
Seats1 Title:Chamber of Deputies
Seats2 Title:Senate
Seats3 Title:European Parliament
Seats4 Title:Regional Councils
Seats5 Title:Conference of Regions

Coraggio Italia ([4] also translatable as 'Cheer up Italy', CI) is a liberal-conservative[5] [6] political party in Italy, led by Luigi Brugnaro.


In February 2021, amid the formation of Mario Draghi's national unity government, Cambiamo! (C!), a liberal-conservative party led by Giovanni Toti, president of Liguria, started to attract new members from the more centrist wing of Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia (FI).[7]

In May 2021, Toti and Luigi Brugnaro, mayor of Venice, announced the formation of a new political party[8] mainly composed by dissidents of FI,[9] as well as Gaetano Quagliariello's Identity and Action (an associate party of C!), splinters from other parties,[10] notably including three deputies previously affiliated with the centre-left Democratic Centre (CD).[11] Brugnaro was appointed party president, while deputy Marco Marin, senator Gaetano Quagliariello and Toti vice presidents.[12] [13] During the press conference in which he and Toti launched the new party, Brugnaro thanked Berlusconi, describing him as a "brave leader", but also added that the centre-right "has to move on, it is another era".[14]

In the 2021 Calabrian regional election the party obtained 5.7% of the vote and 2 regional councillors.

In less than a year, CI, which had failed to attract substantial support countrywide, according to opinion polls, experienced an internal crisis. On one side Toti launched the project of a new political party named Italy in the Centre (IaC),[15] [16] on the other side Brugnaro rejected establishment politics[17] and wanted to continue to be part of the centre-right coalition.[18] In February 2022 CI's sub-group within the Mixed Group, previously named "IDeA–Cambiamo!–Europeanists", was re-named "Italy in the Centre".[19] In March, a federation between Coraggio Italia and Italy of the Centre was announced, stating that they would have different organisations and parliamentary groupings.[20]

In the 2022 local elections CI and IaC ran separately in most places. CI obtained relevant results only in Veneto, Brugnaro's home-region, most notably 5.2% in Verona and 4.4% in Padua, while IaC won 9.2% in Genoa, 8.5% in La Spezia, 3.7% in Rieti, 5.2% in L'Aquila and 4.3% in Catanzaro.

In late June 2022 CI and IaC formally split both in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.[21] The joint parliamentary group in the Chamber was dissolved,[22] while six other deputies, including vice president Marin, left the party, founding a new party called Vinciamo Italia,[23] [24] and CI was left with 7 deputies (led by Emilio Carelli)[25] and 2 senators (Andrea Causin and Marinella Pacifico).[26]

In July 2022 a new sub-group named after CI was formed within the Mixed Group of the Chamber of Deputies. The group was led by Fabio Berardini and included 10 deputies: 8 members of CI (not including Carelli) and two representatives of the Associative Movement of Italians Abroad (MAIE).[27] [28] Contextually, in the Senate, a new sub-group composed of three senators, including two senators of CI and one of the MAIE, was formed.[28]

In the run-up of the 2022 general election CI first formed a joint list with Union of the Centre (UdC),[29] then it was a founding member of Us Moderates (NM), a broader joint list within the centre-right coalition, along with the UdC, IaC and Us with Italy (NcI).[30]

In June 2023 Brugnaro announced that CI was no longer part of NM.[31]

In the 2024 European Parliament election CI will support FI.[32]

Former member parties

PartyMain ideologyLeader
Cambiamo! (C!)Liberal conservatismGiovanni Toti
Identity and Action (IDeA)Christian democracyGaetano Quagliariello


Election results

European Parliament

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Coraggio Italia: Ufficializzata la nascita del nuovo partito . 14 July 2021 .
  2. Web site: Centro, nasce 'Coraggio Italia': 24 deputati e 7 senatori . 26 May 2021 .
  3. Web site: Coraggio Italia: Toti, è sprone e arricchimento per c.destra - Ultima Ora . 28 May 2021 .
  4. Web site: Our Campaigns - Political Party - Courage Italy (CI).
  5. Web site: Parties and Elections in Europe .
  6. Web site: Viaggio Nella Galassia dei Piccoli Partiti Italiani . 25 June 2021 .
  7. Forza Italia: tre deputati lasciano e vanno con Toti
  8. Coraggio Italia:Brugnaro,grazie al Cav, ma è altro tempo
  9. Giovanni Toti e Luigi Brugnaro presenteranno alla Camera il nuovo gruppo parlamentare "Coraggio Italia"
  10. News: XVIII Legislatura - Deputati e Organi Parlamentari - Composizione Gruppi parlamentari . 28 May 2021 . . it.
  11. Nasce 'Coraggio Italia', nuovo progetto politico di Brugnaro e Toti
  12. Nasce Coraggio Italia, con Brugnaro e Toti subito 24 deputati. Forza Italia ne perde 12
  13. News: Nasce 'Coraggio Italia', nuovo progetto politico di Brugnaro e Toti . 27 May 2021 . Adnkronos . 26 May 2021 . it.
  14. Coraggio Italia:Brugnaro,grazie al Cav, ma è altro tempo
  15. Web site: Toti presenta "Italia al centro", modello Csu: "Questo sistema bipolare è ormai superato" . 25 March 2022 .
  16. Web site: Toti e il grande centro: Nasce la Federazione fra Coraggio Italia e Italia al centro . 24 March 2022 .
  17. Web site: Brugnaro: "Il cuore si è fermato, stavo morendo. Mi sono svegliato il giorno dopo" . 14 May 2022 .
  18. Web site: Renzi e Toti, al centro sono rimasti in pochi (Di F. Fantozzi) . 7 February 2022 .
  19. Web site: - Senato della Repubblica - Variazioni dei Gruppi parlamentari .
  20. News: Toti e il grande centro: nasce la Federazione fra Coraggio Italia e Italia al centro . 28 May 2022 . la Repubblica . 24 March 2022 . it.
  21. Web site: E Brugnaro e Toti sanciscono il divorzio. Non c'è pace nel centro, ingolfato e litigioso (Di F. Olivo) . 23 June 2022 .
  22. Web site: Coraggio Italia si scioglie: è l'effetto domino della scissione 5S. Per Toti e Brugnaro obiettivo nuovo Centro con di Maio . 23 June 2022 .
  23. News: Si scioglie Coraggio Italia, nasce "Vinciamo Italia": è il decimo gruppo di centro in Parlamento . 27 June 2022 . Fanpage . it.
  24. News: Il Centro unito è come l'isola che non c'è: un grande ingorgo ma nessuno riesce a conquistarlo . 27 June 2022 . la Repubblica . 24 June 2022 . it.
  25. Web site: Coraggio Italia si scioglie e Toti corteggia di Maio .
  26. Web site: Coraggio Italia implode, effetto di Maio su partito Brugnaro . 23 June 2022 .
  27. Web site: XVIII Legislatura - Deputati e Organi - Modifiche intervenute .
  28. Web site: Ultimo'ora: Coraggio Italia: Brugnaro, 'rafforzato il partito dei territori' .
  29. Web site: Elezioni 2022, ecco simbolo Udc-Coraggio Italia: Nome 'Brugnaro' e scudocrociato per lista unica . 5 August 2022 .
  30. Web site: Elezioni 2022, nasce 'Noi moderati' lista unica dei centristi di centrodestra . 11 August 2022 .
  31. Web site: Brugnaro "molla" Lupi: «L'esperienza è finita, ora allarghiamo la rete» . Il Gazzettino . 11 June 2023 .
  32. Web site: Pure Brugnaro con i civici a sostegno di Forza Italia . Il Giornale. 7 April 2024 .