The Copeland–Erdős constant is the concatenation of "0." with the base 10 representations of the prime numbers in order. Its value, using the modern definition of prime,[1] is approximately
0.235711131719232931374143... .
The constant is irrational; this can be proven with Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions or Bertrand's postulate (Hardy and Wright, p. 113) or Ramare's theorem that every even integer is a sum of at most six primes. It also follows directly from its normality (see below).
By a similar argument, any constant created by concatenating "0." with all primes in an arithmetic progression dn + a, where a is coprime to d and to 10, will be irrational; for example, primes of the form 4n + 1 or 8n + 1. By Dirichlet's theorem, the arithmetic progression dn · 10m + a contains primes for all m, and those primes are also in cd + a, so the concatenated primes contain arbitrarily long sequences of the digit zero.
In base 10, the constant is a normal number, a fact proven by Arthur Herbert Copeland and Paul Erdős in 1946 (hence the name of the constant).
The constant is given by
infty | |
\sum | |
n=1 |
| |||||||||
10 |
where pn is the nth prime number.
Its simple continued fraction is [0; 4, 4, 8, 16, 18, 5, 1, ...] .
Copeland and Erdős's proof that their constant is normal relies only on the fact that
In any given base b the number
infty | |
\sum | |
n=1 |
-pn | |
b |
which can be written in base b as 0.0110101000101000101...bwhere the nth digit is 1 if and only if n is prime, is irrational.
concatenating all natural numbers, not just primes.