Each "article" in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers.
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Large island in the western Mediterranean, north of Sardinia. First civilisation was established by Ioniansfrom Phocaea about 560 BC. Invaded by various peoples until annexed by Genoa in the 14th century.Due to constant rebellions, Genoa sold the island to France in 1768. The following year, Napoleon Bonapartewas born in Ajaccio and it was under his rule that Corsica finally accepted French nationality.Corsica is now a French département. It has used stamps of France only.
Stamps were issued by a rebel group led by Venizelos and based at Theriso, south of Khania. The rebelsdemanded union with Greece. The revolt began in March and collapsed in Nov 1905.
Crete was under Venetian rule to 1669 when it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. A long civil war developedafter 1840 which was only ended by a multi-power occupation (Britain, France, Italy and Russia) in 1898.The island was declared an autonomous state in 1899 and was united with Greece by the Treaty of London1913.
Cretan stamps were overprinted HELLAS in 1908–09 during a premature attempt by the local parliament todeclare union with Greece. Greek stamps were imported in 1912 and were already in common use when unionwas finally confirmed.
Overprinted Austrian stamps were in use at offices in Kandia, Khania and Rethymnon. These officesall closed on 15 December 1914.
See also: Austro–Hungarian Post Offices in the Turkish Empire
Stamps inscribed in Greek were used in the British sphere of administration (Kandia) during the multi-power occupation. Mail was forwarded via the Austrian office at Khania and surviving envelopes bear the stamps of both the British and Austrian agencies. It is therefore uncertain if the British stamps had international validity.
France was one of the multi-power occupiers which ended the Cretan civil war in 1898–99. They establishedpostal services in offices at Kandia, Khania, Hierapetra, Rethymnon and Sitea. Standard French types wereissued with an inscription of CRETE. All offices were closed in 1913.
Russia was one of the powers which occupied Crete in 1898. It had a post office at Rethymnon within itsown sphere of administration. The service operated for a short time only: from 13 May 1899 to 29 July 1899.Four types were issued inscribed RETHYMNO with a total of 37 stamps.
Regional government issues.
Following the collapse of communism, Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia on 30 May 1991.Serb inhabitants revolted with the backing of the Yugoslav army and fought a bitter aggressive war againstthe Croatia. In January 1992, a ceasefire became effective after the intervention of the UNand the EEC.
In 1995, the Republic of Croatia began to recover its occupied territories. The army liberated Western Slavoniain May and areas of Banovina, Kordun, Lika and Dalmatia in August. Both areas were reincorporated into the republic. Eastern Slavoniawas placed under UN administration in November and called Sremsko Baranjska Oblast (Srem and BaranyaRegion). The administration lasted two years before Eastern Slavonia as a whole was reincorporatedback into the Republic of Croatia on 15 January 1998.
The Republic of Croatia began stamp issues after independence with the inscription REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA.
Provincial issues were in use during 1918–21 prior to Croatia joining the Kingdom of Serbs Croats & Slovenes,which became Yugoslavia in 1929.
After the German conquest of Yugoslavia in 1941, Croatia was a semi-autonomous state with a puppet governmentset up by the Nazis. Croatia returned to Yugoslavia after WW2.
Croatia returned to Yugoslavia after WW2 but there was another regional issue in 1945 due to a shortage ofYugoslavia stamps at the time.
When the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was proclaimed from Sarajevo in March 1992, a civil war situationescalated with Bosnian Serbs attempting to seize control of the country.
An immediate effect of the conflict was that the country split into three entities: Republika Srpska(Bosnian Serb Republic), based at Pale, which declared allegiance to Serb-dominated Yugoslavia; theMoslem-dominated "central government" based in Sarajevo; and a Croat administration based at Mostar.
The Mostar regime issued stamps inscribed BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA for four years. Some issues referredto Croatia itself.
When the Dayton Agreement was finalised in November 1995, the Mostar regime amalgamated with the Sarajevogovernment to form the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the Bosnian Serb Republic remainedseparate. Combined issues inscribed BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA have been issued since 1996. In 1997, the currencychanged to 100 fennig = 1 mark.
Cuba and Puerto Rico had joint issues 1855–72 when both were under Spanish colonial rule. Cuba, though still a colony, had its own stamps 1873–99. In 1899, colonial rule was ended and the island was under USA administration 1899–1902, but continued to issue its own stamps. Cuba became independent in 1902.
Joint issues when both islands were under Spanish colonial rule.
Issued for the islands Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten (which are now stamp issuers themselves) as well as Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius (stamp issuer is the Netherlands as "Caribbean Netherlands"). After the name change in 1948, stamps have been inscribed Netherlands Antilles.
Since 1948, stamps have been inscribed Netherlands Antilles.
Became part of Libya in 1952.
The federation was dissolved on 31 December 1992 with the formation of two independent states: CzechRepublic and Slovakia.
Czechoslovakia was dissolved on 31 Dec 1992 when the Czech Republic and Slovakia became separatestates. Stamps were issued soon afterwards with the inscription ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA.