Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Be–Br) explained
Each "article" in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers.
See the page for details of the project.
Belgian Congo
Became the Congo Republic and later Zaire.
- Dates : 1909–1960
Capital : Leopoldville
Currency : 100 centimes = 1 franc
- Main Article Needed:
- See also : Congo Free State
Belgian Occupation Issues
- Main Article Needed:
- Includes : Eupen & Malmedy (Belgian Occupation);
German East Africa (Belgian Occupation);
Germany (Belgian Occupation)Belgium
- Dates : 1849 –
Capital : Brussels
Currency : (1849) 100 centimes = 1 franc
(2002) 100 cent = 1 euro
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of BelgiumBelgium (German Occupation)
- Dates : 1914–1918
Currency : 100 centimes = 1 franc
- Refer : German Occupation Issues (WW1)
- Dates : 1973 –
Capital : Belmopan
Currency : 100 cents = 1 dollar
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of Belize
- See also : British Honduras
- Refer : Belarus
- Dates : 1903–1905
Capital : Mogadishu
Currency : 100 besa = 16 annas = 1 rupia
- Refer : Italian Somaliland
Benghazi (Italian Post Office)
Italy annexed Libya in 1912 and the office then issued stamps of Libya.
- Dates : 1901–1912
Currency : 40 paras = 1 piastre
- Refer : Italian Post Offices in the Turkish Empire
Formerly Dahomey.
- Dates : 1976 –
Capital : Porto Novo
Currency : 100 centimes = 1 franc
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of Benin
- Includes : Benin (French Colony)
- See also : Dahomey
Benin (French Colony)
The French colony of Benin issued overprinted French Colonies stamps 1892–99 and was thenincorporated in Dahomey. In 1976, Dahomey was renamed Benin.
- Dates : 1892–1899
Capital : Porto Novo
Currency : 100 centimes = 1 franc
- Refer : Benin
Unauthorised issues only. Bequia is one of the islands of the Grenadines of St Vincent.
- Refer : Grenadines of St Vincent
Became part of Hamburg in 1867.
- Dates : 1861–1867
Currency : 16 schillings = 1 mark
- Refer : German States
Berlin–Brandenburg (Russian Zone)
Superseded by 1946 general issue for the American, British & Russian Zones.
- Dates : 1945 only
Capital : Berlin (Russian Zone)
Currency : 100 pfennige = 1 mark
- Refer : Germany (Allied Occupation)
- Dates : 1865 –
Capital : Hamilton
Currency : (1865) 12 pence = 1 shilling; 20 shillings = 1 pound
(1970) 100 cents = 1 dollar
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of BermudaBessarabia
- Refer : Moldova
- Refer : Beirut (French Post Office);
Beirut (Russian Post Office)Bhopal
- Dates : 1876–1949
Currency : 12 pies = 1 anna; 16 annas = 1 rupee
- Refer : Indian Native States
- Dates : 1879–1901
Currency : 12 pies = 1 anna; 16 annas = 1 rupee
- Refer : Indian Native States
- Dates : 1962 –
Capital : Thimphu
Currency : 100 chetrum = 1 ngultrum (rupee)
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of BhutanBiafra
Nigerian civil war issues.
- Dates : 1968–1969
Capital : Port Harcourt
Currency : 12 pence = 1 shilling; 20 shillings = 1 pound
- Main article : Postage stamps and postal history of Biafra
- Refer : Nigerian Territories
- Dates : 1935–1937
Currency : 12 pies = 1 anna; 16 annas = 1 rupee
- Refer : Indian Native States
- Refer : Eritrea (British Military Administration);
Malaya (British Military Administration);
North Borneo (British Military Administration);
Sarawak (British Military Administration);
Somalia (British Military Administration);
Tripolitania (British Military Administration)Bohemia and Moravia
- Dates : 1939–1945
Capital : Prague
Currency : 100 haléřs = 1 koruna
- Main article needed:
Bohmen und Mahren
- Refer : Bohemia & Moravia
Boka Kotorska
- Refer : Dalmatia (German Occupation)
- Dates : 1863–1904
Capital : Montería
Currency : 100 centavos = 1 peso
- Refer : Colombian Territories
- Dates : 1867–
Capital : La Paz
Currency : (1867) 100 centavos = 1 boliviano
(1963) 100 centavos = 1 peso
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of BoliviaBophutatswana
One of the territories (Bantustans) up by the South African government as part of its apartheid policy.Although the territory itself did not acquire international recognition, its stamps werevalid for postage.
- Dates : 1977–1994
Capital : Mmabatho (aka Sun City)
Currency : 100 cents = 1 rand
- Refer : South African Territories
- Refer : Japanese Naval Control Area
Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Dates : 1993 –
Capital : Sarajevo
Currency : (1993) 100 paras = 1 dinar
(1997) 100 pfennig = 1 mark
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Includes : Bosnia & Herzegovina (Austro–Hungarian Empire);
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Provincial Issues);
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Yugoslav Regional Issues);
Croatian Posts (Bosnia)
- See also : Bosnian Serb Republic;
YugoslaviaBosnia & Herzegovina (Austro-Hungarian Empire)
Under the terms of the Treaty of Berlin 1878, Austria-Hungary was authorised to occupy Bosnia & Herzegovina which had previously been in the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire. In 1908, outright annexation took place and the country became an integral part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
During 1912–1918, all stamps were inscribed K-u-K MILITARPOST.
- Dates : 1878–1918
Capital : Sarajevo
Currency : (1878–1899) 100 kreutzer = 1 florin
(1900–1918) 100 heller = 1 crown
- Refer : Bosnia & Herzegovina
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Provincial Issues)
The 1918–21 issues were for provincial use only pending settlement of the political situationafter World War I.
- Dates : 1918–1921
Capital : Sarajevo
Currency : 100 heller = 1 krone
- Refer : Bosnia & Herzegovina
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Yugoslav Regional Issues)
There was a regional issue in 1945 during shortages of Yugoslav stamps in the aftermath of World War II.
- Dates : 1945 only
Capital : Sarajevo
Currency : 100 banicas = 1 kuna
- Refer : Bosnia & Herzegovina
Bosnian Serb Republic
Following the collapse of communism in 1989, unrest between ethnic factions in Bosnia &Herzegovina developed into open hostilities. In particular, Serbian nationalists began formingSerbian Autonomous Regions (SARs) and these were rejected by the government in Sarajevo. Thesituation escalated after the government declared independence from Yugoslavia in March 1992.Despite world recognition of the new state, the Bosnian Serbs and the Yugoslav army attemptedto take control of the country and besieged Sarajevo. Before long, a Bosnian Serb Republic(Republika Srpska) was proclaimed at Pale. It declared allegiance to Serb-dominatedYugoslavia.
By the Dayton Agreement of November 1995, the country became one state with two autonomousentities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; and the Bosnian Serb Republic.
Stamps inscribed REPUBLIKA SRPSKA have been issued since 1992.
- Dates : 1992 –
Capital : Pale
Currency : 100 paras = 1 dinar
- Main Article Needed:
- See also : Bosnia & Herzegovina;
Croatian Posts (Bosnia);
- Dates : 1966 –
Capital : Gaborone
Currency : (1966) 100 cents = 1 rand
(1976) 100 thebe = 1 pula
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of Botswana
- See also : Bechuanaland
Bouvet Island
- Refer : Norwegian Dependency
- Dates : 1899–1903
Capital : Tunja
Currency : 100 centavos = 1 peso
- Refer : Colombian Territories
- Dates : 1843 –
Capital : Brasília
Currency : (1843) 1000 = 1 milreis
(1942) 100 centavos = 1 cruzeiro
(1967) 100 old cruzeiros = 1 new cruzeiro
- Main Article:
Postage stamps and postal history of BrazilBremen
Bremen joined the North German Confederation in 1867.
- Dates : 1855–1867
Capital : Bremen
Currency : 22 grote = 10 silbergroschen; 72 grote = 1 thaler
- Main Article Needed:
- Refer : German States
- Stanley Gibbons Ltd, Europe and Colonies 1970, Stanley Gibbons Ltd, 1969
- Stanley Gibbons Ltd, various catalogues
- Stuart Rossiter & John Flower, The Stamp Atlas, W H Smith, 1989
- XLCR Stamp Finder and Collector's Dictionary, Thomas Cliffe Ltd, c.1960
External links