Comparison of wiki software explained

The following tables compare general and technical information for many wiki software packages.

General information

Systems listed on a light purple background are no longer in active development.

Wiki softwareCreatorFirst public release dateLatest stable releaseStable release datePredecessorSoftware license[1] Open sourceMultilingualProgramming languageData backend
BlueSpiceHallo Welt! GmbHMediaWikiGPLv3PHPMariaDB, MySQL[2]
BookStackDan BrownMITPHPMariaDB, MySQL[3]
Central DesktopCentral Desktop Inc.2.02010-02-22PHPPostgreSQL
CLiki2Andrey Moskvitin, Vladimir Sedach, Anastasiya SterhCLikiAGPL v3[4] Common Lisp
ConfluenceAtlassian[5] Java, Java EEMS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL[6]
ConnectedTextEduardo Mauro6.0.152015-06-26C++SQL
DokuWikiAndreas GohrGPL v2PHPFile system
FlexWikiDavid Ornstein2.1.0.2742008-10-20CPLASP.NET, C#File system, Microsoft SQL Server
FoswikiFoswiki communityTWikiGPLPerlFlat-file database, RCS, or a variety of databases as plugins[7]
GollumTom Preston-Werner, Rick Olson, Dawa Ometto, Bart Kamphorst, and communityMITRubyGit
IBM ConnectionsIBMJava, Java EEIBM Db2, MS SQL Server, or Oracle
IkiwikiJoey Hess et al.[8] [9] GNU General Public License v2 +[10] Perl[11] standard version control system[12] such as Git or Subversion or 6+ others[13]
JiveJive SoftwareJava EE, JavaSQL, LDAP[14]
JotSpotJotSpot (now Google Sites)2.0JavaFile system, XML
MediaWikiMagnus Manske, then Lee Daniel CrockerUseModWikiGPL v2PHPMySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite[15]
Midgard WikiHenri Bergius10.05.6[16] 2012-03-06LGPLPHPMySQL and RCS
MindTouchMindTouch Inc.10.1.42013-01-22MediaWikiPHP, C# on Windows or MonoMySQL
MoinMoinJürgen Hermann, Thomas Waldmann, othersPikiPikiGPLPythonFlat-file database
MojoMojoMarcus Ramberg & community1.122017-05-13[17] PerlPostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, others
MyInfoMilenix Software Ltd.7.1C++
NotionNotion Labs Inc.2.0.41[18] 2023-02-28
ObsidianDynalist Inc.1.3.5[19] 2023-06-01JavaScriptMarkdown, File system
PBworksDavid WeeklyTipiWikiPHPMogileFS, Squid, MySQL, Pound, lighttpd
PhpWikiSteve Wainstead, Reini Urban, Marc-Etienne Vargenau, others1.6.4[20] 2024-03-13WikiWikiWebGPLPHPFlat-file database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite[21]
PmWikiPatrick Michaud[22] GPLPHPFlat-file database. SQLite (plug-in)
PukiWikiYuji Oda, then Puki Development TeamGPL v2PHPFlat-file
SharePointMicrosoftASP.NET, C#Microsoft SQL Server or Windows Internal Database
Semantic MediaWikiMarkus Krötzsch, Denny Vrandečić and othersGPL v2PHPMySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite and several Triplestores[23]
SocialtextSocialtext7.5Dual (CPAL) and Proprietary)PerlPostgreSQL
SwikiMark Guzdial
Jochen Rick
1.52005-12-06GPLSqueakFile system
TiddlyWikiJeremy RustonBSDWikitext, JavaScriptHTML file
Tiki Wiki CMS GroupwareLuis Argerich (200+ devs nowadays)LGPLPHPMariaDB, MySQL[24]
TracEdgewall Software1.4.3[25] BSDPythonMariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite[26] [27]
Traction TeamPageTraction SoftwareSupports multi-lingual content (and supports i18n)Java SE, JavaFlat file and file system, Oracle 10G RDB option, WebDAV for attachments
TWikiPeter ThoenyJosWikiGPLPerlFlat-file database, RCS, pluggable storage backend
UseModWikiClifford Adams1.2.12017-12-01AtisWikiGPLPerlFlat-file database
WhizfoldersAvniTech7.12016-06-09DelphiFile system
Wiki.jsNicolas GiardAffero GPL v3JavaScriptPostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, or SQLite
Wiki ServerApple Inc.5.6.32018-09-18Ruby on RailsPostgreSQL
WikispacesTangient LLCPHPMySQL, MogileFS
WikiWikiWebWard CunninghamWikiWikiHyperCard[28] PerlFile system
XWikiLudovic DubostLGPLJavaHSQLDB, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL[29]
ZimJaap KarssenbergGPLPythonFile system
Wiki softwareCreatorFirst public release dateLatest stable releaseStable release datePredecessorSoftware licenseOpen sourceMultilingualProgramming languageData backend

Target audience

Wiki softwarePublicPrivateCorporate, enterpriseEducationIntranetPersonalScientific, technical, mathematical
BlueSpice support for LaTeX math; syntax highlighting.
Central Desktop
ConnectedText Mathematical formulas rendered using LaTeX, directed acyclic graphs rendered with GraphViz
DokuWiki support for LaTeX math; syntax highlighting via plugins.
Foswiki LaTeX & math plugins; full HTML, JavaScript support
Gitit Built-in support for LaTeX math; syntax highlighting for code blocks.

Built-in support for MathML and LaTeX math; syntax highlighting for code blocks; citations; annotations

IBM Connections
MediaWiki[30] Built-in support for LaTeX math; syntax highlighting for code blocks; full HTML, JavaScript support
Midgard Wiki
MoinMoin LaTeX math input via plugin in ParserMarket[31]
Obsidian, support for LaTeX, code blocks, plugins
PhpWiki, support for LaTeX through a plugin.
PmWiki, LaTeXMathML formulas (addons), Mind maps (addon), HTML (addon), syntax highlighting (addons), embed videos/maps (addons).
SharePoint Foundation
SharePoint Server
Semantic MediaWiki[32] Built-in support for RDF, Semantic Web standards and LaTeX math; syntax highlighting for code blocks; full HTML, JavaScript support
TiddlyWiki support for syntax highlighting, embedding images and videos, native JavaScript, LaTeX (using KaTeX plugin) and other plugins.
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware support for LaTeX math; syntax highlighting.
Trac many plugins available for formulas, graphs, etc.
Traction TeamPage
TWiki LaTeX & math plugins; full HTML, JavaScript support

through pictures and Windows RTF features


syntax highlighting for code blocks; GitHub-flavored Markdown syntax; full HTML; images, videos, documents

Wiki softwarePublicPrivateCorporate, enterpriseEducationIntranetPersonalScientific, technical, mathematical

Features 1

Wiki softwareFile uploading, attachmentsSpam preventionPage access control[33] Inline HTML[34] User-customizable interface[35] Document renaming
BlueSpice, templates and themes, html and css
BookStack, CSS
Central Desktop, CAPTCHA, templates and themes, html and css
ConnectedText, templates and themes + CSS, links to renamed document are also renamed
Confluence, CAPTCHAoptional, templates and themes + CSS, links are updated
DokuWiki, blacklist, optional, optional, templates, CSS, PHP; heavily documented PHP API[36] , plugin
FlexWiki, blacklist, CAPTCHA, nofollow, plugin

CSS, templates, WikiTalk

, old page becomes a redirect
Foswiki[37] templates, skins, user CSS, fixing backlinks
Gitit, reCAPTCHA

templates, CSS

, old page becomes a redirect

can disable editing, further control customizable via Rack

, templates and themes, html and css , old page becomes a redirect
IBM Connections, only in private modus, not default

templates, CSS, and/or product modification

Jiveoptional, extensive permissions API, scheduled for 3.0
JotSpot, optional


MediaWiki, URL blacklist, word blacklist, IP address blocking, CAPTCHAs

very limited read access control

many features are user-customizable, templates

, old page becomes a redirect
Midgard Wiki

templates, CSS

MoinMoin, BadContent filtering via Regular Expressions, Textchas, very flexible ACLs, wiki-editable groups


themes, templates, CSS, XSLT, user editable navigation

, old page can be a redirect
MojoMojo, CAPTCHA, cascading ACL control allowing stewardship of topics


themes, CSS

, current: page redirect, soon: Node moving
MyInfoN/A, web site export customization, links to renamed document are also renamed
ObsidianN/AN/A, templates and themes, HTML, CSS

passwords, SSO-capable integration, ACLs, IP address white–black listing

, and pluginsPartial: CSS
PhpWiki, CPAN Blog::SpamAssassinpluginthemes; undocumented
PmWiki, multiple[38] , per page, per namespace, per action, per user groups (option), module, themes, per page or group CSS, more, page with redirect (module), uploads (module)
Semantic MediaWiki, URL blacklist, word blacklist, IP address blocking, CAPTCHAs

very limited read access control

Yes, templates and themes, html and css

, old page becomes a redirect
SharePoint Foundation
SharePoint Server
Swiki, block IP addresses, words, UserIDsFor AniAniWebs, CSS, updating all backlinks
TiddlyWiki, plugin[39] , intended for personal use only, intended for personal use only, themes, user CSS, modules
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, CAPTCHA for registration and anonymous edits or comments, encrypted email addresses.[40] themes, user CSS, modules
Trac, templates and themes, html and css
Traction TeamPage, with WebDAV versioning, CAPTCHA for registration, block lists safe, workspace templates, color templates, and developer tools, links are updated automatically and name history maintained
TWikitemplates, skins, user CSS, fixing backlinks
UseModWiki, IP address blacklist, CSS, admins only
Wiki.js, ACL, layouts, HTML, CSS
XWiki, CAPTCHA, ACL, style-sheets, templates, themes, skin extensions
Wiki softwareFile uploading, attachmentsSpam preventionPage access controlInline HTMLUser-customizable interfaceDocument renaming

Features 2

Wiki softwareWYSIWYG editingWeb feedsExport, importExtensibilitySelectable wiki syntaxWiki farmsOutliner mechanism[41] Automatic TOCOther features
BlueSpice, RSS, see MediaWiki
BookStack, Markdown
Central Desktop, RSS[42]
Confluence, RSS, web UI[43] , Java plug-ins, user macros in Apache VelocityMarketplace Apps,[44] Encryption in Cloud version[45]
ConnectedText, RSS, many options for export, fewer options for import, scripting of pages using Python and other programming languages[46]
DokuWiki, plugin available, RSS/Atom[47] , to xml, text, html pages, LaTeX, Open doc format, pdf with plugins[48] , plugin API[49] Section Editing, XHTML-Compliant, tables, side-by-side diff, namespaces, Interwiki
FlexWiki, RSSASP, WikiTalk, .NET Reflection pluginsForms, scripting, integrated weblog, threaded message forum
Foswiki, pre-installed plugin, RSS/Atom, with search string400+ extensions; Plugin API for developers; Foswiki markup/scripting for users to create wiki applications, user selectable wiki syntax with EditSyntaxPlugin[50]
Gitit Markdown and other lightweight markup languages via pandoc Custom Macros Custom Macros

Uses ACE editor with a preview pane


uses text-based markup languages

with third-party software[51]

Section Editing, Multiple Markup Languages, RTL Languages, UML Diagrams, YAML frontmatter
IBM Connections, RSS, AtomTagging, Discussions, Notifications (mail or in product), Reports, CMS, Templating
Jive, both functionality and theme via plugins
JotSpot, RSS, per pageplugins, server-side Javascript[52]
MediaWiki, bundled extension (VisualEditor), RSS/Atom (web UI, web API, shell), handlersMediaWiki syntax[53] Visual editor, extensions via PHP modules, collaboration[54]
Midgard Wiki, RSS, all changesPHP component architectureCMS integration
MindTouch, RSS, XML, JSONAPI, Service Oriented Architecture[55]
MoinMoin, v1.5+, RSS, last changesdifferent plugin types, selectable parsers[56]
MojoMojo, With live preview, RSS, plugins and custom additions types, Multiple markup parsers available[57]
MyInfoN/A, to html, rtf, txt, web site, PDF via print driver, import and export plugins APITagging, metadata, attachments
ObsidianN/A, to Markdown, PDF, and Pandoc, plugin API, 1000+ plugins and themes, via Obsidian Publish, via pluginsGraph, Infinite canvas, tagging, metadata, attachments
PBworks, RSS/AtomAPI, AuthAPI, plugins, wikilets[58]
PhpWiki, module RSS/Atom/RDF: global, per page or per userpluginsCreolesupport all databases
PmWiki, Addon[59] , RSS/Atom/RDF (option): global, per namespace, per page or per watchlist; feed readers (plugins), modules[60] , very, 500+ plugins and configuration recipes[61] , Creole (option), Markdown (plugin)[62] Section editing, section toggle (modules), Modules[63] PageVariables and PageLists,[64] blogs (addons), picture galleries (addons), embed maps/videos (addons). Highly flexible ACLs.
SamePage, RSS feeds,plugins
Semantic MediaWiki, bundled extension (VisualEditor), RSS/Atom (RDF, JSON, CSV and other "result formats". Web UI, web API, shell), handlersMediaWiki syntax[65] Internal query language, visual editor, extensions via PHP modules, collaboration[66]
SharePoint Foundation, RSS feeds

themes, WebParts, API

(limited)NoLists, CMS, weblog, tagging, discussion notifications, reports, workflow, enterprise level security
SharePoint Server, RSS feeds

themes, WebParts, API

(limited)NoForms(InfoPath), Lists, CMS, Weblog, Tagging, Discussions, Notifications, Reports, Enterprise level security, Workflow, Enterprise Search
Socialtext, RSS feeds, Google/Technorati search resultsusing REST/SOAP APIs[67]
TiddlyWiki, with FCKeditor or other plugin, RSS plugins, macros, themes, cssCreole[69]
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, with FCKeditor or via Quicktag insertion[70] , RSS/Atom/RDFHundreds of features, plugins, modules & mods (e.g. Siteground)[71]
Trac with plugin, RSS with plugins limitedticket system, access source code repositories (git, mercurial, more), other features via plugins
Traction TeamPage, Dynamic RSS inbound, outboundPlug-in architecture for widgets, forms, interface and function modifications[72]
TWiki, pre-installed plugin, RSS/Atom, with search string400+ extensions; Plugin API for developers; TWiki markup/scripting for users to create wiki applications, user selectable wiki syntax with EditSyntaxPlugin, if "%TOC%" shortcut added to page[73]
UseModWiki, RSS, unofficial patches only, if is added with # added to headings
Whizfolders, markupRich Text, RTF export, clipboard collect, Print with TOC
Wiki.jsMarkdownBuilt-in search
Wikispaces, RSS/AtomAPI, widgets, single sign-on (SSO)[74]
XWiki, using CKEditor and various plugins developed for it, RSS, XAR (zipped XWiki ARchive) files, component, plugins, macros, scripts, applications, based on WikiModel, support syntaxes from other wikis, using the {{toc}} macro|[75] |-|-class="sortbottom"! style="width: 12em" | Wiki software! WYSIWYG editing! Web feeds! Export, import! Extensibility! Selectable wiki syntax! Wiki farms! Outliner mechanism! Automatic TOC! Other features|}


Wiki softwarePlatformTypical installation size (MB)Web server neededOther software neededInstallable to USB stick
BlueSpiceLinux, Unix, Windows, othersIISApache, TomcatMySQL, Oracle
BookStackLinux, Unix, Windows, othersPHP-compatible webserverPHP 8.0.2+, MySQL or MariaDB, Git, Composer[76]
Central DesktopN/A: hostedNoneNone
ConfluenceMicrosoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Oracle Solaris[77] Tomcat included, or use your own servlet container.Java 1.8, database such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.
ConnectedTextMicrosoft WindowsNonePython optional
DokuWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, others17Should work on any web server with PHPPHP
FlexWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersIISApacheASP.NET, Mono
FoswikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersAny Web server with cgi support. Perl, RCS
GititCross platformYes. Happstack; can also be used locally.LaTeX
Versioning system like Git, Darcs, or Mercurial
GollumCross platformNo (built in), but possible (Apache, Nginx, Puma, etc.)None
IBM ConnectionsLinux (RHEL & SLES), Unix (AIX), Windows[78] IBM HTTP Server (Apache clone with specific IBM Tuning possibilities) or any other WebServer which can couple with WebSphere.All software needed is delivered as one package
JiveJava 1.5 + one of: Windows Server 2003 SP2, Linux (2.6 Kernel), Solaris 10Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphereMS SQL, Postgres, MySQL or Oracle
JotSpotLinux, Unix, Windows, othersNone (built-in)VMware Player
MediaWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersAny web server that supports PHP 7.4.3+PHP; one of MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite[79]
Midgard WikiLinux, Unix & othersApache with PHPMySQL, PHP
MindTouchLinux, Unix, Windows, othersApache, IIS6, IIS7, IIS8Mono, MySQl, PHP
MoinMoinLinux, Macs, Unix, Windows, othersNone for Desktop versionPython
MojoMojoLinux, Macs, Unix, Windows, othersNone: builtin server suitable for desktop or production useSQL database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite)
MyInfoMicrosoft WindowsNoneNone
ObsidianmacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android NoneNone
PhpWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersAny Web server with PHPPHP
PmWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, others8Any Web server with PHP, can run without a web server.PHP
Semantic MediaWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersAny web server that supports PHP 7.4.3+PHP; one of MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite[80]
SharePoint FoundationWindows ServerIISOptional SQL Server
SharePoint ServerWindows Server or SaaSIIS or SaaSOptional SQL Server
SocialtextN/A: hostedno, all needed components includedno, all needed components included
SwikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersNone: installs own server; can coexist with IIS and Apache by running on alternate portNone
TiddlyWikiAny (that runs common browsers)NoneRuns in regular browser
Tiki Wiki CMS GroupwareLinux, Unix, Windows, othersAny Web server with PHP[81] PHP
TracLinux, WindowsRecommended (fcgi or wsgi), builtin availableSQL database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite)
Traction TeamPageAny OS capable of running Java 2 Virtual MachineJetty (included with installer)None
TWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersAny Web server with cgi support. Web server included in VMware appliance and TWiki for MS-Windows PersonalPerl, RCS
UseModWikiLinux, Unix, Windows, othersAny web server with cgi supportPerl
WhizfoldersMicrosoft WindowsNoneNone
Wiki.jsLinux, Unix, Windows, othersNone (built-in): Can coexist with Apache, Nginx, IIS via alternate portPostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL or SQLite3[82]
WikispacesSaaS: hostedNoneNone
XWikiJava PlatformAny Java EE webserverJava on Jetty/HSQL
Wiki softwarePlatformTypical installation size (MB)Web server neededOther software neededInstallable to USB stick

See also



Notes and References

  1. Licenses here are a summary, and are not taken to be complete statements of the licenses. Some packages may use libraries under different licenses.
  2. Web site: Setup:System requirements . BlueSpice Wiki . 2023-07-16.
  3. Web site: 2017-01-01 . Installation · BookStack . 2022-10-12 . BookStack . en-gb.
  4. Web site: GitHub: cliki2: The wiki software behind GitHub.
  5. Atlassian Confluence Licensing FAQs(Web site: Do I get access to the source code?.)
  6. Web site: Supported Platforms - Confluence Data Center and Server 8.6 - Atlassian Documentation . 2023-10-23 .
  7. Web site: Foswiki is getting SQL RDBMS support!. WikiRing Blog. 1 March 2012. 1 March 2012.
  8. Web site: ikiwiki . . 2012-02-01.
  9. Web site: roadmap . . 2012-02-01 . Released 29 April 2006..
  10. Web site: Free Software . . 2012-02-01.
  11. Web site: install . . 2012-02-01.
  12. Web site: ikiwiki feature "Use a Real RCS" . . 2010-01-29.
  13. Web site: ikiwiki Revision Control Systems . . 2010-01-29.
  14. including: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, IBM Db2 and Microsoft SQL Server
  15. Web site: Manual:Installation requirements.
  16. Web site: 8 May 2012.
  17. Web site: GitHub: mojomojo/mojomojo: A Catalyst & DBIx::Class powered Wiki . . 2019-04-27 . 2019-07-02.
  18. Web site: Notion 2.0.41 . 2023-03-11 . Chocolatey Software . en.
  19. Web site: Obsidian 1.3.5 . 2023-06-23 . Obsidian . en.
  20. Web site: PhpWiki. SourceForge. 13 March 2024.
  21. Web site: PhpWiki: Code: [r11057] /trunk ]. 2023-07-16 .
  22. PmWiki version 0.1 (tgz archive)
  23. Web site:
  24. Web site: Community . Tiki . Requirements . 2021-09-04 . Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware . en.
  25. Web site: TracChangeLog: The Trac Project.
  26. Web site: TracInstall: The Trac Project . 2022-04-06 .
  27. Web site: MySqlDb: The Trac Project . 2022-04-06 .
  28. Web site: Cunningham. Ward. WikiHistory. 25 August 2014. "An early page, WikiWikiHyperCard, traces wiki ideas back to a HyperCard stack I wrote in the late 80's. This same stack, by the way, spawned CrcCards. I've reconstructed the WikiDesignPrinciples I applied at the time.".
  29. Web site: Database Support Strategy (Community.SupportStrategy.DatabaseSupportStrategy): XWiki . 2021-09-04 .
  30. Web site: Manual:Preventing access.
  31. Web site: ParserMarket/mathtran .
  32. Web site: Manual:Preventing access.
  33. Page Access Control: Some wiki engines allow (optional) read/write access restriction to users or user groups on a per-page basis (e.g. through Access control lists).
  34. Inline HTML Safe means that several features of HTML are restricted. This is better than Full, for security reasons. Users with complete access to HTML could, for example, create spoof forms to trick users.
  35. User-customizable interface: Many items have administrator hand-editable templates. Even items which use hard-coded templates could still be modified if the source is available.
  36. Web site: PHPXRef 0.7: DokuWiki: /.
  37. IP address blacklist, content by regular expressions, excessive activities, scripted registration prevention (plugin), hidden e-mail addresses
  38. word/URL block (addon, auto-upd. database), URL-approval (option), encrypt e-mails (addon), nofollow, Captcha (addon), spam filters (recipe)
  39. Web site: Shulman. Eric. AttachFilePluginInfo. TiddlyTools. 13 May 2011. 10 February 2011.
  40. Web site: Spam Protection. Tiki. Community. Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.
  41. HTML/XHTML with nested markup, or XOXO with collapsing or folding outlines
  42. Block architecture, Calendars, Discussions, Database feature, Tasks and Milestones Blocks available
  43. Web site: Exporting Confluence Pages and Spaces to XML . Confluence Latest: Atlassian Documentation . 11 October 2014 . . 16 October 2014.
  44. Web site: Marketplace. Atlassian. 27 July 2020. 4 July 2020.
  45. Web site: Security Practices. Atlassian.
  46. Web site: The Personal Wiki System. 22 April 2015. 6 January 2016. dead.
  48. Web site: plugins.
  49. Web site: toc [DokuWiki]].
  50. Revision control, ACLs for topics, tagging, blogging, calendaring, charting, global search & replace, email notification, form handling and reporting, platform to build wiki applications, graphing, slideshow presentations, 13 translations, plotting, multistyle diffs, advanced searching, spreadsheet calculations, WYSIWYG supports TML, available as a VMware appliance, available as personal memory stick install.
  51. For example,
  52. Support for server-side Javascript, VMware virtual appliance
  53. Web site: Manual:Table of contents. 7 January 2015.
  54. Per-article discussion page, watchlist, searching, email notification
  55. Highly usable, stores in XML, SOA, API, enterprise arch and business focused, fully supported by MindTouch company website
  56. Enterprise level security, authentication, and authorization, Email notification, additional desktop edition, XML-RPC content synchronization, searching in attachments (v1.6+).
  57. Hierarchical node structure and cascading permissions system allows for stewardship of topics. Version control and ability to do 3-way merge on conflict.
  58. SideBars; Discussions; email notifications w/diffs; SSO integration capability; Statistics; PDF output; HTML slideshows; integrated modules for calendars, spreadsheets, audio chat, and more; fully UTF-8 compliant; Tagging.
  59. The Worse Editor is a simple WYSIWYG editor. In text mode, Edit Toolbar for most frequently used wiki markup codes (customizable), Preview.
  60. To HTML (3 modules/recipes), to PDF per page, per pre-defined list of pages, per namespace
  61. Highly sophisticated support for customization. Practically chameleon-like.
  62. The PmWiki markup rules are easily modifiable and replaceable by plug-ins, should a need for another wiki markup family be demonstrated.
  63. AutoTOC
  64. PageVariables and PageLists allow creation of free-form text databases, queries and listings (core feature).
  65. Web site: Manual:Table of contents. 7 January 2015.
  66. Per-article discussion page, watchlist, searching, email notification
  67. accessible through REST/SOAP APIs
  68. Installs own webserver (Commanche) and can co-exist with IIS or Apache. AniAniWeb function provides owner control of granular access and creates access groups. Users tracked by email address.
  69. Single file, minimal setup, cross-browser, per page AES256 encryption, tags and title namespaces
  70. Web site: Toolbar. Tiki. Community. Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.
  71. ACLs, calendaring, charting, email notification, form handling and reporting, slideshow presentations, spreadsheet calculations and GRAPHS, mobile, GIS (MapServer), JGraphPad for drawings inside wikipages, 3d Browsing, Workspaces, Workflows, OpenOffice WYSIWYG editing of Tiki content, Multitiki installations
  72. Enterprise level security, Multiple workspaces (tens to thousands) on same TeamPage server, Faceted permissioned search crossing workspaces using content or tag navigation, Page and Comment Moderation, Social tagging, Threaded discussion, Paragraph or page level comments, Microblogging with follow model, Extensible Personal Profile Pages, Live blogging, Document versioning and management via WebDAV, Page Name history to support complex refactoring, Mobile browsing, search, navigation, editing, E-Mail Newsletter, Flexible notification model (subscribe to page, comment thread, workspace, author for content or tag changes with email or Jabber notification), Reply to automatically generated email notification message to add comment to thread with automatic cleanup. Built-in usage metrics and interactive graphs, voting and star rating support. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) skin technology. Simple web based admin, Authenticate using LDAP or Active Directory (including LDAP queries for group definition, NTLM support for single signon, Optional Attivio Advanced Search module provides permission aware drill-down content navigation as well as wiki + attached document search, Java SDK (no charge for Java source and documentation), extensible SDL (Skin Definition Language), Fully supported
  73. Revision control, ACLs for topics, tagging, blogging, calendaring, charting, global search & replace, email notification, form handling and reporting, platform to build wiki applications, graphing, slideshow presentations, 13 translations, plotting, multistyle diffs, advanced searching, spreadsheet calculations, WYSIWYG supports TML, available as a VMware appliance
  74. Discussion pages, tagging, email notification, full-text search, user dashboard, localization
  75. Platform to build wiki applications, Forms and Scripting, Multilingual, Database storage, Fulltext search, GraphViz, SVG, Freemind, Lucene, Charting, photo albums, presentations, blogging, calendar, e-mail plugin, virtual wikis, simple table computations, sortable tables, section editing, portlet integration, integrated statistics, XML-RPC API, Tags, PDF/RTF export
  76. Web site: 2017-01-01 . Installation · BookStack . 2023-03-11 . BookStack . en-gb.
  77. Web site: Supported Platforms: Atlassian Documentation.
  78. Detailed system requirements for IBM Connections
  79. Web site: Manual:Installation requirements . 2023-03-11 . . en.
  80. Web site: Manual:Installation requirements . 2024-07-05 . . en.
  81. Web site: Requirements. Tiki. Community. Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.
  82. Web site: Requirements . 2023-03-11 . Wiki.js . en.