Comparison of instruction set architectures explained

An instruction set architecture (ISA) is an abstract model of a computer, also referred to as computer architecture. A realization of an ISA is called an implementation. An ISA permits multiple implementations that may vary in performance, physical size, and monetary cost (among other things); because the ISA serves as the interface between software and hardware. Software that has been written for an ISA can run on different implementations of the same ISA. This has enabled binary compatibility between different generations of computers to be easily achieved, and the development of computer families. Both of these developments have helped to lower the cost of computers and to increase their applicability. For these reasons, the ISA is one of the most important abstractions in computing today.

An ISA defines everything a machine language programmer needs to know in order to program a computer. What an ISA defines differs between ISAs; in general, ISAs define the supported data types, what state there is (such as the main memory and registers) and their semantics (such as the memory consistency and addressing modes), the instruction set (the set of machine instructions that comprises a computer's machine language), and the input/output model.

Data representation

In the early decades of computing, there were computers that used binary, decimal[1] and even ternary.[2] [3] Contemporary computers are almost exclusively binary.

Characters are encoded as strings of bits or digits, using a wide variety of character sets; even within a single manufacturer there were character set differences.

Integers are encoded with a variety of representations, including Sign_magnitude, Ones' complement, Two's complement, Offset binary, Nines' complement and Ten's complement.

Similarly, floating point numbers are encoded with a variety of representations for the sign, exponent and mantissa. In contemporary machines IBM hexadecimal floating-point and IEEE 754 floating point have largely supplanted older formats.

Addresses are typically unsigned integers generated from a combination of fields in an instruction, data from registers and data from storage; the details vary depending on the architecture.


Computer architectures are often described as n-bit architectures. In the first of the 20th century, n is often 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 or 60. In the last of the 20th century, n is often 8, 16, or 32, and in the 21st century, n is often 16, 32 or 64, but other sizes have been used (including 6, 39, 128). This is actually a simplification as computer architecture often has a few more or less "natural" data sizes in the instruction set, but the hardware implementation of these may be very different. Many instruction set architectures have instructions that, on some implementations of that instruction set architecture, operate on half and/or twice the size of the processor's major internal datapaths. Examples of this are the Z80, MC68000, and the IBM System/360. On these types of implementations, a twice as wide operation typically also takes around twice as many clock cycles (which is not the case on high performance implementations). On the 68000, for instance, this means 8 instead of 4 clock ticks, and this particular chip may be described as a 32-bit architecture with a 16-bit implementation. The IBM System/360 instruction set architecture is 32-bit, but several models of the System/360 series, such as the IBM System/360 Model 30, have smaller internal data paths, while others, such as the 360/195, have larger internal data paths. The external databus width is not used to determine the width of the architecture; the NS32008, NS32016 and NS32032 were basically the same 32-bit chip with different external data buses; the NS32764 had a 64-bit bus, and used 32-bit register. Early 32-bit microprocessors often had a 24-bit address, as did the System/360 processors.


In the first of the 20th century, word oriented decimal computers typically had 10 digit[4] [5] [6] words with a separate sign, using all ten digits in integers and using two digits for exponents[7] [5] in floating point numbers.


An architecture may use "big" or "little" endianness, or both, or be configurable to use either. Little-endian processors order bytes in memory with the least significant byte of a multi-byte value in the lowest-numbered memory location. Big-endian architectures instead arrange bytes with the most significant byte at the lowest-numbered address. The x86 architecture as well as several 8-bit architectures are little-endian. Most RISC architectures (SPARC, Power, PowerPC, MIPS) were originally big-endian (ARM was little-endian), but many (including ARM) are now configurable as either.

Endianness only applies to processors that allow individual addressing of units of data (such as bytes) that are smaller than some of the data formats.

Instruction formats


In some architectures, an instruction has a single opcode. In others, some instructions have an opcode and one or more modifiers. E.g., on the IBM System/370, byte 0 is the opcode but when byte 0 is a then byte 1 selects a specific instruction, e.g., is store clock (STCK).


Addressing modes

Architectures typically allow instructions to include some combination of operand addressing modes

  • The instruction specifies a complete (virtual) address
  • The instruction specifies a value rather than an address
  • The instruction specifies a register to use as an index. In some architecture the index is scaled by the operand length.
  • The instruction specifies the location of a word that describes the operand, possibly involving multiple levels of indexing and indirection.
  • Base-displacement
  • The instruction specifies a displacement from an address in a register
  • A register used for indexing is incremented or decremented by 1, an operand size or an explicit delta

    Number of operands

    The number of operands is one of the factors that may give an indication about the performance of the instruction set.A three-operand architecture (2-in, 1-out) will allow A := B + Cto be computed in one instruction ADD B, C, A

    A two-operand architecture (1-in, 1-in-and-out) will allow A := A + Bto be computed in one instruction ADD B, Abut requires that A := B + Cbe done in two instructions MOVE B, A ADD C, A

    Encoding length

    As can be seen in the table below some instructions sets keep to a very simple fixed encoding length, and other have variable-length. Usually it is RISC architectures that have fixed encoding length and CISC architectures that have variable length, but not always.

    Instruction sets

    The table below compares basic information about instruction set architectures.


    Max #
    TypeDesign Registers
    (excluding FP/vector)
    Instruction encodingBranch evaluationEndian-
    6502819751Register–MemoryCISC3Variable (8- to 24-bit)Condition registerLittle
    6800819741Register–MemoryCISC3Variable (8- to 24-bit)Condition registerBig
    6809819781Register–MemoryCISC5Variable (8- to 32-bit)Condition registerBig
    680x03219792Register–MemoryCISC8 data and 8 addressVariableCondition registerBig
    8080819742Register–MemoryCISC7Variable (8 to 24 bits)Condition registerLittle
    805132 (8→32)1977?1Register–RegisterCISCVariable (8 to 24 bits)Compare and branchLittle
    x8616, 32, 64
    v4 (x86-64)19782 (integer)
    3 (AVX)
    4 (FMA4 and VPBLENDVPx)[8]
    Register–MemoryCISCVariable (8086 ~ 80386: variable between 1 and 6 bytes /w MMU + intel SDK, 80486: 2 to 5 bytes with prefix, pentium and onward: 2 to 4 bytes with prefix, x64: 4 bytes prefix, third party x86 emulation: 1 to 15 bytes w/o prefix & MMU . SSE/MMX: 4 bytes /w prefix AVX: 8 Bytes /w prefix)Condition codeLittlex87, IA-32, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE,
    SSE2, PAE, x86-64, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4,
    Alpha6419923Register–RegisterRISC32 (including "zero")Fixed (32-bit)Condition registerBi,,,
    ARC16/32/64 (32→64)ARCv3[9] 19963Register–RegisterRISC16 or 32 including SP
    user can increase to 60
    Variable (16- or 32-bit)Compare and branchBiAPEX User-defined instructions
    ARM/A3232ARMv1–v919833Register–RegisterRISCFixed (32-bit)Condition codeBiNEON, Jazelle,,
    Thumb/T3232ARMv4T-ARMv819943Register–RegisterRISCThumb: Fixed (16-bit), Thumb-2:
    Variable (16- or 32-bit)
    Condition codeBiNEON, Jazelle,,
    Arm64/A6464v8.9-A/v9.4-A,[10] Armv8-R[11] 2011[12] 3Register–RegisterRISC32 (including the stack pointer/"zero" register) Fixed (32-bit), Variable (32-bit or 64-bit for FMA4 with 32-bit prefix[13])Condition codeBiSVE and SVE2
    16 on "reduced architecture"
    Variable (mostly 16-bit, four instructions are 32-bit)Condition register,
    skip conditioned
    on an I/O or
    general purpose
    register bit,
    compare and skip
    AVR3232Rev 22006 2–3RISC15 Variable[14] Big Java virtual machine
    Blackfin3220003[15] Register–RegisterRISC[16] 2 accumulators8 data registers

    8 pointer registers

    4 index registers

    4 buffer registers

    Variable (16- or 32-bit)Condition codeLittle[17]
    CDC Upper 3000 series4819633Register–MemoryCISC48-bit A reg., 48-bit Q reg., 6 15-bit B registers, miscellaneousVariable (24- or 48-bit)Multiple types of jump and skipBig
    CDC 6000
    Central Processor (CP)
    6019643Register–Registern/a24 (8 18-bit address reg.,
    8 18-bit index reg.,
    8 60-bit operand reg.)
    Variable (15-, 30-, or 60-bit)Compare and branchn/aCompare/Move Unit
    CDC 6000
    Peripheral Processor (PP)
    1219641 or 2Register–MemoryCISC1 18-bit A register, locations 1–63 serve as index registers for some instructionsVariable (12- or 24-bit)Test A register, test channeln/aadditional Peripheral Processing Units
    (native VLIW)
    32[18] 20001Register–RegisterVLIW[19] Variable (64- or 128-bit in native mode, 15 bytes in x86 emulation)Condition codeLittle
    Elbrus 2000
    (native VLIW)
    64v620071Register–RegisterVLIW8–6464Condition codeLittleJust-in-time dynamic translation: x87, IA-32, MMX, SSE,
    SSE2, x86-64, SSE3, AVX
    DLX3219903RISC32Fixed (32-bit)Big
    eSi-RISC16/3220093Register–RegisterRISC8–72Variable (16- or 32-bit)Compare and branch
    and condition register
    BiUser-defined instructions
    iAPX 432[20] 3219813Stack machineCISC0Variable (6 to 321 bits)
    642001Register–RegisterEPIC128 Fixed (128-bit bundles with 5-bit template tag and 3 instructions, each 41-bit long)Condition registerBi
    Intel Virtualization Technology
    LoongArch32, 6420214Register–RegisterRISC32 (including "zero")Fixed (32-bit)Little
    M32R3219973Register–RegisterRISC16 Variable (16- or 32-bit)Condition registerBi
    m88k3219883Register–RegisterRISCFixed (32-bit)Big
    Mico323220063Register–RegisterRISC32[21] Fixed (32-bit)Compare and branchBigUser-defined instructions[22]
    MIPS64 (32→64)6[23] [24] 19811–3Register–RegisterRISC4–32 (including "zero")Fixed (32-bit)Condition registerBiMDMX, MIPS-3D[25] [26]
    MMIX6419993Register–RegisterRISC256 Fixed (32-bit)Condition registerBig
    Nios II3220003Register–RegisterRISC32Fixed (32-bit)Condition registerLittleSoft processor that can be instantiated on an Altera FPGA device
    NS320xx3219825Memory–MemoryCISC8 Variable Huffman coded, up to 23 bytes longCondition codeLittleBitBlt instructions
    OpenRISC32, 641.4[27] 20003Register–RegisterRISC16 or 32 FixedCondition codeBi
    64 (32→64)2.0 19863Register–RegisterRISC32Fixed (32-bit)Compare and branchBig → Bi MAX
    PDP-8[28] 121966Register–MemoryCISC1 accumulator1 multiplier quotient register Fixed (12-bit)Condition registerTest and branchEAE (Extended Arithmetic Element)
    PDP-111619702Memory–MemoryCISC8 (includes program counter and stack pointer, though any register can act as stack pointer)Variable (16-, 32-, or 48-bit)Condition codeLittleExtended Instruction Set, Floating Instruction Set, Floating Point Processor, Commercial Instruction Set
    POWER, PowerPC, Power ISA32/64 (32→64)3.1[29] 19903 (mostly). FMA, LD/ST-UpdateRegister–RegisterRISC32 GPR, 8 4-bit Condition Fields, Link Register, Counter RegisterFixed (32-bit), Variable (32- or 64-bit with the 32-bit prefix)Condition code, Branch-Counter auto-decrementBiAltiVec, APU, VSX, Cell, Floating-point, Matrix Multiply Assist
    RISC-V32, 64, 12820191213[30] 20103Register–RegisterRISC32 (including "zero") VariableCompare and branchLittle
    RX64/32/1620003Memory–MemoryCISC4 integer + 4 addressVariable Compare and branchLittle
    SPARC64 (32→64)OSA2017[31] 19853Register–RegisterRISC32 (including "zero")Fixed (32-bit)Condition codeBig → Bi VIS[32]
    SuperH (SH)3219942Register–Register
    RISC16Fixed (16- or 32-bit), VariableCondition code
    (single bit)
    64 (32→64)19642 (most)
    3 (FMA, distinct
    operand facility)

    4 (some vector inst.)
    CISC16 general
    16 control (S/370 and later)
    16 access (ESA/370 and later)
    Variable (16-, 32-, or 48-bit)Condition code, compare and branch auto increment, Branch-Counter auto-decrementBig
    TMS320 C6000 series3219833Register-RegisterVLIW32 on C67x
    64 on C67x+
    Fixed (256-bit bundles with 8 instructions, each 32-bit long)Condition registerBi
    Transputer32 (4→64)19871Stack machineMISC3 (as stack)Fixed (8-bit)Compare and branchLittle
    VAX3219776Memory–MemoryCISC16Variable Condition code, compare and branchLittle
    Z80819762Register–MemoryCISC17Variable (8 to 32 bits)Condition registerLittle
    Max #
    TypeDesign Registers
    (excluding FP/vector)
    Instruction encodingBranch evaluationEndian-

    See also

    Notes and References

    1. Web site: da Cruz. Frank. The IBM Naval Ordnance Research Calculator. Columbia University Computing History. October 18, 2004. May 8, 2024.
    2. Web site: Russian Virtual Computer Museum _ Hall of Fame _ Nikolay Petrovich Brusentsov.
    3. Book: Trogemann. Georg. Nitussov. Alexander Y.. Ernst. Wolfgang. 978-3-528-05757-2. 19, 55, 57, 91, 104–107. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag. Computing in Russia: the history of computer devices and information technology revealed. 2001. .
    4. Book: 650 magnetic drum data processing machine . 22-6060-2 . June 1955 . . May 8, 2024 .
    5. Book: IBM 7070-7074 Principles of Operation . GA22-7003-6 . 1962 . Systems Reference Library . . May 8, 2024 .
    6. Book: UNIVAC® Solid-state 80 Computer . U1742.1r3 . 1959 . . May 8, 2024 .
    7. Book: IBM 650 MDDPM Additional Features - Indexing Accumulators - Floating-Decimal Arithmetic - Advanced Write-Up . 22-6258-0 . 1955 . . May 8, 2024 .
    8. Web site: AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 6: 128-Bit and 256-Bit XOP and FMA4 Instructions. November 2009. AMD.
    9. Web site: Synopsys Introduces New 64-bit ARC Processor IP Delivering up to 3x Performance Increase for High-End Embedded Applications.
    10. Web site: Arm A-Profile Architecture Developments 2022 - Architectures and Processors blog - Arm Community blogs - Arm Community . 2022-12-09 . . 29 September 2022 . en.
    11. News: Frumusanu . Andrei . September 3, 2020 . ARM Announced Cortex-R82: First 64-bit Real Time Processor . AnandTech.
    12. Web site: ARM goes 64-bit with new ARMv8 chip architecture . . 27 October 2011 . 8 May 2024.
    13. Web site: Hot Chips 30 conference; Fujitsu briefing . . 2020-12-05 . dead . Toshio Yoshida . Fujitsu.
    14. Web site: AVR32 Architecture Document . . 2024-05-08.
    15. Web site: Blackfin manual.
    16. Web site: Blackfin Processor Architecture Overview . . 2024-05-08.
    17. Web site: Blackfin memory architecture . . 2009-12-18 . . 2011-06-16 . dead .
    18. Web site: Crusoe Exposed: Transmeta TM5xxx Architecture 2 . Real World Technologies.
    19. Web site: The Technology Behind Crusoe Processors . Alexander Klaiber . Transmeta Corporation . January 2000 . December 6, 2013.
    20. Book: Intel Corporation. Introduction to the iAPX 432 Architecture. 1981. iii.
    21. Web site: LatticeMico32 Architecture . . dead. . 23 June 2010.
    22. Web site: LatticeMico32 Open Source Licensing . . dead. 20 June 2010.
    23. MIPS64 Architecture for Programmers: Release 6
    24. MIPS32 Architecture for Programmers: Release 6
    25. MIPS Open
    26. Web site: Wave Computing Closes Its MIPS Open Initiative with Immediate Effect, Zero Warning.
    27. OpenRISC Architecture Revisions
    28. Web site: PDP-8 Users Handbook. 2019-02-16.
    29. Web site: Power ISA Version 3.1 . . 2020-05-01 . 2021-10-20.
    30. Web site: RISC-V ISA Specifications . 17 June 2019.
    31. Oracle SPARC Processor Documentation
    32. SPARC Architecture License