Name | Implementation Language | Active; Passive [1] | Model | Typical input | Other input | Typical output |
Acceleo | Java | Active | Tier | User-defined EMF based models (UML, Ecore, user defined metamodels) | Any EMF based input (Xtext DSLs, GMF graphical models, etc.) | Any textual language. |
actifsource | Java | Active | Tier | User-defined Models | Import from UML, Ecore. | Any textual language. |
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit | Several code generation DSLs (attribute grammars, tree patterns, source-to-source rewrites) | Active | DSLs represented as abstract syntax trees | DSL instance | Well-formed output language code fragments | Any programming language (proven for C, C++, Java, C#, PHP, COBOL) |
gSOAP | C / C++ | | | WSDL specifications | | C / C++ code that can be used to communicate with WebServices. XML with the definitions obtained. |
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch | C# / VB.NET | Active | Tier | Database schema | | Complete Silverlight application (Desktop or Web) |
Pro*C | | | Inline | SQL in C | | C |
Scriptcase | PHP, JavaScript | Active | Tier | Complete application (Web/Mobile) and build or use the database schema | PHP, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, | Full Web application ready to use (PHP and Javascript) with Interface layer, service layer, PHP, CSS. etc. and Database scripts to apply. |
Spring Roo | Java | Active | Tier | Java and automatically introspected project metadata | Shell commands | Java (Full Web Application including Java source, AspectJ source, XML, JSP, Spring application contexts, build tools, property files, etc.) |
T4 | | Passive | | T4 Template/Text File | | Any text format such as XML, XAML, C# files or just plain text files. |
Umple | Umple, Java, Javascript, PHP | Active | Tier | Umple code embedding one or more of Java, Python, C++, PHP or Ruby | Pure Umple code describing associations, patterns, state machines, etc. | Java, Python, C++, PHP, Ruby, ECcore, Umlet, Yuml, Textuml, JSON, Papyrus XMI, USE, NuXMV, Alloy |
Velocity apache | Java | Passive [2] | Tier | Templates | Java driver code | Any text |
Yii2 Gii | PHP | Active | Tier | Database schema, user input, source code | | Skeleton application, CRUD applications | |