Comparison of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish explained

Danish, Norwegian (including both written forms: Bokmål, the most common standard form; and Nynorsk) and Swedish are all descended from Old Norse, the common ancestor of all North Germanic languages spoken today. Thus, they are closely related, and largely mutually intelligible, particularly in their standard varieties. The largest differences are found in pronunciation and language-specific vocabulary, which may hinder mutual intelligibility to some extent in some dialects. All dialects of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish form a dialect continuum within a wider North Germanic dialect continuum.pronounced as /notice/

Mutual intelligibility

Generally, speakers of the three largest Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) can read each other's languages without great difficulty. The primary obstacles to mutual comprehension are differences in pronunciation. According to a scientific study of the three groups, Norwegians generally understand the other languages the best, while Swedes understand the least.[1]

Danish and Norwegian are especially comprehensible to one another.[2] In general, Danish and Norwegian speakers will be able to understand the other's language after only a little instruction or exposure.[3] Traditionally educated Norwegians, and especially speakers of Urban East Norwegian, understand spoken Danish fluently; indeed Urban East Norwegian is closer to 16th century Danish than contemporary Danish is due to being closely influenced by the written (Danish) language, which modern spoken Danish has diverged from to a greater degree. However, due to the same reason contemporary Danish speakers generally do not understand spoken Norwegian as well as the extremely similar written norms would lead one to expect. Some Norwegians – especially in northern and western Norway – may also have problems understanding Danish.

Because Norway's largest cities have received signals from Sweden's two national TV channels since the 1960s through private antennas, Norwegians generally have a better grasp of Swedish than vice versa; Sweden did not receive Norwegian TV until decades later.

Old Norse and Icelandic

Old Norse[4] is a stage of development of North Germanic dialects before their final divergence into separate Nordic languages. Old Norse was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and their overseas settlements and chronologically coincides with the Viking Age, the Christianization of Scandinavia and the consolidation of Scandinavian kingdoms from about the 8th to the 15th centuries.[5]

The 12th-century Icelandic Gray Goose Laws state that Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, and Danes spoke the same language, Norse, Old: dǫnsk tunga ("Danish tongue"; speakers of Old East Norse would have said ). Another term was Norse, Old: norrœnt mál ("northern speech"). Today Old Norse has developed into the modern North Germanic languages Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, and other North Germanic varieties of which Norwegian, Danish and Swedish retain considerable mutual intelligibility while Icelandic remains the closest to Old Norse.

History of Norwegian

See main article: Norwegian language conflict. In the Kingdom of Denmark–Norway (1536–1814), the official language — in the sense of written language — was Danish, not Norwegian. However it came to be seen as a common language of the kingdoms. The urban Norwegian upper class spoke Dano-Norwegian, a form of Danish with Norwegian pronunciation and other minor local differences. After the two countries separated, Danish remained the official language of Norway — although it was referred to as Norwegian in Norway — and remained largely unchanged until language reforms in the early 20th century led to the standardization of forms more similar to the Norwegian urban and rural vernaculars. Until 1907 the written language in Norway was more or less completely Danish; in the following decades various spelling reforms gradually made the language somewhat more different from Danish, although the differences are still fairly small. Since 1929, this written standard has been known as Bokmål. The other Norwegian written standard, Nynorsk, was constructed on the basis of Norwegian dialects. Attempts to bring Bokmål closer to and eventually merge it with Nynorsk have failed due to widespread resistance during the Norwegian language conflict. As part of this resistance, elites, most of the media and significant parts of the population supported an alternative spelling standard promoted by the Riksmål movement, that built on the Danish language tradition in Norway. The language struggle in Norway also had a class aspect, as the Norwegian educated elites traditionally had a strong affinity for Denmark and its culture, and thus saw the Danish written language as an important part of their identity. Until 1811 the University of Copenhagen had been the only university of Denmark-Norway, and educated Norwegians thus spent formative years in Denmark. When Norway's university was founded in 1811 it built on and maintained close ties to a Danish academic tradition, thereby continuing the influence of Danish among elites. The most recent reforms of Bokmål from 2005 have again brought the language closer to the Danish language tradition in Norway by including most of the Riksmål tradition in official Bokmål, thereby largely ending the Norwegian language conflict.[6]

Sample text

Danish: Danish: I 1877 forlod Brandes København og bosatte sig i Berlin. Hans politiske synspunkter gjorde dog, at Preussen blev ubehagelig for ham at opholde sig i, og han vendte i 1883 tilbage til København, hvor han blev mødt af en helt ny gruppe af forfattere og tænkere, der var ivrige efter at modtage ham som deres leder. Det vigtigste af hans senere arbejder har været hans værk om William Shakespeare, der blev oversat til engelsk af William Archer og med det samme blev anerkendt.
  • Norwegian (moderate Bokmål): Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål: I 1877 forlot Brandes København og bosatte seg i Berlin. Hans politiske synspunkter gjorde imidlertid at det ble ubehagelig for ham å oppholde seg i Preussen, og i 1883 vendte han tilbake til København, der han ble møtt av en helt ny gruppe forfattere og tenkere, som var ivrige etter å motta ham som sin leder. Det viktigste av hans senere arbeider er hans verk om William Shakespeare, som ble oversatt til engelsk av William Archer, og som straks ble anerkjent.
  • Norwegian (Nynorsk): Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian: I 1877 forlet Brandes København og busette seg i Berlin. Dei politiske synspunkta hans gjorde likevel at det vart ubehageleg for han å opphalde seg i Preussen, og i 1883 vende han tilbake til København, der han vart møtt av ei heilt ny gruppe forfattarar og tenkjarar, som var ivrige etter å få han som leiaren sin. Det viktigaste av hans seinare arbeid er verket hans om William Shakespeare, som vart omsett til engelsk av William Archer, og som straks vart anerkjent.
  • Swedish: Swedish: År 1877 lämnade Brandes Köpenhamn och bosatte sig i Berlin. Hans politiska åsikter gjorde emellertid det obehagligt för honom att uppehålla sig i Preussen och år 1883 återvände han till Köpenhamn, där han mötte en helt ny grupp av författare och tänkare, som var ivriga att anta honom som sin ledare. Det viktigaste av hans senare arbeten är hans verk om William Shakespeare, som översattes till engelska av William Archer och som med det samma vann erkännande.
  • English translation: In 1877 Brandes left Copenhagen and took up residence in Berlin. However, his political views made Prussia an uncomfortable place to live, and in 1883 he returned to Copenhagen, where he was met by a completely new group of writers and thinkers, who were eager to accept him as their leader. The most important of his later works is his work about William Shakespeare, which was translated to English by William Archer and received recognition immediately.
  • Writing system

    Danish and Norwegian

    See main article: Danish and Norwegian alphabet. Generally, Norwegian orthography is more simplified and regularized and closer to actual pronunciation than Danish. As a rule, the graphic differences between the two languages do not reflect actual differences in pronunciation; while there are significant phonetic and phonological differences, they are rarely expressed in writing. The few exceptions are noted below.

    Top Level StructureSubjectVerb
    DanishJeg ved,hvordan manden,(som) du snakker om,ser ud.
    Norwegian (Bokmål)Jeg vethvordan mannen(som) du snakker om,ser ut.
    Norwegian (Nynorsk)Eg veitkorleis mannen(som) du snakkar om(som) du talar om,ser ut.
    SwedishJag vethur mannen(som) du snackar om [colloquial](som) du talar om(som) du pratar omser ut.
    EnglishI knowhow the man(that) you're talking aboutlooks.

    Swedish differences

    Swedish orthography differs from Danish and Norwegian in the following respects:[9]

    Pronunciation and sound system

    The difference in pronunciation between Norwegian and Danish is much more striking than the difference between Norwegian and Swedish. Although written Norwegian is very similar to Danish, spoken Norwegian more closely resembles Swedish.

    Danish pronunciation is typically described as 'softer', which in this case refers mostly to the frequent approximants corresponding to Norwegian, Swedish and historical plosives in some positions in the word (especially the pronunciation of the letters b, d, and g), as well as the German-like realisation of r as a uvular or even pharyngeal approximant in Danish as opposed to the Norwegian alveolar trills or uvular trills/fricatives.

    Note that in the following comparison of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish pronunciation, the East Norwegian pronunciation of Oslo is taken as the norm. In practice, most Norwegians will speak a local dialect in most contexts; furthermore, Bokmål itself is not a spoken standard, and is likely to be pronounced with clearly regional features. The most obvious instances are the uvular (rather than alveolar) pronunciation of pronounced as //r// and the lack of retroflexes in much of Western Norway, and the pronunciation, in some cases, of a retroflex flap instead of pronounced as //l// in much of Eastern Norway, including the less "refined" forms of the Oslo dialect. All of this is ignored in the following exposition.


    Arguably the most acoustically striking differences in vowels are that:

    As a whole, Norwegian and Swedish still preserve the old pairs of short and long vowels, as suggested by the writing system, pretty close to each other, even though the long ones are usually closer. Thus, the grapheme e corresponds to long pronounced as /[eː]/ (Norwegian and Swedish sene pronounced as /[seːnə]/, late [plural]) and short pronounced as /[ɛ]/ (Norwegian sende pronounced as /[sɛnːə]/, to send; Swedish hetta pronounced as /[ˈhɛ̂ta]/, heat), while the grapheme i corresponds to long pronounced as /[iː]/ (Norwegian sine pronounced as /[siːnə]/, Swedish sina pronounced as /[siːna]/, his/her/its/their own) and short pronounced as /[ɪ]/ (sinne pronounced as /[sɪnːə]/, anger [Norwegian]/mind [Swedish]). In Danish, the tendency of differentiation has led to a qualitative overlapping: also here, e can stand for long pronounced as /[e̝ː]/ (sene pronounced as /[se̝ːnə]/, late [plural]) and for short pronounced as /[e]/ (sende pronounced as /[senə]/, to send), but i, besides signifying long pronounced as /[iː]/ (sine pronounced as /[siːnə]/, his/her/its/their own), has come to correspond to short pronounced as /[e̝]/ ([nogen]sinde pronounced as /[se̝nə]/, ever) and, to complicate things further, a short pronounced as /[i]/ pronunciation is maintained in some cases (sidste pronounced as /[sistə]/, last). Most Danish vowels have also many segmentally conditioned allophones, especially more open ones when preceded or followed by pronounced as //r// .

    The following is a table that compares the most common Danish, Norwegian and Swedish pronunciations of a letter (without taking into account the grouping of sounds into phonemes, as well as many sub-rules, exceptions and subtleties). Note that in many cases, even when the same IPA transcription is used, the sounds may still be somewhat different in the three languages.

    alongpronounced as /[ɛː]/pronounced as /[ʁɑː]/pronounced as /[ɑː]/pronounced as /[ɑː]/pronounced as /[ɑː]/
    shortpronounced as /[æ]/, pronounced as /[ɑ]/1)pronounced as /[ʁɑ]/pronounced as /[ɑː]/pronounced as /[ɑ]/pronounced as /[a]/
    elongpronounced as /[e̝ː]/pronounced as /[ʁɛː]/pronounced as /[e̝ːɐ, ɛːɐ]/pronounced as /[eː]/pronounced as /[eː]/
    shortpronounced as /[e]/pronounced as /[ʁɑ]/, pronounced as /[ʁæ]/ 2)3)pronounced as /[ɛɐ]/pronounced as /[ɛ]/ 2)pronounced as /[ɛ]/
    unstressedpronounced as /[ə]/pronounced as /[ɐ]/pronounced as /[ɐ]/pronounced as /[ə]/pronounced as /[ɛ]/
    ilongpronounced as /[iː]/pronounced as /[ʁiː]/pronounced as /[iːɐ]/pronounced as /[iː]/pronounced as /[iː]/
    shortpronounced as /[e̝]/, pronounced as /[i]/pronounced as /[ʁe]/, pronounced as /[ʁi]/pronounced as /[iɐ]/pronounced as /[ɪ]/pronounced as /[i]/
    olongpronounced as /[oː]/pronounced as /[ʁoː]/pronounced as /[oːɐ]/pronounced as /[uː]/ 4)pronounced as /[ʊː]/
    shortpronounced as /[ʌ]/, pronounced as /[ɔ]/ 6)pronounced as /[ʁʌ]/pronounced as /[ɒː]/, pronounced as /[oɐ]/pronounced as /[ɔ]/ 5)pronounced as /[ʊ], [ɔ]/
    ulongpronounced as /[uː]/pronounced as /[ʁuː > ʁoː]/pronounced as /[uːɐ]/pronounced as /[ʉː]/pronounced as /[ʉː]/
    shortpronounced as /[ɔ]/ 7), pronounced as /[u]/pronounced as /[ʁɔ]/ 7), pronounced as /[ʁu > ʁo]/pronounced as /[uɐ]/pronounced as /[ʉ]/, pronounced as /[u]/pronounced as /[ɵ]/
    ylongpronounced as /[yː]/pronounced as /[ʁyː]/pronounced as /[yːɐ]/pronounced as /[yː]/pronounced as /[yː]/
    shortpronounced as /[ø]/ 7), pronounced as /[y]/pronounced as /[ʁœ]/ 7), pronounced as /[ʁy]/pronounced as /[yɐ]/, pronounced as /[ɶɐ]/ 8)pronounced as /[y]/pronounced as /[y]/
    æ / älongpronounced as /[eː]/pronounced as /[ʁɛː]/pronounced as /[ɛːɐ]/pronounced as /[æː]/ 9)pronounced as /[ɛː]/ 11)
    shortpronounced as /[e]/pronounced as /[ʁɑ]/, pronounced as /[ʁæ]/ 3)pronounced as /[ɛɐ]/pronounced as /[æ]/pronounced as /[ɛ]/ 11)
    ø / ölongpronounced as /[øː]/pronounced as /[ʁœː]/pronounced as /[øːɐ]/pronounced as /[øː]/pronounced as /[øː]/
    shortpronounced as /[ø]/pronounced as /[ʁœ]/, pronounced as /[ʁɶ]/ 10)pronounced as /[ɶɐ]/pronounced as /[œ]/pronounced as /[œ]/
    ålongpronounced as /[ɔː]/pronounced as /[ʁɔː]/pronounced as /[ɒː]/pronounced as /[oː]/pronounced as /[oː]/
    shortpronounced as /[ʌ]/pronounced as /[ʁʌ]/pronounced as /[ɒː]/pronounced as /[ɔ]/pronounced as /[ɔ]/

    1) before labials and velars

    2) But pronounced as /[æ]/ before pronounced as //r//

    3) before velars

    4) But pronounced as /[oː]/ before pronounced as //ɡ, v//

    5) but, in some cases, pronounced as /[u]/ (notably before rt, nd, and sometimes st)

    6) in some words before pronounced as //ʋ/, /s/, /n/, /m// (< older ō)

    7) almost universally before pronounced as //m, n, ŋ//

    8) only in fyrre "40"

    9) But pronounced as /[ɛː]/, when, by exception, not followed by pronounced as //r//

    10) before pronounced as //n//

    11) before pronounced as //r// realised as pronounced as /[æː]/ and pronounced as /[æ]/, long and short respectively.

    While the more open realisations of pronounced as //ɛ// and pronounced as //ɛː// before pronounced as //r// are allophonic in Danish, they have acquired phonemic status as pronounced as //æ// and pronounced as //æː// in Norwegian, and the Norwegian letter æ has come to be used almost only to signify them. The phonologisation of pronounced as //æ// was mostly a collateral effect of the merger of some other sounds: Danish æ pronounced as //ɛː// versus e pronounced as //eː// and sj pronounced as //sj// versus rs pronounced as //ɐ̯s// have come to be pronounced in the same way in Norwegian (respectively pronounced as //eː// and pronounced as //ʂ//), thus rendering the occurrences of pronounced as //æ// unpredictable.


    The Danish diphthongs pronounced as /[ɑj]/ and pronounced as /[ʌw]/ (spelled as ej and øj) correspond to the Norwegian diphthongs (in Oslo pronunciation) pronounced as /[æɪ̯]/ and pronounced as /[œʏ̯]/ (spelled as ei and øy) and to Swedish pronounced as /[ɛj]/ and pronounced as /[œj]/ (spelled as ej and öj). Besides that, a great many letter combinations are pronounced as diphthongs in Danish, but as usual vowel-consonant combinations in Norwegian and Swedish. That is mostly due to the Danish letters g and v (colloquially also b) being pronounced as semivowels pronounced as /[j]/ and pronounced as /[w]/ after a vowel: thus, dag (day) is pronounced pronounced as /[tɛːˀ(j)]/ in Danish, but pronounced as /[dɑːɡ]/ in Norwegian and Swedish; lov (law) is pronounced pronounced as /[lʌw]/ in Danish, but pronounced as /[loːv]/ in Norwegian and Swedish. Similarly, pronounced as /[ɑj]/ and pronounced as /[ʌw]/ are often spelled as eg and øg in Danish (eg may be pronounced pronounced as /[æɪ̯]/ in Norwegian, too, e.g. in regne, "to rain"). The Danish pronunciation is therefore, as with a above, closer to English, while the Norwegian and Swedish is more conservative, closer to its spelling.


    The most notable differences are, as already mentioned, the pronunciation of approximants in Danish, corresponding to voiced and voiceless stops in Norwegian and Swedish and of r as a uvu-pharyngeal approximant in Danish, corresponding to an alveolar trill in (East) Norwegian and Swedish (except southern dialects) (skrige, "shriek" versus skrike, skrika). Furthermore, Danish has replaced the voiceless/voiced opposition (in pronounced as //p, t, k// versus pronounced as //b, d, ɡ//) with an aspirated/nonaspirated one (pronounced as /[pʰ, tsʰ, kʰ]/ versus pronounced as /[p, t, k]/), and the contrast between the two is neutralized syllable-finally and before schwa (in practice, in the core of native words, this means it is lost everywhere except word-initially). Thus, begge (both) and bække (brooks) are pronounced alike as pronounced as /[pɛgə]/. In Norwegian and Swedish, the opposition is still voiced versus voiceless and it is preserved everywhere, with pronounced as //p, t, k// being aspirated in the onset of a stressed syllable (as in English and German).

    In stressed onsetElsewhere (single)Elsewhere (double)In stressed onsetElsewhereIn stressed onsetElsewhere
    vpronounced as /[v]/pronounced as /[w]/pronounced as /[w]/pronounced as /[ʋ]/pronounced as /[ʋ]/pronounced as /[v]/pronounced as /[v]/
    bpronounced as /[p]/pronounced as /[p, w]/pronounced as /[p]/pronounced as /[b]/pronounced as /[b]/pronounced as /[b]/pronounced as /[b]/
    ppronounced as /[pʰ]/pronounced as /[p]/pronounced as /[p]/pronounced as /[pʰ]/pronounced as /[p]/pronounced as /[pʰ]/pronounced as /[p]/
    dpronounced as /[t]/pronounced as /[ð̠˕ˠ]/pronounced as /[ð̠˕ˠ]/pronounced as /[d]/pronounced as /[d]/pronounced as /[d]/pronounced as /[d]/
    tpronounced as /[tsʰ]/pronounced as /[t]/pronounced as /[t]/pronounced as /[tʰ]/pronounced as /[t]/pronounced as /[tʰ]/pronounced as /[t]/
    gpronounced as /[k]/pronounced as /[-, j, w]/pronounced as /[k]/pronounced as /[ɡ]/pronounced as /[ɡ]/pronounced as /[ɡ]/pronounced as /[ɡ]/
    kpronounced as /[kʰ]/pronounced as /[k]/pronounced as /[k]/pronounced as /[kʰ]/pronounced as /[k]/pronounced as /[kʰ]/pronounced as /[k]/
    rpronounced as /[ʁ]/pronounced as /[ɐ̯, -]/pronounced as /[ɐ̯]/pronounced as /[r]/pronounced as /[r]/pronounced as /[r]/pronounced as /[r]/
    The Danish pronounced as //r// is either vocalized or dropped altogether, after having influenced the adjacent vowels, in all positions but word-initially and pre-stress, making the Danish r very similar to the standard German r. Also, note the Danish pronunciation of initial t as pronounced as /[tsʰ]/, similar to the High German consonant shift wherein German changed t to z/tz (cf. Danish tid, German Zeit).

    Meanwhile, syllable-final b, v, d, and g may be compared to English syllables that end in y, w, and th (English "say" versus Danish sige, "law" versus lov, "wrath" versus vrede).

    Some letter combinations that are pronounced quite differently are:

    Some notable sound correspondences are:


    In Norwegian and Swedish, each stressed syllable must contain, phonetically, either a long vowel or a long (geminate) consonant (e.g. male pronounced as /[mɑːlə]/, "to paint" versus malle pronounced as /[mɑlːə]/, "catfish") . In Danish, there are no phonologically long consonants, so the opposition is between long and short vowels (pronounced as /[mæːlə]/ versus pronounced as /[malə]/).All the three languages have a prosodic opposition between two "accents", derived from syllable count in Old Norse and determined partly phonologically, partly morphologically and partly lexically. However, the exact nature of this prosodic contrast is very different. In Norwegian and Swedish, the contrast is between two tonal accents, accent 1 and 2, which characterise a whole word with primary stress; in Danish, it is between the presence and the absence of the stød (a kind of laryngealisation), which characterises a syllable (though usually a syllable that bears at least secondary stress). Example: Danish løber "runner" pronounced as /[ˈløːpɐ]/ versus løber "runs" pronounced as /[ˈløːˀpɐ]/, Norwegian løper2 pronounced as /[lø̂ːpər]/ versus løper1 pronounced as /[lø̀ːpər]/, Swedish löpare2 pronounced as /[lø̂ːparɛ]/ versus löper1 pronounced as /[lø̀ːpɛr]/. Note Danish landsmand pronounced as /[ˈlanˀsmanˀ]/ "compatriot" (one word, two støds) as opposed to Norwegian landsmann pronounced as /[lɑ̀nsmɑnː]/ and Swedish landsman pronounced as /[lɑ̀nsmɑnː]/ (one word, one accent).

    Note: The pronunciation of the tone accents varies widely between Norwegian dialects; the IPA tone accent transcriptions above reflect South-East Norwegian pronunciation (found e.g. in Oslo). There is usually also high pitch in the last syllable, but it is not transcribed here, because it belongs to the prosody of the phrase rather than the word.

    Vowels in inflections

    Danish, Norwegian and Swedish in inflections (declension, conjugation) attach, albeit to a limited extent, endings. These endings are always unstressed and contain only short vowels. The use of vowels in these endings depends on the degree of reduction, which is highest in Danish. It allows only reduced in endings, pronounced as [ə]. Bokmål most often has reduced in endings, less often also . Nynorsk uses more often, other vowels less often. Swedish has the lowest reduction rate. It allows most vowels in endings, while the basic vowel in inflections is .


    Grammar Danish Bokmål Nynorsk Swedish Meaning
    Nouns: singular and plural gade – gader gate – gater gate – gater gata – gator street – streets
    dag – dage dag – dager dag – dagar dag – dagar day – days
    soldat – soldater soldat – soldater soldat – soldatar soldat – soldater soldier – soldiers
    hus – huse hus – hus hus – hus hus – hus house – houses
    Nouns: definite plural form dagene dagene dagane dagarna the days
    Adjectives: definite form store store store stora (store) the big
    Adjectives: degrees of comparison stærkere – stærkest sterkere – sterkest sterkare – sterkast starkare – starkast stronger – the strongest
    Verbs: infinitive kaste kaste kaste/kasta kasta to throw

    Rendering of Graeco-Latin ae (αι) and oe (οι)

    While Danish renders Graeco-Latin ae (αι) as æ (with some exceptions: Etiopien, Ægypten/Egypten), Norwegian and Swedish mostly use e. For example, Danish ækvivalent — Norwegian and Swedish ekvivalent (equivalent). In Norwegian, æ is kept before r: æra, kimære, sfære; Swedish has chimär, sfär but era. "Caesar" is spelled Cæsar in Danish and Norwegian; Swedish uses unligatured spelling Caesar, pronounced as if spelled *Cesar.

    Graeco-Latin oe (οι) is rendered as ø in Danish and Norwegian, but as e in Swedish: Danish and Norwegian økologi — Swedish ekologi (ecology).

    Grammatical differences

    Nominal morphology


    Danish and Swedish have two grammatical genders – common (indefinite article en and definite article -en) and neuter (indefinite article et [Danish]/ett [Swedish] and definite article -et). In Norwegian, the system is generally the same, but some common words optionally use special feminine gender declension patterns, which have been preserved from Old Norse in Norwegian dialects and were re-introduced into the written language by the language reforms of the early 20th century. Hence, three genders are recognized – masculine (morphologically identical to Danish common, with indefinite article en and definite article -en), feminine (indefinite article ei and definite article -a) and neuter (morphologically identical to its Danish counterpart, with indefinite article et and definite article -et, pronounced pronounced as //ə//). The likelihood of a feminine as opposed to common form being used depends on the particular word, as well as on style: common gender forms are often more formal or sometimes even bookish, while feminine forms tend to make a more colloquial and sometimes even rustic impression. Both variants are standard in Bokmål, whereas only the three-gender model is accepted in Nynorsk. Examples: Danish en mandmanden ("a man – the man"), en solsolen ("a sun – the sun"), et hushuset ("a house – the house") versus Norwegian en mannmannen ("a man – the man"), ei solsola or en solsolen ("a sun – the sun"), et hushuset ("a house – the house").

    The Norwegian feminine can also be expressed in the indefinite singular declension of the word liten, which has a special feminine form lita beside the neuter lite. Danish has only lille, which is the definite singular form in both languages.


    In Danish, the plural endings are -er, -e or zero-ending. The choice of ending is difficult to predict (although -er is especially common in polysyllables, loanwords and words ending in unstressed e; -e is most usual in monosyllables; and zero-ending is most usual in neuter monosyllables). In Norwegian, the plural suffix -e is used too, but the system is rather regularized, since it is only nouns ending with -er in uninflected form that get -e in indefinite plural form, and this is current for both masculine, feminine and neuter nouns; en skyskraper – skyskrapere "a skyscraper – skyscrapers"; en hamburger – hamburgere "a hamburger – hamburgers"; et monster – monstre "a monster – monsters"; et senter – sentre "a center – centers". The ending -er (-ar in Nynorsk) is dominant in masculine/feminine nouns and some neuters with several syllables, while zero-ending is prevalent in neuter gender monosyllables. Examples: Danish en appelsin – appelsiner, en hund – hunde, et hus – huse, et fald – fald, versus Norwegian en appelsin – appelsiner, en hund – hunder, et hus – hus, et fall – fall (singular and plural forms of "orange", "dog", "house" and "fall"). Swedish has five plural endings: -er, -or, -ar, -n and the zero ending (see the tables above and below).

    In addition, the formation of the definite plural forms are somewhat different in the three languages. In Danish, plural forms in -er transform into definite plural -erne, while plurals in -e and zero-ending become -ene. Norwegian has generalized -ene (-ane in Nynorsk) for nearly all masculine and feminine words, and an -ene or -a for neuter words. A few masculine words also have an alternative ending -a, derived from -a(ne)/-æne in the spoken language (en feil – feila/feilene, "a mistake/error – the mistakes/errors"). Examples: Danish en sag – sager – sagerne, en dag – dage – dagene, et fald – fald – faldene, et ben – ben – benene versus Norwegian en sak – saker – sakene, en dag – dager – dagene, et fall – fall – fallene, et be(i)n – be(i)n – be(i)na/be(i)nene (singular, plural, and plural definite forms of "thing", "day", "fall" and "bone"/"leg"). Swedish adds -na to -er, -or, -ar; -a to -n; -en to zero ending.

    Danish Bokmål Nynorsk Swedish Meaning
    en gade – gaden
    gader – gaderne
    en/ei gate – gaten/gata
    gater – gatene
    ei gate – gata
    gater – gatene
    en gata – gatan
    gator – gatorna
    en dag – dagen
    dage – dagene
    en dag – dagen
    dager – dagene
    ein dag – dagen
    dagar – dagane
    en dag – dagen
    dagar – dagarna
    en sol – solen
    sole – solene
    en/ei sol – solen/sola
    soler – solene
    ei sol – sola
    soler – solene
    en sol – solen
    solar – solarna
    en soldat – soldaten
    soldater – soldaterne
    en soldat – soldaten
    soldater – soldatene
    ein soldat – soldaten
    soldatar – soldatane
    en soldat – soldaten
    soldater – soldaterna
    en mus – musen
    mus – musene
    en/ei mus – musen/musa
    mus – musene
    ei mus – musa
    mus/myser – musene/mysene
    en mus – musen
    möss – mössen
    et hus – huset
    huse – husene
    et hus – huset
    hus – husene/husa
    eit hus – huset
    hus – husa
    ett hus – huset
    hus – husen
    et barn – barnet
    børn – børnene
    et barn – barnet
    barn – barna/barnene
    eit barn – barnet
    born/barn – borna/barna
    ett barn – barnet
    barn – barnen
    et æble – æblet
    æbler – æblerne
    et eple – eplet
    epler – eplene/epla
    eit eple – eplet
    eple – epla
    ett äpple – äpplet
    äpplen – äpplena


    In the three languages, single nouns use a postpositive definite article. However, in Danish, when a noun is modified by an adjective, a prepositive definite article is used instead of the postpositive one. Norwegian and Swedish both add a prepositive article and keep the postpositive. Example: Danish hus – huset, et stort hus – det store hus versus Norwegian hus – huset, et stort hus – det store huset and Swedish hus – huset, ett stort hus — det stora huset (indefinite and definite forms of "a/the house" and "a/the big house"). In proper designations, Swedish only keeps the postpositive article, and Bokmål does not add it: Det Hvide Hus (Danish) – Det hvite hus (Norwegian Bokmål) – Det kvite huset (Norwegian Nynorsk) – Vita huset (Swedish) (the White House).The same difference applies when a demonstrative pronoun is used: Danish Jeg elsker den mand versus Norwegian Jeg elsker den mannen and Swedish Jag älskar den mannen (I love that man).


    The declension of adjectives is basically the same in the three languages. Most of them form two forms in a single number: for the common gender (in Norwegian masculine and feminine) and for the neuter gender. In the plural, both genders have one form, which is at the same time a definite form, which is connected with nouns with a definite article.

    In neuter forms, Swedish consistently appends the suffix -t (-tt) - except for the inflected adjectives of type bra (good). In Danish and even more often in Norwegian (especially Nynorsk) for some adjectives -t are not added:

    svensk (Danish, Norwegian) - svenskt (Swedish) = Swedish

    billigt (Danish, Swedish) - billig (Bokmål) - billeg (Nynorsk) = cheap

    In Swedish, the spelling simplifies the group -dt (in neuter forms) to -tt: god / godt (Danish, Norwegian) - god / gott (Swedish) = good.

    Definite and plural forms have the suffix -e in Danish and Norwegian, while -a in Swedish:

    svenske søer (Danish) - svenske sjøer (Bokmål) - svenske sjøar (Nynorsk) - svenska sjöar (Swedish) = Swedish lakes

    det gamle hus (Danish) - det gamle huset (nor.) - det gamla huset (Swedish) = (the) old house

    In Swedish, definite forms of the original masculine gender with the ending -e are also possible in a singular number (only for male people): den gamle / gamla mannen = (the) old man.



    There are significant differences between the numeral systems of Danish and Norwegian.

    Swedish numerals are similar to Norwegian ones: sju (7), tjugo (20), trettio (30), fyrtio (40), femtio (50), sextio (60), sjuttio (70), åttio (80), nittio (90), tjugoen (21), andra (the second).

    Verbal morphology

    Bokmål has also introduced the optional use of the ending -a (taken from Norwegian dialects and used as the only allowed form in Nynorsk) instead of -et: thus, kaste – kasta – kasta, ramme – ramma – ramma, etc. The use of forms in -a is more common in speech than in writing. Nynorsk also allows infinitive ending in -a: kaste/kasta – kasta – kasta. Swedish also ends infinitives in -a.

    Biljetterna blev köpta och betalade. = Tickets have been bought and paid for.

    In Danish and Bokmål, declension of participles is simplified. From most verbs, only a definite and indefinite form is formed, without distinction of gender. For strong verbs, some Danish verbs have preserved a form in a common gender with the ending -en (as in Swedish). If the participle comes after a verb, grammatical agreement does not apply in both languages:

    Billeterne blev købt og betalt. (Danish) - Billettene ble kjøpt og betalt. (Bokmål) = Tickets have been bought and paid for.

    In Nynorsk, as in Swedish, most participles are inflected, but some are indeclined (for example, the forms na -a: elska - see the table below). Grammatical agreement in the sentence is mandatory only for strong verbs, for weak verbs it is applied optionally and for some verbs it is not applied at all.

    The present participles in all Scandinavian languages are indeclinable.

    Deponent and reciprocal verbs are common to all languages. However, the use of s-forms is different. In Swedish, the passive voice is commonly expressed in this way (although the s-passive is more formal than the analytical passive). The suffix -s can be appended to any verb form (including supine) except for participles. In Danish and Norwegian, the s-passive is of limited use. In Danish and Bokmål, only the passive forms of the infinitive and the present tense are more commonly formed in this way. In Nynorsk, the ending -st can only be added to the infinitive that follows the modal verb, e.g.: Ingenting kunne gjørast. = There was nothing that could be done. Otherwise, the passive must be expressed analytically, or avoided altogether.

    Love Danish Bokmål Nynorsk Swedish
    infinitiveelske elske elske/elska älska
    presentelsker elsker elskar älskar
    pastelskede elsket/elska elska älskade
    perfect/pluperfecthar/havde elsket har/hadde elsket/elska har/hadde elska har/hade älskat
    past participle (passive)elsket
    elska älskad
    present participleelskende elskende elskande älskande
    imperativeelsk elsk elsk älska
    Forget Danish Bokmål Nynorsk Swedish
    infinitiveglemme glemme/glømme gløyme/gløyma glömma
    presentglemmer glemmer/glømmer gløymer glömmer
    pastglemte glemte/glømte gløymde glömde
    perfect/pluperfecthar/havde glemt har/hadde glemt/glømt har/hadde gløymt har/hade glömt
    past participle (passive)glemt
    present participleglemmende glemmende/glømmende gløymande glömmande
    imperativeglem glem/gløm gløym glöm
    Live Danish Bokmål Nynorsk Swedish
    infinitivebo bo bu bo
    presentbor bor bur bor
    pastboede bodde budde bodde
    perfect/pluperfecthar/havde boet har/hadde bodd har/hadde budd/butt har/hade bott
    past participle (passive)boet
    present participleboende boende buande boende
    imperativebo bo bu bo
    Sing Danish Bokmål Nynorsk Swedish
    infinitivesynge synge syngje/syngja sjunga
    presentsynger synger syng sjunger
    pastsang sang song sjöng
    perfect/pluperfecthar/havde sunget har/hadde sunget har/hadde sunge/sungi har/hade sjungit
    past participle (passive)sungen
    present participlesyngende syngende syngande sjungande
    imperativesyng syng syng sjung


    Certain words present in all the three languages are used differently in each. This can result in identical sentences meaning different things in the three languages, or in constructions that make sense in one language becoming nonsensical in another one.

    Examples include:


    Geographical names

    Names of countries

    Danish has adopted many German (particularly from Low German variants spoken by the Hanseatic League) words and grammatical structures, while Bokmål has rejected some of these imports. An example is the naming of countries; Danish and Swedish generally use the German names of countries, or at least the German ending.

    These names were used in Norwegian as well, but have in modern times (during the second half of the 20th century) to a large extent been replaced by the Latin endings; this means that the usual ending is -a in Norwegian and -en or -et in Danish (the -en and -et endings are also the definite articles). In the case of Switzerland, which is known in written Danish and Swedish by its German name Schweiz, this is transliterated in Norwegian as Sveits.[12]

    As a result, Australien, Italien and Spanien are used in Danish and Swedish, but as Australia, Italia and Spania in Bokmål, although the earlier forms can be heard in speakers of more conservative forms (for instance Queen Sonja of Norway). Similarly, while Mongolia and Slovakia are now used in Norwegian, Mongoliet and Slovakiet/Slovakien are still used in Danish and Swedish.

    In Danish, Latvia is referred to as Letland, similar to German Lettland (which is used in Swedish), whereas in Norwegian, it is referred to as Latvia (although Letland and Lettland were previously used), but Estonia and Lithuania are referred to in the three languages as Estland and Litauen, as in German.

    Other differences include the use in Norwegian of the native names of countries. In Danish, Greece is referred to as Grækenland and in Swedish as Grekland, but in Norwegian, it is mostly referred to as Hellas (the Greek form of the name), even though the Danish-like Grekenland is sometimes used.[13] Similarly, the name for Cyprus in Norwegian is the Greek-derived Kypros,[14] [15] rather than the Cypern (influenced by the German Zypern) used in Danish and Swedish.[16]

    Nevertheless, Norwegians usually use greker (noun) and gresk (adjective) for "Greek", not hellener (noun) and hellensk (adjective); the latter are used only when talking about Ancient Greece, in the sense of Hellenic, as in English and other languages.

    In addition, Norwegian speakers, unlike Danish speakers, refer to the Netherlands as Nederland, as in Dutch, not as Holland, although Nederlandene is used in Danish in the same formal sense as "The Netherlands" would be in English. In Swedish, the form Nederländerna is used. Similarly the Dutch language is known as nederlandsk in Norway and nederländska in Sweden, but is most often called hollandsk in Denmark (the Norwegian dictionary Bokmålsordboka identify both Holland and hollandsk as previously commonly used in Norwegian).[17]

    By contrast, both Norwegian and Danish speakers refer to New Zealand by its English name (but Ny-Zealand is also used in Norwegian[18]), whereas Swedish speakers call the country Nya Zeeland.[19] However, "New Zealand" as an adjective is newzealandsk or nyzealandsk in Norwegian,[20] whereas newzealandsk is encountered in Danish,[21] In Danish, "New Zealander" is newzealænder[22] while in Norwegian it can be translated as either newzealender or nyzealender.[23]

    EnglishDanishNorwegian (Bokmål/Nynorsk)Swedish
    BelarusHviderusland (recently more commonly Belarus[24])Belarus (Hviterussland/Kviterussland were official forms until 2022) [25] Vitryssland (recently more commonly Belarus[26])
    Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosnien-HercegovinaBosnia-HercegovinaBosnien och Hercegovina, Bosnien-Hercegovina, Bosnien
    Cape VerdeKap VerdeKapp VerdeKap Verde
    Central African RepublicDen Centralafrikanske RepublikDen sentralafrikanske republikkCentralafrikanska republiken
    Republikken CongoRepublikken KongoKongo-Brazzaville, Republiken Kongo
    Czech Republic, CzechiaDen Tjekkiske Republik, TjekkietDen tsjekkiske republikk, TsjekkiaTjeckien
    Den Demokratiske Republik CongoDen demokratiske republikken KongoKongo-Kinshasa, Demokratiska republiken Kongo
    ØsttimorØst-Timor/Aust-TimorÖsttimor, Timor-Leste
    EgyptEgypten, ÆgyptenEgyptEgypten
    Equatorial GuineaÆkvatorialguineaEkvatorial-GuineaEkvatorialguinea
    Micronesia, Federated States ofFøderale statsforbund MikronesienMikronesiaføderasjonenMikronesiens federerade stater, Mikronesiska federationen
    MozambiqueMozambique, MocambiqueMosambikMoçambique
    Saudi ArabiaSaudi-ArabienSaudi-ArabiaSaudiarabien
    Solomon IslandsSalomonøerneSalomonøyeneSalomonöarna
    South AfricaSydafrikaSør-AfrikaSydafrika
    Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og NordirlandDet forente kongerike Storbritannia og Nord-Irland/Det sameinte kongeriket Storbritannia og Nord-IrlandStorbritannien, Förenade konungariket Storbritannien och Nordirland, Förenade kungariket

    Names of cities

    There are also differences in the names of cities; each language choosing to use the more native name, or one borrowed from another language. For example:

    Different words

    Here are some examples of common words and expressions that are different in the three languages. Note that the Danish variant usually exists in Norwegian as an archaic or less frequent form (and/or vice versa).

    EnglishDanishNorwegian (Bokmål)Swedish
    afraidbange, (arch., dial.:) rædredd, but also bange (archaic, mostly used in standard expressions like "bange anelser")rädd, skrämd
    afterwardsbagefter, derefteretterpå, efterpå (conservative), deretter/derefterefteråt, därefter
    angryvredsint, vred (literary)[39] arg, ilsk, ilsken, vred, förbannad
    autumnefterår, (poet.:) høsthøst, etterår/efterår (archaic)höst
    be correct, hold truepasse, stemmestemmestämma
    blacksortsvart, sortsvart
    boydreng, (colloquial:) gutgutt, dreng (archaic or used in a more narrow sense)pojke, dräng (archaic or used in a more narrow sense)
    breakfastmorgenmadfrokostfrukost, morgonmål (dated)
    breatheåndepuste, åndeandas
    cinemabiograf, kino (old-fashioned)kino, biograf (older cinemas)bio, biograf
    coldkoldkald, koldkall, kylig
    comb (verb)redegre, kjemmekamma
    decadeårti, tiår, dekadetiår, årti, dekadeårtionde
    difficultsvær, vanskeligvanskeligsvår, vansklig, besvärlig
    dinnermiddag, aftensmadmiddagmiddag, supé (late dinner), kvällsmål (dated)
    easynem, letlett, enkellätt, enkel, simpel
    eveningaften, (poet.:) kvældkveld, aftenkväll, afton
    factkendsgerning, faktumfaktum, kjennsgjerningfaktum
    fast, quick(ly)hurtig, raskfort (adv), rask (adj), hurtigsnabb (adj), snabbt (adv), fort (adv)
    floor (storey)etage, saletasjevåning, etage (rare)
    forwardfrem(over)frem(over), fram(over)framåt
    funsjovmoro, gøyskoj, rolig, kul, lustig, komisk, festlig
    futurefremtidfremtid, framtidframtid
    girlpigejente, pikeflicka, tjej, jänta, piga (archaic or used in a more narrow sense)
    goodgod(t)bra, god(t)bra, god
    healthyrask, sund, friskfrisk, sunnfrisk, sund
    hesitatetøve, nølenøletveka
    hydrogenbrint,[40] hydrogenhydrogen, vannstoff (archaic)väte
    isn't it?/didn't he? etc...., ikke/vel? ikke sandt?, ikke også?..., ikke sant?..., eller hur?, inte sant?
    jealousjaloux, skinsyg, misundeligsjalu, misunneligavundsjuk, svartsjuk, missunnsam
    last yearsidste år, i fjori fjorförra året, i fjol
    like (vb. enjoy)kunne lideliketycka om, gilla, uppskatta
    lunchfrokostlunsj (alt. lønsj or lunch), formiddagsmatlunch, frukost (dated), middag (dated)
    maybemåske, muligvis, kanske (old-fashioned)kanskje, muligvis, måskje (archaic)kanske, möjligtvis, möjligen
    moustacheoverskægbart, overskjeggmustasch
    oxygenilt, oxygenoksygen, surstoffsyre, oxygen (only in chemistry)
    potatokartoffelpotet, kartoffel (outdated)[41] potatis
    rubbish (nonsense)sludder, vrøvl, vås, nonsenssludder, vrøvl, nonsens, tull, tøys, våsstrunt, trams, nonsens, sladder
    satisfied/pleasedtilfreds, fornøjetfornøyd, tilfredsnöjd, tillfreds
    sheepfårsau, smale (archaic/dialectal), får (archaic/dialectal, used in expressions/ fixed phrases)får, lamm
    short (person)lille, lavkort, lavkort, kortväxt, liten
    sometimessomme tider, iblandt, (colloquial:) nogle gange, af og til, indimellem,iblant, av og til, innimellomibland, av och till, då och då, emellanåt
    spring(time)forår, (poet.:) vårvår, forår (archaic)vår
    still (yet)stadigvæk, fremdeles (archaic), fortsatfremdeles, fortsattfortfarande, ännu
    teamholdlaglag, team
    there, thither (about direction)derhender hen, derhen (riksmål),[42] dit, dithendit, ditåt
    uglygrim, (ethically:) stygstygg, grimful, otäck
    usualsædvanlig, vanlig (archaic)vanlig, sedvanligvanlig, sedvanlig
    worm (earthworm)orm[meite]makk, [mete]mark, orm (Ambiguous, could mean both worm and snake, cf. wyrm.)mask
    wrongforkert, gal(t)gal(t), feilfel, galet

    False friends

    While most words have the same meaning, there are also a number of false friends. These are often cognates that have diverged in meaning.

    WordDanish meaningNorwegian meaningSwedish meaningNotes
    bollebun / sexual intercoursebun / bowl / (sexual intercourse, in some areas)bun (bulle)
    flinkniceskilled, clevernimble, deft
    företagproject, business venture (foretagende)project, company (foretak) companyDanish/Norwegian: selskab / selskap
    grinelaughcryto weep (grina) (colloquial)cognates with English "grin"
    kneppeto fuckto button, unbuttonto button
    kukmess, problempenis (vulgar)penis (vulgar)cognates with English "cock"
    puleto have sexual intercourseto have sexual intercourseto push into a bag (pula)
    rarkind, nicestrange, weirdkind
    raskhealthy, fastfast / litter, garbagefast
    roligcalmcalmfun, funny
    sværdifficult / obeselargedifficult (svår)

    The vulgar nature of some of these differences forms the basis of a number of television sketches by Norwegian comedians.[43]

    See also

    Notes and References

    1. Web site: Nordmenn forstår nabospråkene best . dead . . 2006-10-02 . 2006-06-04. (Norwegian)
    2. Book: Delsing . Lars-Olof . Håller språket ihop Norden? . 2005 . Nordic Council of Ministers' Publishing House . Swedish . 978-92-893-1221-9 . Lundin . Katarina.
    3. Søgård . Beate Hogsnes . Interskandinavisk språkforståelse: en eksempelstudie fra yrkesopplæring i et skandinavisk reiseselskap . 2008 . University of Oslo . no.
    4. Book: Interdependence of Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses. 9789027290359. Josephson. Folke. Söhrman. Ingmar. 29 August 2008. 7 January 2021. 17 April 2023. live.
    5. Book: König . Ekkehard . van der Auwera . Johan . The Germanic Languages . limited . 2002 . Routledge . 38 . 978-0415280792.
    6. Web site: Rettskrivningsendringer fra 1. juli 2005. 2006-07-04. 2011-07-14. dead. (Norwegian)
    7. Web site: "Dansk komma", grammatisk komma og enhedskomma . Salling . Per . . no . 2006-06-05. (Danish)
    8. Web site: Kommaregler . Språkrådet . no . 2018-11-24.
    9. Comparison of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish orthography (in Danish).
    10. R. J. McClean 1947
    11. Web site: Om garpegenitiv . Korrekturavdelingen . no . 2018-11-24.
    12. For norsk næringsliv i Sveits
    13. Encyclopedia: Grekenland . Store norske leksikon . no. 2014-09-28 .
    14. Encyclopedia: Kypros . Store norske leksikon . no. 2018-10-19 .
    15. Skal du reise til Hellas eller Kypros?
    16. Danmark i Cypern - Udenrigsministeriet
    17. hollandsk
    18. Språkrådet. Navn på stater.
    19. Web site: Reseinformation Nya Zeeland . 2016-11-01 . . 2016-10-31 . dead .
    20. newzealandsk/nyzealandsk
    21. Encyclopedia: newzealandsk . Den Danske Ordbog . da.
    22. Encyclopedia: newzealænder . Den Danske Ordbog . da.
    23. newzealender / nyzealender
    24. Web site: Hviderusland bliver til Belarus i Udenrigsministeriet: 'En fantastisk nyhed' . DR Nyheder . 18 March 2021 . 19 October 2022 . da.
    25. Web site: Ministry now to use the name 'Belarus' in Norwegian . 29 May 2022 .
    26. Web site: Belarus . Nationalencyklopedin . 17 April 2022.
    27. Utreder tog Helsingfors-Tallinn
    28. Encyclopedia: Helsinki . Den Store Danske . 3 September 2013 . da.
    29. Web site: Hvordan skrives ...? Arkiver - Side 5 av 9.
    30. Praktikantopphold ved ambassaden i Lisboa
    31. Om Ambassaden
    32. Kongelig norsk ambassade i Praha
    33. Beograd - Praktikophold - Udenrigsministeriet
    34. Serbia - reiseinformasjon -
    35. Ambassaden i Moskva - Danmark i Rusland
    36. Ambassaden i Moskva - Kontaktinformasjon
    37. Kongelig norsk ambassade i Warszawa
    38. Danmarks Ambassade i Warszawa
    39. Encyclopedia: vred . Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB) . nb-NO.
    40. From a 19th-century neologism by Hans Christian Ørsted
    41. Encyclopedia: kartoffel . Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB) . nb-NO.
    42. Encyclopedia: der hen . Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB) . nb-NO.
    43. Web site: Danskene tar hevn. 2017-06-15. live . 2004-07-31. (Norwegian)