Comp.* hierarchy explained

The comp.* hierarchy is a major class of newsgroups in Usenet, containing all newsgroups whose name begins with "comp.", organized hierarchically.

comp.* groups discuss various computer, technology, and programming issues. Some groups can even offer peer-to-peer technical support.

Partial list of comp.* groups

comp.aiartificial intelligence
comp.archcomputer architecture
comp.bbsBulletin board system system discussion and advertisement
comp.dcom.telecomtelecommunications systems
comp.dspDigital signal processing Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
comp.infosystems.geminiGemini space
comp.infosystems.gopherGopher protocol
comp.lang.asm.x86assembly language for x86-based computer systems.
comp.lang.cC programming language
comp.lang.c++C++ programming language programming language help
comp.lang.javascriptJavaScript programming language
comp.lang.perl.miscPerl programming language
comp.lang.pythonPython programming language
comp.os.linux.miscLinux operating system
comp.os.minixMinix operating system
comp.programmingMiscellaneous discussion of programming
comp.robotics.miscAll aspects of robots and their applications
comp.robotics.researchAcademic, government and industry research in robotics engineering
comp.soft-sys.matlabMathWorks calculation and visualization package
comp.sources.dany computer sources
comp.sources.wantedRequests for software and bug fixes
comp.theoryTheoretical computer science
comp.theory.cell-automatacellular automata
comp.theory.self-org-sysSelf-organizing systems
comp.theory.dynamic-sysErgodic theory and dynamical systems retrieval window system desktop environment

Historical groups

comp.sources.unixPostings of public-domain sources for Unix. (Moderated) about Sun Microsystems NeWS and PostScript related technologies.It often got hijacked by users that weren't aware of the original purpose of the group, believing it wasa newsgroup about Windows and Microsoft. This often led to flame wars between the long time users, who were upset from this situation, and the unaware users.

See also

External links