Communauté urbaine Caen la Mer explained

Caen la Mer
Creation:January 2017
President:Joël Bruneau

The communauté urbaine Caen la Mer is the communauté urbaine, an intercommunal structure, centred on the city of Caen. It is located in the Calvados department, in the Normandy region, northwestern France. It was created in January 2017, replacing the previous Communauté d'agglomération Caen la Mer and two communautés de communes.[1] Its area is 362.9 km2. Its population was 268,470 in 2018, of which 105,512 in Caen proper.[2]


The communauté urbaine had its origins in the creation in 1990 of a District of Greater Caen (DGC) which consisted of 18 communes.

Since then the grouping transformed itself in 2002 into an Agglomeration called the Communauté d'agglomération du Grand Caen. Since 2004 it has been called the communauté d'agglomération Caen la mer.

The community welcomed ten more member communes on 1 January 2003 and Sannerville on 1 January 2004.

From 1 January 2013, a further six communes were accepted into the agglomeration: three communes from the former Communauté de communes des Rives de l'Odonn (which consisted of Tourville-sur-Odon, Verson, and Mouen) and Colleville-Montgomery, Ouistreham, and Saint-André-sur-Orne.[3] This regrouping created an agglomeration of 236,167 inhabitants.[4] In January 2017 the agglomeration community merged with the former commune communities of Entre Thue et Mue and Plaine Sud de Caen, and became an urban community.[1]

The agglomeration staff numbered 650 workers in 2009, with an annual budget of €245 million, of which €95.9 million were investments.

Presidents of Caen la Mer

Member communes

The communauté urbaine Caen la Mer consists of the following 48 communes:[1] [5] [6]

  1. Authie
  2. Bénouville
  3. Biéville-Beuville
  4. Blainville-sur-Orne
  5. Bourguébus
  6. Bretteville-sur-Odon
  7. Caen
  8. Cairon
  9. Cambes-en-Plaine
  10. Carpiquet
  11. Le Castelet
  12. Castine-en-Plaine
  13. Colleville-Montgomery
  14. Colombelles
  15. Cormelles-le-Royal
  16. Cuverville
  17. Démouville
  18. Épron
  19. Éterville
  20. Fleury-sur-Orne
  21. Giberville
  22. Grentheville
  23. Hermanville-sur-Mer
  24. Hérouville-Saint-Clair
  25. Ifs
  26. Le Fresne-Camilly
  27. Lion-sur-Mer
  28. Louvigny
  29. Mathieu
  30. Mondeville
  31. Mouen
  32. Ouistreham
  33. Périers-sur-le-Dan
  34. Rosel
  35. Rots
  36. Saint-André-sur-Orne
  37. Saint-Aubin-d'Arquenay
  38. Saint-Contest
  39. Saint-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe
  40. Saint-Manvieu-Norrey
  41. Sannerville
  42. Soliers
  43. Thaon
  44. Thue et Mue
  45. Tourville-sur-Odon
  46. Troarn
  47. Verson
  48. Villons-les-Buissons

Member communes before 2017

As of 2016 the Communauté d'agglomération Caen la Mer included 35 communes.[7] Of these 35 communes, 17 were also part of the urban unit of Caen.[8] Four communes of the urban unit of Caen (Baron-sur-Odon, Fontaine-Étoupefour, Mondrainville and Rots) were not part of the communauté d'agglomération.

The Commune members send a total of 139 delegates to the community council.[9]

Name Urban? Entry Date No. of Delegates
No 1990 2
No 2003 2
No 2003 2
No 2003 3
Yes 1990 3
Yes 1990 51
No 1990 2
Yes 1990 2
No 2013 2
Yes 1990 3
Yes 1990 3
Yes 1990 2
Yes 1990 2
Yes 1990 2
No 2003 2
Yes 1990 3
Yes 1990 3
No 2003 2
Yes 1990 8
Yes 1990 5
No 2003 2
No 1990 2
No 2003 2
Yes 1990 4
Yes 2013 2
No 2013 4
No 2003 2
No 2013 2
No 2003 2
No 1990 2
Yes 1990 2
No 2004 2
Yes 2013 2
Yes 2013 3
No 2003 2


In accordance with the provisions of the Chevènement Act of 12 July 1999, the responsibilities delegated by the member municipalities of Caen La Mer are divided into three groups:

These were determined by the decision of the Community Council of 21 January 2005.

The communauté d'agglomération collects only one tax: a business tax (TP) of 16.06% per annum of the rental value of buildings.

Required Skills

Economic Development

Development of Community spaces

Social balance of housing

City Policy

Contractual arrangements for urban development, local development and the economic and social integration of community interests (e.g. the City Contract and Urban Contract for social cohesion, the Grand City project and ANRU convention, and the local integration program for the economy (PLIE)

Optional Skills



The community has all the skills of the member communes to monitor, collect and treat wastewater through two stations.

Fight against air pollution

Fight against nuisance noise

Collect and eliminate or use waste from households and other waste through the management of five civic recycling centres.

Facilitative Skills

Participation in the Fire and Rescue service (SDIS)

Actions and research on public and private higher education in the community interest.

Creation of a telecommunications network available for all

the swimming pools at the Aquatic Stadia in the Grace of God, the Chemin-Vert, and the Montmorency districts, and the ice-skating rink.

development and management of suburban parks in the agglomeration

development of rural areas within the jurisdiction of the communes

maintenance and management of angle parking areas and municipal government levees.

find means to supervise and monitor places of swimming and water activities, subject to the exercise of police powers by the mayors

monitoring and maintenance of beaches subject to the exercise of police powers by the mayors

Provision to the member communes of means to take Community action (especially in the context of Article L5211-56 of the General Code for Local Authorities)

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Arrêté préfectoral
  2. Comparateur de territoire: Commune de Caen (14118), CU Caen la Mer (200065597)
  3. Creation of the new agglomeration community of Caen la Mer 12 June 2012
  4. Without double counting, from the municipal population of France 2010 (legal population in 2013).
  5. CU Caen la Mer (N° SIREN : 200065597)
  6. Intercommunalité : Communauté urbaine Caen la Mer
  7. CA Caen la mer (N° SIREN : 200033157)
  8. Web site: Composition communale de l'agglomération : 14601-Caen. INSEE. . 6 March 2016. dead.
  9. Ouest-France, Caen Edition, 30 November 2012