Commission des Sciences et des Arts explained
The Commission des Sciences et des Arts (Commission of the Sciences and Arts) was a French scientific and artistic institute. Established on 16 March 1798, it consisted of 167 members, of which all but 16 joined Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign in Egypt and produced the French: [[Description de l'Égypte]] (published in 37 Books from 1809 to around 1829). More than half were engineers and technicians, including 21 mathematicians, 3 astronomers, 17 civil engineers, 13 naturalists and mining engineers, geographers, 3 gunpowder engineers, 4 architects, 8 artists, 10 mechanical artists, 1 sculptor, 15 interpreters, 10 men of letters, 22 printers in Latin, Greek and Arabic characters. Bonaparte organised his scientific 'corps' like an army, dividing its members into 5 categories and assigning to each member a military rank and a defined military role (supply, billeting) beyond his scientific function.
Some members, like Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Monge, or Vivant Denon, are universally remembered but most have been all but forgotten. Some became members of the Institut d'Égypte.
- Pierre-Onésime Adnès the elder (1760–1819), mechanic
- Simon-Onésime Adnès, (1780–1820), mechanic
- François Sébastien Aimé (1762–1843), mechanic
- Bertrand Alibert (1775–1808), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Felice Ansiglioni, printer (Oriental section)
- Antoine-Vincent Arnault (1766–1834), writer
- Pierre Arnollet (1776–1857), polytechnician (X 1796), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Charles-Louis Balzac (1752–1820), architect
- Pierre Joseph de Beauchamp (1752–1801), astronomer and diplomat
- Beaudoin, printer (French section)
- B. Belletête (1778–1808), orientalist and interpreter
- Denis Samuel Bernard (1776–1853), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Claude Louis Berthollet (1748–1822), chemist
- Jacques Antoine Bertre (1776–1834), polytechnician (X 1794), geographical engineer
- Julien Bessières (1777–1840), surgeon
- Besson, printer (French section)
- Louis Victor Bodard (1765–1799), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- A.-N.-F. Bonjean (1775–1845), marine engineer
- Mathurin-François Boucher (1778–1851), polytechnician (X 1794), ingénieur du génie maritime
- Jean-Baptiste Pierre Boudet (1748–1828), pharmacist in chief
- Boulanger, printer (French section)
- L. S. Bourgeois
- Boyer, printer (French section)
- Damien Bracevich (died 1830), interpreter
- Maximilien de Caffarelli du Falga, general
- Caquet (died 1799), artist
- Philippe Joseph Marie Caristie (1775–1852), polytechnicien (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Jean-Jacques Castex (1731–1822), sculptor
- François-Charles Cécile (1766–1840), mechanic
- comte Jacques Joseph Gaspard Antoine Chabrol de Volvic (1773–1843), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- père Jacques-Pierre Champy (1744–1816), chemist
- Nicolas Champy (1776–1801), polytechnicien (X 1794), chemist
- Jean-Siméon Champy (1778–1845), polytechnicien (X 1794), gunpowder commissaire
- Jean François Chaumont (1774–1856), polytechnicien (X 1795), marine engineer
- Callixte-Victor Cirot (died 1801), mechanic
- Jean Colin (died 1801), mechanic
- H. V. Collet-Descotils (1773–1815), chemist
- Nicolas-Jacques Conté (1755–1805), director of mechanics
- Ernest Coquebert de Monbret (1780–1801), botanist
- Jean Baptiste Corabœuf (1777–1859), polytechnician (X 1794), capitaine en premier dans le corps des ingénieurs géographes
- Louis Alexandre de Corancez (1770–1832), geometer
- Pierre Louis Antoine Cordier (1777–1861), mineralogist
- Louis Costaz (1767–1842), geometer
- Jean-Marie-Joseph Coutelle (1748–1835), adjunct to the director of mechanics
- Couvreur, mechanic
- Jacques-Denis Delaporte (1777–1861), orientalist
- Dominique Vivant Denon (1747–1825), writer, artist
- Desfours, mechanic
- A. J. Dewèvre (1775–1799), surgeon
- Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu (1750–1801), mineralogist and geologist
- G. de Dominicis, printer (Oriental section)
- Antoine Dubois (1756–1837), doctor
- Isidore Dubois (born 1782), surgeon
- Nicolas Dubois (born 1776), polytechnician (X 1794), printer (French section)
- Jean-Marie Dubois-Aymé (1779–1846), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Louis Duchanoy (1781–1847), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Jacques Auguste Dulion (1776–1798), polytechnician (X 1795)
- Victor Dupuis (1777–1861), polytechnician (X 1794), ingénieur géographe
- André Dutertre (1753–1842), painter
- Léonard Duval (1768–1798), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Ch. M. Eberhardt (born 1782), printer (French section)
- Elias Fatalla, head of the printer (Oriental section)
- J.-P. Faurie (1760–1799), geographical engineer
- Louis Joseph Favier (1776–1855), polytechnician (X 1796), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Hervé Charles Antoine Faye (1763–1825), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- J.-L. Féraud (1750–1809)
- Jean Baptiste Simon Fèvre (1775–1850), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Pierre Denis Fouquet, artist
- Joseph Fourier (1768–1830), geometer
- Antoine Galland (1763–1851), printer (French section)
- Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772–1844), naturalist
- Alexandre Sébastien Gérard (1779–1853), polytechnician (X 1798), naturalist
- Pierre-Simon Girard (1765–1835), chief engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Alexis Gloutier (1758–1800), administrator
- Philippe Greslé (1776–1846), polytechnician (X 1795), shipbuilder
- Jean Charles Hassenfratz (1766–1834), mechanic
- François Michel Hérault (died 1800), mechanic
- Jean-Baptiste Hochu (born 1775), mechanic
- Pierre Jacotin (1765–1827), geographical engineer
- Jardin, printer (French section)
- Pierre Amédée Jaubert (1779–1847), orientalist and interpreter
- Jean-Baptiste Prosper Jollois (1776–1842), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées, entrusted with the hydraulic works in the Nile Delta
- Louis Auguste Joly (1774–1798), painter
- Edme François Jomard (1777–1862), polytechnician (X 1794), geographical engineer and archaeologist
- Jean-Baptiste Jomard (1780–1868), student geographical engineer
- Jean Joseph Labâte (1766–1835), doctor
- Jean-Baptiste Lacipière (born 1776), surgeon
- Michel Ange Lancret (1774–1807), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- X. Laporte (died 1799), printer (French section)
- François Laroche (1778–1806), polytechnician (X 1795), geographical engineer
- Le Brun (died 1801)
- Bienheureux Lecesne (1772–1827), geographical engineer
- Louis Marie Leduc (born 1772), antiquary
- Pierre Eustache Leduc (died 1799), geographical engineer
- Lenoble, interprètre
- Pierre Lenoir (1776–1827), mechanic
- Jean-Baptiste Lepère (1761–1844), architect
- Gratien Le Père (1769–1832), chief engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Jacques-Marie Le Père (1763–1841), chief engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Lerouge (died 1801), chemist
- Lethioux, printer (French section)
- J. F. L. Levesque (born 1760), geographical engineer
- Santi Jean-Baptiste L'Homaca, interpreter
- Amable Nicolas Lhomond (1770–1854), mechanic
- F. Maccagni (1763–1846), printer (Oriental section)
- Jean-Joseph Marcel (1776–1854), director of printers
- Marlet, printer (French section)
- Pierre-Denis Martin (1771–1855), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Jérôme Isaac Méchain (1778–1851), astronome
- Antonio Mesabki, imprimeur section orientale
- Benoît Marie Moline de Saint-Yon (1780–1842), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Gaspard Monge, comte de Péluse (1746–1818), mathematician
- Hippolyte Nectoux (1759–1836), botanist
- Charles Norry (1756–1832), architect
- Nicolas-Antoine Nouet (1740–1811), astronomer
- Panhusen (died 1798), orientalist and interpreter
- François-Auguste Parseval-Grandmaison (1759–1834), writer
- L. Pellegrini, printer (Oriental section)
- Charles Plazanet (1773–1868), mechanic
- Paul Nicaise Pottier (1778–1842), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Roland Victor Pottier (1775- ?), polytechnician (X 1795), ingénieur géographe
- François Pouqueville (1770–1838), surgeon
- Pourlier, antiquary
- Jean Constantin Protain (1769–1837), architect
- J.-J. Puntis (1758–1812), printer (French section)
- François Marie Quenot (born 1761), astronomer
- Alire Raffeneau-Delile (1778–1850), botanist
- Adrien Raffeneau-Delile (1773–1843), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Louis Rémy Raige (1777–1810), orientalist
- Henri-Joseph Redouté (1766–1852), painter
- Michel-Louis-Étienne Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angély (1762–1819), politician
- Joseph Angélique Sébastien Regnault (1776–1823), polytechnicien (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées, adjunct to Bertholet and entrusted with controlling the currency in Cairo
- G. Renno (1777–1848), printer (Oriental section)
- Henri Jean Rigel (1772–1852), compositor
- Michel Rigo (1770–1815), painter
- Louis Ripault (1775–1823), antiquary
- Rivet, printer (French section)
- Alexandre Roguin (born 1771), pharmacist
- N. Roselli, printer (French section)
- Pierre Charles Rouyer (1769–1831), pharmacist
- François Michel de Rozière (1773–1842), mining engineer
- C. Ruga, printer (Oriental section)
- Alexandre de Saint-Genis (1772–1834), polytechnician (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- André Louis de Saint-Simon (died 1799), knight of Malta
- Marie Jules César Lelorgne de Savigny (1777–1851), zoologist
- Pierre Simonel (died 1810), geographical engineer
- Jean-Lambert Tallien (1767–1820), National Convention member
- Dominique Testevuide (1735–1798), chief geographical engineer
- Claude François Thévenod (1772–1798), polytechnicien (X 1794), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées
- Jean Michel de Venture de Paradis (1739–1799), chief interpreter
- Very, printer (French section)
- Jacques Antoine Viard (1783–1849), student of the École nationale des ponts et chaussées
- René Édouard de Villiers du Terrage (1780–1855), polytechnician (X 1794), inspector general of the Ponts et Chaussées, employed in leveling the Suez isthmus
- Guillaume André Villoteau (1759–1839), musicographer
- Jean Pierre Séraphin Vincent (1779–1818), polytechnician (X 1796), marine engineer
- Louis Vincent (born 1780), engineer of the Ponts et Chaussées