Colasposoma Explained
Colasposoma is a genus of leaf beetles in the subfamily Eumolpinae.[1] [2] [3] It is known from Africa, Asia and Australia.
C. sellatum, C. auripenne (now known as C. viridicoeruleum) and C. dauricum are known as pests of sweet potatoes.
List of species
Subgenus Colasposoma Laporte, 1833
- Colasposoma abdominale Baly, 1864[4]
- Colasposoma acaciae Bryant, 1944[5]
- Colasposoma aemulum Lefèvre, 1886
- Colasposoma aeneicolor Pic, 1939[6]
- Colasposoma aeneoviolaceum Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma aeneoviolaceum aeneoviolaceum Burgeon, 1941
- Colasposoma aeneoviolaceum elisabethae Burgeon, 1941
- Colasposoma akaense Selman, 1972[8]
- Colasposoma alutaceum Jacoby, 1900[9]
- Colasposoma amplicolle Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma angolense Pic, 1939[6]
- Colasposoma antennale Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma apicale Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma apicipenne Tan, 1983
- Colasposoma ardens Harold, 1879
- Colasposoma aruwimiense Gahan, 1892
- Colasposoma atrocyaneum Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma aurichalcicum (J. Thomson, 1858)
- Colasposoma auripes Jacoby, 1894[13]
- Colasposoma auripes auripes Jacoby, 1894[13]
- Colasposoma auripes kafakumbae Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma austerum Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma balyi Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma basicostatum Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma bedeli Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma beiraense Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma benguelanum Achard, 1924
- Colasposoma benningseni Weise, 1902[15]
- Colasposoma birmanicum Medvedev, 2007[16]
- Colasposoma blandum Weise, 1904[17]
- Colasposoma bonvouloiri Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma bottegoi Jacoby, 1899
- Colasposoma brevepilosum Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma brevepilosum brevepilosum Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma brevepilosum maritimum Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma brevepilosum orientale Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma camerunense Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma chailluensis Selman, 1970[18]
- Colasposoma chapuisi (Harold, 1874)
- Colasposoma chloris Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma coerulescens Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma coffeae Kolbe, 1911
- Colasposoma collare Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma collare Zoia, 2020[19] (homonym of previous)
- Colasposoma colmanti Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma compactum Gerstaecker, 1871
- Colasposoma concinnum Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma conradi Jacoby, 1900[9]
- Colasposoma consimile Gahan, 1909
- Colasposoma costatum Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma crampeli Pic, 1941
- Colasposoma crenulatum Gerstaecker, 1855
- Colasposoma crenulatum crenulatum Gerstaecker, 1855
- Colasposoma crenulatum karibaense Zoia, 2007[20]
- Colasposoma curtepilosum Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma curvipes Jacoby, 1901
- Colasposoma cyaneicorne Pic, 1932
- Colasposoma cyaneocupreum Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma dahomeyanum Aslam, 1968[21]
- Colasposoma dauricum (Mannerheim, 1849)[22]
- Colasposoma davidi Lefèvre, 1887
- Colasposoma densatum Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma dentaticolle Pic, 1953
- Colasposoma dentipes (Fabricius, 1801)
- Colasposoma distinctum Baly, 1867[23]
- Colasposoma diversipenne Pic, 1939[6]
- Colasposoma downesii Baly, 1862
- Colasposoma downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma downesii downesii Baly, 1862
- Colasposoma ertli Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma erythreanum Pic, 1939
- Colasposoma fairmairei Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma fairmairei fairmairei Lefèvre, 1877
- Colasposoma fairmairei katangense Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma favareli Pic, 1938
- Colasposoma flavipes Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma flavolimbatum (Pic, 1905)
- Colasposoma fulgidipenne Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma fulgidum Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma fulvipes Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma gabonense Jacoby, 1894[13]
- Colasposoma geminatum Weise, 1922[24]
- Colasposoma geniculatum Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma gibbicolle Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma gloriosum Weise, 1902[15]
- Colasposoma gregarium Lefèvre, 1886
- Colasposoma haefligeri Weise, 1906[25]
- Colasposoma hajeki Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma hirsutum Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma holasi Pic, 1953
- Colasposoma homolamprum Fairmaire, 1902
- Colasposoma inconstans Baly, 1864
- Colasposoma instabile Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma iturianum Weise, 1912
- Colasposoma jacksoni Bryant, 1957[26]
- Colasposoma jucundum Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma keyense Pic, 1943
- Colasposoma kindaense Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma langeri Zoia, 2020[19]
- Colasposoma laticolle Jacoby, 1900
- Colasposoma laticorne (J. Thomson, 1858)
- Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma longipes Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma lucubense Brancsik, 1893
- Colasposoma luluense Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma macrocnemis Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma madagassum Harold, 1877
- Colasposoma madoni Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma magnificum Bryant, 1957[26]
- Colasposoma marshalli Jacoby, 1898[27]
- Colasposoma mauricei Medvedev, 2003[28]
- Colasposoma mediocre Fairmaire, 1902
- Colasposoma melancholicum Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma metallicum Clark, 1865[29]
- Colasposoma micheli Pic, 1952[30]
- Colasposoma mirabile Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma monardi Pic, 1939[6]
- Colasposoma monticola Weise, 1909[31]
- Colasposoma neavei Bryant, 1957[26]
- Colasposoma nepalense Kimoto, 2001[32]
- Colasposoma nigriventre Baly, 1867[23]
- Colasposoma nigroaeneum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma nitens Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma obscurum Jacoby, 1900[9]
- Colasposoma ornatum Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma ovatum Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma overlaeti Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma ovulum Lefèvre, 1885[33]
- Colasposoma parvicolle Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma parvulum Lefèvre, 1890[34]
- Colasposoma perlatum Harold, 1880
- Colasposoma perrieri Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma piceitarse Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma pilosum Lefèvre, 1885[33]
- Colasposoma pilosum Pic, 1943 (homonym of previous)
- Colasposoma plumbeum Jacoby, 1898[27]
- Colasposoma posticum Weise, 1905
- Colasposoma pradieri Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma prasinum Clavareau, 1909
- Colasposoma pretiosum Baly, 1860
- Colasposoma propinquum Baly, 1867[23]
- Colasposoma pubescens Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma pubipenne Jacoby, 1898[27]
- Colasposoma purcharti Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma purpuratum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma purpureicolor Pic, 1939[6]
- Colasposoma purpureipenne Pic, 1941
- Colasposoma purpureocinctum Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma pusillum Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma pustuliferum Pic, 1939[6]
- Colasposoma quadrimaculatum Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma reygnaulti Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma ruficolle Bryant, 1957[26]
- Colasposoma rufimembris Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma rufipes (Fabricius, 1793) (?)
- Colasposoma rufipes Jacoby, 1900 (homonym of previous)
- Colasposoma rugatum Achard, 1923
- Colasposoma rugulosum Baly, 1867[23]
- Colasposoma rutilans (Klug, 1833)[35]
- Colasposoma sansibaricum Harold, 1879
- Colasposoma scapulatum Fairmaire, 1903
- Colasposoma scutellare Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma sellatum Baly, 1878
- Colasposoma semiasperum Fairmaire, 1902
- Colasposoma semicostatum Jacoby, 1908[36]
- Colasposoma semihirsutum Jacoby, 1898[27]
- Colasposoma semipurpureum Jacoby, 1901
- Colasposoma senegalense Laporte, 1833
- Colasposoma senegalense (Klug, 1835)[37] (homonym of previous)
- Colasposoma separatum Lefèvre, 1877[10]
- Colasposoma sheppardi Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma splendidum (Fabricius, 1792)
- Colasposoma subaureum Jacoby, 1900[9]
- Colasposoma subcostatum Gerstaecker, 1871
- Colasposoma sublaeve Fairmaire, 1903
- Colasposoma subnigrum Pic, 1939[6]
- Colasposoma subopacum Weise, 1919
- Colasposoma subpurpureum Pic, 1942
- Colasposoma subsericum Harold, 1879
- Colasposoma sumptuosum Weise, 1906[25]
- Colasposoma suturale Zoia, 2020[19]
- Colasposoma tarsale Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma tenenbaumi Pic, 1943
- Colasposoma tibiale Baly, 1878[38]
- Colasposoma timorense Pic, 1943
- Colasposoma tinantae Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma tokeri Bryant, 1957[26]
- Colasposoma transvalense Jacoby, 1897[39]
- Colasposoma transversicolle Jacoby, 1889
- Colasposoma tumidulum Weise, 1904[17]
- Colasposoma unicostatum Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma varendorffi Weise, 1914
- Colasposoma variabile Jacoby, 1881[11]
- Colasposoma varicolor Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma vedyi Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma velutinum Lefèvre, 1885[33]
- Colasposoma versicolor Lefèvre, 1887
- Colasposoma vestitum J. Thomson, 1858
- Colasposoma vicinale Tan, 1983
- Colasposoma villosulum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma viridicoeruleum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma viridicolle Fairmaire, 1887
- Colasposoma viridifasciatum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma viridivittatum Baly, 1865[40]
- Colasposoma williamsi Bryant, 1957[26]
- Colasposoma wittei Burgeon, 1941[7]
- Colasposoma yunnanum Fairmaire, 1888
- Colasposoma zavattarii Pic, 1938
Subgenus Falsonerissus Pic, 1951 (Synonyms: Iranomolpus Lopatin, 1979; Andosiomorpha Lopatin, 1981; Bezdekia Warchałowski, 2005[41])[12]
- Colasposoma argentatum (Lopatin, 1981)
- Colasposoma badium (Lopatin, 1979)
- Colasposoma coracinum (Lopatin, 1996)
- Colasposoma distinguendum Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma grande (Lefèvre, 1890)
- Colasposoma grande grande (Lefèvre, 1890)
- Colasposoma grande insulare Zoia, 2012[12]
- Colasposoma socotranum (Gahan, 1903)
- Colasposoma tenebrosum (Warchałowski, 2005)[41]
- Colasposoma villosum Zoia, 2012[12]
Synonyms:[28] [42]
- Colasposoma aeneoviride Clark, 1865:[29] synonym of Colaspoides cuprea Baly, 1867[43]
- Colasposoma albopilosum Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma villosulum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma andrewesi Jacoby, 1895:[44] synonym of Colasposoma downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma arcuateimpressum Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma asperatum Fairmaire, 1902 (not C. downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885): renamed to Colasposoma perrieri Jacoby, 1904[14]
- Colasposoma aureovittatum Baly, 1864: synonym of Colasposoma downesii downesii Baly, 1862
- Colasposoma auripenne Motschulsky, 1860: synonym of Colasposoma viridicoeruleum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma bicoloratum Jacoby, 1908:[36] synonym of Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma bonnevili Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma pretiosum Baly, 1860
- Colasposoma castetsi Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma semicostatum Jacoby, 1908
- Colasposoma coimbatorense Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma coromandeliana Jacoby, 1908:[36] synonym of Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma cumingi Baly, 1867:[23] synonym of Colasposoma viridifasciatum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma cyaneicollis Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma cyaneovittatum Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma ornatum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma gregarium Lefèvre, 1886: synonym of Colasposoma viridifasciatum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma madoni Pic, 1943 (not C. madoni Pic, 1942): renamed to Colasposoma mauricei Medvedev, 2003
- Colasposoma mutabile Baly, 1867:[23] synonym of Colasposoma viridicoeruleum Motschulsky, 1860
- Colasposoma nathani Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma nitidum Baly, 1867:[23] synonym of Colasposoma distinctum Baly, 1867
- Colasposoma prosternale Jacoby, 1908: synonym of Colasposoma downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma ramnadense Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma semicostatum Jacoby, 1908
- Colasposoma ruficorne Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma rufipenne Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma pretiosum Baly, 1860
- Colasposoma rufofemorale Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
- Colasposoma rufum (Pic, 1941): moved to Lefevrea[45]
- Colasposoma rugiceps Lefèvre, 1885:[33] synonym of Colasposoma distinctum Baly, 1867
- Colasposoma rugipenne Motschulsky, 1860: moved to Colaspoides[42]
- Colasposoma serratulum Lefèvre, 1885:[33] synonym of Colasposoma downesii asperatum Lefèvre, 1885
- Colasposoma sparsepunctatum Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma robustum Jacoby, 1881
- Colasposoma viridicinctum Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma versicolor Lefèvre, 1887
- Colasposoma viridigeniculatum Pic, 1943: synonym of Colasposoma lividipes Jacoby, 1903
External links
Notes and References
- Web site: Colasposoma. African Eumolpinae site. 12 April 2018.
- Web site: Falsonerissus. African Eumolpinae site. 12 April 2018.
- Book: Mohamedsaid, M. S.. 2004. Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1–239. Sofia. Pensoft Publishers. Pensoft Series Faunistica. 36. 9546422010. 1312-0174.
- Book: Baly, J. S.. 1864. Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophaga. J.S. Baly. Stationer's Hall.
- Bryant. G. E.. 1944. New species of African Chrysomelidæ (Coleoptera). Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 11. 11. 77. 335–340. 10.1080/00222934408527437.
- Pic. M.. 1939. Coléoptères Phytophages d'Angola. Revue suisse de Zoologie. 46. 4. 115–142.
- Burgeon. L.. 1941. Les Colasposoma et les Euryope du Congo Belge (Coléop. Chrysomel. Eumolp.). Mémires de l'Institut Royal Colonial Belge. 10. 5. 1–43.
- Selman. B. J.. 1972. Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Exploration Parc National de la Garamba. Mission H. De Saeger. 55. 1–95.
- M.. Jacoby. 1900. On new genera and species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from South and Central Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1900. 203–266.
- E.. Lefèvre. 1877. Descriptions de Coléoptères nouveaux ou peu connus de la Famille des Eumolpides (2e partie). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 5. 7. 309–326.
- Jacoby. M.. 1881. Descriptions of new genera and species of phytophagous Coleoptera. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1881. 2. 439–450. 10.1111/j.1096-3642.1881.tb01300.x.
- S.. Zoia. 2012. Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Socotra Island. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. 52. supplementum 2. 449–501.
- Jacoby. M.. 1894. Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Africa and Madagascar. Novitates Zoologicae. 1. 508–534.
- M.. Jacoby. 1904. Another contribution to the knowledge of African Phytophagous Coleoptera. Journal of Zoology. 74. 1. 230–270. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1904.tb08290.x.
- Weise. J.. 1902. Afrikanische Chrysomeliden. Archiv für Naturgeschichte. 68. 1. 119–174.
- L.N.. Medvedev. 2007. New and poorly known Oriental Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie A (Biologie). 702. 1–19. 2019-01-18. 2013-08-30. dead.
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- Zoia. S.. 2020. New data on the Eumolpinae from Malawi with description of five new species. Spixiana. 43. 1. 63–79.
- S.. Zoia. 2007. New data on African Eumolpinae from the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 54. 1. 69–74. 10.1002/mmnd.200700006.
- Aslam. N. A.. 1968. Nomenclatorial notes on Chrysomeloidea (Coleoptera). Journal of Natural History. 2. 1. 127–129. 10.1080/00222936800770691.
- Mannerheim. C. G. von. 1849. Insectes coléopteres de la Sibérie orientale, nouveaux ou peu connus. Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou. 22. 1. 220–249.
- Baly. J. S.. 1867. Phytophaga Malayana; a revision of the phytophagous beetles of the Malay Archipelago, with descriptions of the new species collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 3. 4. 1–300. 10.1111/j.1365-2311.1866.tb01857.x.
- Weise. J.. 1922. Chrysomeliden der Philippinen: III. dead. May 15, 2021. The Philippine Journal of Science. 21. 5. 423–490.
- Weise. J.. 1906. Ostafrikanische Chrysomeliden und Coccinelliden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1906. 1. 35–64.
- Bryant. G. E.. 1957. New species of Colasposoma (Eumolpinae, Col. Chrysomelidae) from E. Africa and Somalia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 12. 10. 114. 473–479. 10.1080/00222935708655985.
- M.. Jacoby. 1898. Additions to the knowledge of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Africa. Part I. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1898. 212–242.
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- Clark. H.. 1865. Descriptions of species of Phytophaga received from Pulo Penang or its neighbourhood. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 3. 15. 86. 139–148. 10.1080/00222936508681774.
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- A.. Warchałowski. 2005. Bezdekia tenebrosa, new palaearctic genus and species of the subfamily Eumolpinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Annales Zoologici. 55. 2. 303–304. 10.3161/000345405775008282. 1 November 2024.
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