The Coalition for Peace in Africa (COPA) is a network of African peacebuilders dedicated to promoting peace, justice, human rights, and development across the continent. Established in 1995, COPA focuses on capacity building, advocacy, research, and documentation to support conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction efforts.
In 1995, a group of African peace practitioners convened in Kenya to share insights and experiences on preventing violent conflicts in Africa. Recognizing the need for continuous practical support for individuals and organizations facing violent conflicts, they founded COPA to serve as a resource in conflict management within and for Africa.[1]
COPA aims to advance peace, justice, human rights, and sustainable development by focusing on capacity building, advocacy, research, and documentation, while also cultivating a network of skilled individuals capable of contributing effectively to post-conflict reconstruction efforts across Africa.
COPA actively works to fulfill its mission through various initiatives, including conducting training programs to enhance skills in conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and conflict transformation. It promotes policies and practices that support peace and human rights at local, national, and regional levels, while also undertaking research to understand conflict dynamics and identify effective peacebuilding strategies, sharing these findings to guide practitioners and policymakers.
COPA collaborates with various organizations to maximize its impact, partnering with Peace Direct to co-facilitate training courses aimed at refreshing the skills and strategies of practitioners addressing conflict and violence.[2] Additionally, it works with CDA Collaborative Learning Projects on initiatives such as the Reflecting on Peace Practice Project, which focuses on improving the effectiveness of peacebuilding efforts.[3]
Through its programs, COPA has played a significant role in developing a network of trained peacebuilders across Africa, fostering dialogue and understanding within conflict-affected communities, and shaping policies that support sustainable peace and development.