Clara Thue Ebbell Explained

Clara Thue Ebbell (22 February 1880  - 1971) was a Norwegian author.

She was born in Grimstad. She is known for her works of young adult fiction; titles include Hun som skrev Onkel Toms hytte (1916), Da Mayflower drog (1920), Fire på egen hånd (1935, 1959), Maja (1960) and I ungdomsbyen med Henrik Ibsen (1966).[1] [2] She also wrote biographies of Katharina von Bora (1917), Catherine Booth (1929) and Cathinka Guldberg (1940), and took part in feminist work.[1]

She was married to Bendix Joachim Ebbell.[1] She was eleven years his junior, and outlived him by 34 years.

Notes and References

  1. Encyclopedia: 2007 . Ebbell, Ebbell, Clara Thue . . Kunnskapsforlaget .
  2. List of publications