Cirta steles explained

The Cirta steles are almost 1,000 Punic funerary and votive steles found in Cirta (today Constantine, Algeria) in a cemetery located on a hill immediately south of the Salah Bey Viaduct.

The first group of steles were published by Auguste Celestin Judas in 1861. The Lazare Costa inscriptions were the second group of these inscriptions found; they were discovered between 1875 and 1880 by Lazare Costa, a Constantine-based Italian antiquarian. Most of the steles are now in the Louvre.[1] [2] [3] These are known as KAI 102–105.

In 1950, hundreds of additional steles were excavated from the same location – then named El Hofra – by André Berthier, director of the Gustave-Mercier Museum (today the Musée national Cirta) and Father René Charlier, professor at the Constantine seminary. Many of these steles are now in the Musée national Cirta.[4] Over a dozen of the most notable inscriptions were later published in Kanaanäische und Aramäische Inschriften and are known as 106-116 (Punic) and 162-164 (Neo Punic).

Judas steles

In 1861 Auguste Celestin Judas published a series of 19 inscribed steles in the Annuaire de la Société archéologique de la province de Constantine. Between 1857 and 61 more than 30 such steles had been collected by the Archaeological Society, of which a dozen in 1860 alone.[5] Judas noted that the locations of the finds had been difficult to ascertain, his understanding was as follows:[6]

Of the nineteen inscriptions of which I have spoken, two, nos. II and XVII, come from Coudiat-ati; sixteen from the location of the new Christian cemetery, to the west and 500 meters from Coudiat-ati, 725 meters from Constantine. For number I, no indication.

Costa steles


On the death of Lazare Costa, Antoine Héron de Villefosse and Dr Reboud negotiated the acquisition of all of Costa's steles for the Louvre. Although not all the steles made it to the Louvre, more were found.[7]


A concordance of 135 of the steles was published by Jean-Baptiste Chabot in 1917,[8] and later by the Louvre in 1987.

Costa AO Bertrandy RES KAI KI NE 433-434
1 = 44 5198 30
2 5189 22 1551
3 5196 28 1550 9
4 5242 74
5 5275 107 1549
6 or 5 bis 27606 133
7 5259 91 1565 12
8 5234 66 334 105 98
9 5258 90
10 5201 33 1553
11 5264 96
12 5281 113
13 5279 111 1552
14 5225 57
15 5306 123
16 5191 23 328
17 5308 125 333
18 5307 124 337
19 5309 126 1564 11
20 5240 72
21 5261 93
22 5211 43
23 5311 128 330
24 5268 100
25 5200 32 1554 94 7
26 5310 127
26 bis 5270 102
27 27608 135
28 1024 13 1558 5
29 5186 19
30 5226 58 1559
31 5197 29 327 104 97
32 5269 101 329
33 5247 79
34 5232 64
35 5257 89
36 5227 59 1562
37 5272 104
38 5210 42
39 5252 84
40 5203 35
41 5284 114
42 5260 92
43 5221 53
45 5075 16
46 (lost)
47 5208 40
48 5230 62
49 5280 112
51 5224 56
52 27607 134
53 5235 67
53 bis 5295 116
54 5209 41 1555 2
55 5217 49
56 5195 27
57 27605 132
58 5223 55
59 5220 52 1561
60 5215 47 1560
61 5305 122
62 5263 95
63 5213 45
63 bis 5229 61
64 5205 37
65 5273 105
66 5233 65
67 5304 121
68 5194 26
69 5256 88
70 5266 98 1556
71 5216 48 1557
72 5231 63
73 5262 94
74 5255 87 336 99
75 5249 81 340
76 5192 24 1563 4
77 5251 83
78 5276 108
79 1026 15
80 5253 85
81 1020 9 1535
82 5212 44
83 5278 110
84 5301 118
85 5222 54
86 5238 70
87 5218 50
88 5248 80
89 5219 51
90 (lost)
91 1018 7 1536 3
92 5312 129
93 1023 12 339 103 10
94 1013 2 1537
95 5188 21
96 1021 10 1538
97 5314 131
98 1015 4 338 and 1539
99 1016 5 1540
100 5193 25 335
102 5245 77
103 5250 82 332
104 1017 6 1542
105 5202 34
106 5246 78
107 (lost)
108 5244 76
109 5207 39
110 5204 36
111 5237 69
112 1014 3 1546
113 1019 8 1547
114 5302 119 1548
115 1025 14
116 5271 103
117 5243 75
118 5206 38
119 5214 46
120 5239 71
121 5236 68
122 5254 86
123 5241 73
124 5300 117
125 5199 31
126 5142 17
127 5313 130
128 5187 20
129 5303 120
130 5274 106
131 5277 109
132 1012 1 1544 102 95 8
133 1022 11 1545 6
134 5228 60
135 5289 115
5092 140
5099 141
5115 142
5185 18 1541
5265 97
5267 99
5282 136
5285 137
5286 138
5287 139


Berthier steles


At the southern exit of the city, on the El Hofra hill, about 150m (490feet) southeast of what was then the "Transatlantic Hotel" (today a branch of the Crédit populaire d'Algérie), the construction of a large Renault garage (today Garage Sonacome) was begun in spring 1950. The hill is at the confluence of the Rhumel River and its tributary Oued Bou Merzoug, just south of the Salah Bey Viaduct. On May 6, 1950, the excavator struck a mass of stelae grouped over a length of about 75m (246feet), laid flat and forming a kind of wall whose height did not exceed the thickness of four stelae while the width varied from NaNm (-2,147,483,648feet).[4]

The stelae were not found in situ: all appear to have been broken with intention (all were broken and many of the inscriptions were mutilated), and then transported to a sort of dumping ground.

By September 1950, about 500 fragments had been found, more than half of which bearing inscriptions;[4] in total 700 stelae and fragments were found, of which 281 were Punic and neo-Punic stelae, totally or partially legible, 17 were Greek inscriptions and 7 were Latin inscriptions. Almost all the steles were published by Berthier and Charlier, except for three – one long Punic inscription which was too faint, and two Neo Punic inscriptions which were later published by James Germain Février (KAI 162–163).

Some are dated to the reign of Massinissa or the reign of his sons; they range from 163-2 BCE until 148-7 (the year of Massinissa's death) and perhaps until 122-1 (under Micipsa). Number 63 (KAI 112) mentions the simultaneous reign of the three sons of Massinissa – Micipsa, Gulussa and Mastanabai, and one of the stelae contains a complete transliteration of a Punic text in Greek characters (page 167).


External sources

Notes and References

  1. Punic stele with triangular pediment
  2. Book: Cahen, Abr.. Inscriptions Puniques et Neo-Puniques de Constantine. 1879. Alessi et Arnolet., Recueil des notices et mémoires de la Société Archéologique du Département de Constantine, volume 19, 1878, pages 252 onwards and plates
  3. V Reboud, Quelques Mots sur les Steles Neo Puniques Découvertes par Lazare Costa, Recueil des notices et mémoires de la Société Archéologique du Département de Constantine, volume 18, 1877, pages 434 onwards, and plates
  4. Grenier Albert. Nouvelles archéologiques d'Algérie. In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 94e année, N. 4, 1950. pp. 345-354. DOI :
  5. Auguste Celestin Judas, 1861, Inscriptions Numidico-Puniques Découvertes a Constantine, Annuaire de la Société archéologique de la province de Constantine 1860-61, Société archéologique, historique et géographique du département de Constantine: "Dans le cours des quatre dernières années seulement, plus de trente pierres avec des inscriptions ou des anaglyphes numidico-puniques ont été découvertes dans l'antique capitale de Massinissa. Plusieurs des inscriptions apportent, si je ne me trompe, un nouveau jour à l'étude de la langue introduite par les Carthaginois... En novembre 1860, une nouvelle trouvaille a eu lieu; elle comprenait une douzaine de pierres.... Les textes qui m'ont paru, à l'aide de ces instruments, susceptibles de lecture sont au nombre de dix-neuf; des copies, les unes réduites, les autres de grandeur réelle, en sont présentées aux plancbes I à IX."
  6. Auguste Celestin Judas, 1861, Inscriptions Numidico-Puniques Découvertes a Constantine, Annuaire de la Société archéologique de la province de Constantine 1860-61, Société archéologique, historique et géographique du département de Constantine: p.89 "Des dix-neuf inscriptions dont j'ai parlé,-deux, les nos II et XVII, proviennent dû Coudiat-ati; seize de l'emplacement du nouveau cimetière chrétien, à l'ouest et à 500 mètres du Coudiat-ati, à 725 mètres de Constantine. Pour le n° I, nulle indication."
  7. Les Inscriptions de Constantine au Musee de Louvre par Philippe Berger
  8. Book: Chabot, Jean-Baptiste. Punica: XVIII Steles Punique de Constantine; II. Collection Costa. Journal asiatique. 1917. Société asiatique. 50–72. Jean-Baptiste Chabot.